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Describe a family (not your own) that you like. ‘You should say: Who they are; ‘Where they live; How you know them, And explain why you like them. Td like to talk about a family in our neighborhood. It’s a small family with just three people: the mom, the dad, and their son who Is justal Kindergarten age Tim not super closet this finily, but I like them, especially because of their SARGEINE. Once Isaw the little boy playing witha BEARMIMENE toy in our neighborhood. 11's a AUITeagIEaE that sings a song if you press it. Lots of other kids nearby seemed to DEMgeH WHEGAYY about his toy. But thig'boy'dldn’t want tosshiire with any of Helland’ even MOUBHEWI a little girl for it, When the girl wanted to play with him, he suddenly pugheWMerdOwa And they both started erying very loudly. thought his parents would YaMRAOMM but Hicy WORM AOONNMNNMNIAIE. The dad Helped AIRBAG’ ana thermom let the kids tell them what happened first. Then she taught the boy that if you $HOWOM VOUT TOY but don’t share, you'll lose all your friends. I don’t know if he could really understand those words but he ended up apologizing to the girl and Save REne WBE ‘The litte incident feta really good impression on me. 1 Appieelate the way"? the parents talked to the boy. BSE! they must respect each other very much at home. To this boy, I think his parents are also his best friends who he can talk to about everything. So, [really like the way they get along with each other. * is just at kindergarten age: 7 helped the itl up: > parenting ® gave her a ug: > brand news ° eft a really good impression on me: + pushed her down: * yell at him: 1 appreciate the way: 6 weren't too harsh with him 1 Tet re aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public. ‘You should say: Where it was; ‘What the children were doing: How others reacted to it; ‘And explain how you felt about it. Paliketo talk abouta naughty kid Tsow ina park nearmy neighborhood. A HERI it wes tvvo or three months ago. I was on a walk with my mom at the park and there were some kids and parent9 Hialiging out there as well. Anyway, there was a boy who's just SEMMBMORBBRIONMBE, and he was playing with a BRA AW toy at the park. 1's a SUMGOEIRAMe that sings a song if you press it, Lots of other kids nearby seemed to SORROMNERIS, about Nis. toy. But thidboy’ dian’ Wanfto Share with any of them and even fought wil a litle gl forit. When the girl wanted to play with him, he pushed Mento fHOSLaG! which made her ery ¥eiy loudly. ‘The cry GEWEVEOROMMUCHHON (0 them, including the boy's parents. I thought they vould el ati but they MRCOG Wath. The dad Helped HS il up aad the mom let the kids tell tiem what happened first. Then she taught the boy that if you SHOW OHEJOMEIOY but don’t share, you'll lose all your friends. I don’t know if he could really understand those ‘words but he ended up apologizing to the girl and BaVORSE® HUB It was a good ending, Honestly, I thought this rude litle boy might lek good PARSNUNRS, but his pareatsfubveA ME WHOA. Tey were NRG OO Biel an no id ty spol Lreally appreciate the way they talked to him > pushed her to the ground: © lack good parenting: 8 dreweveryoue's attention: 8 proved me wroua: pil aA be) Be ce Uy aetna TRUC THU Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that they didn’t want to do. You should say: Who he or she is; ‘What you encouraged hinv/her to do; How he/she reacted; And explain why you encouraged him/her to do it Well, once Tencouraged my little nephew who's just Al MINMEPBAHON age to share toys with others. He was really FeIMClARE® at first. ERNE ifsc two or three months ago. I was playing with him at a park and there were some kids and parents hanging out there as well. My nephew was playing with a BEAH@OMGW toy that Thad just bought him. It's a SuBEGgIFaMe that sings a song if you press it. Lots of other kids nearby scemed to belgieemivith GINS us to do different tasks based on what each of us was good at. At the end of every week, we always had a meeting to feview#progress and resolve problems, It definitely improved (GGEMekin Ehemisiye Whenever a team member had a problem, someone would Sep Out and give them a hand by sharing some adviGe afi tip, Taking me as an example, when I just started the job, I found that being a Salesep was WAY foigher than T thought. in the first week, I had the 6¥eHwhelming pressure of achieving sales goals, Lisa and two other $OGINGE shared a ton of their experience with me, Under their guidance. sles ls SEE, nr teanwori vas REE re ender of our ‘cam neve REE bess ober role, which allowed the rest of the team to work Abease. Honestly, she has a natural SHSHSEG that makes people trust her and follow her. Plus, everyone on the team was AEMORGARtGd, which allowed us to leam a lot from each other. Honestly, working with this team Helped une gIOw=s and I'm really grateful to be part of the crew. 24 split us into: 27 veterans: 28 dispatched: 28 offthe charts: °% improved our team chemistry: 28 helped me grow: pil aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a time you got lost in a city or a town. ‘You should say: ‘When it happened; Who was with you; ‘What you did; ‘And explain how you found your way. Ted like fo