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Being an Optimist May Help People Live Past 85

Individuals who scored higher on an optimism assessment were likely to live significantly longer
lives, a new study finds
By Jacquelyn Corley, STAT on August 27, 2019

Humans have been searching for centuries for the secret to living longer, but the answer
may be as simple as maintaining a positive state of mind. A new study published Monday by
researchers at Boston University adds to the evidence that optimistic men and women may live
longer than those who are pessimistic.
Researchers found that people who scored higher on an optimism assessment were more likely to
live past the age of 85. Those with higher optimism levels at the start of the study were more
likely to have advanced degrees and be physically active, and less likely to have health
conditions like diabetes or depression. However, when researchers accounted for these variables,
they still found that optimism was associated with people living significantly longer.
Often, researchers focus on finding risk factors the heighten the likelihood of falling ill.
But Lewina Lee, the lead researcher on the new study and an assistant professor of psychiatry at
BU School of Medicine, said, “These findings reinforce the value of looking at psychosocial
assets and not just deficits in overall health and health outcomes.”
The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, involved
long-term follow up of women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study and men in the Veterans
Affairs Normative Aging Study. The women have been followed since 1976, and in 2004 they
completed a six-question optimism assessment. Their survival was tracked until 2014. The men
have been followed since 1961, and in 1986 they completed a baseline assessment with 263 true
or false statements about their experiences and their outlook on life. Survival outcomes were
tracked through 2016.
A report from the Brookings Institution in May 2018 reached a similar conclusion. “We
were looking at people born in the 20s and 30s who lived beyond 2015,” explained Carol
Graham, a Brookings senior fellow. Lee’s “findings fit with the findings we have found. Based
on U.S. data for similar-aged people, those who are optimistic in their early and mid lives live
Prior studies have also reported that optimism is associated with a reduction of premature death
or decreased rates of medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, but the link between
optimism and long life expectancy is relatively new and the implications are far-reaching.
The authors of the new study said they believe that optimism is a modifiable attribute and
could be a potential target to promote healthy aging. Graham suggested that communities could
boost optimism by increasing access to the arts or providing volunteer opportunities, which
might help create a sense of purpose and foster social connections.
While the association is clear, scientists still do not fully understand why optimism might
lead to longevity. It may simply be that people who are optimistic are more likely to invest in
their health and avoid risky health behaviors. But there may be more biology than what it seems
on the surface.
Bruce McEwen, who heads the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at Rockefeller
University, said that experiences shape the brain and body. Inflammation and stress can affect
the brain and other organs and cause disease or aging processes. Attributes such as being goal-
oriented, optimistic, and socially engaged are all interrelated and might be able to combat higher
stress and inflammation levels.
While the findings are promising, these optimism studies should be interpreted with
caution. In Lee’s research, the two groups of men and women that were studied were fairly
narrow and included mostly white people of higher socioeconomic status. It is difficult to
determine how generalizable these findings are. “Translating into individual lives is a more
complicated story,” McEwan said.
The findings provide a launching point for future research, Lee said. She hopes to
investigate potential pathways between optimism and longevity and look for explanations for
these findings.
A. Write your summary from these reading text!

A person who is optimistic that both men and women can live longer than those who are
pessimistic, according to a new study published by researchers at Boston University.
The researchers found that people who score higher on optimism are more likely to live past the
age of 85.
those who have higher optimism and are physically active are less likely to have health
conditions such as diabetes or depression.

researchers often focus on finding risk factors that increase the chance of getting sick.
but lewina lee profeser psychiatry at the BU school of medicine said "these findings reinforce
psychosocial valuesand not only deficits in overall health and health outcomes "

according to a study published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences that is
women have been followed since 1976, and in 2004 they completed an assessment of optimism 6
questions. their survival was tracked until 2014. men have been followed since 1961, and 1986
they completed a basic assessment with 263 true or false statements about their experiences and
their views on life. Their survival results are tracked until 2016

Previous research also reported that optimism was associated with a reduction in mortality or a
decrease in the level of medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease
although the relationship is clear, scientists still don't fully understand why optimism might lead
to longevity. maybe optimistic people are more likely to invest in their health and avoid risky
health behaviors.
Bruce McEwen head of the neuro endocrinology laboratory at rockefeller university said that
experience shapes the brain and body. trading and stress can affect the brain and other organs
and cause disease or the aging process
B. Write T if the statements that are true, according to the reading text. Write F if the
statements that are false.
1. When researchers accounted for these variables, they still not found that optimism
was associated with people living significantly longer. (…F…)
2. Researchers focus on finding risk factors the heighten the likelihood of
falling ill (…T…)
3. These findings reinforce the value of looking at psychosocial assets and not just
deficits in overall health and health outcomes. (…T…)
4. A new study published Monday by researchers at Boston University adds to the
evidence that optimistic men and women may live longer than those who are
5. Survival outcomes were tracked through 2004. (…F…)

C. Write the missing word in the phrases. Choose from these words:
Target Disease
Processes Assessment
Longer Degrees

Living …(Longer)… Potential …(Target)…

Advanced …(Degress)… Cardiovascular …(Disease)…
Optimism …(Assessment)… Aging …(Processes)…

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