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President-Elect Address

Academyof Psychosomatic

Hypnosis in psychiatry
and psychosomatic medicine

Hypnosis is one of the oldest forms of psychological chotherapeutic procedure proved inescapable.
healing. From time immemorial, the induction of The past three decades have seen more research in
trance has been part of the mythical and occult prac clinical applications of hypnosis in all branches of
tices of shamans, medicine men, and witch doctors. medicine than any other period of history. Thanks to
What is now designated as hypnosis began in Western serious research and creative application by a growing
medicine 200 years ago with Mesmer, who was the first number of professionals, hypnosis has emerged as a
to attempt to explain the phenomenon. Mesmer be powerful treatment modality, and has been endorsed
lieved, alas, that health and sickness depended on the by medical, dental, psychiatric, and psychological asso
balance ofa universal invisible fluid in the human body ciations here and abroad. A 1978 survey showed that
and could be controlled by the use of magnets and one third ofAmerican medical and dental schools were
something he called “¿animalmagnetism.― His fame offering courses in hypnosis, twice as many as in 1974.
spread quickly, but only among the lay public. Approximately 10,000 physicians, psychologists, and
In 1784, a commission of the French Academy of dentists in North America use hypnosis in combination
Medicine proclaimed there was no such thing as “¿an with more traditional forms oftreatment. Hypnosis has
imal magnetism.― Mesmer was discredited and “¿hyp proved particularly valuable as a weapon against prob
notism―fell into disrepute in medical circles. lems that resist more conventional forms of treatment.
Thereafter, interest in hypnosis alternately waxed
and waned. Then World War II brought about the Nature of hypnosis
merger of hypnotic techniques with psychiatry to meet The hypnotic trance is now recognized as a fundamen
the need for rapid treatment of war neuroses. When tal ability of the human mind that can be attained to
hypnosis was combined with dynamic psychotherapy, one degree or another by the vast majority of people.
treatment time was substantially shortened. Hypnosis The patient enters an altered state of consciousness,
made it possible to cut incisively to the core of psycho characterized by extreme relaxation, in which there is
somatic disorders and its value as an adjunctive psy diminished peripheral awareness and intense focal
concentration—a state of alertness in which the mind
screens out extraneous matters and focuses on particu
Read as the address of the President-Elect at the 28th Annual
Meeting of the A cademy of Psychosomatic Medicine, No
lar details.
vember 2, 1981, Dallas. Dr. Sachs is staff psychiatrist and past Susceptibility to suggestion is increased. The hyp
chief of the mental health service at the Group Health Cooper notic trance allows patients to suspend logical reason
ative of Puget Sound in Seattle. Reprint requests to her there, ing and to abandon executive control to a more or less
200 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112. - regressed, dissociative state. Hypnosis allows patients to

