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The Glory Has Been Restored

Contents Page
Introduction 2
Chapter 1 Glory of God 7
Chapter 2 Glory at creation 12
Chapter 3 Glory created Adam 18
Chapter 4 Glory after the fall 25
Chapter 5 Cherubim of glory 28
Chapter 6 The glory in the life of Moses 33
Chapter 7 The glory in the tabernacle 37
Chapter 8 Glory in books of Isaiah & Jeremiah 43
Chapter 9 Glory in the book of Ezekiel 51
Chapter 10 Glory in the book of Daniel 57
Chapter 11 Glory in books of the Minor Prophets 64
Chapter 12 Glory of Jesus in the gospels 67
Glory in Jesus’ words 74
Glory on the mount of Transfiguration 77
Chapter 13 Glory through the Ascension 81
Chapter 14 God’s glory in the early Church 83
Chapter 15 Glory in Paul’s epistles 85
Chapter 16 Glory in the epistles for the Jews 94
Chapter 17 Glory of Christ in Revelation 97
Chapter 18 Glory of Christ’s second coming 101
Conclusion 103


The reason I’m writing this book is for my students to have a

Biblical understanding of God’s glory.

I use to teach Jesus was going to come in the future and restore
the kingdom, power and glory. After careful research I discovered
Christ had already come! That meant that Christ had restored His
glory to mankind, Matt.16:27. That led me to experience His
kingdom within me, Lk.17:21. I have always believed that Christ
was within me but wanted to experience and understand Him
more tangibly! Jn.6:57. I now expect manifestations of His
presence and glory to break out in each meeting and practice
leading others to experience the glory they have in Christ.

What led me to change my thinking is recorded in this book. It

started with a change in the way I interpret the scriptures; Bible
Schools call it hermeneutics! My eschatology; ‘End times’
teaching changed! The result was I believe the ‘end’ was of the
Jewish age and not the ‘end’ of the church age. There is no end
of Christ ruling the earth from the heavens!

Paul wrote that we ‘have the mind of Christ,’ 1 Cor.2:16. and

Isaiah said, ‘God’s thoughts are not like our thoughts,’ Isa.55:8-9.
So I decided to make my thoughts submit to God’s word, even
when I did not understand. I stopped thinking Jesus glory was a
future endowment and began to search for God’s glory in
everything He created. After all God is glorious so one would
expect His works to be glorious too! Therefore when God sent
His Son to earth I believe it was so He would restore it to its
original glory. After all angels sang the whole earth is filled with
the glory of the Lord, Isa.6:3.

I believe those who desire knowledge of the truth must search

the scriptures, Jn.8:31-32, 5:39. I did and found Paul wrote that
he knew no man after the flesh, even though they; the apostles,
had known Christ after the flesh, they did not know Him that way
anymore, 2Cor.5:17. This meant that Paul was not looking for
Jesus to come in the flesh. Paul was expecting Christ to come
spiritually. Now that changed everything! I often think what kind
of Christ was Paul experiencing? According to Colossians 1:27
Paul taught the glorious Christ was within and Christ was his
hope of glory! Because Paul taught the Gentiles this truth; I had
to teach my people in Odisha, India the same!

Paul wrote that Christ, “In His times will show who is the only
ruler, the king of kings, and lord of lords, who lives in the light,
that no man has seen, nor can see,”1Tim.6:15-16. The words
“nor can see” refer to Christ’s second coming as ruler over the
earth. We Bible teachers are suppose to lay all scriptures side by
side and not ignore any verses that we don’t agree with. We are
to try to reconcile all scripture to ascertain the true meaning. In
this verse it would seem Paul had already received the revelation
that Christ in Spirit would come and take dominion over His
enemies on earth. Paul met Jesus on the Damascus road in a
blinding light; so Paul understood Christ’s return to be in a similar
way, in blinding light! As Jesus said “coming in the glory of His
Father,” Matt.16:27.

The apostle John also agrees with Paul for he wrote, “No man
has seen God at any time,” Jn.1:18. And before Jesus died He
said, “You won’t see me; and shortly after that; you will see me,”
indicating they would see Jesus in a new way,” Jn.16:17. They
would not see Him in the flesh but in His glorified Spirit body. The
apostle’s words proved the presence of Christ’s Spirit was the
indicator that glory was in all those who believed.

I use to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to me.1 I often prayed,
“Christ, you are in me, so reveal your glory to me!”2 Several
years ago the Spirit asked, “Will you be content to know Christ
spiritually without ever seeing Him? Will you learn to discern His
voice within you?” I answered, “Yes’ and embarked on a
wonderful journey that has led me into an inward encounter of
the glorious Christ.

I read books on the mystics of the Eastern Orthodox Church.3 It

has become popular for professors to write about the church
mystics who experienced spiritual realities and described them in
metaphors.4 Some of the mystics experienced the Holy Spirit
forming Christ within them, Gal.4:19. I followed their writings and
sought the light of Christ to shine within me as He did with the
mystics. I read somewhere the church in Ephesus stayed on their
knees till Christ’s light came to them. I pursued that and
experienced the same! Christ manifested as a glory light within
my spirit. My spirit eyes recognized Him coming to me in a light
form. When this light stood before me I would asked Him to flood
me with His light. I learned to live in light for short periods of time,
especially before I went to preach. I envy Einstein who followed a
light ray and discovered the laws of the universe. I yielded my
spirit to Christ’s Spirit till my spirit man was filled with light,
Lk.11:34-36. Recognizable Spirit light! I decided I would not
come out from my prayer times till Christ’s light came to me. And
He did repeatedly! And He made me confess in church the reality
that Christ is the true light and give us the light of God. I taught

2 Corinthians 3:16-17 When they turn to the Lord. Now the Lord is that Spirit.
“The teaching of the Church would have no hold on souls if it did not in some degree express an
inner experience of truth, granted in different measure to each one. Lossky, Vladimir. The Mystical
Theology of the Eastern Church.
The eastern tradition has never made a sharp distinction between mysticism and theology;
between personal experience of the divine mysteries and the dogma affirmed by the Church.
Lossky, Vladimir. The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church.” James Clarke & Co. Kindle.
The historical grammatical method of interpretation allows one to engage with metaphors.

John’s gospel from a new perspective! In the opening chapter

John declared the apostles saw Jesus glory, Jn.1:14. C. H.
Dodd’s commentary on John’s gospel was heavy but I agreed
with him on his realized eschatology! I wrote sermons on Christ’s
glory exploring various aspects of it believing it would increase
my understanding, Eph.1:17. It was a challenge to find authors
who saw the glory of Christ manifesting!

