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ary She Moule eS aa DY Kee aa GI Art of Mind Control Compiled by Radheshyam Das M. Tech.,:1IT Mumbai. Director, VOICE Pune VOICE Rehindling Wisdom, Reviving Love ' Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture and Education (VOICE) . | ISKCON, 4, Tarapore Road, Next to Dastur Boys’ School, Camp, Pune-1, Phone: (020) 26332328, 26361855 E-mail: iyfpune, Web: Z, pa Ss Ms a ge 5 Scanned with CamScanner His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada aa Founder-Acharya of smational Society for Krishna consciousness (ISKCON) ‘Camaied be Rlagheshyam Das MTech. IT, Mumbai Assisted by Bega Das en tanya Charan Das BE (€ 81 SuncarVarOasooicen Previous Printing 56,000 5" Printing :Oct-2006, 5,090 Copies ao MD MANKIND'S PROBLEMS INCREASING DESPITE RAPID GROWTH OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY? WHy ARE ‘As we move into the 21"Cen- tury, we see that Science and Technology have reached heights, which could not have been imagined a few hundred years ago. There are so many modern amenities today like air-conditioners, vehicles, 5-star hotels, the finest of vehicles, communication system due to which the en- tire earth has shrunk, etc. The purpose of Sci- ences is to either eliminate all miseries, or at best to reduce miseries, and thereby bring more and more happiness in the lives of the common people. So what should we expect to find in the technologically most advanced countries? We should expect the most cher- Scanned with CamScanner ished qualities of love, peace and fraternity amongst the citizens. However, the present day scenario is just the opposite. The world’s leading eco- nomic giants, such as the United State: America and Japan, although hundred: times more scientifically and technologic advanced than India, strangely show the hi est suicide rates amongst the young and ric citizens! People are somehow ‘surviving’ it these countries. They are always anxiety-rid den, frustrated and very disturbed. We ai not philosophizing — we are just stati facts. The divorce rate in America today i more than 75% in the first three years of mar riage. More and more people (especially of the higher income class in the Western coun: tries) are forced to take sleeping pills in order to sleep at night, and they also visit psychia~ y trists regularly. People are SO tersified oo have to screen their guests through a len: their door, and for better safety they install several security systems. This ‘culture’ has now invaded Indian cities. People move ex- aclly ike rots or zombies with no emotions, or at best false emotions. If one moves out of the house after dusk and comes back alive, successfully escaping the drugs and women- hunting violent criminals, he can be consid- ered exceptionally lucky. WHAT IS MISSING IN OUR MODERN SOCIETY? His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, would often give an example, which illustrates the condition of modern society today. If we take a pack of dogs and put them in a locked room, what do You expect to happen? Would they be smiling 3 Saree Scanned with CamScanner at one another? Would they develop lov {ationships amongst themselves? Ong hardly expect that! In fact they would be ing, screaming, biting, quarreling and one another. A very similar situation ca observed in today's society. If ‘Knowledge Power’, what are we doing with all our kno edge if we are unable to control the world sit ation today? One need not blame the government, politicians, bureaucrats, police offi- cials, judiciary etc. for the problems that the world faces today. We are IN- TERNALLY DIS-TURBED, so we create disturbances for others. We have to evaluate the nature of our mind to understand the ART OF MIND CONTROL. 