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VTFT Student Name: Tihara Williams

Blog Assignment/Title: Week 4 Internship blog

Date: May 17, 2021

Week 4 Internship Blog

Week 4 of internship went so well and I had so much fun preparing for my lesson. Teaching my lesson

was one of the best experiences I've ever had during this internship. I had a slight feeling that the students

weren’t going to enjoy it as much, but they absolutely loved it. They were so eager to learn about the Trail of

Tears for weeks, so I wanted to make sure I made the lesson super special by making it educational, of course,

but also making it fun for them.

Before I began teaching my lesson I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. I was already familiar

with the students and I knew how they behaved, so I felt I had nothing to worry about when it came to teaching.

When I began my lesson I started with a short, 2 minute video about the Trail of Tears so the student wouldn't

feel that they were going into the lesson blindly. After they watched the video, I had them briefly answer a

question about what they thought the White Americans could have done instead of forcing the Natives from

their homeland. I got so many great answers that showed me that they were engaged, paying attention, and were

using their critical thinking skills. Shortly after that, I got started with the presentation. The presentation

provided more in-depth information on the Trail of Tears. I made sure not to add too much information or too

little information, so the students could have just the right amount. When I finished the presentation I had them

do a Blooket, which is something similar to a Kahoot. The Blooket was my closure activity to review the

information they just learned on the Trail of Tears. They enjoyed the review game a lot and so did my

cooperating teacher, Mrs.R.

I have enjoyed working with Mrs.R and her 6th grade social students class for the past 4 weeks. All of

the students are so cordial and it seems that they want to learn anything and everything they can. They are

always so focused when Mrs.R is teaching and they always get their work done on time. I enjoyed having

Mrs.R as my cooperating teacher! She was so polite and patient with me throughout the internship and she

helped me in so many ways. She gave me very good advice about the teacher world and what to expect most of
the time. She told me that things are usually done at the last minute and to not stress so much. She is an

excellent teacher and has a great connection with her students. She's always encouraging them and always has

something nice to say about them. She’s very caring and thoughtful and it is evident that she wants all of her

students to succeed.

My experience with internship has been a big eye-opener to what it’s like in the teacher world. I have

learned that being a teacher isn’t always so easy and requires a lot of patience and hard work. You need patience

with yourself, because you can’t get frustrated when things don’t go your way. You need to work hard so your

students don’t suffer the consequences from your actions. Students need teachers that are willing to work with

them and not provide them with the bare minimum. You also need to be patient with your students because they

don't all learn at the same pace and rates. You have to make changes and accommodations for them so you can

ensure that they are learning everything they need to know. Overall this internship was so fun and I'm glad I got

to have a little glimpse of what it’s like to be a teacher for one class. I’m so sad that the internship was short, I

wish I could spend more time observing Mrs.R class and teaching. I’m going to miss all of them, I hope I can

see them again, soon!

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