Module No.1 Media Information and Literacy Q4W1 2

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Media and Information Literacy

Campaign to Combat Digital Divide, Addiction,

and Bullying

Module 1

Quarter 4, Week 1&2

Media and Information Technology
Senior High School
Locally-Developed Module
Quarter 4-Week 1 - 2: Campaign to Combat Digital Divide, Addiction,
and Bullying
First Edition, 2020
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted
to any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system
without written permission from the publisher and authors.
Published by the Schools Division Office (SDO) Dagupan City
OIC, Schools Division Superintendent: Aguedo C. Fernandez
OIC, Asst Schools Division Superintendent: Ma. Criselda G. Ocang

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jerome V. Bustillo / Dennis A. Evangelista
Editor: Lucelito D. Cornel
Language Evaluators: Dawn Criselle Handig
Alma Acierto
Layout Artist: Jerome V. Bustillo
Reviewers: Reynante R. Carrera
Renato R. Santillan
Management Team: Venus Maria SM. Estonilo
Maria Linda R. Ventenilla
Renata G. Rovillos
Cherry A. Cayabyab
Agnes B. Royulada
Department of Education-SDO Dagupan City
Office Address: Burgos Street, Poblacion Oeste, Dagupan City
Telefax: (075) 515-6009
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Learning Objective:
The learner demonstrates understanding of Media and
Information Literacy (MIL) and related concepts.

This module aims to:

• Understand the effect of digital divide, addiction and bullying
• Evaluating own actions while engaging in social media.
• Create a campaign in fighting digital division, addition and
cyber bullying.

In doing this module, please fol-

low these reminders…
1. Take the pretest before work-
ing or answering the module.
2. Perform the activities as sug-
3. Answer all the exercises.
4. Check your answers against
the Key to Correction.
5. Take the Post Test.

True or False
Directions: Write True or False on the space before the 
number. divide/#:~:text=What%20the%20Data%20Reveals%
_______1. One of the symptoms of being a digital addict is 
spending a lot of time playing video games. solutions/
_______2. Making mean comments about you is not bullying.
_______3. Having a slow internet connection is an example of 20is%20compulsive,areas%20of%20the%20person's%
digital divide.
_______4. Owning or not owning a smart phones is not an 
issue of digital divide. man.html
_______5. Withdraws from friends and activities to spend time 
playing mobile games is an example of being a
digital addict.
_______6. Skipping meals to play video games.
_______7. Sneaks and lies about game playing or Internet Prepared by:

True or False

Post-Test Enumeration:
1. True A.(11– 15) _______8. Bullying is when anyone or someone ever spread
2. False • Set Limit mean or untrue rumors about you on the internet.
3. True • Alternative Activities
4. False • Outdoors
5. True • Reward _______9. Gender divide is a type of digital divide.
6. True • Talk
7. True
_______10. Universal Access Divide refers to unequal access
8. True B. (16-20)
9. True • Social or Interactive Media
10. False • Text messaging Application _______11. Having short temper is an effect of being
11. True • E-mail addictive to mobile games.
12. False • Online Games
13. False • Chat Rooms
14. False _______12. Mocking is not an example of bullying.
15. True C. (21-23)
• Mentally _______13. To prevent bullying you have to fight back by
Pre-test • Emotionally
1. C bullying them too.
• Physically
2. B
3. C D. (24-25) _______14. Women are less likely to own a phone or access
4. B
• Help Kids / Teens
5. A the internet, illustrating social divide.
Understand Bullying and
6. B it’s effect
7. D _______15. Tying to limit time in playing video games is one
• Keep the Lines of
8. A
Communication Open of the solution to prevent digital addict.
9. C
• Encourage Kids to Do
10. B
What They Love
• Model How to Treat Others
with Kindness and Respect

