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Alternative Investment

• Asset Allocation to Alternative Investments

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Exam focus

• Explain the roles that alternative investments play in multi-asset portfolios.

• Compare alternative investments and bonds as risk mitigators.
• Compare traditional and risk-based approaches.
• Discuss approaches to asset allocation to alternative investments.
• Discuss investment considerations in allocating to alternative investments.
• Discuss suitability considerations in allocating to alternative investments.
• Discuss the importance of liquidity planning in allocating to alternative investments.
• Discuss considerations in monitoring alternative investment programs.

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Various types of alternative investments
• Hedge funds
• Private equity
• Private credit (distressed investment、direct lending)
• Real estate
• Direct
• Indirect (eg. REITs)

• Real assets (timber, commodities, farmland, energy, and infrastructure assets )

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The role of alternative investments
• Increase returns
• Decrease risks
• Diversification across asset classes ( low correlation)
• Others
• Capital growth

• Provide income

• Safety (preservation of value)

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The role of hedge funds
• Some hedge fund strategies, such as equity long/short or short
bias, may somewhat reduce a portfolio’s overall equity beta but
are mainly expected to increase returns through their
managers’security selection skill.
• Other hedge fund strategies, such as merger arbitrage or global
macro, may be less correlated with traditional asset classes.

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The role of private equity
• For a portfolio of public equity securities, an allocation to private
equity has limited diversification potential because public and
private companies face essentially the same risk factors.
• The main function of private equity in the portfolio is to increase
expected returns.

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The role of private credit
• Direct lending is primarily an income-producing investment. For
a given range of credit quality, the risk-return profile tends to be
similar for direct lending and publicly traded debt, except that
direct lending has additional risk (and an expected return
premium) due to its illiquidity.
• Distressed debt has a risk-return profile more like equity
securities, because factors specific to the issuer have a greater
effect on the debt’s performance than factors that affect fixed-
income investments in general.

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The role of commercial real estate
• Real estate investments can hedge inflation risk.
• Rental income

• The value of properties owned

• Diversification

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The role of real assets
• Assets such as commodities, farm and timberland, and
infrastructure also protect against inflation risk.
• Asset holdings can target particular subsets of inflation risk, such
as energy, food, or building materials.
• Infrastructure investments require a longer time horizon and their
correlation with inflation may be limited, for example, by utility rate

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Diversifying equity risk
• Compare alternative investments and bonds as risk mitigators in
relation to a long equity position
• Short investment horizon——returns volatility
• Bonds is better
• The data of alternatives is biased downward
• Appraisal-based valuations
• Sampling biases, such as survivorship bias and backfill bias
• volatility of returns on the index <index components
• Long time horizon——failing to achieve a minimum required rate of
• Alternatives is better

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1. Which of the following categories of alternative investments would be most appropriate for
diversifying a portfolio of public equity?

A. Private equity and short-bias hedge funds.

B. Long-short hedge funds and distressed debt.
C. Commercial real estate and global macro hedge funds.

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Traditional and risk-based approaches
• Traditional approach (asset classes grouped by……)
• liquidity
• how they perform over economic cycles

• Risk-based approach

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Traditional approach——by liquidity

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Traditional approach——by economic

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Risk-based Approach
• Some alternative investment classes are similar to traditional asset
classes in terms of factor sensitivity.
• private equity vs public equity
• private credit vs publicly traded high yield bonds

• Defining asset classes involves statistically estimating their

sensitivities to risk factors identified by the manager. Examples
may include economic growth and inflation, interest rates and
credit spreads, liquidity……

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Risk-based Approach
• Advantages
• Identifying sources of risk that are common across asset classes.
• Developing an integrated risk management framework and highlighting
the primary drivers of portfolio risk.

• Disadvantages
• Risk factor estimates can be sensitive to the period used for analysis.
• The results may also be more difficult to communicate to decision makers
and to implement compared to traditional approaches.

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For alternative investments as an asset class, appraisal-based valuations and sampling biases
are believed to overstate:

A. returns.
B. risk measures.
C. diversification benefits.

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Investment considerations
• As with any asset allocation decision, an allocation to alternative
investments must consider their risk, expected return, and returns
correlation with the existing portfolio.
• Specific factors to be considered: the choice of investment
vehicles to be used, liquidity concerns, expenses and fees, the tax
status of the investments, and the ability to obtain the expertise
needed to invest successfully.

