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omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1, Do you work or study? T'm currently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the moment. 2. Which university did you go to? The university I attended is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in China. I'm really proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected” because I thought iny grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar? compared to the enrollment requirement of the previous year. 3. Why did you choose your school / university? Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate program for Computer Science’, which is really what I'm passionate about and love to study. Besides, my parents also footed for’) nie to go there as they believe four years of study there would be a big help for my fiuture career. 4. Is it good to study in the morning or in the afternoon? I think it’s good to study in the morning. You have to wake up earlier, but when you get through the workS, you have the rest of the day off. And the afternoon is usually a better time of day to enjoy yourself. So it’s best to get studying over with’ as early as possible. 5. Do you enjoy studying or not? No, I don’t really enjoy studying. I mean, I know it’s really important to get a good grade. But it’s hard for me to focus on something for a long time. So usually when I study, I end up getting distracted by my phone or computer. It’s a hard habit for me to break®. ® study: + Computer Science: 5 rooted for somebody: © get through the work: * so close to being rejected: 7 get something over with: > subpar: [sab'pa:] ahard habit for me to break: aA be) Be ce Uy aetna i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 6. Who is more important for you at school, teachers or students? [think the students are more important. Imean, the teachers are obviously playing a key role at school, But who you're in a class with makes a world of difference’. It’s mnch easier to be excited about school if you're fiiends with the other students. You should at least be able to get along with them. 7. Do you like your school? Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and exams!®, | offen have a blast"! studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them hhave ever given me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school who I hang out with all the time 8, Which part of your school do you like? Trreally like the campus. There are tons of really, old buildings, which gives the whole place a serious feel!®, But there’s also lots of nature around. There are big trees in front of some of the buildings, and there are even a few garden areas to walk around jn. It’s such a lovely place to hang out. 9, How do you improve your study efficiency? When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make sure there aren’t any major distractions around: me. For example, I tum off my phone and I avoid listening to musie. It helps me focus on my study so that I stay on track and avoid wasting all my time. 10, Which part of your study do you like the most? I like writing the most. Even if it’s just writing essays, it’s really fiun to express my thoughts through the written word". I've always enjoyed those kinds of classes the most. I think it’s good practice for the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself cleatly, ° makes a world of difference: ° often swamped with all the assignments and ° stay om track: exams. 4 express my thoughts through the written word: © havea blasts ® ives the who ‘DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae > etna te: http: 11. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an improvement? Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the ‘gym in our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped"* because everything in the gym is literally worn out'S. The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? T really hope our school can do something about it. 12, Are you looking forward to working? ‘Yes, Iam. I’ve been studying as a student for almost 16 years of my life. I really expect to have a proper job after graduating fiom college. It will be a huge change of lifestyle’? and I will be able to support myself financially", which will make my parents proud as well. I can’t wait to find a good job. 'S the whole place should be flipped, 1 support myself financially: ‘6 wor out: "a huge BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1, Do you work or study? T'm currently working fulltime as a programmer at Baich; 've been working there for 5 years. 2. Do you like your job? ‘Yes, Iam really happy with what I do. Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out bonuses”? twice a year! 3. Which part is difficult in your job? I think the most challenging part of my job is communication within a team. It’s often difficult to communicate with someone who didn’t finish their part of the work in time. They may think you're pushing” them, which can even create conflict. 4, Is it better to work in the morning or in.the afternoon? [think it’s better to work in the moming. Even though you have to Wake up early, when you get through the work’? you have the rest Of the day off, And-thé afternoon is usually a better time of day to enjoy yourself. So it’s best to get workover with=as early as possible. 5, What is the most interesting part of your job? Twork at a coffee shop, so Tthink the most interesting part of my job is the people. T get to meet so many people during my shift®. Some of them have fascinating personalities. Sometimes I even strike up a chat with"® them and leam something random. One time a customer showed me photos ofhis cat. \vork: ® set through the work: ® get something over with: % daring my shift % strike up a chat with: 2 hand out bonuses: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna mn/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) Hittps://yeulalts.cor 6. Have you ever changed your job? / Why did you choose to do that type of job? T've changed my job a couple times. Before working at this company, I had full-time jobs at an IT company and a glass shop. But neither of them is bigger than the company I’m working for right now in terms of business scale, And most importantly, I get paid more for my current job, which is the main reason T job-hopped"* 7.Do you want to change your job? / Will you do the same job in the future? No, I don't want to hop my job” right now. It’s mainly because the pay is not bad. Imean, it’s not way higher than others but I'm pretty comfortable with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a proper job in today’s job market, is it? Sometimes, it’s better to appreciate what you have now’*. 8. Do you think the contents of your work will be changed in the future? Yes I do think so. I've been working in an office for years since I graduated from college. And honestly, what I do at my company basically changes from time to time. So it’s along shot™ that my boss wouldn't dispatch’? me to a new project or department, And Lreally look forward to it as it’s always fim doing something new. 9. What did you gain the most from your Job? "What do you learn from work? Well...The most valuable lesson I leamed from work is how to collaborate with** my coworkers, It’s not something that I really understood back in school. But in a real job, a ton of tasks need good teamwork and can’t be done on your own. For instance, when I coordinated a marketing event with my colleagues, it was of the essence to’ make sure everyone was on the same page”, or else we might've messed up* the whole thing. 10. Which do you think is more important, colleagues or work itself? I think that colleagues are more important. You could be doing your dream job, but if it’s with people you can’t stand**, you aren't going to enjoy it as much. You end up seeing your coworkers more than anyone else in your life’, so it’s important that you can get along with them. * job-hopped: ® everyone was on the same page: 2 hop my job: * its better to appreciate what you have now: % messed up: 3% people you can’t stand: © it’sa long shot: M dispatch: % end up seeing your coworkers more than anyone 1 collaborate with: else im your lies BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aa we) Be Uw aed on oe [alee , . Ee een 11. What do you a to improve your productivity? Whenever I feel like I've lost focus on work and started slacking’, I take a S-minute break and make a cup of instant coffee. It sounds simple but it works like a charm for me’, After I've had some coffee, I feel pumped up and have more energy. vEU IELTS) 12, Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which part of your working environment needs an improvement? Well...As far as I’m concerned, I really wish my company wasn’t so strict about the dress code®. Itreally bugs me“ to have to wear a uniform day in and day out®. Plus, Ihave to be really careful keeping the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined at my workplace. It would be great if we could have a casual Friday" 13. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development? ‘Yes, it’s a wonderful job. Even though I'm swamped with" the tasks at work sometimes and have to work overtime", overall, I believe it’s a good career for me. I’m very passionate about” my job and I really know what to do. Phis, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my resume" later, since it requires excellent workmanship. 14. Are nine-to-five jobs good? I suppose nine-to-five jobs are pretty good! Even though they cau feel pretty repetitive after awhile. I think it’s important to have a stable job" that pays you well. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees, Plus, you have the weekends free, which gives yon a chance to kick back and relax. 