Peter wrote he was already partaking of the glory, 1Pet.5:1.

Amazing! Peter refers to glory so often in his first epistle! The
apostles believed glory was the believer’s inheritance and were
testifying glory was a present reality as well as a future
expectation. They were not limiting glory to the future. They were
declaring that believers are called to experience glory now in the
present, 2 Thessalonians 2:14, and not in the millennium.

I search for people who believed the glory realm was a present
reality. I attended a conference where a brother manifested glory
dust on his face. Incredible! It was the first time I had ever seen
God’s glory manifesting on a human body. I changed my thinking
then and there on the spot!

I listened to messages on glory and obtained the glory books by

Ruth Heflin. Faith filled my heart with an expectation that I would
taste the glory realms. I watched DVD’s of ministers who testified
of manifestations of glory appearing upon their faces. I soaked to
glory music and began singing, “Show me your glory, Lord.”

Each year as I taught Bible school the scriptures declaring God’s

glory came alive. It was my desire my Odisha students tangibly
experience God’s glory for themselves.
The western mind reasons that information is sufficient to
convince one of truth. However, the eastern mind demands an
experience with truth through contemplation. It’s the difference

between describing a strawberry and tasting one. There’s a vast

difference! I didn’t need more information about God’s glory I
needed a tangible experience of it for myself.5

I had to discover what God’s glory is like, so future generations of

my people can experience it. “For the earth shall be filled with the
knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea!”
Hab.2:14. There’s a lot of water in the sea and it is constantly
moving! So is God’s glory as it sweeps the earth!

The extent of Christ’s restoration came through inviting the Spirit

to teach me. I saw John the Baptist began the restoration,
Matthew 17:11. Then Jesus manifested the restoration
throughout His earthly ministry. The cross laid the foundation of
the restoration as it redeemed all things. The exaltation and
glorification of Christ also included all humans. The Holy Spirit
descending at Pentecost was the power needed to spread the
gospel of the kingdom throughout the known world. The apostles
restored the remnant of the Jews and prepared the gentiles for
the presentation after the second coming in AD66. The
restoration of humanity before God and His anointing of the body
of Christ sealed the new rulers of God’s kingdom in the New
Jerusalem. Heavenly Zion was given the mandate to restore all
things in the universe to the glory of heaven. The foundation laid
is a finished work! It’s my desire this book helps you to
understand the glory has been restored.

‘None of the mysteries of the most secret wisdom of God ought to appear alien or altogether
transcendent to us, but in all humility we must apply our spirit to the contemplation of Divine
things’. To put it in another way, we must live the dogma expressing a revealed truth, Lossky,
Vladimir. The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. James Clarke & Co. Kindle..

Chapter one

Glory of God

Habakkuk described Christ’s glory as His majesty covering the

heavens and the earth. He called it God’s brightness! His
splendor! He described it like a sunrise! He said rays were
flashing from Christ’s hands where His power was
hidden!”Hab.3:3-4. It was a vision of the glorified Christ! The
vision of the glorious Christ seen in 3:3-4, is what is referred to as
the glory that was to fill the earth, 2:14. The knowledge of this
glorified Christ must fill the earth! Not just Jesus as Christ but all
included in the spiritual body of Christ. The restored and glorified

The nature of God’s glory raises two questions. First what is God
like, and second how should we imagine him?

In answer to the first question we should state that God is an

invisible Spirit presented by Jesus as a loving father, Jn.4:24,
Ps.84:11, 103:8-13. Lk.15:20. He is a Spirit that radiates from the
core of His being dazzling rays of pure holy light! 1Jn.1:5, 4:8.
This glory light manifests in a kaleidoscope of colored light rays
displays the majesty of his character. His love, mercy, goodness,
graciousness and loving-kindness radiate from His being in
glorious splendor! Ex.34:5-7. A Spirit that is the eternally glorious

Some aspects of God’s glory are invisible and then other aspects
are manifested. In the first case; His invisibleness! Father is the
invisible nucleus of life in everything.6 He is the invisible source

The central and most important part of an object forming the basis for its activity and growth.
Synonyms; core, centre, hub, middle, kernel, focal point. In physics; the positively charged central
core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons, and containing all of its mass.

of life in every living thing; He creates, produces, sustains, and

holds every living thing together by His invisible strength! He is
the hidden God; present everywhere; who causes everything to
rise up in glory, fruitfulness, lush and abundance. It is His glory to
be the hidden life of everything. It gives Him pleasure!

Then in and from that nucleus of God comes forth radiance that
reveals Him. It is His Son’s Spirit coming forth from God in light to
reveal His Father’s nature. The Son’s light that radiates
throughout the universe proceeds through the Holy Spirit. Light
rays continually proceed from the Father and the Son!

The eternal love in Father’s Spirit flows from Him in many ways
such as colors, sounds, vibrations, and particles of light. His love
pulsates with energy and is available through the Son and by the
Holy Spirit when we believe and love Him.

The truth of God’s glory being His love reoccurs throughout the
scriptures. The Bible describes God as; love, light, spirit, fire and
glorious. 1Jn.4:8, God is love. 1:5 God is light. Jn.4:24 God is
Spirit, Heb.12:29, God is a consuming fire, Lk.2:9 Glory of the
Lord shone around. Heb 1:3, Christ the brightness of His glory,
Place these five essential spiritual qualities together and imagine
God in form as a Spirit breathing out love that flows out in glory
light and fire waves. Then if we worship Him as a loving Father
Spirit that communicates His love by His Holy Spirit through
Christ His Son then we start to understand the glory. Glory is the
manifestation of God’s love life shinning throughout the universe
over and in all His works. He’s a loving life breathing Spirit that
gives life and glory to everything.

As we fix our mind on God as a loving Fatherly Spirit who is

always breathing life, goodness and happiness we rejoice. The
abundance of Father’s love and happiness is the focus. We walk
with Jesus into Father’s happy heart. Jesus the door to Father’s
heart lets us enter into Father’s pure joy. And we experience its
gloriousness! Jn.10:9. Imagine walking towards a volcano that is
on fire. The heart of Father is a happy loving heart!

