Periprosthetic Patellar Fractures

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Number 446, pp. 161–166

© 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Periprosthetic Patellar Fractures

Javad Parvizi, MD, FRCS*; Kang-Il Kim, MD*; Ali Oliashirazi, MD†; Alvin Ong, MD*; and
Peter F. Sharkey, MD*

Patellar fracture after total knee arthroplasty is a rare yet tions associated with TKA.14,25 However, patellar frac-
challenging complication. Patellar fracture can occur as a tures after TKA continue to occur.8,22,27
result of trauma or it may be atraumatic. A multitude of Patellar fractures can occur in an unresurfaced or resur-
factors can lead to periprosthetic patellar fracture including faced patella.4,5,13,37 These fractures can result in loosen-
patient related factors, surgical technique related factors,
ing of the patellar component.27 The treatment strategy for
and implant specific factors. Understanding the etiologic fac-
tors leading to atraumatic patellar fractures could result in
loosening depends on numerous factors including fracture
minimizing complications. We present the results of peri- morphology, the presence of a patellar prosthesis, the type
prosthetic patellar fractures in 12 patients. All type I non- of patellar component (metal backed versus all polyethyl-
displaced fractures (7 cases) were treated nonoperatively. ene), and the fixation status of the component.4,27
Surgical treatment was selected for the remaining 5 cases This article discusses the prevalence, etiology, and the
which included resection arthroplasty combined with open available treatment strategy for periprosthetic fracture of
reduction and internal fixation of the fracture (3 knees), par- the patella. We reviewed all published articles dealing
tial patellectomy (1 knee), and total patellectomy (1 knee). with these issues and a synopsis of the findings is pre-
The outcome was excellent in 1 knee, good in 8 knees, and sented. In addition, the article reports our institutional ex-
fair in the remaining 3 knees at the latest follow-up. There perience in a cohort of 12 patients.
were 2 reoperations; 1 for disruption of the extensor mecha-
nism and 1 for refracture. One patient developed a superfi-
cial wound infection. We reviewed the available literature MATERIALS AND METHODS
regarding the etiology, surgical strategies, and outcomes for
periprosthetic patellar fracture. We identified all patients having treatment for periprosthetic
Level of Evidence: Therapeutic studies, level IV (case series). patella fracture from 2000 to 2005. We then reviewed the clinical
See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of and radiographic records of these patients. There were eight men
levels of evidence. and four women with a mean age of 67.2 years (range, 42–78
years). The patella fracture occurred at a mean of 3.5 years
(range, 0.5 to 12 years) after the index arthroplasty.
Complications related to extensor mechanism is the most Different classifications for periprosthetic patellar fracture
have been proposed.11,15,27,41 The most commonly used classi-
common problem after total knee arthroplasty
fication system categorizes the fractures based on the integrity of
(TKA).1,6,18,26,35,41,44 Over the last two decades, a better the extensor mechanism and the fixation status of the patellar
understanding of knee biomechanics has led to refine- component. Type I fractures have a stable implant and the ex-
ments in surgical technique and implant design, resulting tensor mechanism is intact. Type II fractures have a disruption of
in a dramatic decline in extensor mechanism complica- the extensor mechanism, with or without the implant in place.
Type III fractures refer to loosening of the patellar component
and an intact extensor mechanism. Type III fractures may be
From the *Rothman Institute of Orthopedics at Thomas Jefferson University, further subdivided based on the patellar bone stock. Though not
Philadelphia, PA; and †Marshall University, Huntington, WV.
included in the classification system, the anatomic location of the
One of the coauthors (PFS) is a consultant to Stryker Orthopedics. The
institution of the authors has received funding from Stryker Orthopedics. fracture also influences treatment. Our fractures were classified
Each author certifies that his or her institution has approved the reporting of as Type I (7 knees), Type II (2 knees), and Type III (3 knees)
this case report, that all investigations were conducted in conformity with (Table 1). The patients were followed a mean of 1.8 years (range,
ethical principles of research, and that informed consent was obtained. 0.6 to 4.3 years)
Correspondence to: Javad Parvizi, MD, FRCS, Rothman Institute of Ortho-
pedics at Jefferson Hospital, 925 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19107. All patients presented with pain. The fractures had occurred
Phone: 267-399-3617; Fax: 215-503-0580, E-Mail: secondary to trauma in five knees and were atraumatic in nature
DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000218722.83601.18 in seven knees.

