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Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600 Century Culture

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

MODULE 8 – Trends Subject Teacher:


Objectives: How ICT enslaves, emancipates, and empowers individuals.
a. Understand digital divide and its stages
b. Identify the effects of information and communication technology
c. Utilize technology effectively rather than be enslaved by it
d. Make or propose a creative intervention to improve human life

Lesson Proper:

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. – Charles Lous Lange

Information and Communication Technology

is a mechanism that help people in
transmitting, receiving, storing, accessing, and processing
information (UNESCO, 2003).

ICT includes...
Video equipment and multimedia products (videotapes, CD’s, DVD’s, email, Web)
Distance learning programs, E-books, chat, video-conferencing,
Software applications and operating systems, instructional software,
Office products (photocopiers, printers, scanners, fax machines),
Web-based information and applications,
Computers, Internet, social networking,
and many more…

…for components of ICT and ICT development (see Module 2)

Digital divide
Is the gap
referring to the discrepancy
in people’s access, knowledge, and skill related to ICT.

Stages of Digital Divide

STAGE 1: Economic Divide ---the ability to afford technology and internet access is not the same for
countries and for people
Example 1: Global Divide-between developed and developing countries

❖ 31 % of the world does not have 3G coverage

❖ 15 % of the world has no electricity
❖ South Koreans pay as much as half of what
Americans pay for internet that is 200 times faster in speed

Example 2: Country Divide: between rural and urban places New York

❖ Nationwide, 10% of
Americans do not have access to
broadband, with rural areas
experiencing significantly greater
access challenges

Page 1 of 3
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600 Century Culture
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

MODULE 8 – Trends Subject Teacher:

STAGE 2: Usability Divide ---the inability to use technology even it is able to afford it because of its
complexity to understand

Example: Literacy Skills in using technology like senior citizens or old

versus young ones

❖ About 40% of the population has lower literacy skills in technology

❖ Slightly more than half of Americans 65 and older use the Internet,
compared with well over three-quarters of those under 65.

STAGE 3: Empowerment Divide --- not everybody has the opportunity to use technology even if it is
able to afford and easy to use it

Example: North Korea and South Korea

❖ South Korea- full assess of internet and every

one is able to access the internet
❖ North Korea- only by government and wealthy
people; limited access of websites

Effects of advancement of Information and Communication Technology

Positive Effect Negative Effect

Online voting, conveying Effects on Citizen Inaccessibility of poorer and rural
government programs through Participation citizens
sites and media
Online enrollment and payment, Effects on Education Larger cost for poorer students,
virtual and e-learning, simulations motivation effect fades, subject
content compromised
computers and machines enable Effects on economic Greater competition to
fast communication, doing reports performance organizations, costly ICT purchase
and productivity, paper less and maintainance
Online jobs (online shops, online Effects on employment Job loss for manual operations
tutor, virtual assistant) and poverty alleviation replaced by automation
Online health applications, videos Effects on health Reduced physical activity, health
on health problems (headaches, stress, etc.)
communicate with people around Effects on individuals Reduced face-to-face interaction,
the world, overcome disabilities, and communities social disconnect
cashless society
Innovations in mobile phones, Effects on innovation ICT uses more non-renewable
information sharing and research resources and at high rates of
Security Cameras, encryption Effects on privacy and Personal data loss, virus attacks
method for data safe, physical security and malware, fraud people,
security systems (e.g. fingerprint) hackers

Page 2 of 3
Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600 Century Culture
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

MODULE 8 – Trends Subject Teacher:

How can we maximize the benefits of ICT?

❖ One Laptop per Child Organization – sending digital
technology equipments and technology teachers to poor
children in China
❖ Digital Alliance Foundation—donate fund for buying digital
technology equipment to the developing countries
❖ Provide digital education for the poor to improve lives
❖ Washington State University’s Centre to Bridge the digital
❖ Government policy andNGO’s
help establish digital literacy
❖ The “Hole in the Wall” Project
❖ Grameen Phone Program- Women are given loans to start small
telecom businesses in their home villages
❖ Unicef


Bosamia, Mansi. (2013). Positive and Negative Impacts of Information and Communication
Technology in our Everyday Life.

Nielsen, J. (2006). Digital Divide: The 3 Stages. Retrieved from

Urgel, E. (2017). Trends, networks, and critical thinking in the 21st century culture. Diwa Learing System
Inc: Makati City, Philippines.

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