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  107


 a defective or auxiliary verb  or  n. : A legumi-

         nous plant.  a legume,
 a pod, a sort of pulse 
v.n. : to reflect or throw n. plu. The seeds of 

back an image.   n. : Fitness. Beauty 

n. : Experience, suffering. adj. : Inferable. 
enjoyment. Knowledge obtained by  See 
observation and experiment.   n. : Pleasure, delight.
    
n. : Majesty, dignity, mag- v.n. : To consent, agree, ap-
prove, to be pleased with. 
nanimity.  adj. that
which may be enjoyed.   n. : A question, exami-
 nation.   a re-
joinder in argument.
 n. : Enjoyment, experi-
ence.  n. : A man of plea- or n. : Love, at-
tachment, desire. 
sure. 
adj. Attached, fond, enamoured.
n. : Consecration by 
prayers for-
mula or prayer used in consecrating.
 adj. : Like, resembling,
fit, suitable, corresponding with.
 n. : Hanuman.  
 adj. : Allowed, permit- n. : Repetition. 
ted, consented to.  v.a.
 To re pe at t he sa me words .
 n. : Agreement, consent,   
permission leave.   n. : Smearing; daubing
n. : Death that follows the body with unguents.    
another's death, as in Suttee. 
 n. : Surmise, conjec-  (lit. With the hair or
ture, suspicion, doubt, In logic, grain.) adj. : Regular, successive.
inference.     
 
Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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