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Power generati on through under water turbine

Under water power or tidal energy is the power achieved by capturing the
energy contained in moving water mass due to flow. The generating energy from
flow of water is considered much more feasible today than building ocean-based
dams or barrages, and many coastal sites worldwide are being examined for their
suitability to produce under water energy. Tidal power is classified as a
renewable energy in this project we generate power with the help of
underwater turbine on the small this turbine we used dc motor which
convert the mechanical energy from propeller into electrical energy. Buck
converter is used at the output to make our system stable. There are many
application of this project like tidal energy is environment friendly energy and
doesn’t produces greenhouse 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by
water, her is scope to generate this energy on large scale.

Table of Contents

List of fi gures..............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1......................................................................................................................................6
1. Introducti on........................................................................................................................6
1.1. Organizati on of Final Year Project .......................................................................7
Chapter 2......................................................................................................................................8
2. Literature Review..............................................................................................................8
2.1. History of underwater turbine ..............................................................................9
2.2. Flow control system...............................................................................................10
2.3. Work in Pakistan.....................................................................................................10
Chapter 3....................................................................................................................................12
3. Objecti ves of the project .............................................................................................12
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................13
4. Methodology....................................................................................................................13
4.1. Design and working...........................................................................................13
4.2. Formulas for calculati on .......................................................................................17
Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................18
5. Results and discussion..................................................................................................18
5.1. Observati on tables.................................................................................................18
5.2. Graphically................................................................................................................19
5.3. Discussion..................................................................................................................20
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................23

List of fi gure

Figure 1: Block Pakistan 2008 survey of energy generati on through renewable
resources [2]...............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2: First hydral power plant [3] .................................................................................7
Figure 3: Diff erence b/w power supply and demand in Pakistan Source [4] .......10
Figure 4 : DC motor generator ............................................................................................12
Figure 5: outer view of gear box ........................................................................................13
Figure 6: inner view of gear box .........................................................................................13
Figure 7: Kaplan type turbine ..............................................................................................13
Figure 8: Pelton type Water Turbine .................................................................................14
Figure 9: Turgo type Water Turbine ..................................................................................14
Figure 10: Kaplan type Water Turbine ..............................................................................15
Figure 11: buck converter (step-down converter) ........................................................15
Figure 12: Graph between output power and velocity ................................................18
Figure 13: Graph between output power and the fl ow rate ......................................19
Figure 14: Graphical comparison between theoreti cal and experimental output
Figure 15: top and rear view of underwater turbine ...................................................20
Figure 16: side view of underwater turbine ...................................................................21

List of tables
Table 1: observati on table between velocity, output power and fl ow rate. ........17
Table 2: observati on table between velocity and voltage. ........................................17
Table 3: Observati on table between voltages, powers, current. .............................18

Chapter 1

1. Introducti on
It’s a form of energy a renewable resource. Hydropower provides about 3
percent of the renewable energy in the Pakistan. Hydroelectric power plants do
not use up resources to create electricity nor do they pollute the air, land, or
water, as other power plants may. Hydroelectric power has played an important
part in the development of this Nati on's electric power industry. Both small and
large hydroelectric power developments were instrumental in the early
expansion of the electric power industry.
Hydroelectric power comes from fl owing water. Winter and spring runoff from
mountain streams and clear lakes. Water, when it is falling by the force of
gravity, can be used to turn turbines and generators that produce electricity.
Hydroelectric power is important for our Nati on. Growing populati ons and
modern technologies require vast amounts of electricity. Although the amount
of energy produced by this means has steadily increased, the amount produced
by other types of power plants has increased at a faster rate and hydroelectric
power presently supplies about 3 percent of the electrical generati ng capacity
of Pakistan. Hydropower is an essenti al contributor in the nati onal power grid
because of its ability to respond quickly to rapidly varying loads or system
disturbances, which base load plants with steam systems powered by
combusti on or nuclear processes cannot accommodate.
At the present ti me 3 hydropower plant are working and generati ng electricity
and we need more hydro power plant in order to make our nati on more
successful. Pakistan only produced 3% of its energy from water the graph given
below show it energy from water the graph given below show it clearly.