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Investment vehicles
• A typical structure for an alternative investment vehicle is a
limited partnership. The investment manager is the general
partner and investors in the fund are limited partners.
• A fund-of-funds (FOF)manager can pool capital from investors
and use it to invest in limited partnerships, which is suitable for
investors that lack the needed expertise.
• Separately managed accounts (SMAs) & fund of one
• Some open-ended mutual funds & “undertakings for collective
investment in
• transferable securities”(UCITS)

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Liquidity Concerns
• Limited partnerships for alternative investments are typically
structured with subscription provisions for accepting capital, lock-
up periods, and restrictions on redemptions.
• For hedge funds
• May accept new capital quarterly or monthly
• Impose lock-up periods (often six months or a year) during which limited
partners may not make redemptions or may do so only with a penalty
• Offer redemptions on a quarterly or annual schedule as well as requiring
a notice period prior to redemptions. They may also impose “gates” or
maximum amounts that can be redeemed at any one time.
• Side pocket
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Liquidity Concerns
• For funds in the private equity, private credit, real estate, and real
asset sectors, liquidity provisions are often more strict than is
typical for hedge funds.
• Subscriptions are structured in “closes” for new investors, usually over
one year.
• Limited partners commit a stated amount of capital, and the general
partner will “call” this capital over an investment period (such as 3 to 5
years) as they identify investment opportunities.
• Redemptions are typically not available. Instead, the fund will distribute
capital over its life (often 10 to 12 years) as it exits its investments.
• A small secondary market exists for limited partnerships, but transactions
often take place at significant and may require approval from the general
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$10 Million Capital Commitment to a Hypothetical Private Equity Fund

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Expenses, Fees, and Taxes
• 2 and 20
• 2% of assets under management,
• 20% of incentive fee on gains
• Funds with calldown structures charge management fees on the
amount of committed capital, regardless of how much of it has
been called down.
• Ensure that investments, and the investment vehicles used to
invest, are consistent with their tax situations

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Intermediaries or In-House Programs
• An in-house program may be appropriate for an investor that
needs highly customized solutions, desires close control over its
investment program, or wishes to implement co-investments with
general partners.
• The “build or buy” decision depends on whether the investor can
produce similar results to those of an intermediary at lower cost
or generate returns high enough to offset any costs in excess of
the costs charged by an intermediary

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1. A limited partnership structure with a single client is known as:
B. a fund of one.
C. a separately managed account.

2. Cash flows from investors into a private equity limited partnership:

A. are at the discretion of the general partner.
B. will be 100% invested after three to five years.
C. are made only on the establishment date of the partnership.

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3. Which of the following terms describes the practice of a hedge fund designating certain of
its investment holdings as exempt from the fund’s ordinary redemption terms?
A. Gate.
B. Lock-up.
C. Side pocket.

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Suitability considerations
• Large investors who have or can hire the specialized knowledge
• Believe that skilled managers can create value through active
• Long time (investment) horizon
• Have a strong governance program
• Be comfortable with a lower level of transparency

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Approaches to asset allocation to alternative investments

• A suggested approach to including alternative investments in an asset

allocation decision is to do it in two stages, first with only the traditional asset
classes and then also considering alternative investments.
• Modeling the risk and return properties of alternative investments is
• Asset valuations are based on appraisals, returns data are likely to be artificially
smoothed and are often stale.
• Relatively short history of alternative investments, which may result in small-sample
and time-period biases.
• The distribution of returns is also known to be non-normal, exhibiting skew and
excess kurtosis to a greater extent than traditional asset classes

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Approach 1——Mean-variance optimization
• Limitations
• An excessive allocation to alternative investments, particularly to illiquid
investments such as private equity, especially when the data are not
properly adjusted for smoothed returns.

• A guideline rather than a prescription.

• Small changes in the inputs may generate significant changes in optimal

asset allocations.