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162 Parvizi et al and Related Research

TABLE 1. Details of Patients Treated for Periprosthetic Patellar Fracture at Our Institution
Mechanism of Fracture
Patient Injury Type Treatment Outcome Complications
1 Fall I Bracing Excellent None
2 Fall I Bracing Good None
3 Fall I Bracing Good None
4 Motor vehicle I Bracing Good None
5 Direct impact I Bracing Good None
6 Atraumatic I Bracing Good None
7 Atraumatic I Cylinder cast Fair Superficial wound infection
8 Motor vehicle II ORIF and repair of extensor Good Patella alta
accident mechanism (Achilles
9 Stepping onto stool II ORIF (allograft tissue Good None
10 Atraumatic III Resection arthroplasty and ORIF Good Refracture and reoperation
11 Atraumatic III Partial patellectomy Fair None
12 Atraumatic III Total patellectomy Fair Extensor mechanism disruption

ORIF = open reduction and internal fixation

All Type I nondisplaced fractures (seven cases) were treated resurfaced patellae.11 In one of the largest series on patel-
nonoperatively. Surgical treatment was selected for the remain- lar fracture after TKA from the Mayo Clinic,27 the re-
ing five cases which included resection arthroplasty combined ported incidence of patellar fracture was 0.68%. The inci-
with open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture (three dence of patellar fracture after revision TKA (0.61%) has
knees), partial patellectomy (1 knee), and total patellectomy (1
been reported as nearly six-fold higher than primary TKA
knee). Achilles tendon reinforcement of the extensor mechanism
was performed at the time of resection arthroplasty and fixation (0.12%).13 The variation in incidence rate is understand-
of the fracture. able as there are a number of factors that impact the preva-
The outcome was determined based on the presence of pain, lence of patellar fracture after TKA. A considerable num-
extensor lag, arc of motion, and functional ability. Excellent ber of patellar fractures (44%) may be asymptomatic.27 In
outcome constituted arc of motion greater than 110°, extension general, patellar fracture is more common after patellar
lag of less than 5°, and absence of anterior knee pain. Arc of resurfacing,5,35,37,44 revision surgery,13 lateral release,34
motion between 80 to 110°, extension lag of up to 10°, and mild and with specific prosthesis design.1,14,41 Although patel-
anterior knee pain was deemed to represent good outcome. Any lar fracture after TKA can ensue at any time, most frac-
other was considered as fair or poor outcome. tures occur within 1–2 years after the index arthroplasty.
In a report from the Mayo Clinic, 2⁄3 of the fractures oc-
RESULTS curred within 2 years of the index arthroplasty.27
A multitude of factors influence the incidence of patella
The outcome was considered excellent in one knee, good fracture after TKA. These can be categorized under pa-
in eight knees, and fair in the remaining three knees at tient, implant, and technical factors (Table 2). Understand-
follow-up. All seven nondisplaced fractures were treated ing the etiological factors resulting in patellar fracture is
nonoperatively with good to excellent outcomes. Surgical critical in preventing this challenging complication.
treatment for repair of the extensor mechanism (2 pa- Several patient related factors impacting the incidence
tients), removal of loose implant and fixation of the frac- of periprosthetic patellar fracture have been identified.
ture (2 patients), or patellectomy (1 patient) had fair to These include obesity,36 high activity level,9,18,19 exces-
good outcomes. (Table 1). sive flexion of the knee,1,37 and possibly an underlying
There were two reoperations; one for disruption of the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).25 It is not known
extensor mechanism and one for refracture. One patient how these factors affect the incidence of periprosthetic
developed a superficial wound infection. patella fractures, but interplay among these factors may be
in effect. For example, young patients usually have a high
Literature Review degree of activity and may have a higher body mass index
The prevalence of patellar fracture after TKA is between (BMI). Patients with higher activity level could plausibly
0.2–21% in resurfaced patellae2,11,13,41,44 to 0.05% in un- be at higher risk for a traumatic event. Traumatic events
Number 446
May 2006 Periprosthetic Patellar Fractures 163