15, Do you miss being a student? No, I don’t really miss being a student. It was fim to study something that I liked. But it was also alot of work’. Going to school isn’t exactly a piece of cake, There were tons of assignments and exams to do, I like being more independent now that I've graduated. © slacking: * Pm swamped with: 8 itworks like a charm for me, “® work overtime: 2 pumped up: + passionate about: 1 dresscode: © build ay restume: Ttreally bugs me ® have a stable job: © day in and day out 5% it was also alot of work: get fined: have a casual Friday: 51 apiece of cake: IG BAO TRUNG KEY nee Wee TRUNG 100% NO! BO BC & IDP omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What is your major? T'm studying computer science at Hunan University. It’s an undergraduate major, and it usually takes four years to eam the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program, because coding is one thing I’m passionate about. Plus, I think [have a knack for®? it since my math is good. 2, Do you like your major? Yes, I do like my major. But you know... there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t like. For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as fun as watching paint dry*! because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand. 3, What have you learned from the courses? T’ve basically learned how to think and write critically. It sounds kind of vague*®. But it basically means I can explain my thoughts in a way that makes seuse and is based on evidence. It’s actually avery useful Skill. Tthelps with comniinication atid making your point in the best way possible. 4. Which subjects are more difficult? / Do you think your major is difficult?/ What do you dislike about your major? Personally, I think subjects im the sciences are more difficult. I can’t seem to wrap my head around’ stuff like chemistry or physics. There are just so many facts and rules to memorize. I can’t make heads or tails of it”, honestly. Arts subjects are easier by a long shot", in my opinion. . What is your plan after finishing your school? It’s hard to say right now®, Everything feels like it’s up in the air, But after I graduate from school, I'd like to have a job that’s somehow related to my major. You know, it’s cool to apply what you've leamed at college in the real world. T'm not sure what kind of job Twant to have, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon. 2 Major: % wrap my head around: 57 make heads or tails oft: 5 bya long shot: 5 have a knack for: © IW'shard to say sight now: 5 as fun as watching paint dry: © it’s up in the air: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae G Foe me (08098.295.571 om/ipredicting( TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) htt 6. Why did you choose to study that (major)? Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that I have lots of passion in that field, Tnever feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching things about it, and I've noticed that since I was still in high school. So, Itold myself that if I went to acollege, I would take computer science as my major. 7. What kinds of help can this major bring to your future job? believe this major will help me communicate well with others in a future job. For instance, knowing how to write well means that Ican make my points to them and not create any confision, That helps us work together better as a team. Studying literature also helps you be more detail- oriented, which is always helpful 8. Is the actual content of the major the same as what you expect? What are the differences? Well, I’m studying literature. So the expectations were pretty snuch that® I was going to study books and movies and stuff like that In that sense, the content of my major has been the same as what I expected. But 'm learning more than [ thought I would. So that’s definitely cool. 9. What's the interesting part of your major? 1: [’m majoring im computer science, aud I really like what I’m studying, especially when I take coding courses related to game design. They give me a lot of fun through the learning curve because becoming a game designer is kind of my dream. So Lalways havea blast® learning about coding 2: Istudy literature, so I get to read tous of different books. It’s really interesting to see how many different perspectives are out there. Plus, storytelling is a really big part of culture, I like reading books from other countries and learning about the culture there. It’s definitely expanded my horizons. 1 detail-oriented: ° the expectations were pretty muuch that: aAV eee ce UL aNels sees 5p eee sebook.comv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) etline: (898298-57R website: 10, Do you like the courses of your major? Yes, I do like most courses in my curriculum, especially the ones related to programming. Taking one of my favorites, the Java Programming, as an example, the knowledge I leamed in the lectures is not only theoretical but also very practical in real life. 11, Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future? ‘Yes, I will, I's mainly because I have @ lot of passion for computer science and Web developing. Idont think will be bored if [make a living off of it. Plus, the income level of specialists in this field is also higher than average, so Tan have a comfortable life by working as a programmer. the IELTS Prediction KEY VIP 1 DE TRUNG 100% om/ipredicting( TRUC THUOC YEU IELT: 1, What kind of house or apartment did you live in when you were a child? ‘When I was a kid, I lived in a bungalow in the suburbs. My parents and I barely fit into it®, but that just made it cozy’. I remember we filled our home with lots of antique fumiture®. It gave the house a nice atmosphere. We moved to an apartment later, but I always missed our first home. 2. What ind of house or apartment are you living in right now? / Do you live in a house or an apartment?/ What kinds of accommodation do you live in? Right now, I’m living in an apartment by my university. It’s not that big; it only has two bedrooms. But it’s cozy enough for me. Plus, the apartment is part of a newly developed high rise®. Ithas a really nice view of the city. 3. What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in in the future? /Do you want to live in a house or an apartment in the future? Td really love to live in a big houseinlthe middle ofnowhere™. Tt might Sound a little lonely, but T think having a family there awesome, You-wonld have fons of privacy because you don't have any nosy neighbours, Andbif it was soniewhere nice?you could probably have a great view of the stars, 4. Do you know anyone who lives nearby? /Are you familiar with your neighbors? ‘Yes, I’m familiar with my neighbours because they're very fiiendly. And the Lees, who live across the hall from us”, are the ones I’m most familiar with. Our families are pretty close with each other. And I’ve been inside their apartment a lot’ since we moved into this home. © Home: @ part of a newly developed high rise: ® in the middle of nowhere: 7 five across the hall from us: © barely fit into it ® [ve been inside their apartment alot © made it cozy: antiquepaee BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna = 6. How long have you lived in your hometown? ['ve been living in my hometown since I was born. I've never thought about leaving my hometown because my entire social circle"? is there and the cost of living is pretty low: However, I also ‘want to work in a different city for a few years to broaden my horizons". 7. Do you like the city you are living in now? Yeah, I really love it. When I moved here, I thought it was overwhelming!?, But now I can’t imagine living anywhere else. There are always cool things happening here. For example, a lot of singers come to our city for their concerts. It definitely keeps me on my toes! 8, Is that a big city or a small place? My hometown isn’t a major eity in China but it’s not small either. As far as I know, it has a population of 5 million people. So the wban area is always crowded with people. It’s also the ns largest city of the province by land area 10 my entire social circle: "9 keeps me on my toes: t troaden my horizons: oF ccerpemiae BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. What can you see from the window of your apartment? Actually I live on the 11" floor, aud there’s a park near my apartment building. So through the window, I have a view of a green space. And sometimes, I can also see some children playing football down there, which is a good way to wind down". 2. Do you like to watch the scenery from your window? Yes, Love watching the scenery from my window. Whenever I get stressed with work, [just stare out the window fora while", It really sets my mind at ease”, I like watching birds fly by". It makes me feel really peaceful. If I open the window, I can even hear them singing outside. 3. Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views? Yes, it’s my dream to havea house that has a beautiful view from the window. I think it would be great to live inthe countryside and have bis. windows feiig the Sin! ‘That way, I could watch the sun come up”? in the mornings..Suntises.are always’so breathtaking’ 4, How do you feel when you can’t see any beautiful views from your window? Well, it’s pretty disappointing. It's always nice to have a cool view from your window”. So if it’s something boring or even ugly, then it’s a major let down'”’. When I went to a hotel, I booked a room on one of the higher floors. But the view was just of some plain buildings. It was pretty sad, 45 a good way to wind down: © come up ‘UO stare out the window for a while: © breathtaking: 17 sets my mind at ease: 1? have a cool view from your window: US watching birds fly by: 9 have big windows facing the sun: 2 a major let down: yoYEe 2.0) VE aA be) Be ce Uy aetna omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What types of museum do you like? Lreally love art museums. It might sound boring, but looking at old paintings is really cool to me. like seeing how art styles have changed over the years. And Lalso love classical art. So whenever I visit an art museum, I'm totally drawn ini2s by all the history there 2. When was the last time you visited a museum? [think it must’ve been two years ago. Iwas visiting my cousin, who lives in a big city. She took me to a museum and we went through all the different exhibits". I learned so much about the ancient world. It was a really fascinating trip and I loved every minute of it!?6. 