Journal and Article Assignment

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1. Visit the website https://www.journals.elsevier.

2. Read out the page and answer the following:
a. Briefly write about the aims and scope of Journal of Corporate
Ans : Journal of corporate finance aims to publish high quality, manuscript,
short format and area of interest include financial structure, governance,
product markets, payout, labor, innovation, risk management, financial
contracting, and international finance.

b. Note the cited ‘score’ and ‘impact factor’ of Journal of Corporate

Finance. What do they mean?
Ans: Cited score is 5.0 and Impact factor is 2.521
Cited score measures the average citation received per peer reviewed
document published in this title where as Impact factor measures the average
number of citation received in a particular year by papers published in the
journal during the two previous years.

c. Repeat requirements ‘a’ and ‘b’ for Journal of Finance and comment
on any significant differences, if any.

d. What is SCImago Journal Rank?

Ans: SJR is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that
accounts for both the number of citation received by a Journal and prestige
of the journal where citations come from.

e. List top five journals in order of their ranking.


f. What is open access?

Ans: Open Access is set of principle through which research outputs are
distributed online.

3. Download an article on cost of capital using open access source.

Write a review of the article not exceeding 200 words .

Article review on
The Effect of Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) on
Financial Performance
The study was conducted by (Maha ALOmar and Prof. Saleh K. AlOkdeh) in order to
investigate the effect of weighted average cost of capital on financial performance of
industrial companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange. In the study WACC was
measured by cost of debt capital and cost of equity capital and financial performance
was measured by return on assets. The study was conducted on sample of 56
companies and multiple regression models were used to test the hypothesis.
The objective or question of the study was “what is the effect of the weighted average
cost of capital on financial performance measured by return on assets of industrial
Jordanian public shareholding companies “(Maha ALOmar and Prof. Saleh K. AlOkdeh,
2020). To answer the question hypothesis test were adopted as “Main hypothesis
HO1: There is no statistically significant effect of the weighted average
cost of capital on financial performance measured by return on assets
of industrial public shareholding companies in Jordan”. The methodology of the
study uses descriptive analytical method based on published actual financial data. The
study used statistical package of social science(SPSS) to analyze the data.
The Results of the study shows that there is an effect of Average Cost of Capital on
financial performance of measured by return on Assets of industrial public shareholding
companies. And also there is an effect of both cost of capital and cost of debt on
financial performance. At last the author has recommended that the companies on
Amman Stock exchange need to pay attention on Weighted average cost of capital and
try to disclose it and attach on financial statements along with other indicators and
indicating the reasons for changes that occurs so that economic decision makers can
serve the data and perform analysis.

Maha ALOmar and Prof. Saleh K. AlOkdeh, the Effect of Weighted Average Cost of
Capital (WACC) on Financial Performance, International Journal of Advanced Science
and Technology, 2020

Submitted by
Bhuwan Pandey
Roll NO : 76341046

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