2008 surveyco of Pakistan

m d%
hydro gas oil
34 coal biomass

F i g u r e 1 : B l o c k P a k i s t a n 2 0 0 8 s u r v e y o f e n e r g y g e n e r a ti o n t h r o u g h r e n e w a b l e r e s o u r c e s [ 2 ]

Pakistan is one of the fast growing economies of the South Asia, which during
the fi scal year 2004–2005 showed a real GDP growth rate of 8.4%, and growth
in the industrial, agriculture and services sectors as 12.5%, 7.5% and 7.9%,
respecti vely. In the same period, the net energy consumpti on was recorded
around 32 million TOE, which is increasing at a rate of 4.9%. Pakistan enjoys a
very important strategic locati on. Bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on
the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north, and
therefore being expected to serve as an internati onal trade and energy corridor
in future [1].

1.1. Organizati on of Final Year Project

The research thesis is organized into diff erent chapters. In chapter 1 literature
review is presented in terms of diff erent types of objecti ves, diff erent types of
opti mizati on techniques, diff erent types of soluti ons and diff erent types of
tools. In chapter 2 the proposed system model is discussed. In chapter 3 design
is discussed of proposed model.

Chapter 2

2. Literature Review
The history of hydropower started over 2000 years ago, when water wheels
were being used by the ancient Greeks to grind grain. It was not unti l the
middle Ages that the technology was spread to Europe. Hydroelectric power
was also important during the  industrial revoluti on  at the beginning of the
1800’s and provided mechanical power for texti le and machine industries.
Probably the most important year in hydropower history was in  1831 when the
fi rst electric generator was invented by Michael Faraday. This laid the
foundati on for us to learn how to generate electricity with hydropower almost
half a century later, in  1878.

The fi rst hydroelectric power plant, located in Appleton, Wisconsin, began to

generate electricity already in 1882. The power output was at about 12.5 kW. 7
years later, in 1889, the total number of hydroelectric power plant solely in the
US had reached the 19th century these power plants got an increased
amount of commercial att enti on and were built rapidly in suitable areas all
over the world. 1936 marks an important year the largest hydroelectric power
plant, the Hoover Dam, was opened and generated 1345 MW (installed capacity
later increased 2080MW) from the fl owing water in the Colorado River.  Below
is a picture of the  Hoover Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant [3].

Figure 2: First hydral power plant [3]

During the fi rst half of the 1900’s hydropower became the world’s most
important source of electricity. In 2008,  Three Gorges Dam  in China was built.
This is the largest power plant at current date, generati ng 22.500 MW, adding
to China’s installed hydroelectric capacity of 196.79 GW (2009).

Hydropower is considered a mature technology contributes about 16% of global

electricity generati on today and will contribute even more in the future.
There’s almost 30 major hydroelectricity projects with at least 2.000 MW
capacity under development, most of which are located in China [3].

2.1. History of underwater turbine

A kind of electric machine captures the  energy from depth of water currents.

Under water turbines can be designed as per use and also depends upon the
locati on. The purpose of underwater turbine is to convert the energy stored in
low pressure bulk of water into electric energy. The turbine converts the
kineti c energy of the water into torque. There are several kinds of micro-hydro
turbines available, each suited to a parti cular head and fl ow. Turbines can be
broadly categorized as either impulse turbines or reacti on turbines. Impulse
turbines convert the kineti c energy of a jet of water in air into movement by
striking buckets or blades. By comparison, the blades of a reacti on turbine are
totally immersed in the fl ow of water, and the angular as well as linear
momentum of water is converted into shaft power. Reacti on turbines typically
require large fl ows and moderate heads, though one must be careful with such
generalizati ons, as there is much overlap between the diff erent designs. A
variety of turbine-generator assemblies are commercially available, but there is
no guarantee of fi nding exactly the right one for a parti cular site.
A group of scienti sts and engineers who describe themselves as "nerds in
wetsuits and fl ippers" has launched a crowd funding campaign, called Crowd
Energy, to do just that. Their idea is to use giant underwater turbines to
capture the energy from deep-ocean currents, such as the  Gulf Stream off the
coast of Florida.
While energy generated from these turbines may not be able to completely
replace fossil fuels, as the group claims, the devices could sti ll be an important
source of clean energy, experts say
Ocean currents are one source of natural energy that no one has tapped
before, either because they weren't aware of it or didn't have the technology
to capture it, said Todd Jana, founder of  Crowd Energy , and the man behind the
idea to develop ocean turbines.