talk about the time I got lost in a small town. During the holiday last May, there was a flower exhibition of tulips held at a flower farm in a small town near our city. You know, Td never been to a flower farm before. So my boyfriend and I decided to go there by a bus route that se looked upon thee, Tttook us almost one and half hours to arrive at the stop, but we still had to walla long way to the farm. It was awkward that we lost our way right after we got off the bus. It’s a huge place with lots of forking rage All the roads look similar, which Fit admixed up™ We tried to look for EAI DMM we sayy on the internet before, but,we followed the wrong sign and GGG hiinglaldedgleMEe so, we Wasled dit Of Gime walldn@uiound. We Oulygolon tie HIMEMACRAAGE 1 asked a passerby who seemed like a local. [figured out later that we were actually walking around the farm. But we didn’t have a GPS for navigation nor @ guide, so we had no other choice but to walk around jill OuPNge Anyway, we finally found the farm, The view there BIGNIMOAWAY. It was the first time that I visited such a fremendous farm and saw such Avast Sea OF Howes. So even though we (OOK GAGE for the tip, itwas really worth it 2 forking roads 2 only got on the right tack after: 24 got us all mixed up: 2 cuded wp hitting a dead end + with our fingers crosses BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes “etlines (898.298.578. viclosite: htt; el Describe your first day at school. ‘You should say: When it was; What it was like; ‘What happened; ‘And explain how you felt on that day. 39. Tm going to talk about the first day I went to university. It's in another city which is pretty far away from my hometown, Since WAN Ne HSE Hie EWEN THIS TOE, and it was for college, uy parents both decided to go with me. However, it was -WRMARIBeEstse we cot lost [i Tes 2 kage place with lots of KOMGNBSOM. All the roads look similar, which SOMOMINMGU UD. 1 tried to look for the school building wheré I should vegister, but I followed the wrong sign and Bnded (EB We vrestcs 2 Yol of ate walking'Slound the calles with my Inggage. We eC Anyway, after 1 MMMM at the office, my parents accompanied me to the dorm. They helped me QM! and'Hed"s chat with my roommates and their parents. In the aftemoon, we had our first class and everyone SORTS INE CUMCING MeMReNeeS. We were all exelted that we could know each other. Afterall, we were HOMMICOME SUE MECOMEg That night, my parents stayed at a hotel for a night and I sent them on the train back home the next day. Then I started my new life in college. Honestly, the first day is always memorable and [sil remember it ke twas yesterday 6 it was the first time I went this far: 2 make the bed: 250 took tums introducing themselves: #7 when we made it to campus: 251 from all comers of the country: 8 signe BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes “Votiine: 6900.298.571 website: htt Describe a kind of weather you like. ‘You should say: ‘What kind of weather it is; ‘What you usually do during this weather; How this weather affects your mood; Why you like this type of weather 40. Speaking of my Weather preference, it’s definitely warm and sunny weather®. I love seeing the blue sky with a few clouds floating slowly. A bright, sunny day after S6VSaIEaIBy GRVSHAATOWS is always dhe bes, ifdoes Wonders fOr Youw mdG™ ix you can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. There are always tons of things you ean do during nice weather like that. One of my favorite things is drawing on my balcony whilé Sunbathing Telwoyshaveendless ideas? when Ido that, Plus, during the sunny days in summer, I love taking a walle with my family in a park near our neighborhood. The park is enormous and there are lots of beautiful sculptures made of all kinds of plants, They [OO BOMeOHS WGAEDHMENMMENE ad Dake photos of them every time 1 BASS What's more, bina elear day, it’s an absolute mst to go cycling with friends. lofteneyele with my fiiends on a long bike path alongside a beautiful river. We can OROOUSESHER and enjoy the sparkling Sunlon ihe Wale? while riding, which is fantastic. And when we get tired after the long ride, we love to sit on the lawn nea:by and enjoy Soaking up the sun. It definitely sakes us fie ion BARS So, those are all the reasons why 1 like sunny days, They will not five you agloomy feeling like rainy or snowy days. Instead, they always make you more energetic. 28 weather preference: %8 an absolute must: 28) several rainy days in a row: 2% the sparkling sim on the water: 25 Tt does wonders for your mood: % soaking up the sun: 5 sunbathing: 261 feel like a million bucks: 255 have endless ideas: 257 Jook gorgeous under bright sunlight: 2 give you a gloomy feeling: yoYEe 2.0) VE aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in. ‘You should say: Where it is; ‘What it is like; ‘What you do there; And explain why you enjoy spending time there. 4. Speaking of my favorite part of my city, the first one that BOMBSNOMMI is definitely the nevilycevlopedPasin dst at co cay people Since Ihave a friend who moved to the district last year, I’ve visited him and toured the area several ties. 1s abou ADORNS. 