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On My Own:

The first way Ryan Cross (2017) communicates Guoyong Xu's research (2017) to a
general audience is by personalizing the researcher himself. He uses quotations and expresses
why the research is essential to Guayong Xu. He also attempts to warm up the audience to what
is often referred to as the “cold sciences” (He uses this technique in the second paragraph).

The second way he transforms Xu's scientific writing to a general audience is by having a
solid conclusion that speaks to why the research is important; he intrigues the readers with
fascinating information on plant immunity. Cross does this exceptionally well by exenterating
that Xu is hopeful that his work will end pesticides in the future (He does this in paragraph 13).


Cross has failed at using a general audience lexicon because he utilizes too much strong
scientific jargon in his article. While some readers may be familiar with terms such as
Arabidopsis, RNA, NPR1 Gene, many readers will not be. Because of this, the readers may lose
the writer's attention and may miss the main point of the article (This is most evident in
paragraph 7).

The second way Cross fails at using the general audience lexicon is outlined in paragraph
8, when he attempts to dismantle how rice strains ramp up their immune systems. The structure
of the paragraph, although short, is very dense and complicated. The words and sentences used
are just not easy to read for most general audiences.

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