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30th Oct, 2019

1. Economy boosting measures

2. Linguistic human rights
3. If women ruled the world
4. Mass media and cultural invasion

6th May, 2019

1. Digital revolution & Pakistan

2. Great nations win without fighting
3.Emerging power of social media: prospects & effects.
4. Crisis of good governance in Pakistan : need for reforms & institution

14th Dec, 2017

1. How to weed out corruption from society

28th Dec, 2015

1. Peer Pressure
2. Brevity is the soul of wit
3. Sino-Pak Relations and Economic Corridor
4. Better bend than break
5. No pain no palm, no cross no crown (It is actually: “No pain, no
palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.”
~ William Penn)

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