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 An important part of making an inspirational appeal is to

a. display emotion as needed.

 An opportunity for an organization to practice social responsibility involves:
d. working with its supplier to improve working conditions.
 Leadership takes into account factors related to the leader, the persons being led, and
b. various forces in the environment.
 A leader at the postconventional level of moral development is likely to
a. attempt to do the most good for the most people.
 A person with high emotional intelligence is likely to
b. build strong personal bonds with people.
 An important reservation about outdoor training is that much of the training is wasted
c. so many of the participants become injured.
 A major reservation about outdoor training is that
c. few participants find it repellent
 A major political blunder is to
a. Be tactless toward influential people
 An authentic leader would most likely
d. practice his or her values consistently.
 The higher a unit reports in the hierarchy, the
a. more power it acquires.
 In the context of teamwork, _____ directly states that collaboration is better than
a. cooperation theory
 Which one of the following should be considered the least effective contributor to
c. Encouraging employees to set their own limits to empowerment
 The feeling of being proud is essentially a(n)
b.internal motivator
 The leadership irrelevance theory suggests that factors outside the leader's control
b. have a larger impact on business outcomes than does the leader.
 A major concern about using goals to boost performance is that some workers, including
leaders, will
a. use dysfunctional methods to attain goals.
 Which one of the following is the least essential characteristic of an effective follower?
a.Reliance on being managed or led by another person
 A leader who is personally charismatic is likely to
a. attract people to him or her.
 A good example of ingratiation when dealing with a person you are trying to influence
would be for you to:
a.praise that person lavishly.
 A key point about charisma is that it is a(n)
a. relationship between the leader and the group members.
 The three outcomes of influence tactics are _____.
a. commitment, compliance, and resistance
 Corporate social responsibility centers on a firm's _____.
C. responsibility to society
 Corporate social responsibility centers on a firm's
b. responsibility to society.
 A major listening problem many leaders face is that they
a. are so busy, they listen selectively to problems.
 A major listening problem many leaders face is that they
a. are overloaded with responsibilites.
 An entrepreneurial leader is least likely to _____.
thrive on hierarchy and routine
 Which one of the following actions on the part of a leader would most likely contribute
to a reputation of trustworthiness?
b. Doing what she or he thinks is right in spite of the political consequences
 A principle of ethical and moral leadership is to
c. pay attention to all stakeholders.
 A recent development in corporate philanthropy is for corporate leaders to demand
a. a good return on investment, in terms of social impact, for their donated money.
 A recommended method of selecting team members is to
c. emphasize self-selection when possible.
 A symptom of conflict with extremely negative consequences is when an organization:
a. has departments competing for dominance behind the scenes.
 An example of a physical structure to facilitate communication among team members is
c. shared physical facility such as a beverage lounge.
 The generally accepted leadership style in the modern organization is the
c. democratic form of participative style
 Anecdotes are particularly useful in persuading group members about the
d. importance of organizational values.
 Which of the following is a justification for leader irrelevance argument?
d. High-level leaders have unilateral control over only a few resources.
 A leader who scored high on initiating structure would
a. Emphasize work scheduling and assigning tasks
 One technique a leader uses to bring about transformations is to get people:
d. to look beyond self-interest.
 All is a leader of high integrity. According to the technical meaning of integrity, All will
d. stick to the principles he thinks are right.
 A recommended way of being a model of teamwork is to
a. share power with team members.
 A basic principle of persusasion
People like those who like them
 A major moderating variable in the use of rational persuasion is the
d. credibility of the influence agent.
 An important part of being assertive is to
b. express feelings and opinions forthrightly.
 To bring about organization change effectively, an executive is best advised to
c. serve as a role model for the desired attitudes and behaviors.
 Margaret has Machiavellian tendencies, so she is likely to
manipulate other people for her personal gain
 XYZ Company’s sales manager has Machiavellian tendencies, so he is likely to
manipulate other people for his personal gain
 Attempts at persuasion, including inspirational speaking and writing, begin with the
credibility of the message sender
 Recognition is a Strong motivator because:
it is a normal human need
 With respect to heredity and environment, leadership effectiveness appears to be
b. the combined influence of heredity and environment.
 An example of an executive leader helping sustain the environment would be to
a.use as much renewable energy as possible at the company.
 At a meeting, a(n) _____ is more likely to focus on the refreshments and taking peeks at
his or her personal text messages.
 A major challenge facing leaders in the pursuit of conflicting goals is:
b.granting people the authority to act independently yet getting them aligned.
 A leader would be engaging in micromanagement if he or she
a. closely monitored a group member's activities.
 Charismatic leaders are characterized as
d. being willing to use unconventional strategies.
 A leader acquires prestige power throughorga
c. developing an outside reputation.
 The term employee engagement refers to
an individual's involvement and satisfaction with as well as enthusiasm for work
 The term engagement refers to
b. High level of personel investments in the tasks performed on a job
 Which one of the following is the least typical characteristic of a transformational
a.low standing on moral reasoning
 A transactional leader in contrast to a transformational one is more likely to
d. emphasize rewards for good performance.
 Fatima has high self-efficacy, meaning that she:
is highly confident that she can perform a particular task.
 Ali is a hands-on leader, so he is likely to:
get involved directly in solving customer problems
 A major mechanism for developing teamwork is:
frequent informal communication among members
 Which one of the following is regarded as a fallacy about coaching?
c. Coaching is mostly about providing new knowledge and skills.
 An ethical screen is used primarily when facing a situation that:
involves deciding if an act is ethical or unethical.
 The consideration dimension of leadership behavior includes how well the leader
creates an environment of
c. emotional support, friendliness, and trust.
 Which two types of power that stem from a leader's authority to respond to the
consequences of people's actions?
b. Reward power and coercive power
 A major source of individual differences in ethics and morality among leaders is:
The leader's level of greed, gluttony, and avarice.
 The concept of leadership polarity suggests that group members
tend to intensely like or dislike leaders.
 A systems thinker would be especially good at:
understanding how the external environment influences the organization.
 A person's linguistic style:
is his or her characteristic speaking pattern.
 Most unethical behaviors have:
led to the layoffs of thousands of workers.
 The sets of goal characteristics that will probably lead to higher levels of performance
c. difficult and specific.
 Feeling competent to complete group tasks is known as group _____.
d. efficacy
 The personalized charismatic leader uses power to
a. further his or her own interests.

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