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Short test Unit 3 Test 1/2A

Unit 3 Test 1A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences using the expressions in brackets. Be careful not to change the
e.g. Which of your subjects didn't you want to do? (it was)
She asked me which of my subjects it was (that) I didn't want to do.

1 Which politician did he use to know at school? (it was that)

They wanted to know ___________________________________________.
2 Which golf club did you choose to hit the ball with? (it was that)
He asked ____________________________________________.
3 How many tickets did he say he can sell us? (he told you)
Ian wants to know _________________________________________.
4 Are they going to the party together? (wonder whether)
Sue ___________________________________________.
5 How much did he say the jacket cost? (he thought that)
I would like to know ____________________________________________.

Mark __/5

2 Choose the correct answer a–d.

1 Excuse me, I'm heading for London. Could you please tell me if ____ a wrong turning?
a have I taken; b did I take; c I have taken; d I had taken
2 Do you mind if I ask whether _____ your bill by credit card?
a you will pay; b have you paid; c will you pay; d you have paid
3 Would you mind telling me how old children _____ before they have to pay?
a should be; b have to be; c are to be; d could be
4 Perhaps you could advise me how _____ to China?
a Can I travel; b I am travelling; c I can travel; d I have travelled
5 Would you mind showing me which of these buses ____ for Manchester?
a would be leaving; b is leaving; c would leave; d leave

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 3 1

Short test Unit 3 Test 1/2A

3 Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.
1 My parents don't see eye ______ eye with each other.
2 The only person the old lady would confide ______ was the local priest.
3 I'm wary ______ door-to-door salesmen. I don't think what they offer is good value for money.
4 Our new neighbours seem very snobbish. You get the feeling they look down _____ us.
5 My brother keeps teasing me ______ my new boyfriend.

Mark __/5

4 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.

1 Don't talk to your great granddad like that! You must have respect for the e _______________.
2 A t_______________ is a child between the age of one and three.
3 Since the accident, Henry can't walk properly without a w_______________ s _______________.
4 My grandmother had to give her dog away when she moved into a n_______________ h
_______________, as pets aren't allowed there.
5 The longest l_______________ of humans is about 120 years.

Mark __/5
Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 3 2

Short test Unit 3 Test 1/2A

Unit 3 Test 2A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with comparative structures so that the meaning of both sentences
is the same.

1 Ava is a slightly worse driver than Charlotte.

As a driver, Charlotte is a ________ _________ than Ava.
2 It's not nearly as difficult to repair a motorcycle as it is to fix a car.
Fixing a car is nowhere ________ ________ easy as repairing a motorcycle.
3 Bill runs the same speed as I do.
Bill is ________ _________ fast as me.
4 It takes nearly as long to get there by car as it does on foot.
It only takes ________ ________ longer to walk than it does to go by car.
5 Ashley's actually a lot cleverer than Lee, but he doesn't think so.
Lee thinks he's as clever as Ashley but in fact she's _______ _________ than he is.
6 Dylan's come off his diet and now he appears to be getting fatter.
The ________ Dylan eats, the ________ weight he seems to put on.
7 Renting a house is no cheaper compared with paying off a mortgage.
It costs ________ ________ to pay off a mortgage ________ to rent a house.
8 Reading a map is a little bit harder than using a satnav.
I think it is _______ ________ easy to read a map _________ to use a satnav.
9 The weather is bad and it’s getting worse.
The weather is getting __________ and ___________.
10 Jake used to be more timid than John. He’s a lot more confident now.
Jake is ________ _________ timid ________ he used to be.

Mark __/10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 3 3

Short test Unit 3 Test 1/2A

2 Complete the sentences with a synonym of the word or phrase in brackets. The synonym
should be a phrasal verb.
1 Henry has __________________ a charming young man. His parents must be so proud of him.
2 I'd love to __________________ tonight, but we have friends from Manchester staying with us at
the moment. (provide you with somewhere to sleep)
3 He's __________________ swimming after his injury as it's helping him with the recovery. (started
doing regularly)
4 Since the neighbours started __________________ the house, there's been so much drilling and
banging next door! (renovating)
5 Slamming the door behind her, Lydia __________________ of the room. (left quickly and angrily)

Mark __/5

Everyday English
3 Choose the correct answer.
A: So, where do you think we should take our guests tomorrow?
B: Oh, I don’t know... Let me see … I've 1 had/got it! Let's take them sightseeing.

A: I'm not 2 convinced/concerned they will appreciate it after a long trip. We could probably do
better than that.

B: We could 3 always/even go for a coffee somewhere. Jack'll be coming too, 4 isn't/won't he?
A: I’ll have to ask him. But that's not a bad idea. Let's start with a coffee and decide what to do later,
will/shall we?

Mark __/5
Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 3 4

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