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3M Post-it Notes

Post-it Notes are the ubiquitous re-adherent pieces of ing pressure-sensitive adhesives. By 2010 he was named
paper found in most office settings. Sticky notes, as they on over 20 U.S. patents, although he was best known for
are sometimes known, have a strip of repositionable ad- developing the adhesive that allowed for the invention of
hesive in a thin strip on the back. This allows the small Post-it Notes.
pieces of paper to be attached, detached, and reattached Fry was an inventor as a child growing up in the U.S.
to computer screens, papers, and many other surfaces. Midwest. As a young boy, he used scrap wood to design
Post-it Notes are used in a variety of ways, often to add toboggans. He went on to study chemical engineering at
notes and reminders to work surfaces and completed the University of Minnesota, and while pursuing his de-
projects. gree, he joined 3M’s new product development team. Fry
Originally, Post-it Notes were manufactured by 3M retired from 3M in the 1990s, decades after inventing the
Company (originally known as Minnesota Mining and Post-it Note using Silver’s adhesive.
Manufacturing Company) as three-inch yellow squares. 3M itself was also a key character in the Post-it
The patent for the notes expired in the 1990s, and in the Note story. According to Michael Gershman, in his book
early 2010s many manufacturers have their own lines of Getting It Right the Second Time: How American Ingenuity
sticky notes, although the Post-it brand of notes is still Transformed Forty-Nine Marketing Failures into Some of
manufactured by 3M and continues to be one of the most Our Most Successful Products, the company was founded
recognized brands of sticky notes. The trademark for the on a failed concept. The original leaders of the company
Post-it brand and the trademark for the distinctive yel- believed they had discovered a source of corundum, a min-
low color of the original sticky notes is still registered and eral used in abrasives. When the discovery was found to be
owned by 3M. anorthosite (an igneous rock type) instead, the company
decided to create sandpaper out of the find, eventually be-
coming successful with this venture. 3M also attempted
to make a masking tape for the automobile industry. The
The Three Main Characters company failed at this as well, according to Gershman, but
in the Post-it Story instead developed Scotch tape, the best-selling adhesive in
Post-it Notes were made possible by the cooperation of the world and, until Post-it Notes were created, 3M’s big-
two men working in a specific corporate culture. The two gest product.
men most responsible for the development of the Post-it According to Gershman, at the time Fry developed
Note were Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry. Silver studied the sticky note, 3M had in place a culture that allowed
chemistry at Arizona State University and organic chem- inventors and workers to “bootleg” funds from one proj-
istry at the University of Colorado, graduating with a ect to another to continue research. The company also
doctorate in 1966. Immediately after graduation, Silver actively encouraged idea sharing among departments and
joined a team of five people at 3M who were research- employees.