TABLE 2. Etiological Factors Influencing the restoration of the original patellar thickness during TKA is
Incidence of Patellar Fracture after Total most desirable. A cadaveric study showed that a thicker or
Knee Arthroplasty thinner patella resulted in a smaller contact area and con-
Factors Criteria siderably increased joint reaction forces.16 Other studies
have confirmed that underresection of patella can result in
Patient related factors Obesity
High activity8,17,18 patellofemoral joint overload and tension within the quad-
Excessive flexion of knee1,36 riceps tendon.33,39 Overresection of the patella with thin
Thin patella5,12,34 residual bone compromises the mechanical strength of the
Osteopenia24 patella and possibly increases the risk of fracture.6,7,37
Previous surgeries12 Reuben et al33 showed that patellar thickness of less than
Male gender26,34
Implant related factors Resurfaced patella4,12,36 15 mm substantially increased strain in the anterior patella
Central single peg implant5,11,22,34,36,40 region and increased the risk for fracture. Asymmetric
Inset patella component34 patellar resection, particularly with excessive resection of
Uncemented fixation10,34 the lateral facet, can result in compromised mechanical
Metal backing13,39
strength of the patella.25,37
Technical factors Patellar maltracking10,41
Inappropriate thickness5,12,34 The manner in which the patella is treated during TKA
Thermal necrosis5,12 is also a very important factor influencing the outcome.
Devascularization (lateral release, Heat necrosis and devascularization of the patella, possi-
aggressive excision of fat pad)5,13,34 bly during lateral release, and excessive fat pad excision
Femoral component
that could result in sacrifice of the lateral superior genicu-
Extensor mechanism malalignment19 lar artery, increase the incidence of periprosthetic patella
Excessive (quadriceps) release3 fracture.24 The latter has been cited as the most important
reason why some surgeons refrain from routine patellar
resurfacing during TKA.3,21
Extensor mechanism malalignment is another important
account for nearly 1⁄2 of periprosthetic patellar fractures.27 factor that can affect patellar function and possible inci-
Patients with RA are more likely to have osteopenia. A dence of patellar fracture. Biomechanical stud-
combination of these factors may explain the higher inci- ies10,12,16,17,20,32 have shown a substantially increased
dence of periprosthetic patellar fractures observed in pa- contact force with patellofemoral malalignment. The ec-
tients with RA.25 It is plausible that the reaction forces in centricity and the magnitude of load in the patellofemoral
the patellofemoral joint may be the most important factor joint increase with patellar subluxation.17
influencing extensor mechanism related complications in The literature suggests a number of treatment strategies
general and patellar fracture in particular.32,35 Body for periprosthetic patellar fracture. Some periprosthetic pa-
weight, high activity level, and increased ROM all influ- tellar fractures may be treated nonoperatively.44 A number
ence joint reaction forces. of factors must be considered during planning a treatment
Although fractures of unresurfaced patellae have been strategy. Unresurfaced patellae are usually treated like any
observed, patellar fractures (particularly stress fractures) traumatic patella fracture. As long as the extensor mecha-
are much more likely to occur after resurfacing of the nism is intact then more articular surface disruption may
patella during TKA.6,13,35 Some patellar component de- be accepted, as the patella may be resurfaced later should
signs, mostly metal backed uncemented patella11,14,35,40 or posttraumatic osteoarthritis (OA) ensue. The treatment of
large central pegs,6,12,23,35,37 have been associated with resurfaced patellae is individualized based on fracture dis-
increased patellar fractures. placement, comminution, and component fixation.
Appropriate component positioning and alignment on Treatment of Type I fractures is generally nonoperative,
the incidence of extensor mechanism are of critical impor- and almost all Type III fractures require surgical interven-
tance. Prior studies have observed that more severe patel- tion to remove the loose implant and perform fixation.22,27
lar fractures and the worst outcomes were associated with Complete extensor mechanism disruption also necessitates
component malpositioning.10,11 Studies have shown that surgical treatment. Some surgeons will accept a large de-
use of a large anteroposterior (AP) diameter femoral com- gree of extensor mechanism lag8 in lieu of operative treat-
ponent or positioning of the femoral component in flexed ment. Nonoperative treatment may be instituted with the
position can increase patellofemoral joint reaction forces, use of a brace locked in extension. If patient noncompli-
predisposing the patella to fracture.31,40 ance is suspected, the extremity may be placed in a cyl-
Patellar thickness has a profound effect on extensor inder cast until the fracture heals. The type of surgical
mechanism mechanics.33,39 Most surgeons believe that treatment selected depends on a combination of all the
Clinical Orthopaedics
164 Parvizi et al and Related Research