Of course, the noti on of using underwater turbines to harness energy
from deep-ocean currents  raises concerns over the potenti al environmental
impacts. While the system is designed to minimize the threat to marine life, in-
ocean studies must be done to investi gate the potenti al eff ects.

2.2. Flow control system

The majority of the micro-hydro turbines on the market today have either one
or two fl ow setti ngs. They are designed to run at fi xed outputs. Sites with
variable or intermitt ent fl ows parti cularly those that vary from day to day
require automati c control systems to eliminate the need for human
interventi on more elaborate control subsystem may monitor various
parameters and safely shut down the turbine and electrical system at the fi rst
sign of a problem. Micro hydro control systems are not yet available
commercially; they must be custom engineered. The lack of commercial
development in this area makes these systems expensive to develop. For small
projects it is best to avoid the need for a control system altogether, if possible.

2.3. Work in Pakistan

With the realiti es of climate change and the depleti on of fossil fuels, renewable
energy is now in the spotlight. Currently, wind and solar power have been in
the news, but there are also many other sources of energy that would benefi t
the environment and the developing world. These sources include wave and
ti dal power in additi on to small hydro. In China and India, small hydro is quite
popular and there are also a few projects in Pakistan; however, the government
could do much more to promote water power.

In Pakistan, primary energy sources are mainly thermal (87%), hydropower

(11%) and nuclear power (1.7%). The total energy supply in 2013 was 64.5
million tons of oil equivalents (MTOE). The primary energy sources were Oil
(20.96 MTOE), Gas (31.1 MTOE), LPG (0.3 MTOE), Coal (3.8 MTOE),
Hydroelectricity (7.1 MTOE), Nuclear electricity (1 MTOE) and imported energy
(0.08 MTOE) with diff erent level of share. The share of gas was 48.2% in total
energy mix of country, followed by oil 32.5%, %, hydro 11%, coal 6, nuclear
1.7%, Liquid Pressurized Gas (LPG) 0.5%, and imported energy 0.1%. In 2013,
industrial sector was the largest energy consumer, which accounted 35.5% of
the total 40.18 million TOE energy consumpti on, followed by transportati on
sector of 31.6%. Domesti c sector was the largest consumer of electricity,

accounti ng for 47% of the total 76789 GWh electricity consumpti on, followed
by industrial sector with 29.05%. Pakistan electricity generati on capacity at the
ti me of independence was only 10.7MW, which increased signifi cantly from
7000MW in 1980 to about 16000MW in 2013-14, but this supply amount is sti ll
much less than the rising demand. Currently, Pakistan is facing serious
electricity shortf all, about 6-8 hours in urban areas and 8-10 hours in rural
areas in 2012. The electricity gap between supply and demand is depicted in
Figure below [4].

F i g u r e 3 : D i ff e r e n c e b / w p o w e r s u p p l y a n d d e m a n d i n P a k i s t a n S o u r c e [ 4 ]

Chapter 3

3. Objecti ves of the project

The main objecti ves of this project are listed below.

1. Designing a small scale underwater turbine.

2. Selecti ng suitable locati on for this turbine.
3. Esti mati ng the potenti al of developing this technology in Pakistan.
4. Evaluati ng its performance and generati on cost as compared to other
power generati on technologies.

Above are the main objecti ves of this underwater turbine project.

Chapter 4

4. Methodology
4.1. Design and working

Underwater turbines work in much the same way as their above ground
cousins. Six Bladed rotors are placed on a verti cal stack and are move by the
moti on of the water. The rotor turns a magneti c coil generator in the shaft
housing which creates an electrical current. The higher the fl ow rate of the
water, the more electricity is generated. The major diff erence is that
underwater turbines are designed to work with water fl ow from either the front
or the back. This allows them to take advantage of the back and forth moti on of
ti dal wave systems. When the fl ow of water rotates the rotor of the turbine
with the help of gearbox which is installed in the system mechanical energy is
produced and that mechanical energy. Motor convert that mechanical energy
into electrical the out we use buck converter. With the help of buck
converter we can get constant output in order to make our system stable.