4 AMA ARE YOU A BAG OF FLESH WORTH RS, 110 ONLY? —— rere The biggest problem is the identity crisis. Who am? Am I this body, mind, intelligence, or the head, or the nose? If one can find out one's real identity, then he can work to- wards achieving lasting happi ness. We are not these bodies; we are pure spiritual souls (Atma). The existence of the soul is not based on the blind faith of a group of religious followers, as some people wrongly think. It can be proved through logic and understanding, Once a scientist analyzed all the chemicals present in the body and the total “Market Value” of the components of the body was just Rs. 110/-.1 Any- Scanned with CamScanner KNOW WHO YOU ARE BEFORE YOU KNOW YOUR MIND AMI THIS BODY? AMI THIS HAIR? AM I THIS HAND? AM I THIS COAT? AMI THIS NOSE? WHO AM 1? body is all in all, and of higher dimen- ther ues that this body who arg that there is thin his body, has to asl ety would sell him off for Fis.1107 if your friend travelling on his bicycle falls oft what will you do? Youwill forget the cycle ort fis 2000/- on the road and rush the ody of your friend worth Rs.110/- to the near est hospital. Even if your friend, riding in a Mercedes Benz, faces a head-on collision with another car, you'll anx- jously rush to the hospital with his Rs.110/- body, bothering the least about the Rs 25/- lakh car lying on the road side. So it is not difficult for a sane man to appreciate that there has to be something very special and supe- rior in a living body, which everyone values so much, even though one may not be in com- plete knowledge of the eternal soul. The soul 7 Scanned with CamScanner is the tal personality resi real eternal lity residing | int temporary body. Yet i its advancement, ig oie ng 7 ris useless body worth Rs, 10h inca thing more than a bag of chemicals inate Soul ean be compared toa diver the body toa vehicle. The soul ithe spas lie that makes the body appear alve and ae soul leaves the body, we say th person i dead. An analogy of a car can ieee lis regard. There are headlights in the caro see the oad, you aso see wih ol oes car Produc sound with the horn, also have two hands Gioia the same. But once the driver the car, the car cannot budge gets dow fof own, even after 100 years, Similar ee man dies, the body is exactly like a ¢ when a out a driver. The body, which veo ia see, is 8 Bago ead. It appears to be alive be- e of the soul. When actually body, the body be- Cause of the presenc the soul leaves the comes inactive. The body is also com soul is compared to a P: someone takes very good care of the cage by polishing it very carefully and keeping it clean, pat ignores the needs of the resident parrot, Mahe whole purpose of Keeping the parrot inthe cage is defeated. In today's society people ie making all possible arrangements only for bodily comforts and luxuries, but spiritually ev" eryone is starving, and hence everyone is un- happy and dissatisfied. CAUSE OF UNHAPPINESS AND ‘ORMULA FOR HAPPINESS. The Vedic scriptures explain that the soul is titutionally a resident of an eternal realm, pared to a cage and the farrot in the cage. So if const 9 Scanned with CamScanner tho spiritual world. It is Upanishads, ‘nity. aityanted | cotananam, eho bahunam, yo vidad tho Supreme Personality of Godhen amongst many, many Souls who aro ny dinate to Him. Evory soul is cdoment Subor. minute independence. He can choosy tla {0 love and serve God, oF to be indepen of God and struggle for the so-called ihe enjoyment in this material world. The sou. this world have ‘nag co} i, hati kame le Souls chosen the second Option, 4 HIND-INTELLIGENCE ; ELLIGENCE MECHANISM i: The knowledge vaustive and, ve andis bey (You may about the soul is quite ex- yond the 1 rele and the scope ofthis book tion: ‘Can fj pocket book publica 7 live fore Non about the gout yr. OF further informa. ‘he body senseee 1 one can understand "ott enmiad.inteligence mecha- : then one can learn to con- 10 Ne” nind ho comes to this material en he 6 " ‘- ine 800) wa aya gross and subtle covet warded 49 n ound world, atize him to the material s' ing ings ection or bond be- the conn o false CGO is hal pd material body and the soul. Every 0 i Ev- ts bodily consciousness. > oxhibits this as y cons¢ n eyone thinks in terms of "t and ‘mine To in oor clamblack,, "Lam tal, "1 am she 7 «aman Indian’, etc., is false ama brahman’, ego. True ego Is to realize oneself to be an etemal servant of God Intelligence is the decision-maker. It is sup- posed to discriminate between good and bad, and give proper direction and guidance to the mind, to know what to do and what not to do. The mind is the centre of all activities of the senses, and