1 hes a ett good town because itenextto = begifdaiverin ow cityand there a many SES ay. The one I like the most is a park near my friend’s home. It is enormous and there are lots of beautiful sculptures made of all kinds of plants. Honestly, 'd.never thought flowers could be made into such nice sculptures. $o Itake phatos of aa every fixie | SMU ‘What’s more, there is a long bike path that has been built alongside the beautiful river. You can Begs fresh at on enjoy he sparling sino We wale while riding, whichis fantastic I went bike-riding there several times with my friend, When we got tired, we loved to sit on the Inwn nearby and enjoyed Walng UDG t defintely mode us fe HRS malin Baska So I really love that district. It has breathtaking views and fresh ait. You could easily find a — nr | there. 28 is surrounded by a lot of natu 266 terific attractions: 287 Kick back and relax: 25 have been longing for: 28 pick a property: 1% an how's drive fiom my home: pil aA be) Be ce Uy aetna TRUC THU Hottine: 0999.298.571 website: litt el Describe a bicycle tour that you took. ‘You should say: ‘When you had this trip; ‘Who went on this tip with you, ‘What you did during this trip; And explain how far you enjoyed it. 42. T'd like to talk about the time I eyeled to a flower farm with my friends. During the holiday last May, there was a flower exhibition of tulips held at a flower farm near the suburbs of our city. My friends and I had never been to a flower farm before. So we planned to go there by bus. However, the next morning, one of my fiiends proposed BAINES that we could use Saad Bikes to have a group bike trip because it was a warm and sunny day. Since we hadn’t had a cycling trip forages, we all approvedithis i rightaway: The best part of bike-tiding was that we didn’t get Beiieled By bad traffic, Plus, on our way to the farm, there is along bike path alongside'a benutiful rivers We PRBAed MNNESMIRI and enjoyea ERM Sb SoS Set Ble and wien we gt tired after the long ride, we sat om the lawn nearby and enjoyed Soaking up the sim. It definitely sade ws Rl ion bck" Anyway, it took us about an hour to ride there but we fiA@)@NOEBEIANEES on the way. We all GBREIDIOM and didn’t feel it was a long ride. Honestly, [loved the experience of cycling. It really eS es haven't had time to ride a bike again. But I really miss the joy of that day and hope to eyele with ny fiiends again, 2® on awhim: 271 feel like a million bucks: © the sparkling sum om the water: 2” blow off some steam: ley olte TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes Describe a famous person that you are interested in. ‘You should say: Who he/she is; How you knew about him/her, ‘What he/she was like before he/she became famous; And explain why you are interested in himv/her Well, I'd like to talk about an American Singersongwriter’”) whose name is Bea Miller. About two years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New Year’s party held in my class"Preally (OKA likig tO" that song and searched it online right away. Then I found HhOMBINaSMBE?™ of it, Bea Miller She is only BOiHe% and definitely has great potential with her OPM” career. Bea has anineredible SOL VOICES that is GAGMMENEE toi: Plus, normally, singers have only two or three good songs on an album S@M04e%, and their songs areimostly the same style. But Bea's music is very diverse. Lanean, every song she wrote is unique but also SAG. 1 really admire her talent for music wFiting. What’s more, she’s also an influential HASHIOANEON for teenagers today. There are a lot of articles about her personal style coming out from time to time. For example, once she wore a long dress shaped like two fried eggs. It was pretty unique but she could still give you a feeling of AMIEASS. 1°s no wonder she can Seltrends Anyway, she’s a celebrity idol and also a very talented young lady. I don’t know her life before becoming famous but [believe she must have given everything for her dream and will BO QRng Raye Now, there are still tons of people who don't know her but I look forward to secing her HOW eVeRVONG BNA 2 singerssongwriter: 20 at most: 2% took a liking to: 251 catchy: 27 the original singer: 2® fashion icon: 278 20ish: 38 gravitas: 2 pop-rock: 3 set wends 2% smoky voice: 285 goa long way in music: 2” ear camdys low everyo: a BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna You should say: Who this person is; How you knew this person; ‘What his/her clothes are like; And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual. Well, I'd like to talk about an American singer, Bea Miller, who often dresses in unusual styles, EREREEEERIENEIIEIED, 1 heard about her about two years ago. One of my friends sang a beautiful song called Braid New Eyes at a New Year’s party held in my class. I really (OOK GIGI tuet song and searched it online right away. Then I found {H6OHginall MBE of it, Bea Miller. She is only 20H and definitely has great potential with her POpHOEK career. Bea is famous for Hepbeautitd)-voiee. But het QRRMERUMEE EMER are also well-known. She’s actually an influential Hh Suc ‘teenagers today. There are a lot of articles about her personal style coming out fiom tithe f timerShe-gan always combine two different styles to ERate a new and AUMIOMADLe Took. For example, oflce She Wore a pair of OveRAlIe® but boldly matched eot AR on another occasion, he woe ong dress shaped like two fried eggs. It was pretty unique but she could still give you a feeling of BERMIEAS. 