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Name : Shelly Pradita

Class : XII MIPA 7

No. : 31

Ministry claims Rinca Island project won't endanger Komodo dragon population

The current construction project on Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara, will not put the
Komodo dragon population at risk, the Environment and Forestry Ministry has stated following
concerns over the safety of the endangered species amid tourism projects on the island. A photo
posted on Instagram account @gregoriusafioma on Saturday capturing a Komodo dragon facing
a project truck on Rincah Island recently went viral and raised public concerns for the survival of
Komodo dragons in the area. “The Komodo dragon population remains stable at the Loh Buaya
tourist location. If we control it properly and minimize contact with the animals, tourism
activities will not endanger the population,” ministry spokesperson Nunu Anugrah said in a press
statement on Monday, as quoted by

Rinca Island is among the three largest Islands along with Komodo and Padar Island that
make up the world-renowned Komodo National Park. Nunu said the estimated number of
Komodo dragons in Loh Buaya was currently around 66, of which 15 were often roaming around
the tourism project development area in the resort. Loh Buaya is the main habitat of the protected
animal on Rinca Island, which can be reached with a two-hour boat ride from Labuan Bajo.

Nunu assured that project workers were being careful when using heavy equipment that
could not be replaced by human labor at the construction site, such as trucks and excavators.
During the construction, Nunu said, the government had deployed five to 10 rangers to monitor
the Komodo dragons around the site, including under buildings and vehicles carrying materials.
The tourism development project has reached 30 percent and is predicted to be completed in
June 2021. In order to speed up the construction process, the government is temporarily closing
the Loh Buaya resort to tourists from Monday until the end of June next year. A number of civil
society groups, including the West Manggarai Tourism Rescue Society Forum (Formapp Mabar)
and the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), have criticized the development project.
Walhi director in NTT Umbu Wulang Tanaamahu Paranggi argued that the development of the
Labuan Bajo National Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN), including on Rinca Island, would have a
serious impact on the environment and surrounding communities. Umbu said infrastructure
development in the area could disrupt natural biodiversity, bringing changes in landscape and
contamination of groundwater.

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Berita di atas tentang proyek pembangunan tempat pariwisata di pulau Rinca di Flores, Nusa
Tenggara Timur. Berita ini menjadi viral setelah unggahan dari akun Instagram
@gregoriusafioma. Postingan tersebut membuat masyarakat prihatan terhadap populasi Komodo
yang terancam. Namun, Proyek tersebut menurut Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
tidak akan membahayakan populasi Komodo. Dalam pengerjaan proyek ini, pemerintah tetap
menjaga populasi Komodo dengan cara berhati-hati ketika menggunakan alat berat dan
mengerahkan 5 hingga 10 jgawan untuk memantau keberadaan komodo. Akan tetapi, hal ini
tetap mendapat kritik dari masyarakat.

Struktur teks

 Headline
Ministry claims Rinca Island project won't endanger Komodo dragon population.
 Newsworthy event
The current construction project on Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara, will not put the
Komodo dragon population at risk, the Environment and Forestry Ministry has stated
following concerns over the safety of the endangered species amid tourism projects on the
 Background event
A photo posted on Instagram account @gregoriusafioma on Saturday capturing a
Komodo dragon facing a project truck on Rincah Island recently went viral and raised public
concerns for the survival of Komodo dragons in the area.

Rinca Island is among the three largest Islands along with Komodo and Padar Island
that make up the world-renowned Komodo National Park. Nunu said the estimated number
of Komodo dragons in Loh Buaya was currently around 66, of which 15 were often roaming
around the tourism project development area in the resort. Loh Buaya is the main habitat of
the protected animal on Rinca Island, which can be reached with a two-hour boat ride from
Labuan Bajo.

Nunu assured that project workers were being careful when using heavy equipment
that could not be replaced by human labor at the construction site, such as trucks and
excavators. During the construction, Nunu said, the government had deployed five to 10
rangers to monitor the Komodo dragons around the site, including under buildings and
vehicles carrying materials. The tourism development project has reached 30 percent and is
predicted to be completed in June 2021. In order to speed up the construction process, the
government is temporarily closing the Loh Buaya resort to tourists from Monday until the
end of June next year. A number of civil society groups, including the West Manggarai
Tourism Rescue Society Forum (Formapp Mabar) and the Indonesian Forum for the
Environment (Walhi), have criticized the development project. Walhi director in NTT Umbu
Wulang Tanaamahu Paranggi argued that the development of the Labuan Bajo National
Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN), including on Rinca Island, would have a serious impact on
the environment and surrounding communities. Umbu said infrastructure development in the
area could disrupt natural biodiversity, bringing changes in landscape and contamination of

 Sources
“The Komodo dragon population remains stable at the Loh Buaya tourist location. If we
control it properly and minimize contact with the animals, tourism activities will not
endanger the population,” ministry spokesperson Nunu Anugrah said in a press statement on
Monday, as quoted by

1. Past Tense
 Stated
 Posted
 Went
 Raised
 Quoted
 Estimated
 Reached
 Assured
 Replaced
 Said
 Deployed
 Predicted
 Completed
 Criticized
 Argued
2. Action verb
 Capturing
 Facing
 Control
 Said
 Roaming
 Using
 Criticized
 Argued
 Disrupt
3. Saying verb
 Said
4. Passive sentences
 Stated
 Posted
 Raised
 Quoted
 Estimated
 Reached
 Assured
 Replaced
 Said
 Deployed
 Predicted
 Completed
 Criticized
 Argued
5. Direct and indirect speech
 Direct speech
“The Komodo dragon population remains stable at the Loh Buaya tourist location. If
we control it properly and minimize contact with the animals, tourism activities will
not endanger the population,” ministry spokesperson Nunu Anugrah said in a press
statement on Monday, as quoted by
 Indirect speech
 Nunu said the estimated number of Komodo dragons in Loh Buaya was
currently around 66, of which 15 were often roaming around the tourism
project development area in the resort.
 Nunu said, the government had deployed five to 10 rangers to monitor the
Komodo dragons around the site, including under buildings and vehicles
carrying materials.
 Umbu said infrastructure development in the area could disrupt natural
biodiversity, bringing changes in landscape and contamination of

6. Adverbs of manner
 Recently
 Currently
 Temporarily
7. Adverbs of time and place
 On Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara
 in June 2021
8. Adjectives to form noun phrases
(Tidak ada)
9. Conjunctions to link sentences
 And
 For
10. Time connectives
(Tidak ada)
11. Pronouns
 It
 That

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