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Year 10 End of Year Exam PLC

How to use a PLC:

 Assess your current knowledge (honestly!) by giving yourself a RAG rating for each
item of content or skill
 You now have a clear list of the topics that you need to revise and revisit the most.
Anything in RED you may need to visit lesson recordings, PowerPoints or ask your
 Make sure you revisit your PLC after each revision session to update your progress
and identify your next revision topic. Remember you are aiming for NO REDS and as
MUCH GREEN as possible.
Top Tip:To maximise your PLC use you can RAG rate yourself using dates to record when you
improve your knowledge

Revision Advice
 Make sure you know which topics you need to revise for each subject. Use your PLC
to prioritise your revision – it is written using the exam board specification.
 Make your revision active. Don’t just read notes. You could make flash cards, mind
maps or use post it notes.
 Watching videos online can really help to bring your notes alive! Make sure you are
looking at Edexcel iGCSE though!
 Test yourself by completing past papers or asking a friend to test you! This will help
you complete and change your PLC to identify areas of strength and weakness.
 Re-watch lesson recordings of exam practice and exam feedback.
 Read teacher feedback on all your past exam questions! This is tailored advice for
you on how you can improve your exam answers.
 Build in rewards for your revision e.g.: your favourite snack or using social media.
I can’t I can I can do
Topic 2: Coastal Environments do this
start to
do this
this in

Physical processes
Describe characteristics of constructive waves
Describe characteristics of destructive waves
Define ‘erosion’, ‘weathering’ and ‘mass movement’
Describe the process of mechanical weathering
Describe the process of chemical weathering
Describe the process of biological weathering
Describe the mass movement process of sliding
Describe the mass movement process of slumping
Describe the erosional process of hydraulic action
Describe the erosional process of abrasion
Describe the erosional process of corrosion/solution
Describe the erosional process of attrition
Describe the transportation process of traction
Describe the transportation process of saltation
Describe the transportation process of suspension
Describe the transportation process of solution
Describe the process of longshore drift
Suggest the conditions that can cause deposition
Explain the influence of geology on coastal environments
Explain the influence of vegetation on coastal environments
Explain the influence of people on coastal environments
Explain the influence of sea-level changes on coastal environments

Identify coastal landforms in photographs and on OS maps
Explain headland and bay formation
Explain cliff formation
Explain wave-cut platform formation
Explain cave/arch/stack/stump formation
Explain beach formation
Explain spit formation
Explain bar formation

Coastal ecosystems
Define ‘biotic’, ‘abiotic’, ‘biomass’, ‘litter’, ‘food chain’, ‘food web’
Use and interpret nutrient cycle diagrams and food web diagrams
Describe and explain the distribution of coral reefs
Describe the characteristics of coral reefs e.g. The Great Barrier Reef
Explain the value of coral reefs
Explain the threats to coral reefs
Describe and explain the distribution of mangroves
Describe the characteristics of mangroves e.g. the Sundarbans
Explain the value of mangroves
Explain the threats to mangroves
I can’t I can I can do
do this start to this in
yet do this detail

Coastal ecosystems continued…

Describe and explain the distribution of sand dunes
Describe the characteristics of sand dunes e.g. Sea Palling
Explain the value of sand dunes
Explain the threats to sand dunes
Describe and explain the distribution of salt marshes
Describe the characteristics of salt marshes e.g. Abbotts Hall Farm
Explain the value of salt marshes
Explain the threats to salt marshes

Coastal management
Suggest different stakeholders of the coast
Explain different conflicts between coastal users including development vs
Describe the threats to coastal areas including erosion and coastal flooding
Explain the different causes of coastal flooding including: storm surges,
tsunamis and climate change
Describe how coastal flooding is predicted including forecasting
Describe how coastal flooding is prevented including: building design, planning
and education
Define and compare ‘hard engineering’ and ‘soft engineering’ strategies
Describe sea walls and explain how they protect the coastline
Describe riprap/rock armour and explain how they protect the coastline
Describe gabions and explain how they protect the coastline
Describe revetments and explain how they protect the coastline
Describe groynes and explain how they protect the coastline
Describe beach replenishment and explain how it protects the coastline
Describe cliff regrading and beach reprofiling and explain how they protect the
Describe ecosystem rehabilitation and revegetation (dune regeneration) and
explain how it protects the coastline
Describe managed retreat and explain how it protects the coastline
Case study – Coastal Management - Developing Country: Gambia
Case study – Coastal Management - Emerging Country: Sri Lanka
Case study – Coastal Management - Developed Country: UK
I can’t I can I can do
Topic 3: Hazardous Environments do this
start to
do this
this in
Define the terms ‘hazard’, ‘disaster’, ‘natural event’

