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Week - all -
Status - all -

Total Result

Status (%)
Timeline Sheet input Column input
Weekly Sheet Weekly Sales
Consultant C -Update Date DD/MM/YYY
Consultant D - Team
Consultant E - Consultant
Consultant F - Client name
Consultant G - Position
Consultant H - Status
Consultant I - Job share
Consultant J - Date Order Received DD/MM/YYYY
Consultant L - Target Profoma Inv - Mth
Consultant M - Total Shortlist
Consultant O - Fee
Consultant P -> AG - Pipeline (%)

Weekly Sheet Data Team

Team leader/Manager B - Consultant

Weekly Sheet Pipeline overview

Team leader/Manager

Cutoff time: 4pm on Friday

After this time, file will be locked
If need update after this time, please contact directly to Jessica

Red Invoice issue 95%
Candidate Started work 90%
From Proforma Invoice sent 85%
From Final Client Interview 80%
From Client Interview set up 49%

1. Prospect List 0%
2. TSC: Telesales Call 0%
3. SAV: Sales Visit 0%
4. JO: Job Order 5%
5. Contract Signed 5%
6. Candidate search 10%
7. FAI: FA Interview 15%
8. SL: Shortlist 20%
9. 1st Client Interview 30%
10. 2nd Client Interview 40%
11. Final Client Interview 50%
12. References taken - 3 65%
13. Negotiation 70%
14. Acceptance of Offer 80%
15. Proforma Invoice send 85%
16. Candidate Started Work 90%
17. Red Invoice issue 95%
18. Payment be settle 100%

Fill input date

Chose name of Team as list
Chose name of Consultant as list
Fill the Client name
Fill the Position of Job
Chose Status as list
Fill if having job share (Ex: 70% with Ulyana)
Fill Order date of Job
Fill Target mth for Accepted Offer letter
Fill Total Shortlist
Fill Fee of Job
Fill the % as the pipeline

Input name of new member

Right - click and chose refresh to view summary

Select week and Status to view

% chance of success
81 - 89%
51 - 80%

Điền ngày input

Chọn tên theo list có sẵn
Chọn tên theo list có sẵn
Điền tên Khách hàng
Điền vị trí của Job
Chọn tình trạng job theo list có sẵn
Điền thông tin nếu có share job theo tỷ lệ (VD: 70% with Ulyana)
Điền ngày bắt đầu có Job
Điền tháng dự tính nhận Offer Letter
Điền tổng Shortlist
Điền số tiền phí
Điền % theo quy trình

Điền tên nếu có thành viên mới

Bầm chuột phải và chọn Refresh để xem Summary

Chọn tuần và tình trạng job cần xem
Update Date
Week DD/MM/YYY Team Consultant Client name
11 1 6/11/2018 Ms Jessica Mẫn
Ms Ulyana Uyên
Mr Ban
Ms Sa
Date Order
Received Month Order
Position Status Job share DD/MM/YYYY Received
Ms Jessica Mẫn
Ms Ulyana Uyên
Mr Ban
Ms Sa
Target Profoma Total Clt
Inv - Mth Total Shortlist Interviews Fee 1.Prospect List
2.TSC: Telesales call 3.SAV: Sales Visit 4. JO: Job Order 5. Contract Signed 6.Candidate search
7.FAI: FA Interview 8.SL: Shortlist 9.1st Client Interview 10.2nd Client Interview
11.Final Client Interview 12.References take-3 13.Negotiation 14.Acceptance of Offer 15.Others
16. Proforma Invoice send 17.Candidate Started Work 18.Red Invoice issure
19.Payment be settle Status Projected fee

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