In the glory light of God there’s a loving Father, a loving Son and
a loving Holy Spirit. This majestic God repeatedly calls us to
partake of their glory. Father made a way for us to partake in His
glory through Christ’s redemption, 1Pet.4:14. But the glory stays
in Christ and radiates from the royal family throughout eternity.
Declaring the glory of God is the work of the children of glory. We
the sons and daughters of glory declare God’s glory as;
1. Their love and goodness flowing in continual happy life.
2. Their giving of themselves as life to all their creatures.7
3. The continual support of all the needs of their creatures.
4. Their enjoyment as the inner life of all their creatures. It is
their joy! They are eternally happy to give all they have to
everyone who believes! It’s their glory!

This self sacrificing love which holds all things together without
thinking of receiving anything in return is overpowering, Col.1:27.
The angels and we God’s children blush when confronted with it.
It’s hard to believe that they would hide the heavy weight of the
glory they carry. If we knew how gloriously happy they are in the
royal family we wouldn’t hesitate to pursue their glory. It’s

I consider the Oneness teaching that emphasises God is One is a Jewish doctrine. Moses
emphasis on Oneness was in order to keep the Jews from the multiple gods and idols which the
gentile nations of that time worshipped. In my opinion Moses himself was a Trinitarian from the
beginning and throughout his writings.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are extremely gracious persons;
the most beautiful persons imaginable! Only a beautiful God
would think to make such beautiful creatures and place them on
such a beautiful planet.

The splendor of the love within the Trinity had to be displayed in

their creations! The harmony within their Spirit is glorious! This
perfection of glory had to be displayed in the heavens; the earth;
the angels; and within humans! It had to be experienced by
God’s children.

The immensity of God’s being is also difficult but not impossible

to imagine. I personally like to imagine Father sitting at a small
table in his garden where I go to sit and talk with Him. In those
blissful moments resting in His love revelation flows. New
thoughts spring up from within resulting in joy bubbling up. Within
a moment a surge of life can shoot through my spirit like
lightening. Such flashes quicken my being and my spirit lights up.
Resting in the Father’s joy and expecting a refreshing are the
keys to another surge of new life flowing through me! Isaiah said
we shall dwell in a peace and in quiet resting places, Isa.32:18.

The Trinity insisted on living within every atom, cell, and particle
of all living things. Their being is able to dwell within the DNA of
my body; secretly abiding. They won’t infringe on my right of
freedom to choose! Their meekness causes them to continually
hide themselves within us! I consider this meekness one of the
greatest glories of their nature. As Isaiah declared; “Truly thou art
a God that hides thyself,” Isa.45:15. Therefore I enjoy saying, “If
they made it, then they insist on being in it!” They uphold and
strengthen everything from within. They hold everything together
in such a unique way we don’t recognize the Godhead within us.
We do live, move and have our being in them, Acts 17:28. They
are in us and happy to be our life. Now what about our glory?

This happy blissful glory the royal family share amongst

themselves and with their creatures makes heaven the happiest
place. Jesus opened heaven at His baptism, Matt.3:16, Lk.3:21,
and from that day till today there has been joy on earth wherever
heaven is allowed to manifest, Lk.2:10. Christ’s glorious love and
joy intoxicates everyone who yields to it! It’s infectious and puts a
shine on everyone’s face. 1Pet.1:8. A smiling happy face is every
ones calling! Ps.16:11. It is their glory!

When Christ rose from dead He was looking forward to the joy
He was going to receive in His Father’s presence, Heb.12:2. He
was anointed with the oil of gladness above all His brothers,
Heb.1:9. Peter described the anointing of joy being full of glory,
1Pet.1:8, David called it fullness of joy and happiness at God’s
right hand, Ps.16:11. David saw God laugh and wrote of it twice,
Ps.2:4, 59:8. Jesus taught the joy of heaven. The angels rejoiced
when sinners repent, Lk.15:7,10. How much more when Jesus
ascended having conquered demons and death and set the
prisoners free? What a happy day! It made Father merry and
caused Him to declare a celebration with feasting and dancing for
joy, Lk.15:23-24. And we partake of this joy! God’s celebration
feast because we are in Christ and Christ is in us! We have been
blessed with all spiritual blessings in him, and joy and glory are
just two of those blessings, Eph 1:3.

The joy of Jesus as He ascended into heaven was described by

David in Psalm 21:1-7. Let me share and comment on some of
David’s thoughts. “The king shall joy in thy salvation; how greatly
shall He rejoice! He asked for life for his creations and received
it. Glory, honor and majesty was laid on him! God made him most
blessed forever. And he was exceedingly happy when he saw
God’s face. The king of glory then proceeded to put down his
enemies, Ps.21:8-13. So make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all
the earth, Ps.98:4. Rejoice, and again I say rejoice, Phil.4:4,3:1.

Chapter two

Glory at creation

The loving Father as the source of all created things seeks a

place or person to whom He can show the riches of His grace.
His greatest grace that He offers is Himself; His very own
sacrificial Spirit life which teems with energy.

The minute particles of energy that make up the heavens and the
earth were released through His Spirit breath when He spoke,
“Let there be light.” Christ the light of heaven was given the
authority to manifest again. Light was not created; it always was.
It was withdrawn for a time due to Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven.
This glorious divine light holds all things together. Paul’s
description was, “through Christ all things consist, Col.1:17. The
eternal Christ spoke the words that created all things and the
Holy Spirit moved and formed everything. Christ like His Father is
an extreme giver and supports all He made. ‘He upholds all
things by His word,’ Heb.1:3. To Him alone belongs the glory of
holding everything together. This is one of the keys to
understanding the restoration of glory. Christ upholds everything.

Those who study the creation are amazed at how harmonious

and perfect everything is. Christ’s creation is brilliant! No wonder
Moses declared “It was good,” repeatedly! Gen.1:4,12,18,21,26,
31. Some teach the earth is to be destroyed but that’s the very
opposite of God’s thoughts, and contrary to His ways. Christ is
the resurrection and the life! He is the restorer, regenerator, and
quickening Spirit that upholds, strengthens and renews the
heavens and the earth. He saved everything He created and got
God to reconcile with it through His redemption, 2 Cor.5:18-21.
Christ currently enjoys restoring the creation to its pristine glory!