1rs no wonder she can Seb tena AAs for me, honestly, I like her INGHeGHDIOVOI more than her fashion styles. However, the unusual styles definitely HO Nee gel moe alfention, which is good for a celebrity. Actually, there are still tons of people who don’t know her. So, no matter how she becomes famous, I hope there will be more people who know this very talented young lady. 2 old dressing styles: 2° black see-through top: 25 overalls: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a time when you learned lines (or words) of a song (or a poem) and had to say it out. ‘You should say: ‘When it happened; ‘Why you sang (or say) the song (or the poem); ‘Who you sang (or say) the song (or the poem) to; And explain how you felt about it 45. ‘Well, about two years ago, I sang a song at a New Year’s party held in my class. It’s one of iy favorite songs called Brand New Eyes. In fact, it’s HOMMEMESONES of an American movie called Wonder. Anyway, as 2 MEME my roommates suggested that [perform a song during the party. And I picked this song which Iwas learning at the time. I practiced a lot. Usually, the hardest part of singing’ song is memorizing All the lyrics; Afterall, itwwould be pretty embarrassing if you forgot the lyrics QSM@BE. But. luckily Tor me, the lyrics of thiSsong are like a short story, and als very iting? HBBGV REE cornet GOAL of ss songs “1 fl out, Tlay on the ground and look to the clouds; ifs like [got.brand new eyes, and I can finally see me” This is one of the most beautiful song lyrics I have ever read. So I remembered iON $BOE without a single error. And I did a good job at the New Year's party. Everyone loved it P'm glad that I could share my favorite song with so many people at once Now, this song is still PBOUMONETOERAMORES=. I think the lines are really meaningful and inspirational, It always reminds me that if I fail, I shouldn't just EHPOW MMHG ROWSE, Looking at life fom a different perspective might help me fila better side OFIAYSEIE”, So 1 definitely learned an important life le8s0H from the song 2 the theme songs 5 iy go-to song for karaoke: 2% on stage: 2 uplifting: 25 throw in the towel: 2 chorus: 2? find a better side of myself: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe an area of s ence (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that you are interested in. ‘You should say: ‘What it is; ‘When you knew it; How you leant it; And explain why you are interested in it. 46. Honestly, 1 GOVE W BOON NADL science, but I have to say I'm quite interested in SnviOnmental Science. You know, it's sad that there are more €@ntaminated places BV Single day. So I believe environmental science is one of the most practical branches of science for everyone. biology. In this field of study, people leam how to minimize humans’ impact on the environment. ‘As for why I'm passionate about environmental science, I think it’s because of a river in my integrates many fields of science, like physics, chemistry, and also hometown, I was there several years jagos"Atithe tine) these were tons of people having a barbeque there. They seemed like they weré IMME ADIN, but T saw a ton of Ashes, used tissues, and plastic bags everywhere on the riverbank. There was garbage floating on the water ‘And Ieven sinelled the Stink caused by all that garbage. Anyway, to deal with the pollution, the city Consulted Will ecologists fiom the local university and implemented=4 many projects with their guidance. After two years of hard work, the river WaSHeStORe@ IO clean water and thriving plants alongside the riverbanks. So from then on, T often pay attention to articles related to environmental science. I think it would be awesome if I could study it or even study something related to it. Pd love to contribute to proteet nafifeffom Being Fined ©, and Tbelieve environmental science is fhe most 2% don't have a good head for: 2+ implemented: 2 environmental science: 3 yas restored to: © Irs the science that serves people’s lives: 2° from then on: 27 protect natue from being ruined: 3 ashes: 3 stinks 28 the most powerful weapon against that kind of | ‘DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA eet eC aeons enon ae Describe a short trip you often take but do not like. ‘You should say: Where you go; ‘When you go there; ‘Why you go there; And explain why you do not like the trip. 47. Td like to talk about the trip from my grandma’s home to my place. I visit my grandma every two weeks, We live al Wo dlfereit ends OF the GV" so it usually takes me 40 minutes to get there by bus. Anyway, there's «river that the bs ms passon beret, and bother every time the bus gets close to it, especially during summer. There are always tons of people having a barbeque by lhe aver, Theyscem fice theyre RERMMEEMMIME bul Ce scen a ton of BUR, used tissues, and plastic bags everywhere on the riverbank. Intecent years, there was garbage floating on the water all the time. And when the;windows»on thebus are open inthe summer, I can even smell the SAE caused by all the gatbage, WHIGN'S so-anWbytig However, Ihayen’t seen any action from the government to deal with the