Lesson Plan Docs Science

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De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

DAS, Toledo City

S.Y. 2020-2021

ED SCIENCE 1- Teaching Science in the Elementary Subject

(Biology and Chemistry)

Detailed Lesson Plan


Grade 3

Submitted by:

Jessahel Parame


Submitted to:

Mrs. Avelina R. Esquierdo

ED SCI 1-Instructor

May 2021

Lesson Plan
Grade 3 Science

I. Phase: Introduction

A. Pre-Assessment
B. Learning Experience A (GDM)

II. Subject Matter/Topic: Matter

(Properties Matter)

Material: PowerPoint Presentation

III. Objectives:

Using the General Deductive Method, the pupils can:

1. Describe matter and its three phase.
2. Illustrate and explain the arrangement of molecule in each phase
of matter.
3. Relate the use of matter to real life situations.

Values Infused:Preparedness and alertness (Zeal for Service)

LGP# 1: Challenge learners to their full potential.

IV. Activities

A. Classroom Routines

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

Prayer leader, please start when your :praying
classmates are ready.

Before taking your seats, please

check the proper alignment of your
chairs. Also, the columns and rows
and afterwards please stand properly
and face front.

Good morning children. :Good morning Miss Parame. It’s nice

to see you this morning.
It’s so nice to see you too. Please
be seated. :Thank you, Ms. Parame

For the checking of attendance, may I

request the front seaters to look at
their column and check if one is not
around. Please stay in front and give
the attendance report.

Thank you leaders, you may now take

your seat.

It seems like everybody is so fresh

and ready for today’s discussion.

B. Drill(1-3 minutes.)

The demonstrator will present the drill on the terminologies about

the Structure of Matter using flashcards.
Demonstrator Pupil’s Response
At this moment, I want to test your
reading skills. I have here a
flashcards with a word written on it.
I want you to read it allowed in
Yes miss!
unison. Am I understood?

So, if you are ready. Kindly sit

straight and we will start.
1. Matter
2. Chemistry
3. Properties of Matter
4. Physical Properties
5. Arrangement Molecules
6. Atom
7. Solid
8. Liquid
9. Gas
10. State of Matter
C. Review (3-5 minutes)

The demonstrator will do a review through arranging the jumbled

words. The students will arrange the given letter to form a word.
Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

Please sit properly.

Now, I want you to listen to my

instruction. The class will be divided
into three groups and will be given a
set of letters to form a word which
is/are related to our lesson for today.
All you have to do is to form the word
as a group and the first group who have
formed the letters into words will be
the winner.

Are we clear?
Yes, miss Parame
1. Properties of Matter- tertam fo
2. Matter - mterta
3. Chemistry - irtycemhs
4. Liquid - duiliq
5. Solid - lidos
6. Gas - gsa
7. States of matter - tteram ttaess fo

D. Lesson Proper

1. Administering the Pre- Assessment (3-5 minutes)

The demonstrator will provide five statement to be answered by Agree and

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

I have here five statements. I want

you to get a sheet of paper and tell
whether you Agree or Disagree on the
statement given. You will write A if
you agree and D if not. After
answering, I want you to keep your
answer for the checking later.

Agree or Disagree. Check the box whether you agree or disagree on the
statement given.

Agree Statement Disagree

Solid can move freely

Gas moves faster and

spread easily

Liquid are closely


There are three states

of matter

States of matter are

dependent on temperature
and pressure.
2. Motivation

The demonstrator will motivate the students through a song.

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response
I will teach you a song. The song is
composed of four stanzas. You will
sing after I recite every stanza of
the song.
Am I clear? Yes miss!
* I will sing the song*

Matter Song

(to the tune of “Farmer in the


There’s matter over here

There’s matter over there

Liquid, solid, or a gas,

There’s matter everywhere.

A solid keeps its shape

It doesn’t separate

What you see is what you get

A solid keeps its shape.

Gas is in the air

You can’t see, but it’s there

It flows and blows right through your


And fits in anywhere.

When you melt a solid down

A liquid can be found

It’s wet and moves wherever there’s


And spills and splashes, too.

Thank you, my dear pupils, now I will

ask a simple question.

What is the song all about?

What states of matter being mentioned Matter

in the song?
The states of matter being mentioned
are solid, liquid and gas.

3. Presenting the Objectives

The demonstrator will present the learning objectives through the PowerPoint
Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

At the end of the lesson, the pupils


1. Describe matter and its three


2. Illustrate and explain the

arrangement of molecule in each phase
of matter.
3. Relate the use of matter to real
life situations.

4. Presenting the lesson on structure of matter

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

Let ’ s start our lesson on the

properties of matter. Who among you
here have know the structure of
matter? Anyone?

Before anything else, let us define


CHEMISTRY- study of the composition,

structure, and properties of matter
and the changes it undergoes
We already the definition of matter.
Matter has two properties which are:
• Mass – amount or quantity of matter
• Volume – amount of space occupied •
Therefore, MATTER is anything that has
mass and takes up space.

What is matter?

Matter is made up of small units

called atoms. Matter is anything that
occupies space and has mass. All
physical objects are composed of
matter, and an easily observed
property of matter is its state or
phase. The three states of matter are
solid, liquid and gas.

• All matter is composed of atoms •

Atom – Extremely small chemically
indivisible particle – Atom is Greek
for “that which cannot be divided” •
Composition - the types and amounts of
atoms that make up a sample of matter
Properties - the characteristics that
give each substance a unique identity.