Surely the God of all power who fills the universe with beauty is
able to restore and beautify it again? Surely God who gave His
Son and His Holy Spirit in order to save humans is able to save
and restore the creation? I use to teach this earth would be
destroyed by fire but now understand that thought was wrong. I’m
much happier to teach this earth is being restored to its original
glory by the all powerful Spirit in accordance with God’s plan and

Isaiah heard the cherubim declare the whole earth is filled with
His glory, Isa.6:3. They would know because they were there.
Job called them the sons of God and stated they rejoiced
watching Christ create the earth, Job 38:7. It shows the cherubim
appreciate all the works of God’s hands, and marvel at him
supporting it all with his life.

It is reasonable to believe that the eternal God of glory would

make an earth full of His glory for his children who He called to
inherit glory, Rom.8:30. Jesus said, ‘God so loved the world….he
who believes…has eternal life!’ So it is reasonable to believe that
the Son and Spirit know how to restore the earth so it can last
eternally. An earth built to last for millions of years! And why not?
Where else is God going to get His children from? His Son paid a
huge price to redeem all things. Surely the Spirit can refresh,
restore and renew all of it through the regeneration! Christ
prophesied: “In the regeneration!” Matt.19:28. And Peter taught
that Christ would stay in the heaven’s until the restoration of all
things, Acts 3:19. Therefore it is reasonable to believe the glory
has been restored to all things in Christ.

Christians who are so anxious for God to finish everything are

ignoring the scriptures which declare the long life of the earth.

We should carefully consider the Psalmists.


Ps. 78:69, ‘The earth which God established forever.”

Ps. 96:10, ‘The world is established; It shall not be moved.’
Ps. 104:5, You laid the foundations of the earth that it should not
be moved forever, and Ps.148:3-6, Sun, moon, stars, heavens,
waters; He created, and also established them forever and ever.

Paul declared; “The invisible things of God are clearly seen by

the things he made,” Rom.1:20. Paul then points to God’s eternal
power and Godhead,” In other words God’s invisibleness! His
eternity of Spirit being! Omnipresence etc., these are all
understood through the things He made. He made things so we
could discover him. Sounds similar to the Church mystics who
saw God in everything! Paul concludes; we humans have no
excuse! We are so fleshly in our thinking we miss his point. We
can understand the continual sustainable glory life of God’s Spirit
by the things He created on earth,” Rom.1:23, Isa.6:3. Creation is
our teacher pointing us to His glory!

For example; a seed; becomes a tree with hundreds of fruits. In a

hundred years that tree produces millions of fruits and seeds.
Just from the breaking of that one seed behold a multitude
comes. The seed has the potential to populate a whole universe!
In John 12:23-24 Jesus referred to His glory when He said that
He was the seed that falls into the ground and dies. From that
day He would never being alone; but would continually multiply.
The pre-eminent producing seed is Jesus Christ and God chose
to reign over the universe through this Seed. Seeds have a
likeness to an aspect of God’s nature. Christ’s seed gives life and
fruitfulness forever. Every seed in Christ has future and a hope of
being glorious and multiplying like Him. Seeds never eat
themselves; they live to give life to others.

Paul stated that creation which was subject to futility had a hope
that it would be set free from its bondage to corruption. The

creation would obtain the same glorious freedom that believers

enjoyed in Christ, Rom.8:20-22. Paul continued; that creation and
the church of his day8 were waiting for the redemption,
regeneration, and restoration of all things. I believe that occurred
in AD 66-70.9

When Christ said, “I make all things new,” Rev.21:5. the context
shows it happened very soon afterwards, Rev.22:6. With the help
of his bride conquering on the white horse they would fill the
earth with glory. Zion would be restored! Heavenly places ruling
over earthly places! Everything required for Eden to be restored
again on earth was accomplished. One of Christ’s goals during
His reign was to restore the glory to all things. The martyrs were
given thrones immediately and joined Christ in his work,
Rev.12:5, 14:13, 20:4. Those who overcame and sat on their
heavenly throne, filled their domain with glory, Rev.2:26-27.

As the over comers obtained glory from Christ so creation longed

to receive its glory restored. I believe Paul was referring to the
glory the earth had before Adam fell. As the glory manifested on
the apostles and multitudes of martyrs in the first century so
creation groaned for its glory to be restored also, Rom.8:22.

From the beginning scripture said we can decree a thing and it

would be established, Job 22:28. Job said God decreed the rain,
Job 28:26-27. Daniel saw a watcher; a holy angel, come down
from heaven with a decree, 4:13. David saw Christ declare the
decree that he was God’s begotten Son and he could ask for his
inheritance from the earth, Ps.2:7-8. Well when I saw a pastor
teach his church to decree and testify how God blessed his town
because of it, I decided to do the same. We have been decreeing

Romans written AD 57-60, John A.T. Robinson Re-Dating of the New Testament.
Discussed in my Book of Revelation.

things in our church for over ten years and seen tremendous
changes in our town. From a railway junction to a city! From no
factories to over twenty-eight factories! One of them the biggest
in all Asia! So Christ and the angels are watching who will believe
the heavens surround us and decree Christ’s glory fills the earth.

Paul stated, “We have received the Holy Spirit to know the things
freely given to us of God,” 1 Cor.2:12. Our Christian inheritance
involves the glory and owning our inheritance. We were born in a
native place and given a land, city, or nation that God has
appointed to us. Jesus had to overcome and take a harvest from
his native place: Judah! Difficult? Yes! Every decil against him?
Yes! But he got the victory; the breakthrough and won disciples
who he took with him into glory! That same Christ is in us so we
can get the breakthrough and win souls in our native place!
Therefore we teach decrees and release glory by our words over
our inheritance so everlasting fruit will spring forth!

Jesus said some of us would rule five or ten cities, Luke 19:17-
19, and Paul wrote, “He freely gives us all things,” Rom.8:32,
1Cor.2:12. Surely Christ wants us to watch over, protect and
beautify our realm. And then begin to fill the earth with glory! He
said, “All I have is yours!” Lk.15:31.

It is my fervent prayer that believers in India would understand

the restoration of God’s glory and co-operate with the Holy Spirit
by releasing it in their native place. I believe religious spirits have
deceived us about the extent of Christ’s salvation and the value
God places on the earth. I believe the earth is very good, full of
God’s glory and worth preserving! I am honestly looking for those
who will also believe so together we can get their part of the
earth filled with glory.

There are some parts of the earth which are so beautiful; New
Zealand, Florida, Switzerland etc., And there are some parts of
the earth that are so neglected. We in Jharsuguda embrace the
challenge to change our state Odisha in our life time. We take
our authority over our inheritance and fill it with decrees of glory.