3. Do you like going to a museum alone or with others? like going to a museum with others. I think it’s really fim to walk through the exhibits with!”” a friend, You can’coiiment.on whatayolt see!" and have interesting conversations together. But sometimes it’s nice to split up and do some adventuring.on your own. That way, you can go at your own pace. 4. Do you want to work ina museum? No, Idon’t think I'd want to work in a museum. It’s definitely an important job. But it’s just not something I'm passionate about. I care about history, but I wouldn't want to spend my whole life working in a museum. I don’t think it’s the right path for me!” 24 1m totally drawn in: 23 comment on what you see: 5 went through all the different exhibits: 9 split up and do some adventuring on your own: © loved every minute of it: 0 | don’t think it’s the right path for me: "27 walkthrough the exhibits with: pil aA be) Be ce Uy aetna i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 5, Do you think museums are important? / Do you like visiting museums? ‘Yes, umseums are definitely important. They preserve the past!2! by showing you what life used to be like. In that sense”, they teach future generations about how the world came to be. I think everyone should spend time in a museum. It makes you appreciate the past and treasure the present even more, 6. How often do you visit museums?/Do you often visit a museum? Unfortunately, I don’t get to visit museums as often as I would like to. Museums tend to be pricey and on a student budget! I can’t always afford to go. I try to visit the museum closest to me at least once two or three years $0 that I can see whatever new exhibit they have going on. 7. Ave there many museums in your hometown? No, there aren’t many museums in my hometown, Actually, there’s just one. It’s next to the public library. Itjust has exhibits about the town itself. I think if actually pretty interesting. If you visit, you can see what the town looked like a hundred years.ago. You.can learn about how it developed and changed over time!™5 131 preserve the past: more: 2 Ta that sense: 1 ona student budget: we ” BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. How often do you go to the farm? / Have you visited a farm? Tdou’t go to farms very often. I live in the city, so farms are pretty far away from me. But Ido have a friend who lives on a farm. I visit her every once in a while! It’s fun walking around the property'’” and enjoying the scenery. There ate lots of barn cats!"® to play with as well. 2. Do you like farming? Well, I grew up in the city. So I'm definitely not familiar with farming. But I think it sounds really interesting! And I have a fiiend who lives ou a farm, I visited her place often as a kid. I got to see 139 how farming works firsthand. It’s pretty cool, but it’s just not what I grew up with 3, Is farming important to a country? Are farms important to a country? Yes, definitely. Farms are obviously important to agriculture. Without farms, you would lack basie things like grain, dairy, and meat products. Thosé/aré the backbone of the food industry"? Its hard to imagine what life would be like without those things. Our food would be really limited. 4, Would you like move to a farm? Do you want to live in the countryside? No, I don’t want to move to a fan. Living in the countryside could be nice, but I wouldn’t want to live on a farm. I think that living on a farm is just too taxing'!. There are too many things to get done. 89 every once in @ while: 87 walking around the property: 1 the backboue of the food industry: 8 bam cats: 11 foo taxing: © see how fam BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna 5p eee sebook.comv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) etline: (898298-57R website: 5, What kinds of farms do you like? Lreally like farms that have common animals like sheep and cows. I think cows are my favourite farm animals. They're big and they don’t smell that great, but they’re so cute! If you've ever seen a cow, you'll know how big and sweet their eyes are. 6. Did you do farm work when you were young? No, I grew up in a city so Tnever had to do any farm work. But a couple of years ago, I visited a friend who lived on a farm. When I stayed over at her house"?, we did some farm chores in the moming. It was fim gelting a taste of farm life" the IELTS Prediction \© stayed over at her house: CTT eA LOM LN AA ea ws omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. Do you like planting trees? Why? Well, I've never planted a tree before. But I imagine it would be fim, The hard part would be waiting for it to grow. Trees don’t exactly spring out of the ground fully fonmed'**. But I think the process of planting it would be rewarding’. It'd feel good to help out the environment in that way. 2. What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your hometown? Well, there are many species of trees that are common in China. I think the type of tree that Chinese people plant the most often is pine", But farmers in China normally love planting fruit trees. In my hometown, there are also a ton of willows lining the streets'*’. 3. Have you planted trees? / Did you plant trees when you were a child? No, I didn’t have the chanee to plant trees a3.a kid. I grew up:in an apartment, so we definitely didn’t have a backyard to puta treein, But | think’it'would've'been a cool experience. Planting trees is really good for the environment, ‘The more trees you have, the more oxygen goes into the atmosphere™*. 4, What kinds of trees do you (want to) plant? Pve never planted a tree myself but if possible, I would love to plant an apple tree. I’ve been to a fruit farm for apple-picking before. [twas such a blast™® picking the big red apples from the tree. It would be more fun if I could do that on my own tee. 4 spring out of the ground fully formed: M8 The more trees you have, the more oxygen goes 45 rewarding: into the atmosphere: 1 pines BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae Bays . enn =“) D> Sy feman emessaans website: Hity 5. Are there any Fie Kinds of trees in your country? Idon’t really know much about botany’. But I think the gingko tree’! is a type of native tree in vEU IELTS) China, I've never seen TV programs or artworks from other countries describing the gingko tree. But gingko is really widely planted in China. Many cities in China even have streets famous for being lined with gingko trees!” 6. Do people in your country plant trees? No, I don’t think people in my country plant trees so often. It’s not a very common practice’. But March 12th is an exception because it’s National Tree Planting Day"**. Many people get to plant trees on that day, usually organized by schools and companies. Other than that!*S, I don’t usually see people around me plant trees 7. Are there many trees in your city? No, there aren’t thatamany trees in my,city. It’s kindof a.shame'**,J think that it really makes a city more beautiful when there are lots of trees around. But our city is overpopulated"*? and most of the land there is used for buildings. 15 National Tree Planting Day: ‘5: the gingko wee: 55 Other than that: + being lined with ginako trees 16 Ie'skind ofa shame \9 Irs nota very common practice: 7 overpopulated: roy Tig TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Which part of your country do you want to live in? / Which city in China is the best one to live in? If possible, I really want to move to Hangzhou and live there forever. I've tuaveled to tons of places in China, but Hangzhou is definitely the most livable city among them'**. It literally'’? looks like a city of gardens. Plus the weather there is super comfortable; i’s neither too hot ot too cold there. 2. What makes you feel proud of your country? Well, I'm proud of China for so many things. But since the COVID-19 pandemic™®, what I'm most proud of my country for is the grit and civic duty of our people'®". The pandemic was severe at the beginning. But Chinese people are united and willing to make personal sacrifices to help flatten the cmve'®. It’s really great. 3. Do you know the history of your country well? Well, I've leamed a lot about the history of China, nstly fronfhistory class and relevant books. But I certainly can’t say'® I know the history of my country, well, because it’s a country with a $000-year history, And there are still a lot of unknown parts of our history. 4, Will you stay in China in the future? Inthe long nm‘**, I will definitely stay in China because it’s not only where my family is but also a country that develops fast. Ihave a dream of starting my own business one day so it’s definitely way more promising'® living in China. But I'd love to study abroad for several years and know the world better. ‘5 definitely the most livable city among them: 1 flatten the curver itera: '© the COVID-19 pandemic 1: J certainly can’t say: 46 Tn the Long nun: the ssipambeivioas 165 noc BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna 5, What’s the best part of Chinese culture? I think the best part of our culture is classical Chinese poetry, which is often cousidered as the earl _of Chinese culture’, The ancient poems are beautiful when spoken or chanted"? in Chinese. And most importantly, they are legacies from our ancestors’ a long time ago. Poetry carries the most traditional values and philosophy in China. 