Tropical cyclones
Describe the conditions needed for tropical cyclone to form including: ocean
temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind shear and the Coriolis force.
Explain tropical cyclone formation
Describe the conditions throughout the structure of a tropical cyclone
Describe and explain tropical cyclone distribution
Describe the conditions throughout the structure of a tropical cyclone
Describe the characteristics of a tropical storm including movement and strength
Describe the hazards associated with tropical cyclones: very strong winds, torrential
rain and storm surges
Describe how tropical cyclones are measured using the Saffir-Simpson Scale
Describe the short-term and long-term impacts of tropical cyclones
Case Study – Tropical Cyclone Impacts – Developing Country: Typhoon Haiyan, 2013
Case Study – Tropical Cyclone Impacts – Developed Country: Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Explain why some countries are more vulnerable to the impacts of tropical cyclones

Tectonic Hazards
Describe the theory of plate tectonics
Explain how tectonic hazards occur at a constructive/divergent plate margin
Explain how tectonic hazards occur at a destructive/convergent plate margin
Explain how tectonic hazards occur at a collision plate margin
Explain how tectonic hazards occur at a conservative/transform plate margin
Explain how tectonic hazards occur at a hotspots

Describe and explain the global distribution of volcanoes
Describe volcanic hazards including: lava, ash, gas, pyroclastic flows
Describe how volcanoes are measured using the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
Describe the short-term and long-term impacts of volcanic eruptions
Case Study – Volcanic Eruption Impacts – Developing Country: Mount Merapi, 2010
Case Study – Volcanic Eruption Impacts – Developed Country: Mount Ontake, 2014
Explain why some countries are more vulnerable to the impacts of volcanic eruptions

Describe and explain the global distribution of earthquakes
Define ‘earthquake’, ‘epicentre’, ‘focus’, ‘seismic waves’
Explain how a tsunami occurs
Describe how earthquakes can be measured using the Richter Scale, the Mercalli Scale
and the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS)
Describe the short-term and long-term impacts of earthquakes
Case Study – Earthquake Impacts – Developing Country: Nepal, 2015
Case Study – Earthquake Impacts – Developed Country: Italy, 2016
Explain why some countries are more vulnerable to the impacts of earthquakes
I can’t I can I can do
do this start to this in
yet do this detail
Explain whymanagement
people continue to live in areas at risk of hazard events
Describe hazard prediction and the issues with predicting earthquakes
Describe how we can prepare for an earthquake through: building design, warning and
evacuation, remote sensing and GIS.
Describe short-term responses and relief including: emergency aid, shelter and supplies
Describe longer-term planning including: risk assessment, hazard mapping and
rebuilding programmes
Case Study – Earthquake Hazard Management – Developing Country: India
Case Study – Earthquake Hazard Management – Developed Country: Japan
I can’t I can I can do
Topic 4: Economic Activity & Energy do this
start to
do this
this in

Economic sectors and employment structure

Define ‘GDP’ and ‘GNI’
Define the different economic sectors and give examples of activities for each
Draw and interpret triangular graphs to show the proportion of people
employed in the primary, secondary and tertiary/quaternary sector.
Describe and how employment structure changes over time and is different in
countries at different levels of development (Clark Fisher Model)
Give reasons for employment structure change including: availability of raw
materials, globalisation, mechanisation, demographic changes and government
Explain the factors affecting the location of economic activities and how these
can change over time.
Case studies – Positives and negatives of economic sector shifts:
– Case Study – pre-industrial – Developing Country: Ethiopia
– Case Study – industrial – Emerging Country: China
– Case Study – post-industrial – Developed Country: UK
Define informal employment
Give examples of informal employment and their characteristics
Describe causes of the informal sector including: economic development and
rural-urban migration
Suggest advantages and disadvantages of informal employment
Case study – Informal sector – Megacity: Dhaka
Describe the Malthus (1798) theory on population and resources
Describe the Boserup (1965) theory on population and resources
Use and interpret line graphs showing changes in population and resources
over time

Define ‘non-renewable’ and ‘renewable’
Describe how energy demand varies globally
Explain how population growth, increased wealth and technological advances
impact energy demand
Describe how energy production varies globally
Define ‘energy security’, ‘energy surplus’ and ‘energy deficit’
Describe and give both advantages and disadvantages of non-renewable
energy sources: coal, oil, natural gas and shale gas/oil
Describe and give both advantages and disadvantages of fuelwood
Describe and give both advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy
Describe and give both advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy
sources: hydro, geothermal, wind, tidal, solar, biofuel and waste
Describe how energy can be managed sustainably (within industry, transport
and the home) through education, efficiency and conservation
Calculate carbon and ecological footprints
Case study – Energy Resource Management - Developing Country: Nepal
Case study – Energy Resource Management - Emerging Country: India
Case study – Energy Resource Management - Developed Country: Qatar
Example Exam Questions
Topic 2: Coastal Environments