A sample prayer we pray each week is; “We are God’s children;
His ruling family in Odisha. We stand in God’s presence as
ambassadors of His kingdom. We declare justice and
development for our people. We represent God’s house of grace!
We release God’s angels to pour out love and blessings. We
declare our village is a blessed village. We declare increase,
abundance, prosperity, hundred fold harvests, and jobs for our
people. We release healings, miracles and joy. We speak life,
light, abundance and increase. We take authority over the
weather and release rain and cooler weather. Our rivers are filled
with fresh water and fish. New fruit trees are growing. My family
is healthy and rejoicing in God’s goodness. I release peace, love,
and joy over my village. God is good to me and great things will
happen to me.”

The more our children decree development over our town, the
more our town develops. For twenty years we have declared
development and seen it happen! Jharsuguda has grown from a
small village into a city. My children have learned to take
dominion over a city and bring it into obedience. Each summer
the children return to their village and declare the dominion of
Christ in their village. We are expecting that development to
happen within twenty years as it did in Jharsuguda. This is not a
theory. It has actually happened in my life-time as a missionary. It
took twenty years but it worked and it was not by chance but by
constant decreeing the glory of the Lord is here and now. We
changed a city and are affecting weather change now. Christ is a
present reality and his Spirit needs to be released on the earth.

Chapter three

Glory created Adam

I truly believe Christ created the spirit and angelic realms before
the human. I saw it in the heavens one time, like Micaiah 1 Kings
22:12; Christ was presiding over all three created realms. The
spirits are like lights that move like winds, ethereal in nature; like
stars moving like flashes of lightening, Ezek.1:13-14. Father is
called the Father of lights, Jam.1:17. One other time I saw Father
holding small golden chains attached like a dog leash to stars.
The stars were balls of brightly colored lights. The angels had a
similar form to humans; many having wings, Ezek.1:5. The
angels also are spirit soul beings having various degrees of glory.
And he made billions of them, Jer.33:22. Then Adam was
created a spirit being covered with a flesh body.1Thes.5:23, The
spirit fits well in a human form; but in likeness it was similar to
God’s Spirit. It was the lowest of Christ’s creations but was
destined to reach the highest glory; the throne of God, 1Sam.2:8.

When God said, “Let us make man in our image,” we note the
Trinity was involved, Gen.1:26. God the Father hiding Himself
within His Son and Holy Spirit who reveal Him. I can imagine
Christ came either as the Angel of the Lord walking towards
Adam, or in a human body form full of light like a loving father
radiating glory. The King of glory was making another king of
glory to rule planet earth. Populate earth with kings of glory was
their goal. God’s kids ruling all he made! Gen.1:28

God formed in the dust of the ground the shape of the human
body and then breathed into his nose the spirit of life, Gen.2:7.
And man became a living soul in their image and their likeness,
Gen.1:27. I can imagine the Lord placing his fingers in the clay a
breathing into the two holes. Imagine the Holy Spirit transforming

that clay vessel into bones, muscles, flesh, and blood. Christ
knows how to breathe spirit life into flesh. His first act after the
resurrection was to breathe Spirit into the apostles, Jn.20:22.
God’s Spirit baptizing our spirits and moving within our body of
flesh is so easy for him. The struggle some people have to
receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit is unnecessary. Holy Spirit
is here and it’s easy for him to enter and rest upon you. Just ask
and welcome him. He knows how to get inside us! Easy for him!

Adam’s spirit was filled with the glory light of God. As a spirit
being Adam had the potential to increase in the light and glory as
he surrendered to God. The light of God’s glory life flowed in and
through Adam’s spirit. Light radiated glory from his spirit. The
nature of the human spirit is that it can receive more spirit light.
Adam’s spirit had the potential for more. The amount of light and
glory Spirit flowing into his/our spirit body is according to prayer
and then just believing and receive. Not begging but believing.
The Spirit of God is so meek; but he does need to be invited.
Otherwise he won’t come and fill. The same with the seven spirits
of God and the other spirits; faith, grace, goodness, peace etc., I
believe the amount of Holy Spirit and Christ the word which
Adam maintained within his spirit would have been his eternal
glory light. That amount of glory; increased or decreased; would
have been maintained and fixed had Adam passed the test!
Originally it was thick heavy glory when Adam was newly
created. Paul referred to it as a heavy weight of glory, 2Cor.4:17.

The Spirit covered Adam and Eve with the ‘kabod’ glory of God’s
love. They had so much love; Adam and Eve should have
experienced bubbling joy all the time. Their faces blushing red!
Possibly maintaining glory was dependent upon them giving of
their spirit, word, light and life to others. Had they become selfish
refusing to give of themselves? It would seem the duty of a spirit
is to give from the abundance of what God gives. Adam and Eve

were suppose to be giving love like God does! He always gives

of himself! That’s what love does. It gives from its own well of
glory! Obviously they lost the meekness to maintain the glory!

David said God Omnipresent Spirit fills all things in the universe;
It’s so immense! Ps.139:7-12. His glory is above the heavens
and he dwells on high; But David also wrote; ‘he humbles himself
to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth! In order
to raise up the poor and set them among princes!’ Ps.113:44-7
Apparently God decided these humans the lowest of his
creatures would reveal his meek and gracious heart! He had
already planned to spend eternity with humans as His sons and
daughters, kings and queens! So it was Adam’s duty to keep the
glory he carried in his body! He was hosting the presence!

Paul wrote that Christ will change our vile body and fashion it to
be like His glorious body,” Phil.3:21. So allow me to describe our
physical body as it pertains to God’s glory.

Paul says the hair of a woman is her glory crown, 1 Cor. 11:7-15.
David said his face was his glory, Ps:16:9. He also wrote God
crowned Adam with glory and honor, Ps. 8:5.
So lets examine the human body and see some its glories.
The brain sits in the highest place within the body. It is a
magnificent organ holding pre-eminence over the body.
The mind of the spirit man relies upon the impulses relayed from
the five senses within the body and interpreted by the brain, in
order to process and make decisions. God’s voice can be heard
within the mind of the Spirit, Rom 8:27. This faculty of knowing,
reasoning, understanding and choosing was formed to reflect
God’s mind, 1Cor.2:16. It’s openness to words, ideas, and
influences, has no boundaries. It is sensitive and can perceive
the invisible spiritual realities surrounding it. It cannot however be
satisfied unless filled with God, Jn.17:3.