6. Are you proud of your hometown? Yeah, I’m very proud of my city. It’s a really livable place and the economy is also thriving’. L'm proudest of” the cleanliness of my hometown. I have to compliment the city for doing a good job of keeping the city clean. It’s really hard to spot garbage in the streets!" there ‘65 the pearl of Chinese culture: 1 diving: 1 chanted: 1 I'm proudest of: ‘66 Iegacies from our ancestors 17 spot garbage inthe streets: P-Toy ole alo) TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What's the decoration like in your home? Answer 1: My partner and J just moved into our new apartment, and our theme so far is very centred around’? our books aud records. Both of us have big book and record collectious so our entire apartment is filled to the brim with!” concert posters, movie posters, and bookshelves. Everything centres around our love of art! Answer2: ‘My house is decorated in a minimalist style’. That means everything is pretty plain and uncluttered'”*. My parents don’t like anything that’s too messy. They prefer the house to look clean and sophisticated'’S, The walls are all neutral tones!’ and everything matches. There are no bright colours or clunky" objects anywhere 2. What kind of decorations do you want to have? / What kind of decorations do you prefer? Well, I hope to have a more classiélooking home! Want am olf classic interior design with old wooden furniture, with things that look classy but not old and outdated, like calligraphy and classic paintings. I would also love to have an antique shelf with all kinds of antiques'”, which would look really nice. 3. Do Chinese people like redecorating their home? Not really. People like making small changes to their home though. When it comes to a large- scale redecoration to their home, I don’t think most families would do it. It's uot just money, it’s also about the workload'® behind it. Moving out and back in can be really troublesome. \ very centred around: 16 sophisticated: filled to the brim with: 17 peutral tones a minimalist style 18 ch \ pretty plain and uncluttered: 1 antiques: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etline: (898298-57R website: 4, What's your favorite colour when decorating your home? My favourite colour to paint or have as a colour scheme" throughout my house is light yellow. Tlove pale yellow'®?, | feel like it gives off a feeling of comfort and warmth, similar to the sun, Whenever I have company over'* I want them to feel welcomed and at peace and I think yellow does that. 5, What decorations do you have in your home? There aren't too many decorations in my home, but we do have a few paintings. My mom’s friend is an artist. She’s given our family some of her originals'**, My favourite painting of hers is of a cherry blossom tree. It’s makes our house look so sophisticated. the IELTS Prediction ‘8 a colour scheme: 18 have company over: BO DU DOAN 4 KV NANG BAO Mg KEY VIP 1 DE TRUNG 100% omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. Did you learn math in high school?/ Do students learn maths secondary schools in China? ‘Yes, I learned math all throughout high school’®. It's a mandatory subject in high school curriculum. It is also very important to leam and understand math because you will use it in everyday life. Math may have been difficult in high school but it was definitely necessary to know. 2. Do you think math is difficult? think it depends on the person. Some people really excel in math classes!®° while others, like inyself, tend to struggle a bit more with leaming math, I always tried very hard to focus in math class to grasp the material but no matter what age I was, I still struggled. 3. What did the teacher do to improve your math? Are the methods interesting and useful? Well, I was pretty lucky that Thad a.good math teacher when I was in iniddle school. The most interesting technique he used fo helpus improve dumath skills was applying basic theories to real-life problems. Like he taught vs about probability!®!, by, demonstrating why buying lottery tickets is a vain attempt to getrich'** 4, What can people do with math in their daily life? / Do you think math is important? People can use math every day of their lives. There are always times in life when"®® you will need to do quick math’. It’s helpful whether you're adding or subtracting’, or trying to calculate how much the discount is, There is always a need for math in daily life which is why itis important to leam in school, 4S all throughout high school: rich: 195 excel in math classes: 1 There are always times in life when: \ probability: 499 do quick math: 1 buyingion “ 191 adding o ‘DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etline: (898298-57R website: 5. Do you use math in your work? Yes! I use math every day. I work for a real estate company" and my job requires me to read reports every day. A lot of the time’? reports, And I have to be able to do the math quickly in my head. math comes up when I need to check the numbers in the 6. Do you learn math now? Why/ Why not? ‘No, Idon’t learn math anymore. Ionly use math in life and at work, After graduating from college, Thaven’t taken another math class. I's not because I hate math. I just don't feel it’s necessary for me to spend more effort on sharpening my math skills'™ anymore. the IELTS Prediction 1 areal estate company: * sharpening my math skills: Aloy a lee lig ae TP AAI COME Uy KEY VIP 1 DE TRUNG 100% ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. What kind of TV programs do you like? Tlike comedy television. I don’t like any serious dramatic TV shows, or daytime television. Ilike to be entertained and laugh when I’m watching TV. My favourite comedy show is My Own Swordsman'®®, That show always makes me bust a gut!’®, The script is very witty'”” and I've binge-watched!* it several times 2. Do you often watch programs on the TY or on your cellphone? [im .used to watching TV shows on my cellphone rather than on the TV. [love watching all kinds of programs, but honestly, [never have time to sit down and relax on the couch in front of the TV. So watching shows on mycellphonie is a good alternative and it’s really convenient. 3, Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched? ‘Yes, and I think’ talk to my friends’ little too much about the TV programs that I’ve watched. I {just love sharing the TV shows I like with people. Sometimes even talk too much about a show and give spoilers!™”, My friends have'to ask me to stop 4, Do you like watching TV alone? No, I like watching TV with my friends. We usually have the same interest in TV shows and can always have a blast watching them together. For example, when Game of Thrones was still playing, I watched all the episodes°® with my buddies. It would be a pity if I watched it all by myself. \ My Own Swordsman: > give spoilers 18° makes me busta gut > Game of Thrones: 1 episodes: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna a bonding time: 22 cate up with family 218 breathtaking: 2 chan BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. Do you think it’s hard to remember others’ names? / Is it easy for you to remember people’s names? No, I don’t think it’s that hard. Well, some people might have a spotty memory”. So they might not be able to remember names. But personally, I think it’s easy if you make an effort. It really makes a difference when you can keep track of people’s names”. 2. Have you ever forgotten anyone's name? ‘Yes, actually, I forgot my neighbour's name after I met her for the first time, We were both out for awalk and she introduced herself to me. But a week later, I saw her again and completely blanked on her name”. Luckily, she graciously reminded me”, 3. How do you remember others’ names? Honestly it’s just repetition. Irepeat their names a few times in my head when I first leam it. It also helps to have @ face to match with the name, If'you Temember what a person looks like, it’s easier to remember what their name is, 4. What do you feel when people can’t remember your name? Most of the time, it doesn’t bug me at all”*. I know that some people aren’t good with names. I try not to take it personally”*. But if they don’t remember my name after meeting me multiple times, [take a bit of offence”. It just mbs me the wrong way" 5. What names are you good at remembering? Tim good at remembering unique names. It’s hard to remember common names. But when I meet people with names that have rarely-used Chinese characters, their names often stick in mymind”® for a long time after I leam how to say them. J think the effort helps me remember them. 2" have a spotty memory: 25 keep track of people's names: 2 [take abit of offence: 5 completely blanked om her namie: 1 t just rubs me the wrong way: graciously reminded me: 2% have sarely-used Chinese characters © it doesn’t bug me at all: 28 stick in my mind: 7 | ty pelmaalanieocen BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA ey eee Men teren ales ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you often get up early in the morning? No, I'm definitely not a moming person™!, Idou’t like getting up at the erack of dawn”. Iwould much rather sleep in. Lknow that’s lazy, but I do a lot of work late at night so I'm still productive. 1 just prefer nighttime. I don’t like being awake too early in the day. 2, When was the last time you had to get up early and what did you do? Thad to get up early this morning for the IELTS test. This is so important for me and Leaulda’t risk being late for it. My place is pretty far from the examination place. So I got up at 6:30 in the moming to make sure Ihad enough time for the trip today. 3. What do you do when you get up early? Well, I’m not a moming person. When I get up early, it’s usually for school. So when I’m ready to start the day, Tmake a list of all miy tasks and get éo Work on Completing them, 4. Which morning of the week do you like the most? I think I like Friday mornings the most. 1 have to-get up early-for school, but at least I know that T'l have the weekend off”?, So when I’m tired and not looking forward to class, it feels good to know that I get to sleep in the next day. 5. What do you do on weekend mornings?/ Do you get up early on weekends? Lusually sleep in if Ihave the chance. Sometimes I get up early to do housework or catch up on?