pollution. I think our city should ERE som our local university and BRIERE some projects with their guidance. I they could SOMO MEOONOMMMGIONEES for two or three years, I believe the river will BONREMOFeGING clean water and may have thriving plants alongside the riverbank. Honestly, the problem of environmental pollution SOSMUAJONES just affecting our mood, It also threatens people’s health and safety. So I really hope that the people who are responsible for these kinds of things QOUBOINE and do something about it 2 live at two different ends of the city: 21 have the grit to work hard on it: 30 anust pass on the routes 322 goes beyond: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a time that your computer broke down. ‘You should say: ‘When it was; ‘What you were doing; ‘What you did about it; And explain how you felt about it 48. Well, my computer had ablackout about a yearago. At the time, I was playing a computer game when fi iHOMiIOH Wat bine aD OFA SARUGHE. Twas PNGALGHE because Twas about to win the game. But after I found’ couldn’t start the computer again. I knew I iad @Feal PrODIeM 6 Fortunately, ERMNCOMMEIIE™. After I checked out the computer thoroughly, I found the SENenSuppMRMTINM Maye and Geeded to belveplaeed. Since'most parts of my computer, like the CPU and fiotheeboatd®™, were pretty old, I decided to take the chance to do a whole upgrade for it. After all, 26H Chak mnehs extra work? besides changing the power supply. Anyway, bought the parts fromh a local Con piifer ufikccewh ch Seen ee I first removed all the parts of my computer carefully and then installed the new parts one by one. Itwas a little more complicated than I thought. But after I got it done, I pressed the power button again and it was lit! The computer ran perfectly and WagUBBIESe than before Twos pyer the moon’ that I could fix it myself. Itold a friend of mine what I did and she was amazed and called me 2 [RSE because SEEM is a rare skill that most people don’t have. [was so fia@eied2™ and promised her I will be there if she has a computer issue someday. 3 had a blackout: 20 jp wasn’t that much extra work: 5 the monitor went black all of a sudden: =I cost me an arm anda leg: 216 pissed off: 3 way faster: 27 Pmatechy guy: ®* over the moon: 28 power supply unit was downs 5 geek: 3 mother board: 25 computer assembly: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a skill that you think you can teach others. ‘You should say: ‘What it is; ‘When you learned it; How you ean teach others; And explain how you feel about this skill. 49. spesking of « sil ould teach, the Ast one ‘it SS : Honestly, it’s a rare and valuable skill that most people don’t have. It sounds complicated but it’s actually WaySMMPIe Wal YoU might think. I taught myself this practical skill because of a Soiiputermoliisetoa'® Lind a couple years azo Tremember that my computer MUMBMGROM and couldn’t start one afternoon. Since there was no one who could help me out, Thadto fix it myself. I checked outthe computer thoroughly according to an online guide, then T found the PONGESMDDM UME MEldown and needed to be replaced. The guide also had a video abouthow'to assemble @ computer. After I watehed it, I figured it wasn’t hard. And sine most part8“of iny conffutet; like the CPU and {OUNGEDOA, ‘were pretty old, 1 decided to take the chance to do awhole upgrade fort. After all, HWASIELEHAL SUGIIERUA Work besides changing the power supply. So I bought the parts from a local computer market. And then I suecessfully assembled the parts into a computer following the video. Since then, whenever I have a fiend or a family member who needs help with fixing a computer, I'm always there. So think PIB NOUV CApADIOO! teaching people how to assemble a computer. I don’t have any teaching experience, but T guess the hamd-on teaching melhoe= ‘would be better to let them engage With the pants. It's Way more productive than a lecture 27 computer malfunction: 2 engage with the parts: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna 7 Wotline: O888.288.578 website: htt; Describe a thing that you bought and felt pleased about. ‘You should say: ‘What you bought; ‘Where you bought it; ‘Whaat it is for; And explain why you felt pleased about it, 50. T'd like to talk about a bag I bought recently. [fmenioly Seives correctly, about two months ago, hopened to wate Flag. He was selling a backpack in the livestream. Li has a remarkable reputation’! for the high quality of the prodits he sells\in his livestreams. Since my old backpack was WOHNOUES, Thought one he was selling without hesitation. Then, after about three days, I gotthe backpack I was eAVing’s, twas the most satisfying shopping experience of mine iifecent years For one, it fooks really cool GUO OUGME™. Unlike normal backpacks with many zippers, it has only one zipper, which looks very avantgarde. For another, it’s very figheteele, 1c has"héfingetprin Ode” ont a8 its anti-theft fearwe. And it’s made of a type of special cloth tliat 18 not oily iiuch Tighter than leather but also waterproof and cut-resistant. Iwon't be worried about my backpack being eut by thieves on the subway anymore. Plus, it has many small pockets inside for me to put things m Sections®™, which is pretty isemfriendly™. I