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1. PRESENT S + V1 + (C + O) S + is/am/are + V3 (by S)

TENSES ➢ To express habitual action ➢ Everyday/ week/
• Simple Example: Example: ➢ To express general truth moth/ year
present tense ➢ To refer to a schedule or fixed ➢ Sometimes
1. My father reads the magazine every 1. The magazines are read by my future event ➢ Always
morning father every morning ➢ To exclamatory sentences ➢ Usually
beginning with here and there ➢ Often
2. Our family visit grandparent every 2. Grandparent is visited by our ➢ To express what is actually ➢ Seldom
year family every year taking place in the present ➢ Never
➢ In vivid narrative, as a ➢ Ever
3. I learn integrated English every Friday 3. Integrated English is learned by substitute for the simple past ➢ Generally
me every Friday ➢ To indicated a future event that ➢ In the morning/
4. The lecturer teaches the students is part of a plant or afternoon/
everyday 4. The students are taught by the arrangement evening
lecturer everyday ➢ To introduce quotations ➢ Once a week and
5. We use a fresh air to breath every month
time 5. A fresh air is used by us to ➢ Twice a day
breathe every time


• Present continuous S + is/am/are + V ing + (C + O) S + is/am/are +being+ V3 (by S) ➢ To indicate an action ➢ At present
tense that is in progress ➢ Now
Example: Example: ➢ To describe ➢ At this
something happening moment
1. My father is reading the newspapers 1. The newspapers are being read about this time ➢ Tonight
by my father ➢ For an action going ➢ Today
2. You are sitting on my chair 2. My chair is being sat by you on at time at
3. She is cooking rice now 3. Rice is being cooked by her now ➢ For temporary action
which may not be
4. A teacher is teaching math in the 4. Math is being taught by a teacher actually happening at
classroom in the classroom the time of speaking
➢ For an action that is
5. I am reading a novel now 5. A novel is being read by me now planned or arranged
to take place in the
near future
• Present perfect tense S + has/have + V3 + (C + O) S + has/have + been + V3 (by S) ➢ To talk about ➢ Since
situation that started ➢ Already
Example: Example: in the past and ➢ Ever
continuous in the ➢ For
1. He has seen that picture at the cinema 1. That picture has been seen by him at present ➢ Not yet
the cinema ➢ To talk about past ➢ Never
event that have a ➢ Just now
2. They have given me lessons for a year 2. The lessons have been given to me by result in the present
them for a year ➢ To indicate completed
activities in the
3. I have written this word on the 3. This word have been written by me on immediate past
blackboard the blackboard ➢ To express past
actions whole time is
4. The boss has finished the meeting just 4. The meeting has been finished by the not given and not
now boss just now definite
➢ To describe past
5. She has given my doll already 5. My doll has been given by her already event when we think
more of their effect in
the present than of
the actions it self


• Present perfect S + has/have + been + V ing + (C + S + has/have + been + being + V3 ➢ To talk about an action ➢ Since
continuous tense O) (by S) that occurred in the ➢ For
past and still in
Example: Example: progress
➢ It’s used for an action
1. You have been studying English for an 1. English has been being studied by which began at some
hour you for an hour time in the past and is
still continuing
2. She has been visiting him every 2. He has been being visited by her ➢ It’s used for an action
Saturday every Saturday already finished

3. He has been watching the TV every 3. The TV has been being watched by
night for a long time him every night for a long time

4. I have been learning English in my 4. English has been being learned by

course for a year me in my course for a year
5. The girl has been finding love for 30 5. Love has been being found by the
days girl

2. PAST TENSE S + V2 + (C + O) S + was/were + V3 (by S) ➢ To express a completed ➢ Yesterday
action in the past ➢ Last
• Simple past tense Example: Example: ➢ To refer to repeated ➢ Ago
past event ➢ Just now
1. I began the lesson just now 1. The lesson was begun by me just ➢ To express to states ➢ In 1987
now that we consider to be ➢ A moment
finished ago
2. My little brother did a home work last 2. A home work was done by my little ➢ To express habitual ➢ This morning
night brother last night action in the past ➢ The day
3. The girl found love for 30 days ago 3. Love was found by the girl for 30 yesterday
days ago