• Properties of matter allow us to
distinguish between substances and
classify them
• Can reveal the identity of an
unknown substance • Divided into two
characteristic that can be observed or
measured without changing the identity
or composition of the substance.
inability of a substance to combine
with or change into one or more other
substances i.e. ability of a substance
to undergo a chemical reaction.


Physical State:
 Solid
 Liquid
 Gas
Classification into different states
based upon:
 Particle arrangement
 Energy of particles
 Distance between particles •
State of matter is dependent on
temperature and pressure of the
• Has a definite shape and volume
• True solids have very rigid, ordered
structures, in fixed positions i.e. high
• solids are made up of molecules that are
closely packed,hence they hardly move.
• Atoms move through vibration only,
therefore small thermal expansion

• Has a definite volume, atoms are not
widely separated,
• no definite shape i.e. follows the shape
of its container
• Atoms move rapidly enough to slide over
one another i.e. ability to flow
• liquid molecules are not close to each
other and can move freely.
Also known as vapour
• No fixed volume or shape, conforms to the
volume and shape of its container
• Atoms far apart, low density and can be
• gas have molecules that are very far from
each other and can move fast and spread

5. Let’s the students illustrate their own examples.

The demonstrator will provide three words and the selected pupils will give
their example/s.

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

1. Solid

2. Liquid

3. Gas
6. Giving of check-up activity

The demonstrator will group the students into 3. Each group will be given a
paper and a marker. The group will be given 15 seconds to answer and to raise
their paper when the time is up. The first group to reach the highest score
will be the winner.

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

Each group will be given sheets of

paper and a marker. In front is a
trash bin and you can see on the
floor the label written for 3
points, 2 points, and 1 point. The
team who will get the correct answer
will crumple the paper, stand on
their desired place which points are
written and shoot. The points will
only be counted once the paper will
be shoot inside the trash bin. Each
member of the group will have the
chance to shoot. The team who gets
the maximum points will be the
Let’s have a trial first!

Activity 1.

It is anything that occupies space

and mass. Matter
I ’ ll give you fifteen seconds to
answer and raise your paper. The
answer is matter. Now, let our game
have molecules that are very far from
each other and can move fast and
spread easily.
1. Have molecules that are very far
from each other and can move fast and
spread easily. Gas

2. Extremely small chemically

indivisible particle that which
cannot be divided. Atom

3. Allow us to distinguish between

substances and classify them.
Properties of Matter
4. Has a definite shape and volume.

5. Has a definite volume, atoms are

not widely separated. Liquid

6. No fixed volume or shape, conforms

to the volume and shape of its
container. Gas

7. True or False. Matter is made up

of small units called atoms. True

8. Agree or Disagree. There are two

properties of matter. Agree

9. Name the three states of matter.

Solid, Liquid, Gas

10. It is made up of small units

called atoms. Matter

You ’ ve done it my dear pupils! I

will commend all of you for
participating!The winning team
is______. Now, arrange your chairs
and take your seats.
Activity 2. The demonstrator will ask the pupils to think of the uses of
matter in their daily lives.
Demonstrator Pupil’s Response
I want you to get a sheet of paper.
Write your reflections on the
importance of knowing matter to our
daily lives. And read it in front of
your classmates.
Am I understood? Yes, miss Parame.

Activity 2.1: Below is a table for you to fill out. Follow the head-up for
your answers.
Arrangement Movement
1. Paper Very close Very slow
2. water
3. Air (wind)
4. Table
5. Shampoo

Activity 3. write True on the blank after a correct statement and false if

1. Clean water is used fro drinking.__________

2. Kites fly because there is the sky._________
3. Salt makes food tastes better.__________
4. Table is very useful, we can put things on top._________
5. Shampoo cleanses our hair.________
6. Matter is very useful._________

7. Revisiting the Pre-Assessment

The demonstrator will revisit the pre-assessment. The pupils will

take out their answers earlier and check if they got it correct.
Agree or Disagree. Check the box whether you agree or disagree on the
statement given.

Agree Statement Disagree

Solid can move freely

Gas moves faster and

spread easily

Liquid are closely


There are three states

of matter

States of matter are

dependent on temperature
and pressure.

8. Revisiting the Objectives

Demonstrator Pupil’s
I ’ m happy to see that everyone gave
their best shot in today ’ s

So, let ’ s go over with our


1. Were you able to describe matter Yes, Miss Parame!

and its three phase?
2. Were you able to illustrate and
Yes, Miss Parame!
explain the arrangement of molecule in
each phase of matter?
3. Were you Able relate the use of Yes, Miss Parame!
matter to real life situations?
9. Wrapping-up

The demonstrator will give the wrapping up through an oral review.

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

: We are heading to the end of our : * The following Pupils will share

discussion. So, I want to know how What they have learned from the
much you have gained from our
discussion. I have learned that matter is very
important to our daily undertakings…
: What are your bring homes from our

discussion/ what have you understood

from the discussion we have today? :

*the demonstrator will ask three or

five pupils from her class*

Demonstrator Pupil’s Response

: So, please settle down for our

closing prayer.
: *I will ask a prayer leader to
(After the Prayer)
: Goodbye and Thank you everyone.
Goodbye and Thank You Miss Parame! See

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