The eyes occupy a high place on the face. They can sparkle with
glory light; like flames of fire or lightening; depending upon the
condition of the heart! Rev.1:14. Jesus said the light of the body
is in the eye, Lk.11:34. The eyes of the spirit must focus on what
the Spirit wants, 2Kings 6:17. They always look to the future and
must not look back! Jesus told the apostles, ‘Blessed are your
eyes for they see!; meaning the eyes of their understanding
perceived and understood his parables, Matt.13:16. I have read
several testimonies of those who saw eyes everywhere in
heaven. The Lord showed them how he is always protecting and
caring for people. He’s always looks towards the future of our
lives and directs us towards it, Jer.29:11. What we constantly
watch exerts a powerful influence on our spirits and mind. The
pure in heart see God! Matt.5:8. They see he’s a loving Father
full of mercy, goodness and grace no matter what they see
happening around them. He’s the same!

The ears are equal in position with the eyes on the face staying
in the background. The physical ears can hear the conversation
of humans and drown out the voice of God. As Jesus said, He
that has ears to hear let him ear! Matt.13:16. God’s ears are
always open to our cries, Job 34:28, Ps.34:17, 69:33, Jn.14:13.

The nose reveals the discerning ability of our spirit? It can smell
the kind of spirits present. As some like to say, ‘I could smell
something was up.’ Yes sweet smelling spirits or stinking dead
ones! Some can smell the perfumes of heaven and others the
smell of death! Job 4:16, 1Cor.12:10, 1Cor2:14

The tongue of which much is written about in Proverbs and

James, Prov.18:21;10:11,13,19-21,31-32. Jam. 3:2-12, Matt.
12:34-37. Sufficient to say the mouth releases what the words
that are within our spirit. Just like Christ the living Word revealed
the Father who was in him. One can quickly find out what is

ruling within a person’s heart by engaging in conversation. Good

or bad spirits are released by the tongue, especially when we are
under pressure. Jesus said His words were spirit and give life,
Jn.6:63 and so are ours too! The Lord said, “Out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” Matt.12:34.

The face reflects the condition of our spirit. It was made well
rounded and smooth with no blemishes. Beautiful and handsome
because He makes everything beautiful in his time, Eccles.3:11.
A happy face reflects the joy within. Does not our face go red
when we blush? The emotions cause embarrassment to rise from
within? Do we not go white when we receive shocking news?
The emotions manifested in our face! Then surely it’s the same
with God! Did not Ezekiel describe Him as a man of fire; when he
saw the glory of the Lord?’ Ezek.1:27-28. We reflect glory too! 2
Cor.4:6. Let your emotions come out! It’s your glory!

The chest in the centre of the body houses our lungs! They were
made to be continually filled with air and to provide the heart with
oxygen. The continual breathing motion is so important for life. It
reveals our total dependency upon God’s Spirit to energize us
with His life. God has to constantly breathe His life into us!
Breathing him into us is most important for life!

The heart created to pump the life-giving blood throughout our

body. Keep it filled with the love of God. Solomon said, Keep it
diligently for out from it flow the forces of life, Prov.4:23-27. Keep
it soft and clean so God can touch it when it’s needed to
represent him, Ps.51:10,13. Enjoy the emotions that flow from it.

The hands stretch out to God and to others to bless, Ps.134:2.

Anointed hands to give spiritual gifts, 1Tim.4:14, Callings and
ministries 2Tim.1:6, healings, Mk.16:18, prophesy, Gen.48:14-15.

The legs are the two pillars holding up the body so it can stand in
the sight of God accepted. Deut.18:5,7.Ex.14:13.Rom.5:2,14:4.
The feet to run to do whatever God wants, Rom.10:15.

The word of God in Adam’s spirit was in seed form like an

embryo but it was well able to maintain him in glory, Gen.2:16-17.
Had the word matured he would have been the father of God’s
glorious children. But as soon as Adam embraced the lie of the
devil then the Holy Spirit left him. The lie, “you shall not surely
die,” had dominion over Adam’s spirit, Gen.3:4. The lie ruled him
and killed him spiritually! God had to leave. Adam was not
deceived, 1Tim.2:14. He wanted to live independently from God
so decided to disobey and face the consequences. He chose
another spirit to rule over him, Num.14:24. A lord that did not
have glory or life; a dead lord! Isa.26:13-14, God’s eternal life
and glory left Adam and the spirit of death took its dominion over
them. The word was supplanted by the word of the devil. God’s
Word and Spirit no longer had dominion over Adam! Adam’s fall
resulted in the darkness of ignorance! This darkness grew in
Adam’s kids into gross darkness and in time every thought and
imagination was only selfish, fleshly, earthy and dominated by
demons, Gen.6:5, Eph.4:18. They changed the glory of the
uncorruptible God into idols, Rom 1:23.

The voice. “They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the
garden in the cool of the day?” Gen.3:8. The Lord came to save
and to restore. As the Lord judged Adam and Eve we notice he’s
put right what was wrong in their relationship. He put desire in
Eve for her husband and rebuked Adam for listening to his wife
instead of the word in his spirit. 1Kings 19:12.

The inheritance. Adam lost the right to rule the earth; it was his
inheritance! He lost his power, and glory. The Lord thought “I
created him for my glory. I formed him to be a light!” Isa.43:7.

Now look at him! The Lord immediately started a kind of

restoration. He killed the lamb and taught them a sacrificial
system including an altar, animal sacrifice, priesthood and
waiting on God for his fire to signal acceptance. They understood
when God’s fire fell they were accepted by God and could rule
their inheritance again. Lord made coats of animal skins and
clothed them. It was temporary until He came as their Savior.

The woman’s body. We observe the grace and wisdom given to

the woman to feed, care and teach her children. She was given
the responsibility to carry her babies from conception to birth.
The task of breast feeding was hers. Releasing the milk from her
being reflects the glory of God who feeds and nurtures us from
the fountain within himself, Isa.66:13, 1Pet.2:2. He gives Himself
to us in the same way a mother gives herself to her baby,
Isa.66:11-13. It’s an aspect of his glory!

