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Akhbar elyoom academy AEA – faculty of engineering

Department of production engineering & printing technology

Failure analysis
Creep Sheet 3

Creep Failure
1- The following creep rupture data was recorded for an alloy steel when it
was tested at a range of stress and temperatures:
Temperature (⁰C) Stress (MPa) Rupture time (hr)
500 300 4724
600 200 570
700 100 297
800 60 95.3
1000 30 8.6

If a component made from this material is required to last 10000 hours at a

stress of 120 MPa, what is its maximum permissible service temperature?
The constant in Larsen-Miller parameter for this alloy is 20.

2- A 600mm long simply supported beam of 25mm width and 50mm height
is acted upon at the middle of its span by a concentrated force P = 5kN
operates at T = 500⁰C . The beam is made of low carbon steel having yield
strength of 200 MPa and modulus of elasticity E = 180 GPa. (At T=500⁰C).
The secondary creep equation of state (έ = 𝐵𝜎 𝑁 ) has a parameter B = 1.5x
10−12 (MPa-hr) and N=3.2 at T= 500 ⁰C Neglecting the zone of primary
creep; determine the maximum total deflection of the beam after one year
of loading.

3- Two beams made of of an aluminum alloy obeying the creep low ( έ =

1.2 × 10−13 𝜎 4 ) (MPa – hr) at 100 ⁰C. The maximum creep deflection at
100 ⁰ C is to be restricted to 10mm in 10000 hr. Determine the required
dimensions of the square cross section of each beam knowing that the first
beam is simply supported over a span 1000mm and loaded by 5 kN at its
mid span. The second beam is supported as a cantilever with an overhang
of 750 mm and loaded at its free end. Neglect the elastic deflection and the
zone of primary creep.
Akhbar elyoom academy AEA – faculty of engineering
Department of production engineering & printing technology
Failure analysis
Creep Sheet 3

4- For an alloy steel, the following data are obtained from creep creep test
at 550 ⁰C:
Stress 68 105 145 180 210
Creep rate 9.83 x 10−8 2.5 x 10−6 3.8 x 10−5 4 x 10−4 1.34 x 10−3
per hr

A) Represent this data on (log σ – log έ𝑐 ) plot, and determine the constants
in the creep law (B,N).

B) Boiler closed tube of 60mm diameter and 1.5mm thickness made of the
same alloy as in (A) and operating at 550 ⁰C are designed such that the
creep diameteral expansion does not exceed 0.15% in 10000 hr. Estimate
the maximum allowable internal pressure which could be applied (neglect
the elastic and primary creep deformation ).

5- A flanged cover plate for pipe connection of area 0.2m2 is held by 20

equally spaced steel bolts of 18mm diameter. Assuming that the flanges are
rigid; what should be the initial tightening stess and strain in the bolts in
order that the connection remain tight (with a margin of safety 1.5) after
one year? The operating conditions are temperature 450 ⁰C and pressure
0.5 MPa. After what time the bolts should be retightened to prevent
leakage? Take E = 160 GPa and apply a creep law έ = 45 x 10-16 σ4.1 ( MPa –
hr ).

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