is a Scanned with CamScanner rrr ' inferior Material Energy Gross Subtle Elements_|| Elements 1. Earth 1. Mind f eal 2. Intelligenog eae 3. False Ego 8. Ether Mechanism of the MIND INTELLIGENCE Decision Maker MIND Storehouse of Thoughts, Untulllled Desires & Previou Experiences of all ideas of ent. The mind is the storehouse of thoughts, Untulfiled desires and prev! ous experiences. The func- tions of the mind are thinking, Dee ane feeling and willing. Mind is t ; eoerion centre for all knowledge-acauiring core. eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. ‘The senses (indriyas) are the direct link with the external world. Infor- mation is gathered by the THE SENSES five knowledge -acquiring senses (jnanendriyas) viz, the eyes, nose, ears, tongue (taste) and skin (touch), and the body acts with the help of the the reservoir sense enjoym Scanned with CamScanner always related to the five object of th senses, namely -form smell, sound,tast and touch. Everything we percive in the world falls one of the five categories of sense objects, Now we can illustrate with an example how the body-mind-intelligence mechanism works: When you are walking along the road ant you see a gulab jamun in a sweetmeat shop, first your eyes (one of the jnanendriyas) attracted by the gulab jamuns. This info! tion is passed on to the mind. The mind two things: the previous experience of the) sweet taste of gulab jamun and the input 0 seeing gulab jamun. The mind consults intelligence and the intelligence dictates tt your hands and legs (karmendriyas) to go t the shop and purchase the gulab Jamuns. In this way co-ordination lakes place between the inanendriyas, karmendriyas, the mind and intelligence, Wi THE CHARIOT OF THE BODY. following analogy can be found in the a of the Upanishads, which helps one to understand the gross body, mind, intelligence and the soul, It is described in the Vedic lit- erature that the gross material body is like a chariot. The soul is the passenger in the chariot. The intelligence is the driver and the mind is the driving instrument (the reins or ropes). Finally, the senses are the horses. If the senses (horses) are uncontrolled and wild, the body (chariot) will be led in the wrong di- teetions. If, however, the intelligence (driver) is strong and resolute, then he can exercise tight control on the mind (the reins), and thus restrain and discipline the senses (horses). The overall purpose of the whole soul- body arrangement can thus be fulfilled only if the senses are controlled. Therefore, we can understan the mind plays a pivota Scanned with CamScanner is the determination of the intelligence, me yet above the intel And yet abov ligence is the soul ; rea itis stated in the Bhagavad-gita (3. ei vorking senses ate superior to dull mat- ter, mind is higher than the senses; intelli- gence is still higher than the mind: and he (the soul) is even higher than the intelligence. THE MISERABLE ME The nature of the spitit soul is Sat-Cit-Ananda ie. the soul is etemal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. In contrast, the body is temporary ang full of ignorance and suffering. Because of this incompatibility between the two, the soul, \who is meant to be happy in an eternal blissful atmosphere. is never happy in this temporary miserable body, The soul has to repeatedh ly ex- Perience birth, old age, disease and death in Scanned with CamScanner = Hence Shankaracarya has sung: Punar api jananam punar api ‘maranam, Punar api janani jatare sayanam ‘ha samsare bahu dustare kripaya pare pahi murare “O Murari, Lord Krishna, | am repeatedly tossed in the waves of birth and death, tam forced to be born again and again and forced to die again and again. In this way | have been occupying the wombs of millions of mothers. Please kindly shower your merciful glance upon me and deliver me ‘rom this ocean of nescience.” 