The milk. I often imagine the Father’s loving Spirit embracing me

and holding me tight to His chest. I wait to feel his Spirit
permeate my spirit with the light of his life, the fire of His love, his
goodness and grace fill me till it bubble’s up inside. Oh the joy!
The brilliance of His radiant glory fills my spirit as he caresses
me. It’s tangible! You can feel it! The Father of the spirits of all
men; Num.16:22, the Father of lights; Jam.1:17, the Father of
glory, lives within us, Eph.1:17, and feeds us with his glory! Can
you not see the Spirit hovering over you, swirling around, eager
to touch, caress, smother, hug, kiss and cuddle as He draws you
close to His chest? He trying to impart all that’s within Him to you
so you can be glorious like Him.

When we see a new baby don’t we say, “Oh he/she looks like
you?” Is it not the same with God? Is it not the desire of everyone
to hold the new born in their arms? How much more the loving
Father who created us to reflect Himself!

Chapter four

The glory after the fall

To have had glory and tasted the glory realms; and to forfeit their
dominion over the earth, was a great catastrophe. As time
passed the corruption within man’s nature manifested
increasingly and the travesty became greater. As Moses
described it, “God repented that He had ever made man,

More was in store as Adam and Eve saw their children refuse the
invisible things of God such as His eternal power and Godhead.
They watched Cain change the glory of God into images of
animals,” Rom.1:23. They knew God was an invisible Spirit. They
just didn’t want God’s Spirit ruling them. They wanted to live
independently and rule themselves. They received glory from one
another and would rather cover themselves with earthly

How it saddened God’s heart to see mankind degenerate to low

levels were their imagination was only to do evil. The
imaginations of their spirit should have been directed to the glory
of God. But it wasn’t! The fall was so great and the extent so
widespread that God had no choice; He had to wash the earth
clean in a flood.

One time in prayer the Spirit and I were discussing His fire
coming forth from Him. I had just imagined a flame of fire
shooting out from the sun. He explained how He used fire to
confirm His rulers upon the earth in the days before the flood.
Cain killed Abel because God had accepted Abel’s sacrifice and
rejected Cain’s. God had confirmed Abel’s sacrifice with fire. That
sign established Able as God’s choice as the future ruler!

My thoughts turned to the fire that shot out from the Tabernacle
that devoured Nadab and Abihu, who in a drunkard state offered
strange incense to God. At that time the Lord said, “I will be
sanctified in those that come near me, and before all people I will
be glorified,”Lev.10:2-3. The Lord requires holiness in His priests.

Then when Solomon dedicated the Temple, I sensed the Lord

say, “I couldn’t deny the magnitude of his sacrifice, nor the fact
that the whole nation was watching.” So He sent fire from heaven
to consume the sacrifices. It was a blaze of glory! “The priests
could not enter because the glory of the Lord filled temple,” 2
Chron.7:2-3. Imagine the glory so thick; the priest had to bow and
get out quick!

Then I thought of Pentecost as tongues of fire sat upon one

hundred and twenty. That fire from the heavenly glory was a sign
that the new kingdom age had begun under Jesus Christ, Acts
2:3-4. The reign of the King of glory received a touch from the
glory to show God endorsed it and would support it.

We note only a remnant of the patriarchs honored God’s glory.

They were prophets revealing the voice of God to the people of
their age. Enoch who walked in fellowship with God prophesied;
“The Lord comes with ten thousand of His angels to execute
judgment,” Jude 14-15. What a shock to the people of that age
that the Lord did not come literally, but came in the clouds of a
flood so great; it cleansed the earth. The removal of that age,
paved the way for a restoration of the creation under Noah.

Why so great a judgment? I believe that generation had changed

the glory of God into humans of strange flesh. They were half-
human and half-angelic. Scripture comments that the fallen
angels did not stay within their first estate behind the veil, in the
spiritual realm; but manifested in the human realm. It resulted in

an abomination on the earth that did not glorify the Creator. The
Lord had set the boundaries between angels and humans and
they were to be maintained.

The worship of angels in order to obtain glory was strictly

forbidden. It was a righteous loving and honorable decision of
God to flood the earth. We can thank God and glorify Him by
keeping the boundaries He set for each realm. There is one glory
of the angels and another glory for us humans! Let’s not get
confused by new age practices and get them mixed up.

There are some who glory in encounters with the demonic in the
second heavens. Guru’s in India fast 200 days to break into the
heavens. I myself saw the Dalai Lama in the second heaven one
time and knew he had not made it. Another time I saw Satya Sai
Baba falling down from the second heaven; It was the day he
died. I was in New Zealand; Satya Sai was in South India. I
usually advise these very sensitive guru’s to move up to the third
heaven and enjoy their experiences in Christ. If Christ and God
are not the main focus of our lives then something is wrong! If
praying and taking authority over realms in nations is not the
focus then I suspect their motives are wrong. Let’s honor the
boundaries the Lord set.

Chapter five

Cherubim of glory

When the Lord sent Adam and Eve out from the garden of Eden
and placed cherubim’ with a fiery sword to guard the tree of life
He was showing He trusted these special guards. Cherubim are
referred to ninety-one times in the scriptures. Ezekiel even
described Lucifer as a cherub who covered God’s glory cloud.
Lucifer ministered with the other cherubims on God’s holy
mountain till he fell. Lord warned Lucifer, “I will destroy you and
called him a covering cherub.” Because Lucifer violated the
heavenly and earthly garden’s of God’s bliss (Eden) it required
strong Cherubim’ to keep humans from re-entering and becoming
immortal in their sin.

Possibly Cain’s children were fascinated with the cherubims at

the altar before the entrance to the garden. They were the
watchmen at the gate of God’s paradise garden! This fascination
for experiences with angels resulted in some of the fallen angels
choosing the daughters of men, to produce children that were
half-human, half-angelic. Those fallen angels crossed the
boundaries set by God and the result was the abomination
destroyed by the flood. God’s flood was an act of love protecting
the humans, Jude 6.

After the flood men again built altars of sacrifice to worship God.
Angels stationed themselves at the altars of men ready to ascend
carrying the petitions to God and return with answers. This
delightful activity reveals how God actively engages all His
creatures in all His works. This activity is illustrated in Jacob’s
dream of a ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and
descending; The Lord standing in the heavenly place receiving
the petitions, Gen.28:12-13. And so altars were gateways where

angels released the blessings of heaven upon the earth. Jesus

came and fulfilled these types in Himself as He became the altar
and the door and the gateway to God. Little understood by the
Western world today but appreciated by all tribal peoples
throughout the world as the gateway into the spiritual heavenly
world. The name Babylon means the gateway of God. Cain
therefore left Adam’s gateway to God and went and built temple
cities throughout the region. Several Babylon’s all with beautiful
ornate gateways with cherubims watching whose who entered in.