WHAT IS A DIGITAL DIVIDE? 9. This are sign of computer games addiction, except.
A. Contemplating gaming all or a ton of the time
A digital divide is a computerized partition is a monetary B. Having issues at work, school, or home
and social disparity concerning admittance to, utilization of, or C. Feeling happy when you cannot play
effect of data and correspondence technologies (ICT). This are D. Playing regardless of these issues
gap in terms of access to and usage of information and
communication technology in other word, the question of having 10. This would be the most harmful effect of playing video games.
or not having an access to the technology. A. Decrease social practice in social cooperation.
B. Short tempered that may lead to hurting others.
Conceptualizations of the computerized partition have been C. Health issues that can cause illness.
depicted as "who, with which attributes, interfaces how to D. Broken family.
• Who is the subject that associates: people, associations,
endeavors, schools, clinics, nations, and so forth. Directions: Enumerate the following information need on each
• Which qualities or properties are recognized to depict the gap: number.
pay, schooling, age, geographic area, inspiration, motivation
not to utilize, and so forth. A. Five things to avoid video game addiction (11-15)

• How complex is the use: simple access, recovery, intelligence, B. Five internet locations where cyberbullying happens(16-20)

concentrated and broad in utilization, creative commitments, C. Three negative effects to a person being bullied (21-23)

and so on. D. Two ways to prevent Cyberbullying (24-25)

• To what in particular does the subject interface: fixed or

portable, Internet or communication, computerized TV,
broadband, and so forth.

4. When were games introduced in the market?
A. 1940’s C. 1960’s • To what in particular does the subject interface: fixed or
B. 1950’s D. 1970’s portable, Internet or communication, computerized TV,
broadband, and so forth.
5. Base on the research in 2016, how many women do not have
access to internet?
A. 250 million C. 500 million
B. 300 million D. 600 million

6. What would be the main reason why there are still women how
cannot access the internet?
A. Traditional Issues C. Women empowerment
B. Gender Gap D. Poverty

7. The following were the most common concerns about video

games except.
A. Are computer games unsafe? Figure 1. Gini Coefficients for Telecommunication Capacity
B. Do computer games cause animosity?
C. Are computer games addictive?
D. Can kids play computer games?

8. How many observable signs does a person you have to possess

for you to be considered as computer game addict?
A. Four signs in one year
B. Three signs in one year
C. Six signs in one year

Multiple Choice

10 STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

The ITU and UNESCO have proposed 10 1. Why is it important to increase the affordability of gadgets and
methodologies to address the computerized partition. They internet connection?
suggest the advancement of computerized incorporation in A. More people can have it.
broadband plans and computerized economy endeavors. They B. Crimes will increase due to misinformation being send over the
likewise propose expanding endeavors to improve internet.
computerized education and advanced abilities. Furthermore, C. It will boost the economy due to technology advancement.
the two gatherings propose a joining of free approaches into all D. None of the above
-inclusive access and administration (UAS) activities.
2. How can we empower the society in using the technology?
A fourth technique is the help of imaginative A. Give them free device that they can use.
approaches focusing on underserved and underestimated B. Educate them the proper way on how to use the technology.
gatherings. They likewise suggest organizations guarantee C. Let them learn on their own.
that activities mull over organization inclusion and framework D. Send video tutorials and handbooks.
needs. The two gatherings additionally highlight making
shields to secure kids online as a significant procedure. 3. Why do you think that the improvement or reconstruction of
internet infrastructure is important to fight against digital division?
Moreover, they prescribe the help of endeavors to give A. So that everyone can play mobile games.
broadband networks to outcasts and uprooted people. They B. In ICT community, the faster the internet is the better country
additionally propose the restricting of natural effects in public you are living with.
broadband plans. Empowering and assessing ICT C. The better infrastructure, the faster the internet is, that will lead
advancements is another proposed procedure. At long last, the to faster information dissemination.
associations suggest the advancement of broadband D. The economy will increase its profits.