'n this way, the soul some- WY times is damned to occupy a dog's body or blessed to get a human body, depending on his iN Past desires and activities, This °76 of birth and death is like @ 18 a metimes you are at the forts otmOS atthe botiom Similarly the Or on taking one body after another sot Ne becomes completely purified and be- igs a surrendered devotee of God. NATURE OF THE MIND The mind (which is part of the subtle body) plays a major role in causing misery to the liv- ingbeing conditioned in material existence. So itis very important to know how the mind func- tions, its nature, its behaviour, and the method of controling it, in order to utilize it positively. THE JUMPING MONKEY ING MONKEY The mind is sometimes compared toa mon- key that jumps trom one branch to another, he mind never Stays stable on one object. It has a nature of thinking about one object at One lime and to think of another at the next 19 Scanned with CamScanner 4 ] | moment. The mindis also some- times compared to a child who is very restless and mischievous. Everyone is torn apart com- pletely in trying to satisty the de- ated no matter how many of its desires you try to fulfill. The mind is similar to an un- chaste prostitute who wears dif- ferent color dresses at different times to attract different types of men. Similarly, an uncontrolled mind completely ruins a person. Even a great personality like Arjuna frankly ad ‘mitted that the mind is very difficult to controb the Bhagavad-gita (B.G. 6.34) Arjuna says: chanealam hi manah krsna, pramathi balavad drdham tasyaham nigraham manye vayor iva suduskaga i d ulent, obstinate an stare subdue i | think ‘troliing the wind. is restless O Krishna, an fic in con Si a Arjupmt could have been possible for him to voi the wind with weapons, but innit al against the mind he felt he had no hope. =the mind very strong. UNCONTROLLED MIND: WHA’ CAN DO TO YOU “The position of a person whose mind and senses are uncontrolled becomes pitiable. On one side the tongue is pulling him to arrange for tasty food; then thirst drags one to get a suitable drink. Simultaneously, the sex organs clamor for satisfaction, and the sense of touch demands soft, sensuous objects. The belly harasses one until itis filled, the ears demand to hear pleasant sounds, the sense of smell hankers for pleasant aromas, and the fickle Scanned with CamScanner 4 easing sights. Thus the ean iring satis- fe yes 20" IO" Tg ibs: a aot entity i many directions. tray in all direc : Uncontrolled Ming: Can Do To You senses wander 25) eet ere ancontrolied mind ws no solution when y fall prey to bad |. + suicide, to free fioring; but he is inviting more In modern times Je getting stress, wwe ean practically S2e PeOF Ink of confidence, lack of determination an‘ 50 on... due to an uncontrolled mind. ‘What profiteth a man who has gained the entire riod, but has lost his own Soul? — certainly a eensible question. There is no pea happiness in accumulation of wealth, oF POS sessing bodily beauty, or in display of strength. The real secret of happiness is & controlled mind, which is gradually achieved through a God-conscious way of life. Disturbe d Senses, , Fi & Lusty Intellige ‘ickle Mii Scanned with CamScanner ne Personality of on of t bandh: who is situated within “e a : sas the Supersoul. 2 tof everyon Yenetnaivatmana ise? meena person IS fanattected by the du= hipsietien Si of material existence, namely dis- scold and heat, etc tress and happines' This state 1S practical Samadhi, of ab- sorption in the Supreme. Inthe Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna also @x- plains the nature of the uncontrolled mind. Such a mind is always making plans to enjoy the different sense pleasures. Lord Krishna says, ‘While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust ises. From anatmanas tu satrutve “For him esl satruvat { mind is tt 'S Conquered the mi he best of friends; but f or icc the | © who has failed to do greatest enemys his very mind will be the Nee, but th 1 sam Pert surgeon to ame kif is used by an develops,and from lust anger ari peal 's neither goo dnorty s life. The knife anger, complete delusion arises, and from de- ntrolled of bad. When the mil lusion bewilderment of memory. When n mint fection of ie, te cChieves the highest per memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost. and i when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.” (B.G2.62-63). The un- 25 cata ‘Scanned with CamScanner Yada samharate cayam kurmo ‘nganiva sarvasah indtiyhanindriyarthebhyas c tasya prajna