Rachel Bond Barrier Minilesson 3

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VTFT Observation Feedback Form

VTFT Student Name: Rachel Bond

Date of Observation: March 16, 2021
Time of Observation: ~9:00-9:30am
Age/Grade of Audience/Students Taught: VTFT I Classmates (virtual class via Zoom)
Subject/Topic of Lesson: Barriers to Learning: Divorce

• Before Teaching: Rachel planned ahead and took time to edit the plan based on my
suggestions and feedback, creating a final lesson plan that was organized and thorough.
• During Teaching:
• Rachel began the class by introducing and explaining the topic clearly, connecting this
specific topic of divorce to the overall “Barriers to Education” unit. She shared a link to
her slides in the chat so all students could access, and also shared her screen. A warm-up
question asked the class to consider their prior knowledge on this subject and reply
either verbally or in the chat. (Rachel logged info the Zoom on her computer and phone
so she could be sure to be able to see any comments in the chat!)
• In the lecture portion of the lesson, Rachel included lots of research and statistics; she
did a great job giving explanations that went beyond just what was on the slides!
Appropriate pauses for questions and note-taking. A “stop and think” near the end gave
an opportunity for engagement from the class. Meanwhile, Rachel shared an appropriate
story about her own life that modeled an answer and connected with the class.
• At the end of the lesson, Rachel gave students a chance to read a short, informative
article on the topic, and asked students to respond to some final questions about it on a
• After Teaching: Rachel checked to see if there were any last questions, and the class offered
lots of positive feedback on Rachel’s lesson.

Highlights of this Lesson: Opportunities for Growth:

• Great job planning ahead with time for edits to your plan, and •
great questions about the “teacher side” of Zoom. I like that
you “solved the problem” of sometimes not being able to see
the chat by logging in on your phone and computer—it says a
lot about your desire to teach well! :)
• You gave very clear guidelines for timing of the class activities,
saying things like, “You have one more minute.” That is helpful
for students!

__________________________________________ ________________________________________
VTFT Coordinator VTFT Student

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