MAY l982@VOL23'NO5 523


draw on psychological strengths they do not normally atmosphere of receptivity enhances the capacity for
command voluntarily. It is a state of intense and sensi exploration and change.
tive interpersonal relationship between patient and Hypnotic techniques can be incorporated into any
hypnotherapist. However, it does not involve relin psychotherapeutic approach. The choice depends on
quishing one's will or being controlled by someone. The the nature and duration of the therapy and the experi
capacity to experience hypnosis is inherent in the pa ence of the therapist. In long-term therapy, hypnosis
tient: the hypnotherapist only provides the setting. can be effective in uncovering repressed material by
abreaction and explorative uncovering ofpast events. It
Use in psychiatric disorders provides an effective means of overcoming blocks that
Psychotherapy has seen by far the widest and most are encountered during lengthy and intense basic re
extensive application of hypnosis. The term “¿hypno constructive psychotherapy. Hypnosis accelerates the
therapy― is used here to denote the use of hypnosis in uncovering process. However, highly complex hyp
psychotherapy. noanalytic procedures should be attempted only by the
The use ofsuggestion techniques for the treatment of well-trained hypnotherapist. Indeed, the applications
mental illness was in vogue before the introduction of of hypnosis depend on the extent of the therapist's
psychoanalysis. Freud himself used hypnosis for a training and ability to understand the needs and values
while, but becoming dissatisfied with his results, he of the patient's symptoms.
sought other methods of treatment and developed While hypnotherapy may not help any more patients
psychoanalysis. than other forms of psychotherapy, it is less cumber
Hypnosis is a clinical tool—not a method of treat some and more rapid than most. Hypnosis is not
ment. Hypnotherapy is also active and dynamic, rather appropriate for all persons and all kinds ofproblems; it
than passive. It deals in a direct way with the subcon takes a well-trained specialist to know when and how to
scious part of the mind. use it properly.
For change to be possible, the patient must experi A knowledge of hypnotic techniques alone does not
ence within himselfthe need to change. Susceptibility is form the basis for good clinical practice. These tech
definitely enhanced by motivation. If rapport is es niques must be meaningfully integrated into clinical
tablished quickly, there is greater motivation. A healthy practice with emphasis on the basic psychodynamics of
rapport is necessary to secure the patient's cooperation human behavior and the patient-physician relation
and to establish the hypnotic state. Hypnotherapy is an ship. This relationship should be one of confidence,
art of interpersonal relationships; it increases the ca trust, and cooperation on the part of the patient, and a
p pacity ofthe patient to respond to ideas; it ideally lends sympathetic, permissive attitude on the part of the
itself to the type of psychotherapy that involves guid therapist. What is important is not the depth of the
ance, reassurance, and persuasion in an atmosphere of trance, but the degree of rapport and emotional partic
genuine interest and enthusiasm. ipation by the patient in the therapeutic process. The
Goals of hypnotherapy are to relieve or to remove therapist only “¿sets
the stage,―but ultimately it is the
symptoms, to help the patient make more realistic patient who permits the hypnotic relationship to de
adjustments to conditions that cannot be changed, to velop by selective attention. The important factors are
effect a change in behavior that is acceptable to the motivation, belief, expectation, imagination, and sub
individual and to a social and cultural environment, sequent restructuring of the patient's reality percepts.
and to aid the patient in understanding, evaluating, and
handling his problems. Use in psychosomatic disorders
Hypnosis enables a psychiatrist to focus the patient's Hypnosis is a uniquely effective tool for evoking deep
intense concentration on certain areas with the purpose relaxation, thus neutralizing anxiety, fear, and tension,
of relieving major conflicts and debilitating symptoms. and for intensifying receptivity to therapeutic sugges
The desired information can be reached more directly tion. Relaxation induced by hypnosis is associated with
through hypnosis than through the psychiatrist's de a generalized decrease in the activity of the autonomic
pendence on the patient's free association with its mass nervous system, thereby creating favorable physiologic
of resistances, irrelevant information, and conscious reactions.
censure. When the patient's intensified transference Any clinical application of hypnosis in the practice of
and attention are focused on the treatment situation, an medicine, by its very occurrence, is a psychosomatic

event. It underscores a relationship between biologic priate. If functional, the pain may be protecting the
and psychological phenomena as they occur in and are patient from some consequences he is seeking to avoid.
influenced by the physical and social environments. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand why the
The greatest effectiveness of hypnosis can be ex pain is there and to treat underlying causes before
pected in cases in which symptoms are primarily emo dealing with the functional pain through hypnosis.
tionally triggered rather than strictly physiologically
induced. Tension sponsors a host of physiologic symp Conclusions
toms and interferes with the healing process in a variety The important thing about hypnosis is that it can be a
of illnesses. Those conditions that have responded fa useful adjunct to conventional medical therapy.
vorably to hypnotherapy include peptic ulcer, colitis, Among its other distinct advantages is that it has
anorexia nervosa, organic heart disease complicated by virtually no morbidity or mortality. Since it has neither
fear and emotional disturbance, asthma, allergies, hy a physical nor a permanent psychological effect on the
pertension, migraine headache, and pelvic pain. There body or mind, there is no way in which a person can
is scarcely an ailment that is not aggravated by tension. become addicted to it. Whether to undergo hypnosis is
Teaching the patient to practice the same techniques always the free choice of the patient.
once or twice a day will often bring surprising health Twenty-five years after its controversial reintroduc
dividends. tion into medicine, hypnosis—that mystical art—has
In addition to offering a useful technique for the turned out to be a surprisingly useful medical tool.
treatment of a broad spectrum of psychosomatic dis Hypnosis was “¿legitimized―
in 1958, when the Amen
orders, hypnosis can serve as a unique tool in the can Medical Association stated that “¿the use of hyp
treatment of sexual dysfunction, obesity, habit dis nosis has a recognized place in medicine and is a useful
orders, dermatologic disorders, and pain. A chronic technique in the the treatment of certain illnesses when
state of pain may occur in some individuals when employed by qualified medical and dental personnel.
severe emotional stress, through psychophysiologic Hypnosis should be used on a highly selective basis by
mechanisms, produces skeletal muscle spasms, local such qualified individuals and should never become a
vasoconstriction, and visceral dysfunction. Hypnosis, single technique used under all circumstances by the
by producing mental and physical relaxation, can ef therapist. No physician or dentist should utilize hyp
fectively reduce pain or alter the patient's perception of nosis for purposes that are not related to his particular
the pain. specialty.―
It should be noted, however, that hypnosis is not as Hypnosis has been redeemed from its ill repute and is
likely to be useful against pain that seems to be pri here to stay. The reason that hypnosis has survived is
marily functional. If the pain does not serve a psycho that it works—not with everybody, not with everything,
logical function, the use of hypnosis is safe and appro not always, but well enough to make it live on. D

MAY 1982 ‘¿VOL23 ‘¿NO5 525

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