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Approach 2——Monte Carlo simulation
1. Decide between asset class returns or risk factors as the variables
to be simulated.
2. Define how the model should behave statistically, for example by
accounting for properties like mean reversion, fat-tailed
distributions, or unstable correlations.
3. If the model is based on risk factors, translate them to asset class
4. Use the resulting asset class return scenarios to develop
meaningful outputs, such as the probability of a shortfall to a
portfolio’s required or target rate of return.
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Approach 3——Risk factor based optimization
• Similar to MVO, but instead of modeling asset classes by their
return and risk characteristics, the investor models risk factors and
factor return expectations. Exposures to risk factors are optimized
with respect to an overall risk budget.
• A risk factor based approach requires the additional step of
translating the optimized risk exposures to an asset allocation to
achieve them.
• Limitations
• Sensitivity to some risk factor exposures might not be stable over time.
• The correlations among risk factors may behave like correlations among asset class returns
and increase during periods of financial stress.
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liquidity planning
An investor can develop forecasting models to help manage liquidity.
Examples of liquidity modeling include projecting cash flows to and from
a fund and forecasting the annual capital commitments needed to reach
and maintain the targeted allocation to alternative investments.

• Cash flow to a fund

• capital contribution = percentage to be called in period t × (capital commitment – capital
previously called)

• Cash flow from a fund

• distributiont = rate of distributiont × [NAVt–1 × (1 + growth rate)]
• NAVt = [NAVt–1 × (1 + growth rate)] + capital contributiont − distributiont

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liquidity planning
Liquidity forecasting is also important for managing how a portfolio
reaches and maintains its target asset allocations.
• eg. a $15 billion portfolio that currently has no investments in private equity but wants to have a
10% allocation to that asset class. This is unlikely to be achievable all at once (and even if it could
be, the private equity investments would not be diversified across vintage years as they should).
• The percentage will be based on the future values of both the overall portfolio and the private
equity investments.

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liquidity planning
• A crucial aspect of liquidity planning is having cash available to
meet capital calls. Keeping these amounts in cash equivalents has
significant opportunity costs. A suggested approach is to invest it
in publicly traded securities that may be viewed as proxies for the
private investments to which they are committed.
• eg. capital committed to private real estate →publicly traded real estate investment trusts.

• Capital calls, distributions, growth rates, and even fund lifetimes

may turn out significantly different than expected. An investor
should stress-test liquidity planning models against unexpected
events such as delayed fund distributions when expected
distributions have been earmarked to meet capital calls.
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Monitoring alternative investment programs
• An alternative investment program must be monitored to ensure that it
is achieving its stated goals in terms of return, risk, income, and safety.
Its performance should be evaluated in the context of these goals,
rather than simply measured against a benchmark.
• Even during the period when the allocation to alternative investments
is building up to its target, monitoring is necessary to ensure the
investments being made are consistent with the objectives of the
• Effective monitoring is particularly important with private and illiquid
investment because these require considerable time to correct if they
are out of line with the portfolio’s objectives, or if the objectives have

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Monitoring is challenging

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Issues that should be monitored
• The leave of a fund’s “key persons”
• The manager’s interests should be aligned with the investor’s interests
• Monitor a fund’s holdings over time for signs of style drift
• Monitor a fund’s risk management framework
• Observe the whether the fund’s other investors remain committed for
the long term
• A large or unexpected increase in new investors
• A fund should have reliable auditors, custodians, and other third-party
service providers
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1. Which class of publicly traded securities is most likely to be affected
by similar risk factors to those that affect private credit?
B. Equity securities.
C. High yield bonds.
2. Alternative investments are most likely to be suitable for a portfolio
investor that:
A. has a strong governance program and insists on transparency.
B. has a long time horizon and believes financial markets are efficient.
C. believes active management can generate excess risk-adjusted returns over time.

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3. When using optimization approaches to determine an allocation to
alternative investments, recommended practices least likely include:
A. using only unsmoothed historical data as inputs.
B. modeling normal and high-volatility periods separately.
C. placing constraints on the allocations to various asset classes.

4. Compared to an alternative investment partnership’s reported internal rate

of return, its multiple on invested capital is less affected by:
A. stale pricing.
B. timing of capital calls.
C. appraisal-based valuations.

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