pratisthi ‘One who is able to wit Pratisthita qT corte senses are compared to venom Cut roche ¥ Want to act loosely and J ottes ton But we must be strong eng rol the serpents - lik. + like a snake che © must never allow Pendently, There are mens se atl 2 engaging in activiti primarily meat-eating, gam! REGULATIVE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM ist refrain our senses from ies which only pollute our i tivities are nd consciousness. Such activities 2 omer bling, intoxication Similarly we mu vdlict sex. These activities must be strictly given up. Most people would say, “Why 2° you restricting me from doing what | want? | want tobe completely free and do what | like. Actually Lord Krishna describes such restric- lions as “regulative principles of free- dom”. One may argue, “What kind of free- dom is this? Restriction means no freedom. Such persons do not understand that by cul tivating bad habits one becomes a Slave of his senses. For example, a smoker may Say, “I smoke because | like it and it gives me more concentration in my work. But | smoke out of my own sweet, free will. Whenever | choose Scanned with CamScanner to, | can give it up." cause of their inflated oS " a Peorle become slaves of their habia" Inte eet BNE it Up throughout mar dae 1 world in the na roasts marae eMGAGES in tree sex’, Doone without any restriction and they beconw ° Sra to Such activities. Their minds wee satiated, torture and urge tne engage in these sinful activitios mane more. Besides this they suite, like AIDS and cancer and th royal road to hell. Me Of ‘free, terrible diseases ey also clear their AN IDLE MIND IS A EVILS WORKSHOP Y fou may question, “if you are telling me to = Itis ext engage the senses in super! important to Or spiritual ac- ities more ang tu> strong and impe are 50 way the mind even ho is endeavor id 12.60). So if the min jontrol them. (BG ed in superior ngagi ¢ are not el sense cious activities, then they will vite ‘ou to material sense en- There are many leamed sages. philoso- Me and transcendentalists who try to Con quer the senses but, in spite of their endeav- o's, even the greatest of them sometimes fall vicim to material sense enjoyment due to an \ agitated mind. The great sage Vishvamitra tried to practice mystic yoga with severe pen- ance by strictly controlling the mind and senses. But when he heard the tinkling of the ankle bells of Menaka, all the desires for sense enjoyment in Visvamitra's mind came up to the surface. He forgot all his yoga practices and enjoyed with her. Therefore, it is very difficult 31 Scanned with CamScanner to control the mind and sen: riencing a higher taste, and being eet ©xpe. conscious. Without engaging ou, ."Shn: Krishna, one cannot cease material any’ in iVities TWO POINT FORMULA. WITHDRAW YOUR SENSES & EN, THEM IN GOD'S SERVICE Contrary to Vishvamitra is the story of p great devotee Srila Haridas Thakur. Haridag Thakur absorbed himself completely in an tra meditation in chanting the Holy names op Lord Krishna. He would chant three hundreg thousand names of the Lord each day. The body of this extraordinary saint, who was con. stantly in trance, was maintained by spiritual strength from chanting, and he barely slept z all. He was so influential that all the neigh- fering people offered their respects 10 him bee andlord named Ramachandra Khan nvious of Haridas Thakur being 32 AGE a) =yLaTive PRINCIPLES oF FREECOI ari oF | No &é EATING No INTOXICATION| iW NO GAMBLING NO ILLICIT SEX unable to tolerate the great respect which was offered to Haridas Thakur, he schemed to dis- honor him. He sent a beautiful prostitute to allure Haridas in the dead of the night. The prostitute, after dressing hersell in a went to the cottage of Haridas sar Epes 1 of her body to his view. sing pat The cat aoe oy the threshold and spoke 10 ene sa et words. She told him, “My dear im it 33 AMD ree Scanned with CamScanner rr - Hardias. O great preacher. great devotee, you are so eauttully built, and your youth is just begining. Who is the woman who could con. troy her ming after seeing you? | am eager to De united with you. My mind is greedy tor this,» Hangas Thakur replied, “1 shall accept you without fail but you will have to