Experiment 01

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KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 5 KUET SESSIONAL REPORT Course No. ME 2292 Department Of \cal ring rspenmnre 2(@) Name of the Experiment 4. C0) Tengle Test ofa Mild Steel Speci mei | Remarks Name 4 $454 Date of Performance ...s..000.0 __ Roll No +g0et 5,46, 47.48 Date of SubmMISSION oo ncccusnsnsnnunnanmnne COUP NO Year Semester 2nd Expt- No: 1(a) yi RH- 1805043 Inteodvct ion s['1908%3} Tensim. tes} i's performed on. mild Steel ston slee! and huph. -fensile “sel xe deleremine. phe properties Uka urgs dexemite—steed modulus, ulfimake strength. and the pereenieye ehogedion.. In tin fersion ket, & Stef rod ts subjected to tension. Lord by te. mong of a Univercal Cecting morte The, weakereods, involved fa Pos excpersrrent™ eyes ‘mild lef The tensile fest flank these meted unde: call Hew us fo daferming several KY inforemoction; yd stress, your's smodulus, dencile shes, percentage of etey Hom at fiaefine., pencentoge of medvetor. in estect-gectionsh anette, oF Toe pont of pferctve and prendre sstness, Fs expensment 08 frmpeaecting in defer fon’ a maleriaks properties ¢ cond err ove used in olde ornay of relabed indighaies, Expl Wa: 1) Rol ro~ wasew4 20 Objecl ves : isosea4) To determine the slrangth ond several prrepan hes dj & duehle ded. by cbrenve dhe beharieun eh Ta malenie! Undew load, and fo sludy the Jnocluee The spocrhe s]ems tebe dilewmined ane: 1 Elacke shoqgth in lensian a. Tha pen ligne! limit b. Upper eild poinl & Lowen yeild point 2. Tensile slunglh 3. Buehlily 4. pencintaget elongation 4. Madulos of elashicily 5. Modula cf masiltenct &, Madulas ed -bughruss Expl No 1 (a) Boll tas ieqyo45 (30 Theoret! igo O45] The tension deel vsvelly nefere to feds in. which a prepared Specimen. is Subgected do a. geal | load until failure occurs, Fore the imoasing. Uniaxial 4 Irese is proportions the Hooles law We; 5 material dbeyin pret Jo the train. if a cordain, limit, aolled proportion. limit the conshant af projerdionally is ale meas of abl (E) The equation fore woduls of elocticity con be: voritten. as dollomns, Mm PL ~~? se — Ea ay RS Where | [= Modules of Eldicily p= Lood , Ax Cross-Sectional Area L= Original Length | S= Eloxgedion. Tre clachiic limit is the shhess beyond which the ‘material will not return, 40 its farmanent cet, “he sel) | point 16 the point at which thene is an approche | elongation on fielding af the malenial withouk ane NX | Expl. No! J (a) _ ee : Roll Not 1805040 Conereponcting imcnease of load, So fee he ctrecs at eee point, UHimade hed is the B piness at olress- shrain. Gunve, - mtreshing poh Stroin, diagnom for mild steol. 3.41 Siness- Stale ria #1805046 Exp No: 1 Ca ) Evpenimedtal Sed-1 Po Roll? (905047 Feels Ala) pt EME Mare gure al the Unyersod destng . ~ 4G machine 3 i gq ™MacAm YW Cal, broclod. [Pe ewe eeoswee No | 7 Mt dh aan efor and Vr layett, | 4 “he orgind of the b pealmen by 6 hide Cali Peng Ther firmly qrie (he Yppy ond a dee specsmen ine|he dex ed howd af fhe ‘lerding machine 48nd lower ond by Je moving vad of dhe Fesfing Woeline, We cade J of bre Foden 49 meden WO BOD Posiponal dhe Coclengome sn in fesition, The Be eG ed fre | aaf ot blow SPeed and Nead te ex Lensodive fer ad Sarre G lithe inbeval. tah the ereld Pend war Feo 10) peathed, and Ped fre machine | | | flamoved extensometer and fixed cthe dial Fauge