can find anything from the backpack quickly instead of digem8 ‘Now, I carry it whenever I go to school or travel. I even recommend it to my friends Sai) Blowing reviews". They are also interested in it, especially the fingerprint lock feature. Most importantly, it has a very affordable price, ouly two or three hundred yuan. I think {COMO a livestream show hosted by a famous ® avant-garde: livestreamer whose name is Li Jia: 3 high-tech: 7 a fingerprint lock: 28 as a emarkable reputation: > anti-helt 3 put things in sections 382 wom out: 3 user-friendly: 28 craving: a diss faa ames: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna 7 Wedline: O888.288.578 website: htt; el Describe a bag you want to own. ‘You should say: ‘What kind of bag it is, ‘Where you want to buy it; How inuch it will cost you; And explain why you want this kind of bag. SL. Tim dying fo buy a backpack recently. I's a model I've been noticing on the internet for a Tong time. HRinemory SONeS EOFFEEIY, about two months ago, T happened to watch WIVeSEaM ‘SHG by a Gus NAR Whose Ne SLAG. He was selling a backpack in the livestreann. I was totally QI by what he showed. Tt looks really cool SUMO OMeide. Unlike normal backpacks with many zippers, it has only one zipper, whic looks Veiy AARMMeea, And aclolding (Othe Host it’s very BIGRUSER. It has f FRRBR OIE on it as its MMMEUNMN feeturB" and itS nade Of a type Bf special cloth that is not ouly much lighter than leather but also waterproof aud:cut-resistant You won't be wortied about your backpack being eut by thieves 6h sibway aiiymiore. Y'think it Suits me to Wes because I often need to take public transportation, like subway trains and buses. Plus, it has many small pockets inside to pul things in SeeHiONs, which is pretty {MeeBeNMlY, Tused to-need a while to find the item I want from my messy old bags, so this feature really tempts me However, it’s a pity that I didn’t grab it during the livestream because the 800 yuan price was WAV ON OFM) DUGBCEN at the time. But I've put it on my wish lst and I've been waiting fora bigger sale. Ifthe price is better, I'll buy it without hesitation. BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG 2° suits am TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes Describe a toy that you liked in your childhood. ‘You should say: ‘What kind of toy it is; ‘When you received it; How you played it; ‘And explain how you felt about it. 52. Well, my favorite toy was definitely a Nintendo game console when I was a kid. Idon’t really remember much about other toys, but {SNNSWIMIESVS!, I played video games with this sme console all the time, KRMeRDEF aT RE Was Yesterday", When Iwas around nine or ten, my dad gave it to me as a birthday gift. I was bouneing Of HREWAIS because it was something I was GYMNB OE” at the time. After all, it was the most popular toy amongmy pees™*. After [gotit, #SHOJOKEMNME 1 played video eumes on it Gay in nd day Ont, The console came with two games, Super Mario Brosand Pokémon, which were Super classic and entertaining. FOP AIpeHOd OP TMES, Iwas SBlUseSea NATE! coming of it that iny parents had to PMMNME Sapo IBS every night and force me to go to bed. My friends also loved visiting me and playing video games together. I think they were BEOHLWHIIGINPOVenME* having this Nintendo game console because it was quite expensive at the time. Ihad no idea why my dad was so generous to buy that even though it was for my birthday. Any, SESE wien was td gave me set memories hat (REESE scaly meaningtl toy int ve had. And Tail ep it at home. 5 Nintendo game console: 28 day in and day out: 6 in the old days: 89 For a period of time: % remember it like it was yesterday: 5 50 obsessed with: 5 pull me away from gaming: ° bouncing off the walls: 256 green with envy over me: °° dying for: °F added to the joy of my childhood: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG TALE?) tw aN elmelon elena eyes Describe a computer/phone game you enjoy playing since your childhood. You should say ‘What it is; How you knew it; How you play it; And explain why you enjoy playing it 2 Well, my favorite computer game was definitely BOMEMORES when I was a kid. I don’t really remember much about other games I played BAGRNNED, but HNESOIMIMIN, I played Pokémon on my compute all he time. fgiieniber Hike Was yesterday When Iwas around nine or ten, my dad gave me MORAMOMISES as a birthday gift. Twas PinuBeIng OAMeIWAIS because it was'something Iwas GJ MO atthetime. Afterall, it was the most popular video game among my fee. After I got it, HSMOJORENDA! I played thi sedme UgMeMMaMeAlay Go The game is all about catching and training of REMOMUGreatee® called "Pokénion’ dnd using them to Pate OMGt iain fn the games Twas so much fun playing it. Fora petiod oF ime, Twas So obsessed HBBE eaming on it that my parents had to SREEEER ERIE every night and force me to go 10 bed. My friends also loved visiting me and playing the game together. I think they were FEgeaiwililenvyoySeaNe having this game because the game disc was quite expensive at the time. Thad no idea why my dad was BOMERBESEHOUBH to get me a video game even though it was for my birthday. Anyway, Thad tom of fin playingit when Iwas a kid. It gave me sweet memories that ddd (ORROVVOAYCNMANOGN. ana {OMMNUNE™, 1 stun Love playing the latest version of Pokémon; 2 Pokémon: 58 bartle other tainers in the game: 99 the game dise: 28 to this day: °® fictional crcatuses: 2 a good game never gets old pil aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a live sport match that you have watched. ‘You should say: ‘What it was; ‘When you watched it; ‘What it was like; And how you felt about it. 54, Honestly, Thaven’t watched a live game MIMBO The last time I watched a live game was aimost two years 250. ID it wos the KAMER between Toronto and Golden State. Even though I'm ROUDISONDSRSIUIES, some of my best friends are (GUNES basketball fans and even held @ game night party for the game. So when they invited me to come over and enjoy the game with them, how could I say NO, right? ‘We met up at a friend’s home for the game night. We all sat in front of the TV half an hour before the game salted indstiads@il(kindsref sikekeadd beers. Weceven SEAiannenmnmn HEI | supported Toronto while the Vest of them suppeted GBlden State because they were the feng pion. The game was intense from the very beginning, Players from both teams {vent abi and you could even REMC MENCROMMETY®. Golden State had two HEStaNpIAyS who are ay Deller shooters but Toronto seemed more united on defense and played strong all together. ‘The game was so close that you couldn’t tell which team was going to win until the last second. ‘And eventually, Toronto, the tdesd0@. Had Whe ast IAUBh, which shocked all of us. Itwas such an amazing game to wateh. ‘After the game, we were still excited and talked a lot about it. 1t was fMGEIY the best game I've ever watched. [really hope to have the chance to watch another live game with my friends. 36 in ages 2 went at its 2 not big on basketball: 20 feel the heat from the TV: 26 die-hard: 2 allstar players 2 ad a bet on the outcome: 2 underdog: 98 defending a BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time. ‘You should say: ‘What it is; ‘When your family had it; How your family got it; ‘And explain why it is important for your family. 55. T'm going to talk about @siiverdollar™ that my family preserves. I don’t know how old it is exactly, but it has Yuan Shikaf’s head on it. He was the usunper OF the emperor's Uione™ over 100 years ago. So fe this coin is at least a hundred years old. I checked on the internet for its es before: The One my faunily has is worth over ten thousand Yuan. My grandma showed it to me before. It has some blaeke Stains on it that make it look ancient. She said the coin is from her dad. During the war 80 years ago, my great-grandfather sold their property for eadhiand led tie-whole, fal) to MAO ROM MGM SONe. And this coin is one of the last few silver dollars left. BefS'e my great-grandfather passed away, he gave the coin tomy grands and to bef ad Pleaa wee aionlgeneaion™® Tha's how it’s been preserved until new and my granduid sail te coif will pas to me one day in the future 10s Avitness ofthe history of our family. Thave a ton of respect for my great-grandfather seeing that coin, [EODROUESE his sacrifice tothe Zanily. We Mg uot M6 dw WOO RS Without Mi HHS and BEE. And J promised my grendma that if the coin is passed to me, I will make sure it passes down my EERIE with the family story. It’s important for the younger generation to remember our ancestors and cherish the life we have now. 2% a silver dollar: 27» hand it down from generation to generation: 2 the usmrper of the emperor's throne: 59° might not have had a good life without his efforts 218 appraisal: ‘and grit: 37 black stains: 378 flee from the war zone: SM offspring: aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe an occasion when you forgot something important. ‘You should say: ‘When it was; ‘What you forgot; Why you forgot it; And explain how you felt about it 56. Td like to talk about a time I forgot my ID. It’s definitely the most important thing that T forgo to bring becouse nowadays HHS Miifieult fo meveA single Hep show having Youre family. The road trip was terrific on the first day. We went to many tourist attractions, like the famous Orange Isle and the old Taiping Street, where a ton of historical buildings were it was last national holiday. I went to Hunan fora trip with my preserved. Howeven ape eel Beets National Pa After a one-hour long bus ride, we arrived at the train station just 15 minutes phead oF the RS a couretn: Guetta tT Gas about to check in. 1 went through all my bags and coulda’t find it at all. No ID means no pass. So UNAS Bimmer Hatwe bad to (UMNDAEM to the hotel. Then I found my ID on the bed in our hotel room. My mom was frustrated by my mistake as well, which made me pissed off at miyselE™. Since the holiday was too short, we returned home the next day. It’s a pity that we had fun there for only ome day: {HWA KOLA GHINE because of my carelessness, Since then, Lalways double check if Lhave everything I need before Heading OUE™ as I don't want to Hee UNG NANG 28 it’s difficult to movea single step without having 35 Tt was totally on me: your ID: 55 heading out 38 ahead of the departure time: 37 make the same mistake twice: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a tradition in your country. ‘You should say: ‘What it is; How old it is; ‘What activities there are; And how you feel about it. 37. Well, I'd love to talk about the traditions of mid-autumn festival in our country. It’s a very important festival in our culture. During the celebration of the Mid-Autumn day, mooncakes are a HBGHIONAIMNUSERAES food. And if the weather is good, you can enjoy the full moon and share mooncakes with yourghole family. 