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(2011) 1:14-20


Samir Delibegović

Acute appendicitis is the most frequent abdominal disease and requires urgent surgery.
At the present time, laparoscopic appendectomy is a well-accepted emergency procedure
at most centers. This review article describes the technique of laparoscopic appendectomy,
different ways of securing of the base of the appendix, handling complicated appendicitis,
and intra and postoperative complications.

The first reported appendectomy was performed in 1735 because of a perforated appendix with
a stercoral fistula by the military surgeon Claudius Amyand1, and the first appendectomy with
a correct preoperative diagnosis was performed by Lawson Tait2 in 1880. In 1889 McBurney
described point tenderness in the right lower abdominal quadrant, indicative of appendicitis
and popularized the muscle-splitting incision3. For more than 100 years McBurney’s appen-
dectomy was the gold standard in the treatment of acute appendicitis, and right up until the
recent development of laparoscopic surgery, little in the diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis
changed since then.
Laparoscopic appendectomy for a non-inflamed appendix was first reported in 1983 by the
gynecologist Semm4. In 1987 Schreiber reported a laparoscopic assisted appendectomy for the
treatment of acute appendicitis5. Since then many reports have been published indicating that
laparoscopic appendectomy is safe and feasible in most settings4-7.
Although laparoscopic appendectomy was performed several years before laparoscopic chole-
cystectomy, it has only recently become a common laparoscopic procedure. One of the reasons
is that classic appendectomy through McBurney’s incision is a simple, quick and efficient pro-
cedure which can be performed by most surgeons. Laparoscopic appendectomy, on the other
Samir Delibegović hand, needs some level of knowledge of laparoscopic surgery and more expensive equipment.
Department of surgery Possible advantages, such as fewer infections of wounds, shorter hospital stay, faster recovery
University Clinic Center Tuzla and return to everyday activities, are most often accompanied by a longer operative procedure
Trnovac bb, 75000 Tuzla (which is shorter as the number of performed appendectomies rises) and higher costs. The lap-
Bosnia and Herzegovina aroscopic method has proven advantages in women with pains in the lower right quadrant, im-
E-mail: proving diagnostic accuracy, decreasing the number of negative appendectomies and enabling efficacious treatment of gynecological diseases5.

THE POSITION OF THE PATIENT to the left, and one 5-mm trocar inserted in the right
AND THE SURGICAL TEAM lower quadrant, at the level of the first 12-mm port, to
The patient is placed in a supine position, combined acquire triangulation. After that, the abdominal cavity
with the Trendelenburg position and left lateral position is inspected (Figure 2).
(10–15º, inclined towards the surgeon). The surgeon
and an assistant stand on the left side, and the monitor TECHNIQUE OF LAPAROSCOPIC
is on the right side of the patient (Figure 1). APPENDECTOMY
Some surgeons operate so that they stand between the The end of the appendix is seized for the mesoappendix
patient’s legs, and the assistant stands on the patient’s by a grasper placed through the right lower abdominal 5
mm port. The mesoappendix is skeletized from the top
to the base using a harmonic scalpel placed through the
Head left lower quadrant port. Various techniques described
for dissection of the mesoappendix include electroco-
agulation, clips, endoloop ligatures or linear intestinal
stapler. After that, through the same port an endoloop
is introduced, three endoloops are passed over the tip
of the appendix and secured at the base of the appen-
dix. Two ligatures are placed 5 mm part, close to the ce-
cum, and a third tie is placed 1 cm distal to the first two
10 mm (Figure 3, 4). The appendix is transected between the
ties, leaving two loops on the cecal end (Figure 5). As

Assistant an alternative method, instead of an endoloop, a linear


(camera) stapler can be introduced (Figure 6, 7), or three hem-

5 mm 12 mm / 5 mm o-lok clips may be placed, size XL (Figure 8, 9). After
resection of the appendix, a sterile specimen retrieval
Surgeon bag is placed into the abdomen through a 12 mm su-
prapubic trocar and the appendix placed inside (Figure
10). If exudate is present, a drain is placed in the pouch
Figure 1. Position of the patient, equipment of Douglas (Figure 11).
and surgical team.
left side. The video monitor is placed on the patient’s Retrocecal appendix
right side. If the appendix is not identified during the initial ex-
If there is a suspicion of pelvic pathology in female pa- ploration, the cecum is mobilized sharply with scissors,
tients, the patient is placed in the lithotomy position electrocautery or harmonic scalpel along the Told line.
and a retractor is inserted for the uterus8. Atraumatic bowel graspers are used for retraction of the
cecum - reflecting the cecal pole up and to the left will
POSITION OF TROCARS AND INSTRUMENTS expose the appendix. In this location, however, the ap-
The surgical procedure is performed under general pendix, especially the tip, may be covered by adhesions,
anesthesia. The bladder is decompressed with a Foley making the operation difficult. In that case, retrograde
catheter to avoid injury during insertion of the supra- dissection should be performed. The trocar placement
pubic ports. Pneumo-peritoneum is established with a is the same as for the usual antegrade resection. Once
Veress needle through the umbilicus and then a laparo- the cecum and the base of the appendix have been iden-
scope is introduced. Under direct vision, one 12-mm tified, the appendix can be transected with a stapler or
trocar is inserted into the suprapubic region, a little between clips or endoloops.

Figure 2. Port placement for Figure 3. The dissection and division of the mesoappen-
laparoscopic appendectomy. dix by harmonic scalpel.