aforementioned factors and includes open reduction and Every attempt should be made to preserve the patella to
internal fixation (ORIF) with or without component revi- increase the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps
sion, partial patellectomy with tendon repair, patellar re- mechanism. Patellectomy reduces the quadriceps lever
section arthroplasty and fixation,30 or total patellectomy. arm and can result in marked quadriceps weakness. Pat-
Patella resurfacing may be performed in patients with ellectomy should be reserved for patients with extremely
loose patellar component and adequate bone stock (>13 poor bone stock and a fracture with high degree of com-
mm).28,30 minution. Partial patellectomy with insertion of smaller
There are numerous reports pertinent to management of component may on occasions be preferable to complete
periprosthetic patellar fractures.1,6,15,18,26,35,41,44 In gen- patellectomy.
eral, the studies report that patients with stable implants
and an intact extensor mechanism can be successfully DISCUSSION
treated nonoperatively with good results.22,37 The main
problem after nonoperative treatment relates to extensor Periprosthetic patella fracture is an infrequent complica-
lag.27,37 Nonoperative treatment of patients with Type III tion of TKA. The management of patellar fracture after
fractures is likely to result in a poor outcome.27 Surgical TKA is challenging with modest outcome.11,15,22,27 Un-
treatment of the Type III fractures provides a good out- derstanding the etiology of periprosthetic patellar fractures
come but is associated with more surgical complica- should help reconstructive surgeons with prevention.
tions.11,15,27 In one study, four of nine patients treated with We note several limitations of our study. The series is
excision of an extruded patella button developed a deep small and cannot be used to identify any factors predicting
infection.22 Two patients treated with ORIF had non- success. However, we judged the outcome generally fa-
union.22 The authors reported that surgery on patients with vorable. The followup was short in some patients (6
patellar fractures had a high complication rate and should months minimum) and might not reflect longer term prob-
be avoided if possible.22 lems. Only records were reviewed and any major problems
Ortiguera and Berry,27 in the largest series reported to not noted in the charts would be underreported.
date, suggested the outcome of treatment of patients with The influence of numerous technical factors that could
periprosthetic patella fracture depended upon type of frac- potentially increase the incidence of patellar fracture after
ture and that when performed operative treatment was as- TKA has been mentioned. Following basic principles of
sociated with a high rate of complications. Thirty-eight of knee arthroplasty in obtaining extensor mechanism align-
78 patients had Type I fractures, 12 patients had Type II ment, soft tissue balancing, and performing accurate bony
fractures, and 28 had Type III had fractures.27 All but one cuts are crucial to for successful outcome and preventing
patient with a Type I fracture received nonoperative treat- patellar fracture. Accurate symmetrical patellar osteotomy
ment. Radiographic analysis revealed osseous union in six to obtain the appropriate thickness for implantation during
patients, fibrous union in 16 patients, and asymptomatic TKA is particularly critical. Histological analyses of frac-
nonunion in 15 patients. The authors considered the out- tured patellae after TKA have confirmed the presence of
come of nonoperative treatment successful in 31 (82%) osteonecrosis.19,37 The reconstructive surgeon should ex-
patients who exhibited no pain, and no patellar or extensor ercise diligent care in preserving the blood supply to the
mechanism instability or weakness. Nonoperative man- patella during reconstruction to avoid osteonecrosis and
agement failed in one patient who required excision of potential fractures. An elaborate system of intraosseous
nonunion. Eleven of the 12 patients with Type II fractures and extraosseous vasculature provides blood supply to the
were treated surgically. Six of 12 patients with Type II patella.3,21 A peripatellar anastomotic ring consisting of
fractures developed complications; five patients required six main arteries forms the extraosseous blood supply. The
reoperation. The outcome of operative (20 patients) and superior part of the ring passes anterior to the quadriceps
nonoperative (8 patients) treatment for the 28 patients with tendon and the inferior portion passes posterior to the pa-
Type III fractures was modest. Nine knees had complica- tellar tendon through the substance of the fat pad. The
tions and four patients required reoperation. Another intraosseous system is comprised of midpatellar, polar,
study15 in a cohort of 21 patients15 suggested that nondis- and quadriceps tendon blood supply. A considerable dis-
placed fractures of the patella after TKA can be success- ruption of the blood supply to patella occurs during routine
fully treated nonoperatively. Surgical treatment of dis- medial parapatellar approach to the knee.6,7,10,11,21,37 The
placed fractures with extensor mechanism had a poor out- medial superior and inferior genicular arteries are usually
come. Those authors concluded fragment excision should divided during the medial arthrotomy. The excision of the
be considered for displaced distal pole fractures with pa- fat pad and aggressive lateral meniscectomy may compro-
tellar tendon disruption, and patellectomy should be con- mise the lateral inferior genicular artery. Lateral release
sidered for failures of all other treatments. results in a reduction of blood flow to the patella,38,43 so it
Number 446
May 2006 Periprosthetic Patellar Fractures 165

is incumbent to perform as minimal soft tissue dissection be warned about the possible poor outcome when opera-
as needed for good visualization. tive management is selected for more severe fractures.
The blood supply to patella is likely to be compromised
further during preparation of the patella for resurfacing,
especially when using a single large central peg compo-
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