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3M Post-it Notes

1 Other structures were in place at 3M to promote in- The Post-it Note

2 novation and success, and it retained such practices in the For years, Silver gave seminars about his invention at 3M
3 2010s. For example, the company gave the Golden Step and tried to get others interested in the new adhesive by
4 award to employees who developed successful products. speaking about it at the company. In 1974 his colleague
5 The company also had what was known as a “dual lad- Art Fry attended one of his seminars. Fry told the Financial
6 der” system of promotion. Employees were promoted for Times in 2010 that he heard about Silver’s seminars dur-
7 professional success or for management. Fry, for example, ing a golf game and decided to attend. At the time, Fry
8 was promoted through this system until he reached the worked at the 3M tape division laboratory, where his job
9 highest status in the technical area of the company: cor- was to find new products and create businesses using those
0 porate scientist. products.
1 Fry did not immediately think of a way to use Silver’s
2 adhesive. However, a practical use for the product soon
3 The Glue That Led to the presented itself. As a member of the church choir at St.
4 Sticky Note Paul’s North Presbyterian Church, Fry needed a way to
5 The Post-it Note was created almost as a response to a new mark pages in his hymn book without having bookmarks
6 adhesive. Silver developed a pressure-sensitive and low- fall out. In June 1974 he realized he had a use for Silver’s
7 track adhesive in 1968 while working for 3M. According adhesive.
8 to a 2010 Financial Times interview with Geoff Nicholson, Fry got a sample of the adhesive from Silver to cre-
9 the retired vice president of technical operations at 3M ate a sticky bookmark for his hymn book. After trying it
0 research and development, Silver’s adhesive was in fact a out, Fry noticed that the adhesive left some residue on the
1 happy accident. Silver had been tasked with making very book’s pages but otherwise solved his problem. Fry experi-
2 strong adhesives for the airline industry. Silver said that mented until he developed a way of making the adhesive
3 as an experiment he added more of the chemical reactant less sticky on the pages. He then developed some more
4 that polymerised (joined together) molecules. The result sticky bookmarks.
5 was, in his words, “quite astonishing. Instead of dissolving, Fry also created a report and placed one of his book-
6 the small particles that were produced dispersed in sol- marks on the front of the report with a question for his
7 vents.” Silver and his team were intrigued by this new re- supervisor. The supervisor wrote a reply on the same sticky
8 action and decided to experiment further. His experiments note and repositioned it on the front of the report. As Fry
9 eventually resulted in what Silver called a “high ‘tack’ but said in his Financial Times interview, “It was a eureka,
0 low ‘peel’” adhesive that was also reusable. head-flapping moment—I can still feel the excitement. I
1 In other words, while attempting to create a very had my product: a sticky note.”
2 strong adhesive Silver created one that was merely sticky. Fry developed a proposal for his supervisors, who in-
3 Indeed, according to William Lidwell and Gerry Manacsa, cluded Bob Malinda, product manager for the commercial
4 in their book Deconstructing Product Design: Exploring the tape division at 3M. He also began giving out samples of
5 Form, Function, Usability, Sustainability, and Commercial his new idea to colleagues at 3M. Supervisors at 3M were
6 Success of 100 Amazing Products, Silver’s initial discovery initially unsure about the effectiveness of the product, but
7 would have been considered a failure at the time, since when they saw the enthusiastic response, they gave Fry per-
8 adhesives were measured by their bonding strength. mission, a laboratory to develop his product, and the ma-
9 The new adhesive was made from very sturdy but tiny chines that would be needed to produce the sticky notes.
0 acrylic spheres. The unique thing about them was that
1 they would stick not only when they were flat up against a
2 surface, the way other adhesives did, but also would stick The Development of
3 when they were tangent to a surface. This meant that the Sticky Notes
4 adhesive was strong enough to bind papers to a surface The original Post-it Notes were in their distinctive ca-
5 but would allow the paper to be removed from the surface nary yellow because of another happy accident. While Fry
6 without tearing the paper. The adhesive could also be re- and his team were experimenting with the adhesive, they
7 used repeatedly. needed some scrap paper to experiment with. According
8 Silver saw the potential of the idea but had trouble to the Financial Times interview with Nicholson, the team
9 devising a profitable product from his invention. Initially, went to another 3M lab on the same floor and were given
0 he considered selling the adhesive as a spray-on adhesive some scrap paper that happened to be yellow. Nicholson
1 or as a surface on boards for posting and removing notices. called it “another one of those incredible accidents,” much
2 In fact, one of the earliest uses of the adhesive was at 3M, like the invention of the adhesive itself.
3 where a bulletin board was covered with the adhesive so According to Gershman, Fry ran into a few problems
4 that notices could be posted and then removed easily. initially. One was that marketing professionals at 3M were

