F I N D S F I: Having A Jrotc Program

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Chapter 10: Planning Skills and Social Responsibility Lesson 1: Making the Right Choices

Exercise 1: Using FINDS


1. Apply the FINDS model to resolve the scenario:

A small group of students in a new school w to implement a JROTC program. They need to
convince the school administration to admit to a JROTC program. The group needs to
recruit enough students to meet the size requirements for starting a JROTC program. In
addition, they must attend the next county school board meeting to convince the board
that JROTC is an important and worthy program. Select the most pressing problem as you
see it, and resolve it using FINDS.

2. Use the fishbone diagram below to diagram your answers. Let each step in the model
represent one “rib” on the diagram.

1 – Figure out the problem.

2 – Identify solutions. F I
3 – Name the pros and cons of each choice.
4 – Decide which is the best choice, then act on it.
5 – Scrutinize the Decision. Fund issues
Lack of 1.)Place posters
people and pamphlets
interested around the
Convincing the school
2.) search up and look at other
board on why this schools that have the JROTC
program is a good program and ask them for advice
Having a choice on how they got accepted

program It is best to work on option
#2 since it’s a credible
source and it can help us
understand what makes
up a JROTC program.

Can write down notes and

It can help spread the news around prepare a document of what to
quicker and inform people (pro) I wasn’t able say in order to be prepared
It can help us see how to convince the to fit it so it’s
board and how people recruit students on the side

It can cause money usage which we only

have a limited amount of funds to do so
Is a bias source since it’s people that are
already in the program and enjoy it. N D S

Unit 3: Foundations for Success

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