4. Earthquake destroyed Bengkulu a 4. Bengkulu was destroyed by

moment ago earthquake a moment ago

5. A servant cleaned the garden 5. The garden was cleaned by a servant

yesterday yesterday
• Past continuous tense S + was/were + V ing + (C + O) S + was/were+ being + V3 (by S) ➢ To express an ➢ Since
unfinished action that is ➢ For
Example: Example: in progress at a certain ➢ Already
moment in the past ➢ Now a days
1. She was singing a song at this time 1. A song was being sung by her at this ➢ To refer to a past ➢ At this time
last Sunday time last Sunday action that is ….
interrupted by another ➢ At this time
2. All audiences were enjoying the party 2. The party was being enjoyed by all action last……
at the last celebration audiences at the last celebration ➢ To describe scenes in ➢ By this time
the past last……
3. They were finishing the discussion 3. The discussion was being finished by ➢ To describe scenes in ➢ Last night
yesterday them yesterday the past ➢ Yesterday

4. Mother was roasting beef now a day 4. Beef was being roasted by mother
now a day

5. We were celebrating a wedding party 5. A wedding party was being

at this time last year celebrated by us at this time last

• Past perfect tense S + had+ V3 + (C + O) S + had + been + V3 (by S) ➢ To express an action ➢ Before……
that happened in the ➢ After
Example: Example: past before another ➢ Already
action ➢ As soon as
1. The teacher had taught the student 1. The student had been taught by the ➢ It’s use if two actions ➢ By … last…
teacher happened in the past
➢ Describes an action
2. You had sat on my chair 2. My chair had been sat by you completed before a
certain moment in the
3. I had studied English before left 3. English had been studied by me past
Indonesia before I left Indonesia ➢ It’s mainly used in such
4. The umpire had started the football 4. The football match had been started
match before I come by the umpire before I came

5. The government had launched a new 5. A new regulation had been launched
regulation last month by the government last month

• Past perfect continuous S + had + been + V ing + (C + O) S + had + been + being + V3 (by ➢ To indicate an action or ➢ ….after…
tense S) an event that had been ➢ For …
happening in the past ➢ Before
Example: Example: ➢ For used an action that
1. Teacher had been teaching the 1. The students had been being taught began before an certain
students by teacher paint in the past and
continued up to that
2. When Musa came, Andi had been 2. When Musa came, computer had time
paling computer for 20 minutes been being played by Andi for 20
3. Before she entered the examinations,
she had been studying the material 3. Before she entered the examinations,
very hard for a month the material had been being studied
by her very hard for a month
4. Before their father called them, they 4. Before their father called them,
had been playing football in the garden football had been being played in the
the whole morning garden the whole morning

5. When he arrived at the station, he had 5. When he arrived at the station, I had
been waiting me for half an hour been being waited by him for an
3. FUTURE TENSE S + shall/will + V1 + (C + O) S + shall/will + be + V3 (by S) ➢ To express about action ➢ Tomorrow
• Simple future tense that will happen in the ➢ Next week
Example: Example: future ➢ The day
➢ To express an action after
1. My boyfriend will marry me next two 1. I will be married by my boyfriend that we have already tomorrow
years next two years decide to do something ➢ Two more
before (to express a days
2. I will write a sentence as good as 2. A sentence will be written by me as certain action) ➢ Later
possible good as possible ➢ Soon
➢ Next week
3. We will spend a long vacation in the 3. A long vacation will be spent by us in month year
end of the year the end of the year ➢ In a little
4. He will receive her invitation tomorrow 4. Her invitation will be received by him
5. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will give us
a new policy 5. We will be given a new policy by
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono


• Future continuous S + shall/will + be + V ing + (C + O) S + shall/will + be + being + V3 ➢ To indicate an action ➢ By this time
tense (by S) that will be happening tomorrow
in the future ➢ By this time
Example: Example: ➢ Represent an action as next week
going on at some time ➢ All day
1. We will be missing our old friends 1. Our old friend will be being missed in the future time tomorrow
by us ➢ For future wants that
are planned
2. Harun will be visiting me soon 2. I will be being visited by Harun

3. Mahmud will be watching TV at eight 3. TV will be being watched by

tonight Mahmud at eight tonight

4. I will be teaching English tomorrow 4. English will be being watched by

morning me tomorrow morning

5. She will be joining debating contest 5. Debating contest will be being

next week joined by her next week
• Future perfect tense S + shall/will +have + V3 + (C + O) S + shall/will + have + been + V 3 ➢ To express an action ➢ Next month
+ (by S) that will have been ➢ By the end of
finished in the future this week
Example: Example: ➢ To indicate the
completion of an action
1. Jack will have met my loyal friend by 1. My loyal friend will have been met by by certain future
next week Jack by next week