2 Innovation Masters: History’s Best Examples of Business Transformation

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3M Post-it Notes

not sure how to market his idea. Second, while Malinda and Ramey gave personal demonstrations and found that
was supportive of his idea, others were not as enthusias- they placed orders each time they did so. Ramey con-
tic. As Gershman wrote, at 3M “No one said ‘No’. . .but cluded that the communications package for the mar-
then, no one said ‘Yes’ either.” Fry also had another, lo- keting test had not been enough. Although the concept
gistical, problem. For more than seven decades 3M had seemed simple, and although 3M promoted the notes
been selling its most successful adhesive products in the with the slogan “Press it on, peel it off ” to help cus-
form of rolls. The company therefore had experience with tomers along, it was not enough without samples and
adhesives on cellophane rather than paper. All the machin- demonstrations.
ery was designed to create adhesives on rolls, whereas Fry
imagined a pad of sticky notes.
Fry created the prototypes for what would become Post-it Success at Last
Post-it Notes in his basement. After months of work, he The sticky notes were withdrawn from the test markets,
succeeded in creating a machine that could create the and 3M launched another attempt. New merchandising
sticky note pads he envisioned. Malinda and Nicholson, materials were created and the company decided to try
as well as other 3M personnel, visited the house to observe again with a seeding trial. The company sent free samples
the progress. They were impressed with the machine and to CEOs across the country, asking the CEOs for input as
wanted it moved to the 3M building, but the machine was to how the sticky notes could be used. According to Paul
so large that the company had to send construction work- Marsden, in his essay “Seed to Spread: How Seeding Trials
ers to Fry’s house to dismantle a wall, move the machine, Ignite Epidemics of Demand,” this was the turning point
and then repair the wall. for the new product, as the seeding trial “generated good-
will and advocacy” from the CEOs, who were flattered to
be included in the trial.
Early Marketing Efforts In 1978 3M also handed out free samples of the notes
Fry initially called his sticky notes “Press ’n Peel” notes, in Boise, Idaho, purchased eight advertisements in the
and his first attempt at marketing was to hand out free Boise Statesman, and used promotional pricing, ceiling dis-
samples of the notes to 3M employees. He kept track of plays, counter displays, and window displays to promote
who received samples and how long it took each person to the sticky notes. The company also hired temporary staff
request refills. Nicholson also handed out free samples to to visit companies in Boise to hand out free samples of the
3M employees and realized that people were visiting his notes and to demonstrate their use. The Boise campaign
office very frequently for refills. The success of the notes was a success. Ninety-five percent of those who tried the
within the company led 3M to try to take the sticky notes free Post-it Notes in that city said that they liked the prod-
to market. uct and would buy it.
In 1977 3M launched the sticky notes under the
name “Press ’n Peel” in Denver, Colorado; Tampa, Florida;
Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Richmond, Virginia, as part of a Post-it Notes Everywhere
small-scale marketing effort. Before the test, 3M handed In 1980 3M launched the product, under the name Post-it
out samples of the products in standard sizes and in 8 Notes, across the United States. By 1981 Post-it Notes
1/2-by-11 inch format to retailers in the four cities. The were being sold in Europe and Canada. They were 3M’s
company also ran advertisements in local trade magazines. most successful product by 1984. According to Anthony
In addition, 3M sent product samples and descriptive bro- Rubino, Jr., in Why Didn’t I Think of That?: 101 Inventions
chures to companies in the test cities. That Changed the World by Hardly Trying, Post-it Notes
The product did not elicit much interest from con- generated US$15 billion in sales for 3M by the 1990s and
sumers, and the limited test launch was considered a failure by 2010, the company had sold more than a trillion Post-it
at 3M. According to Gershman, the marketing test in the Notes. In 1995 3M was the recipient of the National
four cities was a “cool disaster.” Response was lukewarm Medal of Technology, in part because of the Post-it Note.
in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Denver, Colorado. In Richmond The notes have been displayed in museums and have been
and Tampa, no one was interested in the new product. recognized by historians as one of the most important of-
Joe Ramey, the new general manager of the 3M divi- fice inventions since the paperclip. By 2009 Post-it Notes
sion responsible for the product, traveled to Richmond, were generating US$1 billion in annual sales.
Virginia with Nicholson to find out why the test had not Post-it Notes have become a constant presence in
been a success. Nicholson and Ramey made cold calls in homes, workplaces, and just about any setting where tem-
the test cities and even visited businesses in Richmond porary notes, comments, or reminders need to be posted.
to find out what had gone wrong. They determined that The notes have also developed some unique uses. Artists
no one knew how to use the new products. Nicholson routinely use them to develop Post-it Note art works, for

