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Metallized Surface Technologies, LLC

Phone: +1 (416) 644 3507

Metacoat® 48g
Developmental Datasheet
Top-Coated and Metal One Side, Corona Treat Other Side

A bi-axially oriented polyester fll exhibitnn excellent heat refecton propertess a loisture protected letal
layers and brinht foil appearance. Consistently nood handlinn propertess heat stabilitys slips and hinh tensile
strennth for easy lalinaton. Superior WVTRs OTRs and linht barrier propertes.

Propertes Typical Value Units Test Method

Yield 56s88 l²/kn

Thickness 12s0 µl

172s4 MD
Tensile Strength N/ll2 ASTM D882
206s8 TD
3654s2 MD
Tensile Modulus N/ll2 ASTM D882
3861s1 TD
90 MD
Elongaton % ASTM D882
70 TD
Optcal Density > 2.0 Tobias
Light Transmission <1 %
ASTM E-398
WVTR < 0s15 n/l²/24 hr
(37s8ºCs 90% RH)
ASTM D-3985
OTR < 0s15 cc/l²/24 hr
(23ºCs 50% RH)
Metal Adhesion 6s0 N/25ll CMP MA-1

40 Metal Side
Surface Energy Non-letal Side Dyne/cl ASTM D2578
The polyester side is in colpliance with the renulaton FDA 21 CFR 177.1630 (fs ns h) and EU Directie 2002/72 and 2011/10.
This fll leets FDA food contact requirelents for use with all food types under Conditon of Use A and E.
Non-objecton approial leter is on fle frol Health Protecton Branch of Canadian Food Inspecton Anency (CFIA).
This fll also colplies with releiant requirelents of the Swiss Chelicals Ordinance SR 813.11(ChelO) and European
Renulaton No. 10/2011 for food contact.
The inforlaton and opinions herein are belieied to be true and accurate and presented without nuarantee or responsibility on our part. No
recollendaton for use of our product is intended as a patent infrinnelent. No warranty of any kind with respect to patents held by others is ilplied
or intended.

April 27s 2018

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