*® schoolwork. But most of the time, Ijust lie in bed and watch videos on my phone. I think it’s good to give yourself a break”*®, and weekends are perfect for that. 251 a moming person: 27 Pithave the weekend off 2 atthe crack of dawn: 2 catch up ou: 23 sleep inca: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you like reading? ‘Yes, I love reading! It can always set my mind at ease™”. If I’m feeling stressed out, I just pick up a_good book and get lost in the story”. I think that more people should read; it eam really help you blow off steam”. There’s nothing more calming to me. 2. Do you like to read at home or in other places? personally prefer to read at home. [love being snuggled up in my bed™*, in my pyjamas, with a cup of tea, and a good book. It is one of my favourite self-care activities to just relax and read a book. Plus, I’m often distracted when I read a book outside. 3, In what place do you think itis difficult to read? I think the most difficult place for me to read is on public transit. If I’m on a subway or a bus, I can’t seem torfoctis 6m What I’m trying/to read at alll Theté are'too May distractions on a bus or a train which stresses me out too much to read, 4, Do you like reading alone or with others? Llike reading alone better, It ean be nice to hang out with others, but sometimes it’s distracting, Instead of focusing on my book, I usually wind up” talking to the other people. It’s nicer when P'm by myself. I can put on whatever music I want and just have some down timezss 29 set my mind at ease: 2 being smggled up in my bed: 1 pick up a good book and get lost inthe story: 2 wind up: 2 down time: > blowot BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. How often do you take a rest? Honestly, I don’t rest as often as should. I’m pretty much a workaholic’. So I always try to stay busy. But sometimes, if I’m not too tied up with work and study™”, I take a day off to just relax. I usually like relaxing on the weekends. I just watch TV and scroll through social media™* all day. 2. What do you usually do when you are resting? Whenever I take the time to rest I love to really relax. As in™®, I don’t want to do anything other than?®? lie on my couch and do nothing. Sometimes I love watching a movie ora television show Pm currently enjoying. I don’t often get time to rest but when I do I enjoy it. 3. Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest2/ How do you feel after taking a nap? No, I try not fo nap. Sometimes I can’t help it andT end up dozing off" But I try to avoid naps when T can, [always feel very confitsed?*? when Iwakeup. Ittotally throws me off my rhythm?:°, So I try to power through" instead’of sleeping more? 6 workaholic: 5 T can’t help it and Tend up dozing off: 2 tied up with work and study: 28 scroll through social media: 2 confused: 2 Asin: 2 fotally throws me off my rhythm: 2 Tdon’t want to do anything other than: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What do you do to stay happy? Well, Love working out® outside to stay positive and happy. It's a habit I've been keeping for years. usually do it at a park near my home every weekend. It works like a charm forme" when want to escape from the hustle and bustle of life and work”. And my mind feels happier after exercising every time. 2. Do you think people should be happy all the time?/Can you stay happy all the time? No, I don’t think so. It’s not healthy to make yourself be happy all the time. Sometimes life isn’t easy and things make you upset. If you try to fight off bad feelings’**, you won't process them in ahealthy way. That can make things even worse. It’s better to have a balance of emotions”? 3. Is it important to be happy? ‘Yes, being happy is important to living a good life. For starters*®, being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. Happiness is the most powerful weaponlto"help you"eombat stress and depression?*, Plus, I think people who are happier are more optimistic, so they usually find it easier to be successful in life and at their job. 4. When is the last time you made people happy?/ Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately? I graduated from university with top honours” just a few months ago. It was the result of years of hard work. I was really proud of myself for making it trough my degree”. But even better, it made my friends and family so happy. They were so glad to see me succeed. 255 working o1 280 For starters: *© Te works like a charm for me: 251 the most powerfull weapon to help you combat stress and depression: 257 escape from the hustle and bustle of life and work: 2m graduated ftom university with top hononrs: 28 fight off bad feelings: 23 haved Sf 26s BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you like texting? / How do you send important messages? Yeah, I prefer texting most of the time”. It’s probably the most common way I talk to my friends nowadays. But I think that if the message is really serious or urgent, a phone call is mote appropriate. That way, nothing gets lost in translation”. So when it comes to" something really important, Pll usually make a phone call. 2. Do you like having phone calls? ‘Yes, [really like having phone calls to catch up with"? family and friends near and far! I think you can have a much more interesting and in-depth conversation over the phone compared to by text. That being said””, I always check to make sure that the person I am calling is available to talk by texting them first. 3. Do you prefer to receive a text message or to send one? I prefer to receive a text message, especially from someonesI haven't talked to in a while””!, an because it means that person is thinking of me andjvants to eafth we have a strong friendship. I also send messages to friends to see how they’re doing and if they . It always shows me that ‘want to meet up. 4. What time is good for sending text messages to others? The good thing about texts is the person receiving the text does not need to respond right away like they would for a phone call ~ so really”, you can send a text anytime, day or night, and the person you are texting can just respond when it is convenient for them. 251 most of the time: 2 in-depth conversation: 25 nothing gets lost in translation: 2° That being said: 27 ina while 288 when it comes to: 27 wants to eatch up 2 catch up with: 25 near anda BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 5, Have you ever received a confusing text message? Yes, Ihave, One time, I opened my phone to find a text full of gibberish?” It was from my mom, and it made absolutely no sense®”, She didn’t even type real words! I texted her back with three question marks””6, and she finally responded that she'd pocket-texted?”” me, That made way more sense. 6. In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message? [think it’s better to call when something important has happened. It could be something cool, like apiece of good news. Orit could be something more serious, like ifa family member has had an accident. Either way””*, calling is better than texting in times like those*”. That way, nothing gets ost in translation, > find a text fill of gibberish: 7 pocket-texted: > it made absolutely no sense 2 Either ways BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes 7 texted omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. Do you write by pen or by typing?/ Do you often write with a pen? Lusually write by typing. [like handwriting, but for the most part, using a computer is way faster and more convenient”®*, For example, if I'm writing an essay for school, it would take me way too long to try and write it out. My hand gets cramps”! when I try to write for that long. So I prefer typing. 2. When do you write by pen? I write by pen when I'm doing writing for myself. For example, when I write in my journal, I always do that by hand, It’s more personal", I think. I also use handwriting for cards and letters that I send to friends and family. I’s a good way to give it that special tonch?™ 3. Do you think typing will replace handwriting? No, I don’t think so, mean, typingiis definitely more common than handwriting. It’s a lot faster and sometimes it’s more convenient, But T think handwriting gives something a nice personal touch’, It shows that the writer ptifiextra effort initd’their meSsage**. I think it’s really nice to get a handwritten letter 4, What's the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer? Typing on a computer is usually faster. And you don’t have to use any physical tools" like pens or paper, When you write with a pen, it’s a slower process. But there’s a little more personality to it. You know, everyone has a unique stvle of handwriting”*” that adds a personal touch to their writing. 2 way faster and more convenient: touch: © put extra effort into their message: 2 My hand gets cramps: 2® Irs more personal: physical tools: 28 give it that special touch: 2 everyone has a unique style of handwriting: 2 hands BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna vEU IELTS) 5. Can you fell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting? Yes, I think you can tell a little bit about someone’s personality from their handwriting. For instance, you could guess that people with messy handwriting” are kind of morganized, but people with neat handwriting care about appearances and take their time. Of course, you can’t judge a book by its cover”*?. 6.1s your handwriting easy to read for other people? Yeah, I guess my handwriting is pretty easy for other people to read. In school, I had to practice writing very neatly’®, and that’s a skill that I've taken with me all the way until now”*!. Actually it’s important to take your time’and be careful when you write, or else no oue will understand you. 25 messy handwriting: 2 neatly: 2® you can't judge a book by its covers 2 4 shill that 've taken with me all the way until BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes om ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you have a lot of furniture in your home? / What furniture do you have in your home? Idon’t have a ton of furniture in my home, but we have the basies”””. You know, we have comfy couches, tables, and chairs. My mom likes collecting antique furniture, so a lot of it is pretty old. But you'd be surprised at how fashionable it can look. She has a great eye for funiture and interior decorating”. 