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Names Malena, Jenn, Tasha Subject Biology
Unit Name: Energy
Unit Name and (Leave this
Unit Driving Question: How can fire devastation Week (Leave this blank for
Driving blank for EDSC to
lead to regrowth of plants from seedling to a tree of EDSC 442C)
Question 442C)
like General Sherman?
Anchoring Phenomenon:
Sequoia burn site: Burn site
Redwood burn scars: Burn Scars
Anchoring General Sherman tree
Phenomenon or
Design Problem Anchoring Activity: You are an ecologist working at Sequoia National Park for the National Forest Service which has
(with Anchoring just experienced a fire. You’ve been assigned to monitor one of the burn areas in the park for regrowth and vegetation.
Activity for the After weeks of monitoring and gathering evidence, you will propose a plan to encourage the regrowth and restoration
of the natural ecology of the burn site. [alternate wordings maybe in the succession of the burn site.]

Please provide a link to the media being used to show this event or describe how students will experience this
phenomenon first hand)
Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may
NGSS Performance
combine with other elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
LS1.C--This is addressed throughout the entire lesson. first, in
the introduction, where students are making connections
between energy and product. Second, during discussion
LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in when students are formulating how the equation of
Organisms: As matter and energy flow through different photosynthesis correlates to the idea of fuel. Students are
organizational levels of living systems, chemical elements asked to relate how components, products and byproducts of
Disciplinary Core are recombined in different ways to form different photosynthesis to biofuels. Lastly, during the conclusion,
Ideas (DCIs) products. students are asked to relate the components of
PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes: The main way that photosynthesis to their restoration site.
solar energy is captured and stored on Earth is through PS3.D--This concept will be introduced when students are
the complex chemical process known as photosynthesis asked to make observations between a picture of corn plants
and solar panels within the introduction of the lesson. The
body of the lesson will be based on discussion forming the
idea that photosynthesis is an energy storing process.
The majority of this lesson focuses on class discussion and
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions:
the use of energy transformations that occurs in
Construct and revise an explanation based on valid and
Science and photosynthesis. During the class discussion students are to
reliable evidence obtained from a variety of sources
Engineering compile information from many sources including; students’
Practices (SEPs)
(including students’ own investigations, models,
own investigations, models, theories, simulations, peer
theories, simulations, peer review)
review, prior knowledge and discussion. They will then apply
this knowledge to how biofuels can be made from plants.
The goal of this lesson is to have students constructing
Epistemic Students will be asking questions and defining problems, explanations and making connections between the process of
Practice(s) (Bundled constructing explanations and designing solutions using photosynthesis and the idea of stored energy. This stored
SEPs) previous models and data. energy that plants have can be used to make alternative fuels
for cars.
Energy and Matter: Changes of energy and matter in a This is addressed during the body of the lesson. Students
Cross Cutting
system can be described in terms of energy and matter deconstruct how biofuels work and use gathered information
Concepts (CCCs)
flows into, out of, and within that system. about photosynthesis to describe energy transformation.

3D Learning Using the class consensus models and own investigations, students will construct an explanation on how hydrogen,
Objective carbon, and oxygen during photosynthesis can undergo energy transformations to create biofuel for a car.
Learning Students will revise their initial models of plant regrowth using the new evidence gathered about energy transformation
Expectation) through formation of molecular compounds.
Lesson-Level How can plants be used to produce large amounts of energy enough to fuel a car?
Phenomenon Corn Field
Solar Panels
Connections to WHST.9-12.2 - Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/
other standards experiments, or technical processes.
(CCSS ELA, CCSS RST.11-12.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important
Math) distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
Energy transfer
Target Vocab to be Bonds