1. State one type of mass movement that affects coastal landscapes. [1]

2. Define what is meant by the term abiotic. [1]

3. Explain one type of biological weathering on cliffs. [2]

4. Explain one type of mechanical weathering that occurs at the coast. [2]

5. Explain one factor that controls the distribution of salt marshes. [2]

6. Explain one way geology influences coastal landforms. [3]

7. Explain one cause of coastal flooding. [3]

8. Explain one physical factor that influences the distribution of mangrove ecosystems. [3]

9. Explain the formation of a headland. [4]

10. Explain the formation of a spit. [4]

11. Suggest two ways changes in sea level have created coastal landforms. [4]

12. Using the figures provided, explain two ways in which coastal environments are threatened by

human activity. [4]

13. Suggest two factors that have led to the differences in coastal retreat shown in the figure

provided. [4]
14. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of coastal hard engineering strategies. [4]

15. Using the figures provided, analyse the threats to small- and large-scale coastal ecosystems from

people and their activities. [8]

16. Using the figures provided, analyse the reasons for the choice of different soft engineering

strategies shown. [8]

17. Using the figures provided, analyse the importance of prediction and prevention in managing

coastal flooding. [8]

Topic 3: Hazardous Environments

1. Define what is meant by wind shear. [1]

2. State one way people could prepare for a tropical cyclone. [1]

3. State one measure of earthquake intensity. [1]

4. State one characteristic of a volcanic eruption. [1]

5. Identify one advantage of living near the volcano shown in the figure. [1]

6. Explain one reason why cyclones form in the Tropics. [2]

7. Explain one method used to predict a tropical cyclone. [2]

8. Explain one cause of an earthquake event. [2]

9. Explain one impact of a volcanic eruption. [3]

10. Explain one way earthquakes can form tsunamis. [3]

11. Explain one way building design reduces the impacts of earthquakes. [3]

12. Using the figures provided, explain two reasons why people live in this hazardous area. [4]

13. Explain why some countries are more vulnerable than others to the impacts of natural hazards.

14. Suggest a factor that influences the cause and another factor that influences the direction of

tropical cyclones. [4]

15. Suggest two factors that have led to the frequency of tropical cyclones shown in the figure. [4]

16. Explain the formation of a volcano at a destructive plate margin. [4]

17. Explain two ways emergency relief can reduce the impacts of earthquakes. [4]

18. Using the figures provided, analyse the differences between these three earthquakes. [8]

19. Using the figures provided, analyse the short- and longer-term impacts of volcanic eruptions. [8]

20. Using the figures provided, analyse the use of hazard, vulnerability, and risk mapping in reducing

the impact of earthquakes. [8]

Topic 4: Economic Activity & Energy

1. Define the term employment sector. [1]

2. Define the term raw material. [1]

3. State one example of an economic activity in the primary sector. [1]

4. State one example of a non-renewable energy resource. [1]

5. State one example of a renewable energy resource. [1]

6. Define the term energy conservation. [1]

7. Suggest one reason for the change in primary sector employment in the figure [2]

8. Explain one factor that could have influenced the location of the car manufacturing factory

shown in the figure. [2]

9. Suggest one piece of evidence that shows there is informal employment in the figure. [2]

10. Suggest one reason for the changes in the tertiary and quaternary sectors shown in the figure. [3]

11. Suggest one reason for the projected increase in energy demand in Asia in the figure. [3]

12. Explain two reasons why the number of people employed in the primary sector has fallen in some

parts of the world. [4]

13. Explain two reasons why the production of energy varies between countries. [4]

14. For a named emerging or developing country, explain two ways in which demand for energy is

affected by different factors. [4]

15. For a named developing or emerging country, explain two ways the increasing demand for energy

has created problems. [4]

16. Explain two advantages of using non-renewable energy sources. [4]

17. For a named developed country, explain two ways that energy resources are being managed in a

sustainable way. [4]

18. Using the figures provided, analyse the reasons for changes in primary and quaternary

employment. [8]
19. Using the figures provided, Analyse the varied impacts resulting from shifts in the secondary

sector. [8]
20. Using the figures provided, analyse the reasons for the past and predicted changes in energy

demand. [8]

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