Multiple Choice

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is it important to increase the affordability of Gadgets and
internet connection?
A. More people can have it. 1. Increase affordability — internet and device
B. Crimes will increase due to misinformation being send over the affordability will result to increasing of numbers of internet
C. It will boost the economy due to technology advancement. users and for developing country it will attract investors that
D. None of the above will lead to the increase of the economy, on the other hand it
will help us fight digital division.
2. How can we empower the society in using the technology?
A. Give them free device that they can use. 2. Empowering users — teaching the community to
B. Educate them the proper way on how to use the technology. maximize the use of digital device.
C. Let them learn on their own.
D. Send video tutorials and handbooks. 3. Improve the relevance of online content — as
indicated by research, the top obstruction to web entrance in
3. Why do you think that improving or reconstruction of internet
infrastructure is important to fight against digital division? non-industrial nations is pertinence. This is on the grounds
A. So that everyone can play mobile games. that, as a rule, individuals can't discover content, online
B. In ICT community, the faster the internet is the better country administrations or web and portable applications in their
you are living with.
essential language. Also, the vast majority in provincial
C. The better infrastructure, the faster the internet is, that will lead
to faster information dissemination. territories do not have the vital essential instruction to
D. The economy will increase its profits. comprehend a great deal of online substance.
4. Since when video games were introduced in the market?
A. 1940’s C. 1960’s 4. Internet infrastructure development— for users
B. 1950’s D. 1970’s appreciation countries should develop internet infrastructure
to speed up the internet capacity. The better internet
5. Base on research in 2016, how many women does not have
access to internet? infrastructure the fast the internet is.
A. 250 million C. 500 million
B. 300 million D. 600 million

6. What would be the main reason why there are still women how
cannot access the internet?
5. Address gender gap in internet access— base on ACTIVITY 2
research in 2016 shows that there are 250 million fewer (SLOGAN EXPLANATION)
women internet users than man. In this research, it shows
that gender equality is still being violated when it comes with In this activity, you are to create a of video (2-3 minutes)
internet usage. To solve this problem, we must allow of the SLOGAN you’ve created in Activity Number 1. Each
everyone to user the internet without any gender member should have their own video explaining the output.(20
discrimination. points)

WHAT IS VIDEO GAMES ADDICTION? NOTE : Be sure to upload your video and tag your subject
Computer or Video Game addiction is a type of
conduct addiction that can be portrayed as the unreasonable or Rubrics:
enthusiastic utilization of the PC which endures in spite of
5 3 1
genuine pessimistic ramifications for individual, social, or work- Neatness of the The video res- The video res- The video res-
related capacity. Video olution is clear olution is olution is not
sometimes that clear
Computer games incorporate PC games, support games,
Content Rele- The Video is The Video is The Video is
arcade machine games, and even phones, and progressed mini- vant relevant with sometimes not that rele-
computer games. Games can be installed in long-range informal the topic relevant with vant with the
the topic topic
communication locales, for example, Facebook.
Timely 3mins Less than 2 Less than 1
mins min
Since the 1950s, gaming has developed into a multi- Narration The narration The narration The narration
is clear is sometimes is not clear
billion dollar industry. A few people are worried about the drawn-
out impacts of computer game playing, especially in kids.

Concerns focus on the accompanying inquiries:
"Are computer games unsafe?"
"Do savage computer games cause animosity?"
"Are computer games addictive?"
1. Create a SLOGAN about the following topics: Digital Divide,
Digital Addiction, and Digital Bullying. (Choose only one topic). While research is uncertain, there have all the earmarks
2. Communicate with your group members via Facebook of being proof that computer games can be hurtful, can build
messenger through a group chat. Be sure to add your subject animosity, and can be addictive.
teacher in your respective groups.
However, these impacts are profoundly individual and
may include a lot of a bigger number of components than
• Oslo Paper with border. essentially the measure of time spent messing around.

