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Works Darío Salas Sommer


These are the leading books written by

Darío Salas, published under the literary
pseudonym John Baines.


Darío Salas states that in spite of the The discoveries of modern science, both
technological progress reached by in quantum physics and in other disciplines,
humanity in recent decades, the inner have demonstrated the permanent
world of the human being has remained feedback between the human being and
static and continues subjugated to the nature. Based on this principle, in this
same passions, appetites and book Darío Salas explains a new concept
mechanisms of 10 thousand years ago. of virtue, supported by practical and
This keeps us immersed in a fruitless objective experiences that displace the
search for the meaning of life and long- relative and nearly superstitious scale of
lasting happiness. All the ills of the world values that guide us and which do not find
are due to only one reason: the lack of assent in all the cultures. This work reveals
higher consciousness. In this work the the principal lineaments of the work of a
author explains the principal lifetime dedicated to the study of
characteristics of this state that prevents consciousness, which has led to the origin
us from seeing reality just as it is, and of a new scientific discipline: Moral Physics
demonstrates which practical experiences or Inner Ecology.
that the development of our own inner
world is the primary task of the human
being and the only road leading to true

Works Darío Salas Sommer


In this work, Darío Salas exposes the Love is one of the principal concerns people
basic mechanics that keep people trapped have and one of the most decisive in their
in a precarious level of consciousness, welfare or misfortune. But nobody seems
that prevents them seeing true reality and to have success assured in this matter.
makes them prey to anxiety, stress and Contrary to what we have been taught, this
all sorts of psychological, physical and is because we are not in condition to love
emotional pathologies. It is possible to or be loved simply because we desire to.
abandon this condition forever, by putting Darío Salas states that love is a science
a series of natural principles and latent and in this book he explains the basic
abilities of the human being into practice, principles of this approach, indicating a
as explained in this work. path that involves the comprehension of
certain universal laws that are exposed in
¿'BFDOES WOMAN EXIST? human relationships.
Historically woman has seen herself in an
impaired position with respect to man in
several areas. This seems to be changing
nowadays. However, the new social and
cultural models emphasize a search of
equality of rights and opportunities, which
if meritorious and beneficial in public
circles, does not comply with the
fundamental necessity to indicate a road
inherent to women. According to Darío
Salas, no social convention in itself can
achieve the recovery of women if at the
same time, they do not look for their
individual development by means of the
comprehension of their intrinsic nature,
described in this work, and which is the
transition from “female” to woman.
Maternity demonstrates that the person
is a female, but it does not ensure the
possession of femininity and

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