rhe paathine | Yn ereeved {oad Ana fore food dee fonynadton rats ‘ad Req lm In henry al, Urge dhe heantng 24 lace SEOLCUNOM. a Ihe te Waconded «fine Mactirnum aya she b/voa tring load, Yhax we Reonoved ele Plo hen | SPFCIm en And Maasme Ama avd 1 Coss Seetional Wea era cle form oy | | Leng h. (=) KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY KUET ‘ ONAL REPORT Course No. ME 2242 Department Of Mechanical Exgneerang sere Experiment No2Co) Name of the Experimen 4,06) Satie Bending Test of Timbers eam. Spcxithey VU Remarks Name Roll No 180504344,45. 464743 acho OO Group NoA2=3 2 %. Semester dnd Date of Performance ,.. Date of Submission ... Year Prperumuat No, 104) Bowne: 1¢onuys 1g05048)] “the Tuenulta achotved in any ana ennmmuint of Mechanceal PRopenver Are Junelign DY Ake esting method adopted. Virnben -mioha. aca’ propents, depend ov vetuovg jaclona a, fon jrstaner load duneton | moiAturs tontcot Spon. depth of 4eh section ele ‘Thetefone th - aceomplah dhe Comparcson betwen AM ruult oltasned in ddbrent latoonatin, 4 alo aritatven of Abe deat pnocedwu in nequrned. Moneven, toth the adoption of Wit alate dunigned and cot The developrremt of both Visual and tmoabhine -alness jnaders , atdensjo AMorgion will be mere wingly tocusd om duc detenvrunahon and Mors borin 5 are t hen Of tte Alnensth propentia and vata kd, of ainucturs| gnade of Vinbun. The 1} andend prootnla teat methods ton physiesy and mucharncal propenhes In rtnuctmna| grey. Tun otondend proints ok redtigd Jon cketenming tra modulua of elachty qe bending alnengty omd Ah Lop negy, j strength mn 4 & pannalle| dineeHon fo He fe neuen eartan\ahon tn aAlnuctwre | hima. In addrivon, fue delenre na dos of demensiorm | moinlwu tonterd omd demth, ane apeerfied «In folio lke bending and teaty Ue ln bovird on de dedon, mahiom meonwud ot the canine of dive centinal gauge length of 4 fimen ee depth of tke Atetyan. Tea dd opmation -shatl be + kun ay Ake average of meanutumints on looth Sacey ad due meuinal as., Expl. no. 46) Rol — |evg04g a. T stax supplied beam under Sendlie lood b. To drow deflection vi Loed eurve C To shidy Hx frectne chemoetersties d. Lo determine, @ Bending atness G0 Breecking tress Wit) Modules of Eleshedly, | Exp! NO- 10) ___| Roll Na - 1805044 © 9°0 Thaany + f0s044] oO Nd Generally speaking » 1} ts undasinabl. to test bef Specimun or molerigls with cose enysisllinn taut hue os fensile Jes{-piews- The bend tes! giv consisted rasdl - oe al bul these on only comparative . Th esl pie is 4080 cheaper fo make Tt can be shoun dhol | ay, M | dt el pt 48E1 Fan imply suppersted beam y= whink, = Modulus of Flashed T= Memen) J ‘rune. aboot feulnal onic L= Total length P= Lod ob Sh cenkn od dha berms Expt, No! J (b) fll No 1805049 4.0 Apparatus Reguined ; [3608040] Li) Univeregal Teching Machine, (5 dial Gouge. Lit) Glide Calpers, (iv) Beam altodment. #: L8OSO4GS Exp Nd: 1(b) Gy Measoned dhs dimansion, OF the Speen. ‘by Glido Cols pers &) Pacandad Dial (nauge Bnstant and Jorge lengt, ©) Sek up The beam. dfotehrvank Gnd Fe axod Gauge SU Hol He of the gouged Tout ender side OF He nofenanar beam d) Fixed speci man an fosthon e€) Heglied Voat dnd Mead He gauge muads wg Sons conversant inleavas- f) Treneond load ghaduadty SHIT q WO WO foamed PeruUeen Maker points ond speeimen bLAK g) Raronded HH TORLMOM and tre blanking leac-

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