Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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 106 

 n. : younger brother    n. : A person who has

 n. : Command. Permission, or- not undergone the rite of
der, leave.  
n. : The next eldest son.  n. : Inconvenience, want
of the means. 
  n. : Regret, sorrow.
      or  adj. : Incomparable, unri-
  to regret. valled, unparalleled.  

adj. : Most excellent, very   uncompared.

superior.   adj. : Useless. Unnec-
essary, unserviceable.   
 adj. : Not north. 
      Unanswerable 
  n. : Unserviceable-
: Non-production; non-birth. ness, uselessness.

adj. : unborn, unproduced.  adj. : Unseen, unob-

served, unnoticed.
 (from  n. :
Unaccented syllable.   n. : the response in a chorus.
    n. : A vehicle in medicine, any-
See  thing taken with medicine to make it less

 adv. : Daily.  nauseous. 

 
 n. : Want of exertion, n. : Toll, customs; ambuscade,
inactivity. ambush.  

 n. : Conciliation, consol-  v.a. : To send, dis-

miss. 
ing, entreaty, begging,
    n. : Additional use.
  n. : Alliteration, repeti-
 n. : Uttered through the tion of similar letters, syllables and
nose. In gram. The letter n. words.     

 n. : A disobliging person. 

 n. : One who is unin-  n. : Connection, affin-
ity, alliance. 

Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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