We use motor in our project which is given below in the fi gure. This motor is a
dc generator or motor. The output of the motor is 220V.

Figure 4 : DC motor generator

We use gearbox is used in underwater turbine. The gearbox helps to rotor the
propeller of the motor in order to produce more torque in low pressure or
small bulk of water. The outer and inner view of the gearbox is clearly shown in
the fi gures below.

Figure 5: outer view of gear box Figure 6: inner view of gear box

Now we move on the propellers of our underwater turbine. The design of our
propellers is clearly shown in the fi gure.

F i g u r e 7 : K a pl a n t y p e t u r b i n e

There are many diff erent  Water Turbine Designs  in use today, with each type
having its own advantages and disadvantages depending upon their operati onal
requirements. The selecti on of the correct type of water turbine design is very
important for the success of any small or large scale hydropower system. We
use Kaplan type turbine in our underwater turbine. There are six blade on this
propeller. Basically the design of propeller depend upon the locati on and the
fl ow of we designed this propeller according to the requirement of the
fl ow of water of our suitable locati on. There are three types of turbine. And we
use Kaplan type of turbine. Three types of turbines are given below.

The Pelton Water Turbine  also known as a  Pelton Wheel, and named aft er its
inventor Lester Pelton, is the most common open type turbine wheel design
available. The Pelton is an impulse type circular turbine in which the

circumference of the wheels outer rim is surrounded by a series of equally
spaced small curved cups or buckets that catch the water.

Figure 8: Pelton type Water Turbine

The Turgo Water Turbine , is another impulse type water turbine design in

which a jet of water strikes the turbines blades. The  turgo turbine design  is
similar to the previous Pelton wheel but this ti me the water jet from the nozzle
strikes a series of curved or angled blades instead of cups or buckets from the
side at a shallow angle of about 20 o  instead of tangenti ally so that the water
hits the angled blade from one side and exits on the other. These curved blades
catch the water as it fl ows through the turbine causing the turbines shaft to
rotate. The turgo turbine design clearly shown in fi gure .

Figure 9: Turgo type Water Turbine

The Kaplan Water Turbine , named aft er its Austrian inventor Victor Kaplan, is
an axial fl ow reacti on type of water turbine that looks very similar to a ships
propeller. As a result, the  Kaplan Turbine  is also referred to as a  Propeller
Turbine. The Kaplan’s propeller shaped rotor has two or more fi xed or

adjustable blades. Similar to the previous Francis Turbine, the Kaplan Turbine
can also has a set of fi xed or adjustable guide vanes around the inlet of the
turbine to control its rotati onal speed.

Figure 10: Kaplan type Water Turbine

A buck converter  (step-down converter ) is a DC-to-DC power  converter which

steps down voltage (while stepping up current) from its input to its output. In
this project we use buck converter in order to make our system stable. The
input capacity of this buck converter is 100v and it will give us two output of
12v and 24v.we set the input and output of the converter according to our
system requirement.

Figure 11: buck converter (step-down converter)

Unlike wind turbines, underwater turbines have the ability to be predictable.

Water fl ow rates are relati vely stable from one day to the next making it easy
to predict the amount of electricity that will be generated based on already
available fl ow charts. Turbines can be placed in both river and ocean systems.
One ambiti ous project has att empted to design fl oati ng turbines that will be
placed in the Gulf Stream to take advantage of the extremely fast current.

There are currently large ocean turbines off shore near Lynmouth, Devon
England and Strangford Lough, Ireland. These huge turbines create enough
electricity to meet the needs of over 1000 homeowners each.

4.2. Formulas for calculati on

Velocity: v=d/t

Fixed two points on the surface of water and measure the distance between
then fl oat a ball from one point and calculate the ti me taken to reach at the
other point.

v = velocity of water d = diameter

t= ti me of fl oati ng object

Flow rate: f.r=v×A

Amount of water to push through system in given amount of ti me. Volume of

liquid in certain ti me depend upon the area of pipe that liquid fl owing through

v = velocity of water A=area

Area: A=h ×w∨ A=d × w

Area for cubic and rectangular or square can be fi nd or denoted as above.
Area of circular pipe can be fi nd from this formula A=π r 2

h = height of water w = width of the water

Power: p=0.5 A × ρ× v 3
P=power, ρ=density of water
A=area v = velocity of water

Above methods and formulas are used in the calculati on of our projects.