The 5E Model
Teacher will begin class by having students write down Students will write down their observations and inferences
observations and inferences they have about the solar about the phenomenon that are shown to them.
panel and corn field pictures. Teacher will ask students Students will share their observations with the class when
to share their observations about the pictures. asked by the teacher.
Lesson Intro
Will listen to whether students are thinking about how
both harvest energy from the sun and transform it into *If energy transformation not mentioned, students will, to
TIME: 15 min another form of energy. Scaffolding to help understand the best of their ability, answer facilitative questions through
this transformation. classroom discourse
Teacher will ask students the lesson level guiding
question: How can plants be used to produce large
amounts of energy enough to fuel a car?
Teacher will introduce classroom discussion by Students will open their science notebook to show their
referencing class consensus models and data gathered classroom consensus model, lab investigations, and data.
from previous experiments and lessons (elodea lab, These will be referenced to by students throughout the
maple syrup investigation, plant absorption (sunlight & remainder of the lesson.
water), transportation of material (root system) and
chlorophyll pigment lab).
Teacher will present an equation formulated as a class in Students use the evidence in their science notebook and use
the previous lesson: sunlight + CO2 + H2O → Glucose the photosynthesis equation derived as a class to begin
(C6H12O6) + O2, to direct student thinking toward energy discussing energy transformation. Students will participate in
transformations that are happening. Asks students what class discourse as well as questions on material or
happens to the bonds of the reactants and how does connections that need to be clarified.
that lead to formation of products.
Teacher asks whether we could potentially use this Students will follow along with the class discussion, actively
energy transformation to harness enough energy to fuel participating by responding to the teacher’s questions or to
Lesson Body their classmate’s comments.
a car?
(Explore, Explain,
Teacher will read aloud an excerpt from Teach
Engineering about biofuels and how they are made on Students will follow along with the Peardeck and participate
TIME: 45 the projector as students follow along on Peardeck and by doing all the interactive activities on the slides, asking
highlight words, phrases, or sentences that stand out to questions, and writing down important observations in their
them. They will then be asked to discuss major points science notebook.Students will discuss their understandings
that they were drawn to with their elbow partners. and confusions with elbow partners.
As a class students will fill out an Energy and Matter
worksheet that follows matter through photosynthesis As the diagram is being finalized on google slides, students
and combustion of biofuel. They will follow along with are copying this down to their notebooks and adding their
the pear deck and a class consensus diagram will be own notes as well about the video they have watched
constructed. regarding cooking oil as fuel.
After reading the excerpt on biofuel, students will
discuss whether plant-based energy is a better
alternative option than using standard gasoline for a car.
After discussion, they will be shown a small clip from
Mythbusters - Cooking Oil as Economical Diesel Fuel to
debrief the conversation on alternative energy sources.
The teacher will redirect the students thinking to focus
on what this information means for a burn site. The
teacher will prompt the students to do a quick write, in Students will write 2-3 sentences in their science notebooks
Lesson Closure their science notebooks, responding to; responding to the prompt supplied by the teacher. They will
(Evaluate) If a by-product for combustion is CO2 what does that consult with their elbow partners to formulate their answer.
TIME: 5-10
mean for our Sequoia burn site, and how might that
affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Students will be asked to continue their discussion
with elbow partners for insight.


Phenomena observations Students will write down in The teacher will address By reading/hearing the
and pressing for initial their student notebooks observations within class. students observations the
ideas inferences and observations The teacher will prompt the teacher will be able to
they have about the 2
students as needed with determine if the students are
pictures presented by the
teacher, solar panels and a questions to aid in their making the connection
corn field. Once they have understanding of the between the process of
created their own phenomenon. an example of photosynthesis and storing
observations they will a question would be “Why energy. To be able to
Entry Level
discuss them with the class. do you think I placed both of participate in this lesson the
these pictures together? are students must understand
they related in any way?” the possibility of plants
storing energy. These
observations will inform the
teacher if more time is
needed in that relationship
Class discussion Class Discussion--The Class discussion--This will be Class discussion--The teacher
Facilitative questions teacher will guide the very interactive/back and will be able to hear and read
students with questioning forth between teacher and student thinking in real time.
and interactive slides to
student. The teacher will be The teacher will take note of
assist in the understanding
of energy storage and able to prompt further class interests and be able to
transformation. discussion and a deeper incorporate them in future
Facilitative Questions--The underating with questions lessons (if not immediately).
teacher will prompt the and insightful comments. By hearing student thinking,
students with a question The teacher will be able to the teacher will be able to
and ask them to consult directly address comments determine if students are
their elbow partners when
within the peardeck and will formulating the connections
forming their responses.
be able to have students of energy transformation to
PM (Formative)
elaborate or explain on their fueling sources. Facilitative
ideas. The teacher will questions are a direct way for
review the science journals the teacher to view student
and leave sticky notes within thinking. The teacher will
the journal asking questions know which individual
or addressing students were able to
confusion/misunderstanding connect information and
s. which ones were not. This
will inform the teacher on
how to proceed with each
individual student.