2. Is there furniture of yours given by others? /Is there anyone who bought furniture for you? Well, no one ever bought funiture for me, but I actually got a couch from my best friend’s family. They were looking to getrid of it since they were buying a new one. I told my mom, and when she checked it out, she really loved it. So my friend’s family gave it to us firee of charge! It was so nice of them todo that. 3, What furniture would you like'to buy? Td like to buy a new bedroom set?*”. You know, it comes with a bedsfame and dressers”®. The ones that are in my bedroom right now are pretty old. So it would be really nice to upgrade. I think Ineed more drawer space for my clothes. It’s definitely a first-world problem’. 4, What furniture do you like best your home? I definitely like the couches the best. They're super comfy to sit on, Sometimes I just lay on the couch scrolling through social media”? on my phone. Couches are perfect if you're ina lazy mood, You can just chill and relax®? on them. Plus, if you're having people over", they can sometimes sleep on the couch. 2 we have the basics: 2% It's definitely first-world problem: 2 antique furniture: 2% nasa great eye for: © scrolling through social medi ® interior decorating: 25 were looking to: ‘be looking to do ® in alazy mood: 2 chill nd relax: having people over: PoTUe To Ee AND eh ORL UN aA eet eC aeons enon ae omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What kinds of clothes do you like to wear?/What kinds of clothes do you usually wear? like wearing chic and modem clothes. You know, | like following current fashion trends and stuff like that, But I don’t like anything too baggy. I also tend to avoid bright colous or anything super form-fitting or revealing™®, I usually wear a lot of high-waisted jeans and fancy shirts. 2. What kind of clothes do you never wear? T never wear anything super loose and baggy’”, I just don’t think those kinds of clothes are flattering’, You can barely tell what kind of body shape you have when you're wearing an oversized*® sweater. Some people are more comfortable with that, which I can respeet. But it's just not for me 3, Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends? No, Itend to wear slightly different styles on the weekdays versus? the weekends. On weekdays, T'm usually in classes so I try to dressup a little. [wear things"that are more business casual’! But on weekends, when I'm just hanging out with family, or friends, I cress more on the casual side. 4. What’s your favorite color of your clothes? It sounds a little bleak, but [really like black". It’s such a simple but iconic color’ for clothes. ‘You can match it with just about anything, So it’s really a classic, and Ihave a ton of black shirts and pants. I also like grey and white. Just neutral colours*!*, I guess. 2 chic 20 versus: 9% super form-fitting or revealing 31 more business casuals 205 high waisted jeans 32 It somnds little bleak, but I xeally lke black: 507 super loose and bagay 20 attering: 38 conic color: 2 ov Biante BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etline: (898298-57R website: 5, Would you buy clothes because of certain brands? Honestly, I don’t really pay attention to brands. They're not important to me. So I don’t think I ‘would buy clothes just because they’re a certain brand". I care more about how the clothes look and feel on me*!S, It doesn’t really matter if they're a name brand or not®7, 6. What color do you not like when choosing clothes? T really don’t like orange clothes. T just think orange is one of the uglier colours. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t look good with my skin tone. But it just seems like a weird colour to me. Plus, it’s hard to find a lot of colours that orange looks good with, the IELTS Prediction 315 a certain brand: 237 Jt doesn't really matter if they're a name brand or 25 how the clothes look aud feel on me: ot B6 DU'BO, KEY VIP 1 DE TRUNG 100% predicting( TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. How was your concentration when you were a child? Was it hard for you to focus? Iwas actually pretty focused as a kid, A lot of kids my age would get distracted really easily. But Tusually set my mind to whatever was in front of me", And I didn’t get bored or anything. I would stay on task and follow through®!®, It wasn’t hard forme to focus at all. 2. When do you need to be focused? Tneed to stay focused whenever I’m preparing for an important test. For example, I had a big exam coming up awhile ago”, [really had to buckle down and stay on task”! so I could do well. 3. What do you do to help you concentrate? I find it helpful to turn off my phone. I usually have it on me, and all the messages and notifications that pop up can be distracting. So I shut of" my phone and put it away. As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” Tt xeally works wonders for??> concentration. 4, What may distract you when you're trying to stay focused? Nowadays, there are so many distractions that can catch your eye™®. Technology is probably the number one distraction. It’s hard to stay on task when my phone’s going off”. Computers can distract me too because it’s easy to open a new tab*"*_and just surf the internet instead of doing your work. 28 set my mind to whatever was in front of me: 2 shut off: 2 out of sight, out of mind: 2 say om task and follow through: 5 works wonders for: ® catch your eye: 52 awhile ago: 521 buckle down and stay on task: 27 going off open a new tab: sve BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna you'll end up doing both tasks poorly. 22 a moming person 25 how to juggle lots of different tasks: 9% Ym really in the zone: 88 get in my way: stay diligent 2% pop up om the screen: > orelse: EleP oligo Vd IG BAO TI [oy TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you usually make a list for shopping? No, Tusnally just wing it™* when I go shopping. Honestly, it’s not the best method. Sometimes T forget all the things Ineed when I go out. So I end up buying a bunch of” stuff I don’t need. It’s not very helpful, especially when I'm going grocery shopping. 2, Do you usually make a list for study or work? Does it work?/ Do you like making a list? Yeah, I try to make a list of things I need to do. Especially when it comes to school, it helps keep me from getting overwhelmed’. Making a list of tasks keeps me organized and focused. And it makes all the work seem more manageable. So it's definitely really helpful. It works like a charm, 3. Why do some people not like making a list? I think they find it really boring, You know, it’s not that fun to sit down and make a list of all the things you have to do, Tt takes up time and can seem useless, Other people don’t like making lists because they organize their workin other way8, 4, Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone? prefer making a list on my phone. Sometimes I try making lists on paper, but [always end up losing them’*!, But if I make a list on my phone, then T know I'll have it with me at all times. After all, my phone is practically always on me. Inever go anywhere without it 5, Why do some people not like to plan? I think some people don’t like planning because they'd rather focus on the present. They don’t like thinking too hard about the future”, Sometimes that’s because they're lazy. Other times, it's because they like to wing it and not have every step mapped out™®. I think some of those reasons are valid 2 wing it 1 end up losing th 27 a bunch of: > They don’t like thinking too hard about the 25 keep me from getting overwhelmed: ature: % ot have every step mapped out * Tt works like a charm: © takes up time and cau seem useless: 4 valid: ple aAV eee ce UL aNels sees omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. Do you recycle now? ‘Yes, [always try to recycle when I can. It’s the least you can do to“ help protect the environment. If you put recyclable items in the trash, then you aren’t helping cut down on waste“®. That really weighs on my conscience“, So I definitely recycle on a daily basis. 2. Did you recycle things when you were a child? ‘Yeah, for the most part I recycled things as a kid. My parents always taught me that I should do my part to help protect the environment". That includes recycling whenever you can. As the saying goes, reduce, reuse, recycle”. Those are the three big steps to’ cutting down on waste. 3. Will you recycle things in the future? ‘Yes, I'll definitely recycle things in the future. Protecting the environment is really important to me. My parents raised me to believe that everyone can make a difference. even if it’s trough the small things. That includes recycling. So I'l always dosmy patt to telp out by cutting down on waste. 4, Should children be taught to recycle? ‘Yes, Ithink children should be taught to recycle from an early age to instil good habits**". Children who recycle are more likely to grow into adults who recycle, which is really important for the environment. Reducing waste should be a top priority’, and recycling is one easy way to do that, 5. What kinds of items are recyclable? Loads of things are recyclable; there are probably more things that yon can recycle compared to things that you can't! Plastic, glass, paper, and cardboard can all be recycled, and when you think about it, most of our waste is made up of one of those four materials. 45 Ips the least you can do to: 5 cut down on waste: 37 weighs on my conscience: 39 tee big steps to: 98 do my part to help protect the environment: 51 instil good habits: * a top priority: 9 as the saying goes, reduce, reuse, reeyele: 2 Loads of Wolter ole NEE |G BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna 6. What kind of things do you recycle? L usually recycle paper. As a student, I go through tons of it**. Whether it’s assignments or handouts, [always have tall stacks of paper*** by the end of the school year. So when I'm done with the papers, I put them in the recycle®”, That way, they can be repurposed and help the environment. 