• Coloring materials ( Water Color, Cryon, or Oil pastel)

5 4 3 2 Score
The DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Craft- Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is dis-
manship exception- attractive acceptably tractively Mental Disorders incorporates a part to help individuals and
ally attrac- in terms of attractive messy specialists know the admonition indications of issue video
tive neatness
Creativi- Slogan is Slogan has Slogan is Slogan not gaming. These issues can happen whether you play on the web
ty exception- good creative on that creative. or disconnected.
ally crea- amount of some
tive thought. thought
Original- Exception- Good use Average use No original
ity ally use of of new of new ide- ideas applied.
new ideas ideas as.
Gram- There are There is 1 There is 2 There are 2
mar no gram- grammati- grammatical or more
matical cal mis- mistakes grammatical
mistakes take. mistakes

14 5
This is what to search for in yourself or somebody The most widely recognized where cyberbullying happens
near you - your accomplice, a kid, or a companion. You need are:
to have at least five of these signs in 1 year to have an issue, 1. Social or Interactive Media, for example, Facebook,
as indicated by standards that were proposed in the DSM-5: Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok
2. Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet
1. Contemplating gaming all or a ton of the time devices
2. Feeling terrible when you can't play 3. Instant messaging, direct messaging, and web based talking
3. Expecting to invest increasingly more energy playing to feel over the web
better 4. Online discussions, chat rooms, and message sheets, for
4. Not having the option to stop or even play less example, Reddit
5. Not having any desire to do different things that you used 5. Email
to like 6. Web based gaming networks
6. Having issues at work, school, or home due to your
gaming What are the effects of being bullied?

7. Playing regardless of these issues • Mentally — feeling upset, embarrassed, stupid, even angry
• Emotionally — feeling ashamed or losing interest in the
8. Misleading individuals near you about how long you
things you love
spend playing
• Physically — tired (loss of sleep), or experiencing symptoms
9. Utilizing gaming to ease terrible dispositions and
like stomach aches and headaches

How can we prevent Bullying?

• Help Kids / Teens Understand Bullying and it’s effect
• Keep the Lines of Communication Open
• Encourage Kids to Do What They Love
• Model How to Treat Others with Kindness and Respect

6 13
Hurtful Effects of Video Games
• Expanded forceful considerations and forceful practices,
especially in youngsters under age 10.
• Expanded danger of light-initiated seizures,
musculoskeletal issues of the furthest points and
expanded metabolic rate.
• Decreased favorable to social (agreeable) practices in
social cooperation.

How can we avoid video games addiction?

Figure 2
• Set Limit
• Alternative Activities
Just as habit, the accompanying unsafe impacts have
• Outdoors
been discovered to be identified with computer game use:
• Reward
• Talk
• Expanded forceful considerations and forceful practices,
especially in youngsters under age 10.
What is Digital Bullying?

• Expanded danger of light-initiated seizures, musculoskel-

Digital Bullying or Cyberbullying is tormenting that
etal issues of the furthest points and expanded metabolic
happens over gadgets like mobile phones, PCs, and tablets.
Cyberbullying can happen through SMS, Text, and
applications, or online in web-based media, discussions, or
• Decreased favorable to social (agreeable) practices in
gaming where individuals can see, take an interest in, or
share content.

12 7
How can we combat digital divide?
• Increase affordability
• Empowering users
• Improve the relevance of online content
1. Set Limits—give time limitation in playing computer
• Internet infrastructure development
games and stick to it.
• Address gender gap in internet access
2. Alternative Activities—make your self busy by engaging
your self to activities that will divert your attention to com-
Computer or Video Game addiction is a type of
puter games.
conduct addiction that can be portrayed as the unreasonable or
3. Outdoors— go outside and enjoy the company of others,
enthusiastic utilization of the PC which endures in spite of
travel and explore the new things outside the four conners
genuine pessimistic ramifications for individual, social, or work-
of your box.
related capacity.
4. Reward—for kids, let them earn the privilege to play as a
reward after doing something else like reading his books,
Signs of Video Games Addiction
doing his or her homework, or doing house chores. This
1. Contemplating gaming all or a ton of the time
will develop time management and being responsible in
2. Feeling terrible when you can't play
prioritizing activities. They will understand that they need
3. Expecting to invest increasingly more energy playing to feel
to acquire all that they need to appreciate.
5. Talk—the best solution to avoid video game addiction is
4. Not having the option to stop or even play less
communication. By communicating you can explain the
5. Not having any desire to do different things that you used to
negative effect when they play video games.
6. Having issues at work, school, or home due to your gaming
7. Playing regardless of these issues
8. Misleading individuals near you about how long you spend
9. Utilizing gaming to ease terrible dispositions and
7 11
A digital divide is a computerized partition is a WHAT IS DIGITAL BULLYING?
monetary and social disparity concerning admittance to,
utilization of, or effect of data and correspondence Digital Bullying or Cyberbullying is tormenting that
technologies (ICT) happens over gadgets like mobile phones, PCs, and tablets.
Conceptualizations of the computerized partition have Cyberbullying can happen through SMS, Text, and applica-
been depicted as "who, with which attributes, interfaces how to tions, or online in web-based media, discussions, or gaming
what": where individuals can see, take an interest in, or share con-
tent. Cyberbullying incorporates sending, posting, or sharing
• Who is the subject that associates: people, associations, negative, unsafe, bogus, or mean substance about another
endeavors, schools, clinics, nations, and so forth. person. It can incorporate sharing individual or private data