There is no formal A rubric is supplied along There will be times During the quick write
summative assessment with a description of the throughout the unit where “check-in” the teacher will be
for this lesson but this task for this assignment. students are asked about able to assess which
information will be These items will be supplied
how the information from individual students are
incorporated into the early on within the unit and
Sequoia restoration plan. students can add to their the lesson relates to the connecting ideas from this
The closure quick write of ideas throughout the unit. burn site assignment. This lesson to the final
this lesson is a “check-in” lesson asks exactly that. The assignment. The teacher will
on how students are teacher will be able to use take note of which students
doing in formulating the these instances to assist need further assistance and
ideas needed to complete students who may or may will be able to either meet
this assignment.
not be connecting the individually with those
information needed to students or address the
complete this assignment. needs within future lessons.
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Students are asked to Visual cues are provided for
make observations and many of the conversations
Students with special needs
inferences on pictures. and topics that are being
will be accommodated
They can respond in a covered. This is a critical thinking
accordingly depending on
way of their choosing; full excerpts from resources will based lesson, advanced
their IEP/504 plan but will be
sentences, bulleted, be read aloud to the class students should feel
scaffolded throughout the
pictures or speech. By and will be discussed to aid challenged when making
giving the students this in terminology connections to experiences
Extending time on
option it ensures all levels comprehension. in and out of the classroom
assignments, tutoring
of English Learners will to how those experiences
DIFFERENTIATION resources, preferential seating
feel comfortable affect the environment.
and additional testing periods
contributing. Additionally, Additional resources will be
are examples of
the excerpt will be read made available during
accommodations that may be
aloud to them to ensure lessons on real-life
made for these students
English Learners who connection case studies.
depending on their needs.
need support in reading Students will be able to
In this particular lesson,
are not falling behind. access these resources if
students will be able to
Elbow partners will be they are interested in
consult with elbow partners
used to aid in continuing their knowledge.
and the teacher will be sure to
comprehension, the
seat students accordingly.
teacher will be sure to
seat students accordingly.
Materials Needed Computers, projector, Google Slides, Peardeck and science notebooks
and Links to Teach Engineering
Instructional Corn Field
Resources Solar Panels
This lesson will follow lessons addressing photosynthesis and its components, reactants, products and byproducts.
Students should be able to make the connections between energy storage and energy transformation.

This lesson starts with a recap of the information gathered throughout this unit. Students are guided through an
interactive presentation where they explore the idea of energy transformation. They then are guided through making the
connection between energy transformation to biofuels and combustion. Finally, students will connect the information to
the overall unit assessment of burn site restoration. Methods to accomplish this are as follows; prior knowledge,
interactive presentation, discussion (class and partner), external media, reflection and writing.
A goal of this lesson is to advance student thinking, by using interactive presentation and discussion, the students will feel
supported to make connections and use their voice to support their ideas. By using both full class and partner discussion,
Students can address their conceptions of the material and aid each other in their learning. By using student products
such as lab results, models and quick writes, Students will be able to gather enough information to support their claims
and solutions when building their ideas around combustion and energy transformation.
A challenge that might occur during this lesson is students may not be able to make connections between the
information and how that may affect the burn site. If this occurs, the teacher will offer follow-up prompts with more
information to aid students in making connections.

Another challenge that may occur is technology does not always work properly, or it is not available for all students. If
this is the case, the teacher can still present the information in slide form and students can react and answer questions
either verbally or written within their science notebooks.

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