1's EAM throughout all of China. Chinese people like eating mooncakes not only because they stand for the full moon on the night of mid-autumn day, butmore importantly, they imply HORCUMIOROLNEMIN29, which matters the most:to-Chinese people on that day.-Plus,-mooneakes. are really sweet and tasty; they've HBuely to MISO, honesty When Iwas a kid, most familiesmade mooncakeat home (You have to prepare the Oui and the SUuffing®, which can be iide of wetislever ingredients Yow like| And then you need to make the dough into mooncake skins and wrap them. Afier that, the mooncakes need to be baked in an oven. BWESHSe making mooueakes isn’t exactly SRMMMMMIE, nowadays people are more used to buying BROMUS mooncakes from markets Anyway, cating mooncakes and Appreciating We ll moon is « gaeat Donde ERBEREEEE™ for the whole family. And this isa tradition with a very long history in our country As far as Tknow, iPS existed since the Tang Dynasty" Think it’s a great tradition that we should keep forever. It reminds us that no matter how busy we are, we should ever forget f0 snake Ge 38 traditional nmsteat food: 2 stuffing: a piece of cake: a a miversal tradition: > premade: * appreciating the full moon: 2 the fall moon: > bonding: 9% the reunion of a family: >” it’s existed since the Tong Dynasty 2% absolutely to die fore 5 doua BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a movie that made you laugh. ‘You should say: ‘What it is; ‘When you watehed it; Who you watched it with; ‘And explain why it made you laugh. 58. When it comes to a movie that MAGS MEREP™, the first one that BORG OMNI is a comedy called “Goodbye Mr: Loser“. It ai Shen Teng, who is a well-known comedian in China. It’s not a new movies it’s actually been out for atleast S years, ut in the year when the film Gai GE twos ROM SI”. menor eaves Coney, 1s watched this Simin movie theater with my friend Lisa. It ate With glowing seommendations fiom her, since she was also a huge faniof this movie. The main story is that the PROMBOMBE® played By Shietttravels back to his teenage body after POSMOSOUE™, Lut retains bis Hiemory-of aduit life.There,are lots of AySteHeallyeRMNy HIBS in the movie Forenamplé, Shen Soulde altamous siner by GEER lots of songs that hadn’t been written atthe time. I still remember a scene where he sang a funny pop song in Cantonese, it was hilarious. All in all, it was definitely a comedic masterpiece and it Anyway, it’s one of the most successful comedy movies Ihave watched. I think it was mainly because of the funny plots as well as Shen’s hilarious lines and facial gestures. Honestly, it’s the kind of movie you can watch over and over again and it will never fet you down”. I've watched it with my friends at least three times; it can always fake me busta gue, o> made me crack up: “®” hysterically fimny plots: Goodbye Mr. Loser: 2 stars: “** plagiarizing: © came out: “® made me laugh so hard that I cried: 4+ a box office smash: 4 Jet you downs 41 make me bust a guts * protagonist: BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna Describe a type of sickness/disease you have suffered from. ‘You should say: ‘What sickness/disease you suffered from; ‘When and where this happened; How you felt; And explain how you recovered from that 59. Y'm going to talk about the time I had food poisoning!™. ifwas Hheworst time of my hfe, to be honest! EMEMOISENESEORREELT, this happened about two years ago. I was planning to compete in a math competition; But the day before the competition, I went out for dinner with my roommates. Tim not the most adventurous person, but that night [wanted to try something new. We went to a restauramt/€l6é)to. our apartniéut. Tt had) fMURERPOPM interesting dishes. 1 ordered something with lots of pork and vegetables. But later that night, I ele siek to my stomach, 1 TOKE toa seat? and BRFOH Tenewit, 1 wag finowing up. et so ane Tmanaged to get some sleep, but the next moming Twas stilltpretty fuMen Ne meamee™. I looked really aie) and I could barely EREpRUNOZeIEE!. My stomach was so upset. Plus, I hhad a terrible headache and I felt ike LWaS OH IFE™, To make matters worse, I still had to go to the competition later that day. [have no idea how I managed to do it, but actually still competed and got third place. It wasn’t too SHABBY for someone who was really sick. ‘Thankfully, the food poisoning didn’t last for too long. I recovered the next day. But I never ‘went back to that restaurant again. Getting sick on SBIBWAY™S was so inconvenient. 42 food poisoning: £0 under the weather: 0 Teas the worst time of my life: 1 pale: keep it together: 14 9 bunch of 5 felt sick to my stomach: 2 felt like Iwas on fire: 45 broke into a sweat: 47 before T knew it: shabby: 8 growing wp: a big day: 49 afi BO DU DOAN 4 KY NANG BAO TRUNG aA be) Be ce Uy aetna

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