Figure 4. Endo-loop ligatures are tied at the base Figure 5. The base of the appendix is secured
of the appendix. by two endoloops.

Figure 6. Appendix is transected at its base with a Figure 7. The base of appendix is secured
stapler (45mm, tick charge). by a stapler.

Figure 8. Base of appendix secured with a Figure 9. The base of appendix secured with
hem-o-lok clip (size XL). two hem-o-lok clips.

Figure 10. Removal of appendix Figure 11. Drain is placed in

by endobag. pouch of Douglas.

In cases of retrocecal appendix, in literature “fingeros- close to the base of the endoloop, ligation or stapling
copy” is described, which is a laparoscopic assisted of the stump, close to the perforated or necrotic areas,
procedure, where mobilization of the appendix is per- may be impossible. The cecum should be mobilized
formed with a finger10, after which laparoscopic appen- adequately and the appendix removed by applying the
dectomy is performed. stapler across the base appendix.

Gangrenous appendix Appendicular abscess

When the appendix is gangrenous, the anatomy is often If an appendicular abscess is suspected, the Trendelen-
obscure. In the area of the cecum or in the pelvis an burg position is avoided to prevent contamination of
exudate is found. The appendix is identified with careful the upper abdomen. The abscess is identified by bluntly
blunt dissection, and removed in the usual manner. dissecting the adherent bowel loops away. The abscess
cavity is aspirated, dried and irrigated. Then the ap-
Perforated appendix pendectomy is performed as described above. A drain
If the perforation is close to the tip of the appendix, clo- should be placed in the abscess cavity.
sure with an endoloop is possible. If the perforation is

Conversion to open procedure section of a distended, gangrenous appendix, a fecalith
The only absolute contraindication for laparoscopic ap- may drop into the peritoneal cavity. Retained fecaliths
pendectomy is the inability to safely obtain a pneumo- may cause an intrabdominal abscess. Therefore fecaliths
peritoneum under general anesthesia8. Insufficient ex- need to be dealt with carefully and cautiously to avoid
perience with laparoscopic appendectomy, or advanced them being lost between the loops of the intestine and
and complicated appendicitis may be indications for the pelvis. Fecatliths should be thrown into an endo-
conversion to an open procedure. However, with in- bag and careful lavage performed. This complication
creased experience, most appendicular conditions can will be found more often as laparoscopic appendectomy
be managed laparoscopically. Moreover, most skilled becomes a more common method in the treatment of
laparoscopic surgeons find that complicated appendici- acute appendicitis20. Surgeons should be aware of this
tis can often be better managed through the laparoscope complication in order to treat fecalith adequately when
than through a McBurney incision8. The view is better, recognized intra or postoperatively.
abscesses are more easily identified and treated, and the Gentle treatment of an inflamed, gangrenous appendix
entire abdomen may be explored and lavaged. and the use of an endobag prevent this complication.
Nevertheless, a prudent surgeon will occasionally have Since in all described cases of a dropped fecalith after
to convert a laparoscopic appendectomy into an open open appendectomy, an abscess develops, it is recom-
procedure for various reasons that include the inabil- mended to remove the fecalith when it is established
ity to gain exposure, fear of intestinal injury, inability to that one has dropped intraoperatively. If the presence
recognize the base of the appendix, extensive adhesions of a fecalith is confirmed postoperatively, its removal by
and uncontrolled bleeding. relaparoscopy is possible19. A retained fecalith which is
manifested as an intraabdominal abscess is treated like
COMPLICATIONS OF any other abscess20.
Most reports of laparoscopic appendectomy indicate a Incomplete appendectomy
low incidence of intraoperative and postoperative com- Stump appendicitis is delayed obstruction and inflam-
plications11-17. mation of residual tissue left after an incomplete appen-
dectomy21. This is a serious but very rare complication.
Bleeding However, incomplete appendectomy may lead to recur-
Bleeding is usually overestimated during laparoscopic rent appendicitis. Some reports suggest an increased in-
procedures, because of the magnification of the camera, cidence of incomplete appendectomy with laparoscopy,
but most conversions to open procedure occur for this but most published cases appear after open appendec-
complication18. Aggressive dissection of the mesoap- tomy.
pendix may lead to bleeding, and it can be from the
retroperitoneum, during dissection of an inflamed, ret- This complication arises when the appendix is cut a
rocecal appendix. Careful dissection with control of the long way from the base. Poor identification of the join
mesoappendix can prevent this complication. Bleeding between the appendix and the cecum appears to play
is not difficult to recognize. Suction, pressure of the site an important role. Following the taenia coli from the
of bleeding with an instrument or gauze and an addi- cecum to the appendix helps to identify the base. Alter-
tional trocar facilitate identification and control of the natively, dissection and ligation of recurrent branches
site of bleeding. Control can be achieved by coagula- of the appendicular artery help to mark the base of the
tion, clips, or by an endoloop. In very rare situations appendix22. It is therefore necessary to treat the join of
conversion to open procedure is needed. the base of the appendix with the cecum carefully. It is
necessary to take this rare complication into account, if
Fecalith a patient who has undergone appendectomy again has
This is a rare, but frustrating complication19. During dis- symptoms and signs of acute appendicitis.

Postoperative abscesses is especially important for patients who wish to return
Postoperative abscesses are uncommon with laparo- to work. The economic importance and implications fa-
scopic appendectomy. With improvement of camera voring this approach cannot be ignored26.
quality, better lavage and cleaning of the operative field,
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noted a significant decrease in abscesses after laparo-
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