7. Is recycling becoming more important nowadays? ‘Yes, I think that with all the damage that has already been done to our environment, recycling is super important. You see reports all the time of*** wild animals being killed or injured by trash that has been left in their enviroment. If more people recycled properly, this would not happen nearly as often*? 251 go through tons of it: 38 You see reports all the time of 25 nandouts: 2 fall stacks of paper: 8 this would not happen nearly as often: °7 put them in the reeyee: P-Toy ole alo) TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you like changes? To be honest, I don’t like big changes. They can stress me out. For example, when I graduated igh school, I was excited but moving on was really hard for me to adjust to. I was really stressed about that big life change**° 2. What are the changes in your hometown? ‘Well, a huge one that I can think of right now is the renovation of shanty areas“ in our city. As far as I know, the city has been working on projects to rebuild those ancient and undeveloped areas for years. The old bungalows** are being replaced by tall residential buildings and commercial buildings uow. Its a great change! 3, What has changed about you between now and in the past? / Have you changed a lot since your childhood? Alot has changed about me, For one, Pmwaymore outgoing®® now. Iwas shy asa kid, but P've Jeamed how to be more social since then. Another Ghénge is that I’m more driven and focused* know more about what I want to do with my life than I did in the past. 4, What are the positive changes do you want to have in the next five years? “What’s your plan over the next five years?” 2 big life change: 48 the renovation of shanty areas: 5 I'm more driven and focused %® bungalows: Bway ley olte TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ! Ohlins CA BBE, viciosite 1. What kinds of sports do you like? (What's your favorite sport? Sports aren’t really my cup of tea'**, but Ido like a few of them, T really enjoy swimming and badminton, They're pretty different, but I think they're both really fun to do. Swimming is ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) probably my favourite, It’s a great way to blow off some steam**? while getting some exercise. 2. What sports team do you support? /Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why? I don’t really know about a lot of sports teams. I honestly don’t really watch sports on TV, and flefinitely don’t go to games™. So I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to teams*! If Lever get into sports®”, I should probably find a local team fo support. 3. Did you like sports in your childhood? What’s the sport you did the most when you were a child? ‘Yeah, I actually liked sports when I was a kid. In fact, I was on a few different sports teams. The sport I did the most was Soccer. I thought it was really fim to run up and down a field chasing after the ball’??. It always kept me on my toes! 4, Do you watch sports games on TV? / Do you watch sports matches? Why? No, I don’t watch sports games on TV. I think there are tons of other interesting things to watch, Sports kind of bore me to death*®®, if P'm honest. If anvthing?*6, I'd rather play them than watch, them, So I don’t go out of my way to” watch sports on TV. 5, Do you think there are too many sports games playing on TV? Why? Well, from what I know’, there are tons of channels dedicated to sports games*”. I don’t think there are necessarily too many”, Imean, lots of people really enjoy watching sports. So it’s good. they have a variety of things to watch. 35 aren’t really my cup of tea: 5 Sports kind of bore me to death: 8 blow off some steam: 99 1Fanything: 9 don't go to games: 7 don't go out of my way to: 2. Twonldn’t even know where to start when it © from what I know: comes to teams: 2% dedicated to sports games: 2 get into. 2 ran up and down a field chasing after the ball: “0 1 don’t think there are necessarily too many: 2% kept Pelt eae NE aA ee) Be ce Ul anon ee ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you often go to a cinema? Idon’t go to movie theatres very often, Houestly, I’m kind of a homebody", So I prefer watching movies fiom the comfort of my couch. But if I want to do something fum with my friends, going to the theatre is always a good time 2. Do you like watching movies on weekends? “What do you often do on weekends?” 3, What types of movie do you like to watch? Tmostly like comedies and action movies. I find most dramas or documentaries can be a bit boring unless you're really interested in the topic, but comedies and action films are never boring! There is always something funny to laugh at with friends, or some dramatic action sequence” keeping you glued to the edge of your seat" 4 I'm kind of a homebody: 4 dramatic action sequence: ‘itp eeaeeaiaaia BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. What do you often do on weekends? On weekends, I usually sleep in" and try to hang out with my friends. We all get pretty busy with work and school, so weekends are sometimes our only chance to spend time together". We like going to the mall or seeing a movie together. It’s always a blast and makes the weekends a fin time. 2. Did you do anything special last weekend? No, notreally. I had a pretty quiet weekend"*, I just hung out by myself at home. It might sound boring, but it was actually really relaxing. I get so busy with work and school that I don’t often have time to just kick back and relax. So 'm glad I had a chill weekend®”. 3. What do you want to do next weekend? ['d really liketohhang outwith my fiietids next weekend. Wehaven’t seen each other in a while‘, 80 it would be nice to have a meal together, We always havea ton of fun when we try to cook something. Even though we’re not gfeat at cooking, if’s the effort that counts", 4, Do you like playing alone or with others? Tike playing with others. If 'm doing a fun activity, its always more fim with friends. For example, going to the beach by yourself can allow you to reflect and enjoy some quiet time*!® But I have way more fun when I go with my fiiends. We get to bond" and do lots of activities together. 1% sleep in: ® it’s the effort that counts: 5 our only chance to spend time together: 0 allow you to reflect and enjoy some quiet time: “% hada pretty quiet weekend: 311 get to bond: had a chill weekend: 18 in a Wh BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 5, What are the activities you want to do in the future? Td really like to try parasailing*"?, It’s when you lift off in a parachute attached to a boat. It sounds crazy, but I’ve seen pictures and videos and it looks like a blast. I also want to go hiking, T've never done it before, and it seems like a really good way to bum some fat and get in shape. 6. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends? Usually, people hang ont at the mall or go to bars on the weekends, Those are probably the two most popular places to chill with friends and just shoot the breeze“. Some people also like doing outdoor activities, like Tai chi in the park. Others go for runs and exercise a lot. 7. What are the differences of family activities between now and in the past? I think that in the past, family activities were more low-key"!*. You know, families would just sit around playing card games or something. But nowadays, lots of families like doing outings together"'* They might go to a nice restattiant or go fot a walk in the park. I think it’s a nice change, 42 parasailing: 45 Jow-key: ‘98 [ist off ina parachute attached to a boat: 06 doing outings together: 1 shoo BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes omv/ipredicting( TRYC THUOC YEU IELTS) 1. What do you usually do ina hurry? It sounds a little unusual, but”? T usually get ready in a hurry. I'm not the kind of person who takes hours to*!® get ready in the moming. I stay in bed for as long as I can, and then I rush through”? brushing my hair and teeth and getting dressed. 2. What kind of things would you never do in a hurry? I would never do any task for school or work in a hurry. Those types of tasks are really important - You need to put your best foot forward*”” at school and work, so you should take your time with those things. 3. Are you often ina hurry to leave home?/Do you usually go out in a hurry? Yeal, I'm usually in a rush to go out, Lalways get distracted by something on my phone, so when it’s time to leave I'm never ready. J just run arouid liké'a!chicken with its head cut off! until Tim finally ready to go. 4, Do you like to be in a hurry? No, it sucks when I’m ina rush”. It totally stresses me out. I get all panicky" that I'm going to be late. It’s absolutely the worst. It’s mmch better when I can take my time. I'm a lot calmer that way. And I end up in a better mood than if P'm in a hurry. #7 Te sounds a little unnsual, but: yum around like a chicken with its head eut off: 48 takes hours to: © in sucks when I'm in a rush: 4 ‘gush through: put your best foot forward: ® get all panicky: roy Tig TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Do you like to try new activities? Why? Yeah, I like trying new activities! T think it’s cool because it gets me to do things outside my comfort zone**. I can have new experiences that broaden my horizon. Most new activities are fun 5 to do, For example, I recently tried rock-climbing*™. It was awesome, and I really enjoyed it, 2. Did you try new activities when you were young? Honestly, Iwas a pretty shy kid. So I didn’t like doing a lot of new things. [just stuck to what was familiar“’. So, I only tried a couple new things, and that was it*”’, But now that I’m older, [tealize how valuable new activities can be. So I’ve definitely come around"’* 3. Do you like to try new activities alone or with friends? [like trying new activities with friends. I usually have lot