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Name & Address: Date: 24/02t202r
M/s. Gujarat Electricity Corporation Ltd. Report No: GLEPL/160221t06t02
Kutch Lignite Thermal Power Station, Sampling Date: t6t02t2021
Panandhro- 37 0601, Dist. -Kutch.
Sample Collected bv: GLEPL Team
No. Parameters Unit Results
Lab ID Code GLEPL/160221ts'l r-STz
Stack No.
Unit-3 Unit-4
Capacity MW 75 75
2 Type ofFuel Lienite Lienite
J Date of Sampling SD 16t02t2021
4 Time of Sampling Hrs. 10:35
5 Sampling Duration Min. 40
6 I.oad During Sampling MW 50
7 ESP Condition (FIS) No. la
ESP Condition (FOS) No. 1(7B)
8 Lignite Consumption T/Hr. 65
9 Oil Consumption TlHr. U 0
10 Stack Heisht Mts, 190 190
11 Dia of stack Mts. 15.84 \t.26
t2 Size of Duct m
l3 Temp of Flue Gas UC
t4 Velocity m/sec t2.51
l5 Volumetric Flow Rate LPM 16.62
Name of parameter
I6 Particulate Sampling Flow Rate
LPM 15.62
I7 Gaseous Sampling Flow Rate
LPM 1.0

18 Avg. Conc. ofPM mgA.trm3 r11.8

l9 Avg. Conc. SO2 mAA'{m' 2476.0
20 Avg. Conc. NOa mpA.{m' 86.4
21 -Mercury mg/i.{m' 0.015
a SO2:- Sulphur Dioxide, NO1:- Oxide of Nihogen , FIS:- Field in Service, FOS:- Field out Service
a Instrument Used:- Stack Monitoring Kit vvSl,vayubodhan Make SL No: 72g DTB l0
a GPCB limit taken as per CCA-AWH-94499 dated 13.07.2018 vide letter no: PC/CCA-Kutch-79 (9)/ID-1783814672gj
Testing was done as per emission regulations part-III (1985) GPCB using stacl< monitoring
kit & as per
IS: 1 1255 P-l:1985, P-2:1985,P-7:2005, EPA method 29 for Hg(method for measuremenl of air pollution).
GPCB Limit:- pM < 100 mgfilm3 ,Soz < 600 mgatrm3, Nox < 600 mg/Nmr,Hg<0.03mg/Nm3

Chemist Authorized Signatory

Rekha Der

HecognisedbyMoEtGovt.of India,EPAct1986; NABLaccredited; GPCBSchedulell EnvironmentAuditor; 0HSAS-45001:2018, 1S09001:20,|8 CetrifiedLaboratorv.

Greenleaf Envirotech Pvt. Ltd., Nr. Rangoli Flats, Radhanpur Road, Mehsana - 384002, Gujarat, India.
Tel: +91-9725515974, E-mail :, Web
Branch Offlce : 304, Kankavati Complex, Singanpor-Cauzway Road, Katargam, Surat - 395004

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