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Health Insurance


To ease the cost of medical treatment to a certain degree through health insurance cover.

Who can insure

Myanmar citizens and foreigners residing in Myanmar for various reasons

Age limit
The age of the insured must be between 6 and 75.
Persons between ages from 6 to 18 years can be insured only through their parents or the

Insurance period
One year beginning from the date of premium payment

Types of cover
Sr. Insurance cover Benefits Units available
1. Basic cover Hospitalization due to illness From one to ten
Hospitalization due to accident units
Insurance cover 1 Surgery From one to ten
Miscarriage units

Insurance cover 2 Going to hospital/clinic From one to ten

Premium payment
For corporate customers – every month; every three months; biannually or in lump sum
Individuals – biannually or in lump sum

Premium rate
Sr. Age Individuals Corporate customers
Biannual Premium in Monthly Quarterly Biannual Premium in
premium lump sum premium premium premium lump sum
Basic cover (one unit)
1. 6-30 5,600 11,000 1,000 2,800 5,300 10,500
2. 31-40 7,300 14,300 1,200 3,600 6,900 13,600
3. 41-50 9,000 17,600 1,500 4.400 8,600 16,700
4 51-60 14,600 28,600 2.500 7,100 13,900 27,200
5. 60175 31,400 61,600 5,300 15,400 29,800 58,500
Optional cover-1 (one unit)
1. 6-75 8,400 16,500 1,400 4,200 8,000 15,700
Optional cover-2 (one unit)
1. 6-75 4,500 8,800 800 2,200 4,300 8,400

Scope of insurance cover

Local: undergo treatment at a hospital or a clinic or by a doctor, officially recognized by the Ministry
of Health and Sports
Abroad: undergo treatment at a hospital or a clinic officially recognized by the relevant department
by the doctor holding the official permit issued by the relevant department

For Basic insurance cover
- K 10,000 per day for hospitalization (maximum period: 60 days)
- K 1,000,000 for death
Optional insurance covers
Insurance cover 1
Actual cost or minimum K 500,000 per unit for surgical operation performed under anesthetic
Regardless of the units bought, K 300,000 for undergoing treatment at clinic/hospital for
Maximum benefit for surgical operation and miscarriage (k 500,000 x number of units)
Insurance cover 2
K 2,500 for one clinic treatment
Maximum benefit (K 10,000 x number of units)

No claim payment shall be made for any injury, illness, hospitalization, surgical operation, medical
treatment and death directly or indirectly caused by anyone of the following cases:
(i) Persons undergoing medical treatment and are recommended by a physician for
medical treatment, and persons already showing symptoms of illness
(ii) Surgical operation related to delivery, caesarean section and child birth. But
hospitalization or undergoing surgery due to pregnancy-related diseases after
taking insurance cover (including poisoning, hypertension, and diabetes) during
pregnancy are inclusive. Moreover, miscarriage is inclusive in optional insurance
(iii) Psychosis and other mental disorders
(iv) Hospitalization for diagnosis or rest
(v) Hospitalization or undergoing surgery for fertility
(vi) Any dental treatment except from accidently injury
(vii) Eye test, visual disorders, eye treatment and eyesight improvement therapy except
from accidently injury
(viii) Treatment for beautification
(ix) Treatment in connection with earphone wearing
(x) Physical defect or infirmity
(xi) Drug abuse
(xii) Committing crime
(xiii) AIDS/HIV infection
(xiv) Terrorism, riot, war or warlike situation
(xv) Less than three-day hospitalization for disease treatment
(xvi) False claims
(xvii) Suicide or self-inflicted injury
Aside from the abovementioned points, the insured shall lose all the benefits stated in the policy
for any careless mistakes, intentional presentation of false statements, withholding information,
or any falsehood in the proposal.

Persons entitled for benefits

Parents or guardians are entitled to the insurance benefits if the age of the policy holder is
between six and 18. Any policy holder whose age reaches 18 is entitled to the insurance benefits.
If the policy holder dies, beneficiary named in the policy is entitled.

How to get health insurance

Please contact the head office of the Grand Guardian Insurance Public Co., Ltd or its branches
or agents of this company.

GGINL staff or the agents will provide optimum services in filling and forwarding the proposal,
facilitating premium payment and issuing policy through easy and simple procedures

Claim procedures
Send an initial notification to GGINL
Make a claim together with all necessary documents after been discharged from hospital
Make a claim together with the license number of the physician who gave treatment if medical
care was taken at a clinic

GGINL staff will provide the most excellent quality services in quickest means as soon as the
claim request is accepted.

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