more fun that way. Plus, if ?m nervous about the activity. my friends make me feel better. When Tried tock-climbing, I was pretty scared to get going”. But my friends set my mind at case"? and I ended up enjoying it. 4, What activities (sports) did you do when you were a child? When I was a kid, I did sports like swimming and soccer. I was fairly active", so that was my favourite way to spend time. Plus, [had a lot of fim with my teammates. We won a lot of games together. [also liked more relaxed activities like reading and drawing, 5, What activities would you like to try? Pd really like to try parasailing", It’s when you lift off in a parachute attached to a boat®?, It sounds crazy, but I’ve seen pictures and videos and it looks like a blast. I also want to go hiking, I've never done it before, and it seems like a really good way to bum some fat and get in shape. outside my comfort zone: © get going: 5 roek-climbing © set my mind at ease: “5 stuck to what was familiar: 1 fuisly active: ® parasailing: 9 that was it: © Tif off ina parachute attached t0 a boat: © ve defi 0 BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA ey eee Men teren ales ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Are you happy with your life right now? Yes, for the most part" I'm absolutely satisfied with** my life. I graduated a year ago and I have a really good job right now. The pay is great***, which means I can support myself completely and very well. Plus, all my colleagues are super nice. Honestly, I’m very grateful for what I have right now. 2. What’s your plan over the next five years? / Tell me your plan for the next five years. Umm... I've never planned so far, But I'm sure that I will spend a lot of time and energy trying to!” study abroad in the ext few years and getting an undergraduate degree'**. Honestly, I’ve planned aud dreamed it for years. So, I do hope I can see myself doing well in*® a foreign university in the next five years, 3. What is the most important thing (or biggest achievement) you've done in your life? Honestly, I think the biggest achievement I've made is.graduating at the top of my class in university, It took so much work, starting all the way in first vear!, At some points“? I didn’t think P'd do well at all. I wanted to just give up. But I worked hard, and I finally succeeded. 4, What's your opinion of different stages of life? Lthink of life like a cycle®, where we're born and taken care of and then when we get old we are also taken care of. It’s what we do in the middle that makes it all so exciting. Knowing that there is a finite amount of time in each life“ makes each stage so amazing and so precious. for the most past +0 graduating atthe top of my class in uiversity: © absolutely satisfied with: 8 The pay is great: 1 starting all the way in first year: 7 spend a lot of time ad eneruy trying to: © Atsome points: 9 | think of life like a cycle: getting an undergraduate degree; “there isa finite amount of time in each life 9 see myself doing well in: ple aay eae eos ieaceaian i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 5, What age (or stage of life) do you think is the happiest? ‘Well, I think childhood should be the happiest time of a person’s life. Whenever I look back on’ my childhood memories, [have a big smile on my face’. You know, children don’t have any responsibilities and they have a lot of free time playing. So most of their days are relaxing and full of fun. 6. Do you want to become older or younger? / What would you do if you could be young again? Ido hope there is magic that can make me younger and even go back fo the past. Well, I don’t mean that I want to live my liféall over again“, but when I look back on things** T’ve done in the past, there are certain things that Iwish I could have handled differently*?. For one, if Ieould g0 back to junior middle school, I would definitely not have a falling out with my friend again, Nothing is worse than losing your bestfriend. “5 Jook back on: Took back on things “6 Thave a bigsmile on my fhee: “© Tish I could have handled differently: * tive BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes ing( TRYC THUOC VEU IELTS) 1. Have you borrowed books from others? Yeah, I've actually borrowed a lot of books from my friends. It’s definitely cheaper than buying the latest book I want to read. Plus, since I'm such a book-lover, it helps me bond with my friends by seeing what they like to read. You just have to make sure you retum the book in good shape*’. 2. Have you ever borrowed money from others? I don’t want to make a habit of it, but I've borrowed money from others in the past. For instance, last year I accidentally mined my laptop" by spilling coffee on it. [had to borrow money from ny ftiends to pay for a new one, It was a total bummer. 3. Would you like to lend your phone to others? Well, it depends on the situation. If they need to borrow it to make a phone call, I can totally do that for them!But I woulda’t want to let them borrow it for a long time. I’m pretty attached to" my phone. I use it all the time, so I would want to keepitto myself. 4, Would you like to lend things to others? What would you like to lend to others? [think it’s good to be generous with your things, Everyone likes a helping hand. So yeah, 'd like to lend things to others if I have the chance. I’m fine with letting people borrow my books or even my clothes if they want. It’s nice to share your stuff with others 9 setum the book in good shape “2 attached to: * be generous with... BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna i, CY tts omm/ipredicting( TRU THUOC YEU IELTS) =) 22? Geen ETA Tite; 5. Is there anything that you will not lend to others? I definitely wouldn't lend anything really expensive to others. For example, I wouldu’t lend them my laptop or my phone, since they cost me an arm and a leg*. I wouldn’t want to lend hygiene products* like my toothbrush either, That would really gross me out"6, It’s best to keep that stuff to yourself. 6, How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you? It’s honestly really frustrating. I'm doing them a favour by‘? lending them something. The least they can do is give it back. It’s really inconsiderate*, especially if the item is something expensive. Most of the time (ait it slide“. But when it happens repeatedly, I start to get ticked off". 1 cost me an arm anda leg: 8 inconsiderate: 48 hygiene products: 2 Jetit slide gross me out: * get ticked off: (oingteeaetaais BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes om/ipredicting( TRUC THU 1. What is the most popular means of transportation in your country?/ Do people usually use public transportation in your country? I'd say that nowadays, public transportation, like buses and subway trains, is still the most popular mode of transportation in China. Given the fact that**' most Chinese cities have lots of public transportation, the habit of getting around by*? bus or train hasn’t changed for most Chinese families, even though a lot of them can afford a car. 2, How would you improve transportation in your town or area? Well, I would add a subway. We already have a bus system, but it’s kind of slow. And it adds to the traffic problems we have during rush hour. So it would be really helpful if we had subway trains. Plus, I really love riding the subway when I go to bigger cities. 3. When was the last time you took public transportation? Well, actually T came here by bus becanse the place T live is far front/here. The bus was slow and jam-packed with passengers, And th*traffic was a liftl@bit heavy*this moming, so it took me about 40 minutes, which is longer than usual. 4, Are there any traffic problems in your area? ‘Yeah, we do have traffic problems. My city isn’t that big, so we don’t even have a subway system, And in recent years, a lot of families can afford a car so they get around by driving, which creates more traffic problems. During mish hour, traffic moves at a snail’s pace". It makes commuting super frustrating, I think it’s something the city should improve first. 48 Given the fact that: traffic moves at a snail’s pace BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna <>, seas vEU IELTS) > htt 5, Will you use more public transportation in the future? (1) Yes, I believe I will. Since I dou’t have a car uow, whenever Ineed to go somewhere, I take a bus or a subway tain. It’s the most affordable way to get around for young people like me. And I’m happy that the city has a very developed public transportation system". Plus, there’s going to be more routes and lines for buses and trains in the future. So I think public transportation will always be my number one option for“ commuting (2) Well, right now I drive to and from work"®’. So I don’t actually have to use public transportation. I live in the suburbs, so it’s hard to access it’. It’s really out of my way. But I think that if bus routes extended to my neighborhood, I would use public transportation more often 6. Is driving to work popular in your country? Yeah, driving to work is pretty popular in my country. Even though there are buses and subways in major cities, most people still drive,-They like having the freedom of private transportation‘ Unfortunately, that means there are a lot-of traffic jams. It’s areal pain in the neck for commuters*”!, 7. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? Honestly, I prefer public transportation: I mean, it’s nice to have your own car because you can choose when to start and stop. Plus, you don’t have to depend on other people. But I like public transportation better because it’s more fun. You can people-watch on the bus or subway*””. Plus, they’te cool to ride. 46 a very developed public transportation system: having the freedom of + 8 qumber one option for 7 Tes areal pain in the neck for commuters: 8 drive to and from work: 48 i's hard to access it: # people-watch on the bus or subway: * Tes really m ‘DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae

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