• Which qualities or properties are recognized to depict the about another person causing shame or embarrassment.

gap: pay, schooling, age, geographic area, inspiration, Some cyberbullying goes too far into unlawful or criminal con-
motivation not to utilize, and so forth. duct.

• How complex is the use: simple access, recovery,

intelligence, concentrated and broad in utilization, creative The most widely recognized where cyberbullying hap-

commitments, and so on. pens are:

• To what in particular does the subject interface: fixed or 1. Social or Interactive Media, for ex-

portable, Internet or communication, computerized TV, ample, Facebook, Instagram, Snap-

broadband, and so forth. chat, and Tik Tok

2. Text messaging and messaging
apps on mobile or tablet devices Figure 3.
3. Instant messaging, direct messaging, and web based
talking over the web
4. Online discussions, chat rooms, and message sheets, for
example, Reddit
5. Email
11 8
3. Encourage Kids to Do What They Love—Help kids par-
Bullying makes a culture of dread and adversely af- take in exercises, interests, and diversions they like. Chil-
fects everybody included. Being tormented can genuinely in- dren can chip in, play sports, sing in a theme, or join a young
fluence an individual's physical, enthusiasm, scholastic, and gathering or school club. These exercises allow children to
social prosperity. Numerous victims of tormenting need cer- have a good time and meet others with similar interests.
tainty, feel awful about themselves, have not many compan- They can assemble certainty and fellowships that help shield
ions and invest a great deal of energy alone. kids from bullying

Bullying is an upsetting trial, one that numerous indi- 4. Model How to Treat Others with Kindness and Re-
viduals discover hard to talk about. Those being tormented spect— the Golden Rule “Treat other the way you want to be
constantly inquire as to why me? They may feel embarrassed treated”. Set an example to other by showing love and
a lot that they are not confronting the domineering jerk and kindness to others.
manage what is befalling them.

Bullying can heavily affect an individual which can last

into adulthood. Even from a pessimistic standpoint, torment-
ing has driven kids and teenagers to self-hurt and even self-
destruction or suicide.

9 10
HOW CAN WE PREVENT BULLYING? The effects can last a long time and affect a person
in many ways:
1. Help Kids / Teens Understand Bullying and it’s effect.
• Mentally — feeling upset, embarrassed, stupid, even
Discussion about what bullying is and how to face it angry
securely. Tell kids bullying is unsatisfactory. Ensure kids
realize how to find support. Encourage kids to speak to a • Emotionally — feeling ashamed or losing interest in the
trusted adult if they are bullied or see others being bullied. things you love
The adult can give comfort, support, and advice, even if they
can’t solve the problem directly. Encourage the child to report • Physically — tired (loss of sleep), or experiencing symp-
bullying if it happens. toms like stomach aches and headaches

2. Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Talk to them regularly at least 15 mins a day. Hear
them out. Know their companions, get some information
about school, and comprehend their interests. Ask questions
about what happen today, make them comfortable to open up
with you, with this we can give proper intervention to avoid
worst thing to happen.

Be sure to remember these


Figure 4.

10 9

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