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NAME: Enrique Alejandro Pilataxi Chevez

COURSE: 1 st “A”
TOPIC: Practice questions exercises

Rewrite the following sentences to create questions by placing the verb to be

before the subject. Don’t forget to include a question mark (?) in your answer.

1. The wheels are in the garage.

Are the wheels in the garage?

2. The sharpener is on my desk.

Is the sharpener is on my desk?

3. The toothbrush and toothpaste are in the bathroom.

Are the toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom?

4. My bathing suit is on the clothesline.

Is my bathing suit on the clothesline?

5. I am in your English class.

Am I in your English class?

6. It is cold outside.

Is it cold outside?

7. He is a policeman in the city.

Is he a policeman in the city?

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8. The coats are on the floor.

Are the coats on the floor?

9. Johanne and Veronique are in a meeting.

Are Johanne and Veronique in a meeting?

10. The toys are in the box downstairs.

Are the toys in the box downstairs?

11. The cow and calf are brown.

Are the cow and calf brown?

12. The orange juice is sweet.

Is the orange is sweet?

13. The frogs are in the pond.

Are the frogs in the pond?

14. The goldfish is in the bowl.

Is the goldfish in the bowl?

15. You are serious.

Are you serious?

16. Marie is French.

Is Marie French?

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