2. Sholeh will have written all the letters 2. All the letters will have been written
by the end of next month by Sholeh by the end of next month

3. My mother will have cooked the dinner 3. The dinner will have been cooked by
when my friend comes tonight my mother when my father comes

4. He will have left home town before we 4. Home town will have been left by
arrive there him before we arrive there

5. The teacher will have started the 5. The lesson will have been started by
lesson by the time you get there the teacher by the time you get
➢ To express an action ➢ By the end
• Future perfect S + shall/will + have + been + V ing S + shall/will + have + been + that will have been of ……..
continuous tense + (C + O) being + V 3 + (by S) doing in the future ➢ For … years
➢ To indicate the action ➢ By next
Example: Example: to presented as being month
in progress over a ➢ By seven
1. By next January, I will have been 1. By next tomorrow, English will have period of time that will o’clock
teaching English for 2 years been being taught by me for 2 years end the future

2. Tomorrow my uncle will have been 2. Tomorrow, a garage will have been
building a garage for 2 days being built by my uncle for 2 days

3. By the time you come tomorrow, we 3. By the time you come tomorrow, our
will have been repairing our house house will have been being repaired
by us

4. When you arrive tonight, I will have 4. When you arrive tonight, football will
been studying English for 3 months have been being played by them for
2 hours

5. By next time tomorrow, they will have 5. By next time tomorrow, football will
been playing football for 2 hours have been being played by them for
2 hours

• Future past tense S + should/would + V1 + (C + O) S + should/would + be + V3 + (by ➢ To express an action ➢ The day
S) that will be done in before
one time in the past ➢ The week
Example: Example: ➢ To indicate the before
action to presented ➢ Yesterday
1. She would visit me yesterday, but 1. I would be visited by her, but as being in progress
unfortunately, she fell sick unfortunately, she fell sick over a period of time
that will end the
2. I should go movie last night, but the 2. Movie should be gone by me last future
electricity was off night, but the electricity was off

3. They would sell their product the 2 3. Their product would be sold the 2
weeks before weeks before

4. A teacher would teach English the day 4. English would be taught by a teacher
before the day before

5. We would launch the book the week 5. The book would be launched by us
before the week before

• Future past S + should/would + be + V ing + (C + S + should/would + be + being + ➢ To indicate an action ➢ In … last

continuous tense O) V3 + (by S) that will being done years
in the past ➢ On … last
Example: Example: week
➢ At … this
1. She would be visiting me at this morning 1. I would be being visited by her at morning
this morning ➢ This noon
2. They would be selling their product at 2. their product would be being sold at
this week this week
3. We would be launching the book at this 3. The book would be being launched
month by us at this month
4. A teacher would be teaching English at 7 4. English would be being taught by a
last morning teacher at 7 last morning

5. I would be signing the contract at 9 this 5. The contract would be being signed
morning by me at 9 this morning
• Future past perfect S + Should/Would + Have + V3 + (C + S + should/would + have + been ➢ To express a ➢ If ….
tense O) + V3 + (by S) condition in the past ➢ Yesterday
➢ Last ….
Example: Example:

1. She would has visited me yesterday 1. I would have been visited by her

2. We would have launched the book last 2. The book would has been launched
month by us last month

3. They would have sold their product last 3. Their product would have been sold
week by them last week

4. A teacher would have taught English last 4. English would have been taught by a
morning teacher last morning

5. I would have signed the contract 5. The contract would have been
yesterday signed by me yesterday


• Future past perfect S + should/would + have + been + V S + should/would + have + been ➢ To express an action ➢ For a week
continuous tense ing + (C + O) + being + V3 + (by S) that should have last years
been happening in ➢ By … Last
Example: Example: the past years
1. I should have been building my house 1. My house should have been being ➢ Yesterday
for a year built by me a year

2. A teacher should have been teaching 2. English should have been being
English for 2 years taught by a teacher for 2 years

3. I should have been studying English for 3 3. English should have been being
months, last month studied by me for 3 months, last

4. She would have been selling her car for 4. Her car would have been being sold
2 days last week by her for 2 days last week

5. My father would have been working my 5. my grandfather company would have

grandfather company for 3 years been being worked by my father for
3 years

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