wait until | have frxshed chanting my regular rounds on my beads Unbi that time, please sit and listen to the chanting of the Holy Name. As soon as | am finshed, | shall fullll your desire.” When he night came to an end, the prostitute be- came restiess. Seeing this, Haridas said, “1 have vowed to chant ten million names of Keema in one month. I tried my best to chant Bre rly name all night, but I still did not fin- Tomorrow | wall surely finish, and my vow wil be tut T © copy gd, Them Mt mil be possible for me were es in ull freedom.” The prosti- ame neg came again that night. The Handas continued to Mu | f the prostitute sat nearby waiti ant hevsh bis vow. Ths continued three continuous nights. By her constant hear- of Haridas’ chanting, the mind of the pros- titute changed. She began to cry and fell at the lotus feet of Haridas Thakur and revealed her evil intentions. She begged Haridas, *Kinaly instruct me in my duty by which | may get relief from material existence.” Haridas answered, “Chant the Hare Krishna mantra continuously and render service to Tulasi by watering her and offering prayers to her. In this way you will very soon get the shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna.” Haridas Thakur was not the least affected by the prostitute. In fact, he converted her into a great devotee of the Lord. ; When one engages in devotional service (Krishna consciousness), then automat material enjoyment becomes di P Krishna explains in the Gita that, besides 'e- ‘Scanned with CamScanner { Haridas, O great preacher, great devot are so beautifully built, and your youth beginning. Who is the woman who could, trol her mind atter seeing you? | am e united with you. My mind is greedy ford Haridas Thakur replied, “I shall accept fiihout fal, but you will have to wait until finished chanting my regular rounds 9 beads. Until that time, please sit and list the chanting of the Holy Name. As soon am finished, | shail fulfill your desire." W the night came to the Holy name all night, but 1.5 tit ale Fa ‘sh. Tomorrow I will surety finish, and my ¥ will be tultilled. Then it wit yo ossibie (eal to enjoy with you in tull heegone me Lute left and she came again they night. same thing happened. Haridas cone 3 sat nearby ee This continued fo! constant hear- 1d of the pros. arias and fell a angel She Cee revealed tuto cha y 3 feet of Haridas Haridas, the lotus feet of ‘abe pegged Ha evil intentions. which I may ‘Kindly instruct mein my aut eae ” Harldas 1ot relief from material Caen mantra tnswored, “Chant the Hare Kei pene In continuously and rende! Seat watering her and offering prayers ° re gel e is way you will very soon got the Shere’ © fa ious Toot of Krishna." Haridas 7! t, rostitute. In fact, hot the least affected by the Pree or the he converted her into a gr® Lord. and the prostitute mo nish his vow. This is nights. By her snanting, the min chant for him (0 three continuous i | service then ae engages devs eg (Krishna consciousness), then ee material enjoyment Pere nat, bosides r0- Krishna explains in the Scanned with CamScanner Over Mind & pL IAHARAJ ~ fo meditate on the lotus feet of the Mind Lord Eyes - to see the Lord Tongue - for honoring Ears - to hear the glori Mouth - to chant i Nose - to smell the Hands - to clean the tem le Legs -t0 walk to the engi ia Prasadam Ties Of the Lo: oly names, herd eM 10 the the Lord the Lord Gaining Complete Victo Senses — es from sinful activities, we aft engage our mind in His service and thus four consciousness on Him. He says in the shagavad-gita (B.G.2.61): tani sarvani samyamya yukta asita mat-parah vase hi yasyendriyani tasya prajna pratisthita ‘One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known to be a man of steady in- teligence.” The sure-shot method ot control- ling our mind and all our senses is to engage them in positive spiritual activities. In Vedic times the saintly kings would take taxes from the general people and use it to help the devotees to preach Krishna consciousness. They would build temples, which were like uni- Versities of Vedic wisdom and culture. These big temples of the Lord were built right in the center of the town so that many: people could ataining the Sens Lor Scanned