Chapter 5

5. Results and discussion

5.1. Observati on tables

These observati ons are theoreti cally.

Velocity Output power Flow rate

d p=0.5A×ρ×v3 f.r=𝑣 ×𝐴
v= t

0.5 m/s 8.8186 watt 0.07105 m3/s

0.75 m/s 29.97 watt 0.10657 m3/s

1 m/s 71.053 watt 0.142106 m3/s

1.5 m/s 239.80 watt 0.21315 m3/s

2 m/s 568.42 watt 0.2842 m3/s

T a b l e 1 : o b s e r v a ti o n t a b l e b e t w e e n v e l o c i t y , o u t p u t p o w e r a n d fl o w r a t e .

These observati ons are practi cally.

Velocity(v) Voltage(V)

0.25 m/s 20 V

0.20 m/s 33 V

0.70 m/s 42 V

0.80 m/s 56 V

1 m/s 120 V
T a bl e 2 : o b s e r v a ti o n t a b l e b e t w e e n v e l o c i t y a n d v o l t a g e .

Voltage(V) Power(P) Current(I)

42 V 29.975 Watt 0.71 A

56 V 71.053 Watt 1.268 A

100 V 200.80 Watt 2.008 A

T a bl e 3 : O b se r v a ti o n t a b l e b e t w e e n v o l t a g e s , p o w e r s , c u r r e n t .

5.2. Graphically

Graph between output power and velocity which is given below in the fi gure
clearly shows that output power is directly proporti onal to the velocity of
moving this graph the output power is on y-axis of the graph and the
velocity is on the x-axis of the graph

Chart Title






velocity 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2

Figure 12: Graph between output power and velocity

Graph between output power and the fl ow rate of the water which is given
below in the fi gure clearly shows that the output power also directly
proporti onal to the fl ow rate of water which is directly proporti onal to the
velocity of the this graph output power is on y-axis of the graph and
the fl ow rate is on the x-axis of the graph.

Chart Title






flow rate 0.07105 0.10657 0.142106 0.21315 0.2842
F i g u r e 1 3 : G r a p h b e t w e e n o u t p u t p o w e r a n d t h e fl o w r a t e

Graphical comparison between theoreti cal and experimental output

this graph orange curve shows the practi cal analysis and the blue shows the
theoreti cal analysis of the system.






velocity 0.5 0.75 1

F i g u r e 1 4 : G r a p h i c a l c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n t h e o r e ti c a l a n d e x p e r i m e n t a l o u t p u t

5.3. Discussion

Applicati ons

 It is an exhausti ble source of energy.

 Tidal energy is environment friendly energy and doesn’t produces
greenhouse gasses.
 As 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, there is a great scope
to generate this energy on large scale.
 We can predict the rise and fall of tides as they follow the cyclic fashion.
 Cost of construction of underwater turbine is high but maintenance cost is
very low.
 Does not require any kind of fuel to run.
 The life of underwater turbine is very long.
 The energy density of the tidal energy is relatively higher than other
renewable resources.

Following is the list of components which is used in the project.

 Motor 220 dc
 Gearbox
 Turbine
 Iron rings
 Drum
 Wires
 Barings
 Shaft s

5.4. Overall view of underwater turbine.

Overall view of underwater turbine is clearly shown in the fi gures given below.

Figure 15: top and rear view of underwater turbine

Side view of underwater turbine is clearly shown in the fi gure given below.

Figure 16: side view of underwater turbine


[1] Mukhtar H. Sahir, Arshad H. Qureshi, Assessment of new and renewable

energy resources potenti al and identi fi cati on of barriers to their signifi cant
uti lizati on in Pakistan, In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume
12, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 290-298, ISSN 1364-0321,
htt ps://
[2] www.internati onal energy resources
[4] Muhammad Wakeel, Bin Chen, Soomro Jahangir, Overview of Energy
Portf olio in Pakistan, In Energy Procedia, Volume 88, 2016, Pages 71-75, ISSN
1876-6102, htt ps://


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