Innovation Masters: History’s Best Examples of Business Transformation 3

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3M Post-it Notes

1 example in 2000 designer Ilze Vitolina created 11 dress When the first sticky notes were developed by 3M, early
2 designs using Post-it Notes. marketing tests were not successful. Despite these failures,
3 According to the 3M website, the Post-it brand had however, Post-it Notes became one of the most popular
4 more than 4,000 different products as of 2011. Post-it office products in the world.
5 flags, developed in 1987, are used for tagging places in
6 books. In 1991 3M released pop-up Post-it Notes, which
7 came in an easy-to-use dispenser. In 1994 3M released a
8 “Art Fry & Spencer Silver.” Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts
Post-it easel pad, with adhesive-backed sheets that could
Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, 2011.
9 stick to most walls. In 2003 Post-it Super Sticky notes Accessed December 6, 2011.
0 were released, with a stronger adhesive that could stick to /frysilver.html.
1 surfaces that normal sticky notes would not adhere to. In Block, Ben. “Post-It Notes.” World Watch 22, no. 5 (2009).
2 2009 the company released a line of Post-it brand remov- Fry, Art, Spencer Silver, and Sarah Duguid. “First Person: ‘We
3 able labels and Post-it Notes made from recycled paper. Invented the Post-it Note.’” Financial Times, December 3,
4 That same year, 3M launched Post-it Flag Highlighters, 2010. Accessed December 6, 2011.
5 with a traditional highlighter tip, and Post-it book flags /s/2/f08e8a9a-fcd7-11df-ae2d-00144feab49a.html#axzz18
6 located near the top of the pen. Oprah Winfrey featured hyDnyKX.
7 the pens on her talk show, creating an interest that paved Gershman, Michael. Getting It Right the Second Time: How
8 American Ingenuity Transformed Forty-Nine Marketing Failures
the way for 3M to market ballpoints, permanent markers,
into Some of Our Most Successful Products. Reading, MA:
9 gel pens, and combination pens and highlighters with the Addison Wesley, 1990.
0 flags. Higgins, James M. “Innovate or Evaporate: Seven Secrets of
1 Post-it Sticky Boards were also invented by 3M. Innovative Corporations.” The Futurist 29, no. 5 (1995).
2 Post-it Sticky Boards are covered with the famous adhe- Kirby, Justin, and Paul Marsden, eds. Connected Marketing: The
3 sive, so that notes can be attached and moved around on Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution. Oxford, England:
4 a board surface. Repositionable Post-it craft paper with an Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
5 adhesive back is also available from the company, as well as Lidwell, William, and Gerry Manacsa. Deconstructing Product
6 Post-it Clear Pockets, which are were plastic pockets with Design: Exploring the Form, Function, Usability, Sustainability,
7 an adhesive back. and Commercial Success of 100 Amazing Products.
8 Minneapolis, MN: Rockport Publishers, 2009.
Post-it Notes became available in electronic form.
9 Marsden, Paul. “Seed to Spread: How Seeding Trials Ignite
Microsoft’s Windows 7 has a sticky note application that
Epidemics of Demand.” In Connected Marketing: The
0 allows computer users to post an electronic version of the Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution, edited by Justin
1 Post-it Note on their computer desktop. Post-it also has Kirby and Paul Marsden. Oxford, England: Butterworth-
2 its own version of Digital Notes, which allows users to Heinemann, 2006.
3 download the application to apply digital sticky notes to Obendorf, Hartmut. Minimalism: Designing Simplicity. London:
4 their desktop background. The Digital Notes, which are Springer-Verlag, 2009.
5 downloadable from the 3M website, include photo clip- Post-it. “About Post-it Brand.” Maplewood, MN, 2011. Accessed
6 ping and web-tagging options. December 6, 2011.
7 /en_US/Post_It/Global/About/.
8 Rubino, Anthony, Jr. Why Didn’t I Think of That?: 101 Inventions
9 Evaluating the Post-it Note That Changed the World by Hardly Trying. Avon, MA: Adams
Media, 2010.
0 The Post-it Note story shows that a series of early failures
“Sticking Around—the Post-it Note Is 20.” BBC News, April 6,
1 does not necessarily preclude long-term success. Post-it 2011. Accessed December 6, 2011.
2 Notes failed in some way at almost every step of their ex- /hi/uk_news/701661.stm.
3 istence. Silver developed an adhesive that was the very op- Zambonini, Dan. “Why Are Post-it Notes Yellow?” The Januarist,
4 posite of the super adhesive he was trying to achieve. He February 25, 2010. Accessed December 6, 2011. http://www
5 then had trouble finding an application for his invention.

4 Innovation Masters: History’s Best Examples of Business Transformation

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