with CamScanner gather there for spiritual education, The kings would not only help in Prope Krishna consciousness throughout the m but would also strictly practice the pring of Bhakti in their own lives. The exer Standards of devotional service set b saintly kings were followed by the comm People and thus they too would get a chan to Progress on the path to the spiritual world back home, back to Godhead. An excelleni Sample of such a great devotee-king Ambarisha Maharaja. The king engadill Prime duty of 5 God, we ate forced 0 conve ina rine ur heart such 68 lust, anger ang on am have for- described previously. Presently, we ionship wi \d and hence gotten our relationship Ga Saar the process of yoga is de Cece aiia dard Vedic texts in order to re ve our ov ‘elation with the Supreme Lor: a en various yogic processes for attail Piaivaget preme, but in this day and age of aera wich is described as the age of ae ple hypocrisy, there is only one way Fas chant: Ingo the Holy names of the Lord. This fimed in the Brhad-Naradiya Purana: harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam kalau nastyva naciyva nastyva gatir anya ' “In this age of ali Yuga the only Uae oF ftealzation is chanting the names of Lord Hari, chanting the names of Lord Hart, chant- ing the names of Lord Had, There way, no other way, no other way. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner one's heart. Itis further declared that tf no other way of self-realization from the Of View of all revealed scriptures. When you go toa medical shop, ath there are hundreds of medicines availe you only ask for a first ger(See the diagram) The de finger is not used, as it is ea sidered contaminated, Stat the bead next to the hea bead. Before chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra, ae hna-caitanya the Pachatatva mantra: sri kri s' ganas prabhu nityananda et eee Stivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda. ishna Now chant the maha-mantra: eee Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna ee cas Mare Rama Hare Rama Rama Sey ane Harell Then move onto hance ch the head chanting 108 times, you will lela igs bead and will then have comple! ‘sound without ‘found’, Now turn the beads a ‘gnother round Clossing the head bead ae va mantra. by again chanting Far shoukd ba performed Chanting is simple bre Chanting should be Bropeyyior banc that a person next to the atleast a Maha Mantra is Prescribed. The effect of st Spistual sound vibration (as the Holy nar the Lord) is a universal Principle, just like 'aw of gravity or Take the japa - mala la in the ig ing it between the thumbs ‘ght hand, hold: the middle fin: 42 7 Scanned with CamScanner Chanter can he; trate on hearin centration is m; ful for cleaning the mind wand ar it. While chanti 9 the maha crenting, ‘Mantre antra meditation av Our hearts, chant is early, in the fahma-muhurta, the © sunrise). One can ing (during the br. Slous period befor '0 any situation - fnish our faes segs tect but itis centration eariy ing on early in the mor I 9 one's routine daily activ ie before Hare Kris! ies, Krishna 44 Books published by Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture & :ducation (VOICE) ___— cation CS ae Spaitalty for the modern Youth series + Discover Yourself «Your Best Friend + Your Secret Journey + Victory Over Death e Yoga of Love Pocket Books * Artof Mind Control + Practical Tips to Mind Control © Can | Live Forever? * Do We Live More Than Once? + Other Books + Essence of Bhagavad-eita «Youth Preaching Manual ® Bhagavad-gita 7 day Course «Values 5 rey Faces, Crying Hearts ili. Scanned with CamScanner = ‘Scanned with CamScanner “For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.” (Bhagavad Gita) From stress to heart attack, from depression to suicide, from petty quarrels to wars, the culprit behind all edged) re) the uncontrolled mind. MUD To Meee C-Moy fof mind determines the quality of one’s entire iC Tee Ng anyone even knows what the mind Te EP ot) Cfo collate pt a Unravel the mysteries of the mind with the torchlight of Vedic wisdom and master the Science and the art of mind control. Read... Reflect... Reform... Rejoice |

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