No wonder when Moses was told to make a tabernacle for God

that cherubim were the important image portrayed throughout.
Two statuettes on the Ark and ten curtains with cherubim stitched
on them!1Kings 6:29. You should be thinking what’s going on
here? The invisible God who tells Israel not to have any image
before Him then goes ahead and commissions Moses to make
two Cherubim on top of His Ark. Now we know the Ark
represents God’s throne on earth. Couldn’t God have ordered the
Cherubim to stand separate from His throne? Why are they made
of the same piece of gold as the mercy seat? Clearly cherubim’
are special creatures standing in God’s glory absorbing and
being intimate with the light radiating from Him. The designation
“Living creatures” suggests an abundance of glory life which they
possess and dispense from Christ to those under their charge.

God said He would meet and commune with Moses from

between the two cherubim’ which were upon the Ark,” Ex.25:22.
In another scripture He said, “I will appear in the cloud on the
mercy seat,” Lev.16:2. And another, “….The Lord of the armies of
heaven dwells between the cherubim,” 2 Sam.6:2, Isa.37:16.

Clearly God who dwells in ‘unapproachable light,’ and who is

“Invisible” who “No man has seen or can see,” Jn.1:18, appeared
in some unique way in the middle of the cherubim, 1 Tim.6:16. It

is reported of David’s tabernacle that when the sun light fell upon
the Ark; the space between the cherubim was filled with a glory
light. No wonder a circle of glory light would appear on special
occasions on the throne of God. A manifestation of His glory
would encourage His people to believe He dwelt in their midst, 1
Sam.4:4, 2 Kings 19:15, 1 Chron.28:2.

It seems odd that the cherubim were not described until Ezekiel
saw four of them, in a vision of the glory cloud, Ezek.1:1,5. The
Jewish writers Philo and Josephus were also reluctant to
describe the cherubim. This raises the question; what did they
want to hide about these heavenly angels?

Philo suggests that one of the cherubim represented

the male principle. He likened it to Elohim having the qualities of
father, husband, begetter, creator, good, gentle and beneficent;
symbolized in cherubim "A."

He likened the other cherubim to Yahweh possessing the

qualities of mother, wife, bearer, nurturer, wisdom, sovereign,
legislator, chastising, correcting: symbolized by cherubim "B." My
mind thinks; what is Philo thinking when he suggests this? Yes
the cherubim live the closest to God, Ezek.1:22-23, and provide a
firmament below His throne like a carpet and then later as a tent
covering Him, Ezek.28:16. One would therefore expect the
cherubim to be filled with pure love. Their holy light would be
blinding when it shines through them. After our Lord Jesus Christ
they are the closest to God holiness. So close to God’s nature
nearer than any other creature, until God’s children came!

The evangelicals taught me the cherubim on the mercy seat

represent the Father and the Holy Spirit looking upon the mercy
seat Jesus! The cherubim and the mercy seat are sculptured

from one piece of gold which would strongly represent the unity
within the Trinity.

The striking thing about the cherubim in Solomon’s temple was

the colossal size of their wings. Clearly the Godhead love wings!
Twice David described the Lord as He who rides on a
cherub….and the wings of the wind,” Ps.18:10, 2Sam.22:11.
Then consider all the bird wings, and the fish with fins which look
like wings, plus the insects that have wings and finally all the
angels. I’m convinced God has affection for wings. Ezekiel
described the noise of cherubim wings as the sound of great
waters; the voice of the Almighty; of an army; all descriptive of
action; moving forward victoriously.

In the Song of Moses, God is described ‘As an eagle fluttering

over her young; spreading her wings to carry them,” Deut.32:11.
The same metaphor God used to describe Israel’s deliverance
from Egypt; “I carried you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto
myself,” Ex.19:4.

Ezekiel described these living creatures, as having four wings.

Two of the wings extended upward, holding up the throne of God;
while the other two wings stretched downwards to cover
themselves. The living creatures never turn, they ‘go straight
forward’ in the same direction as the spirit in the wheels, united;
having same purpose. Then finishing the description of their
wings he wrote the cherubim have eyes all over their wings;
much like a peacock; and eyes that burn like fire,’ Ezek.1:5-28,
9:3; 11:22, 26:13-16. Now all those who have gone into heavenly
visions all say God’s eyes are everywhere.

Finally to the faces of cherubim which reveal their glory. Each

cherubim’ had four faces! That’s amazing! The face of a lion, an
ox, an eagle, and a man! These four faces point to the four major

kingdoms God has ordained in creation. The face of a man

reveals the human realm; the lion’s face, the realm of beasts; the
ox; the realm of domestic animals; and the eagle; the realm of
birds. The faces also reveal the ruling spirit over the four realms.

John says their bodies are full of eyes thus revealing their watch
over their kingdom realms, Rev.4:8. Ezekiel said they move like
flashes of lightening, Ezek.1:14, revealing how quick they are to
protect their charge. These four faces reveal Christ as the
supreme care-taker all created realms. The cherubim have been
designated to watch, protect, intercede and report about the
realms they oversee. As they intercede for those under their care
they receive the light of life from Christ and pour it into those in

I believe cherubim bring to God’s attention the careless

destruction of the creation. As God is so longsuffering these
cherubim must exercise patience with mankind. But when things
get out of control and God decides to put it right, the cherubim
escort God in His glory cloud to that realm to help Him.

Cherubim escort the Lord when He goes to dislodge a principality

from its place, Isa.19:1. They are quick to execute judgment once
the command is given. To dislodge a principality the Spirit uses
archangels and cherubim. They are the Lord’s private guards
who travel with Him wherever He goes. They are glorious beings
and the Lord trusts them. Ps.103:20.

If we understood the love and glory these cherubim carry we

would engage them and fill our realms with the glory of God they
carry. Once we co-operate with cherubim through our
declarations; some might co-labor with us in our realm. They are
exceedingly meek as Jesus is and yet so caring and protective of
the glory of the Lord on the earth.

Chapter six

The glory in the life of Moses

Stephan taught the God of glory appeared to father Abraham

when he was in Mesopotamia, Acts 7:2-4, his point being that
God’s glory appeared to a Gentile in a Gentile city. He declared
God was with Joseph though he was in Egypt; in a Gentile
nation. Stephen then described Moses as the greatest saint
obtaining God’s glory before Christ came.

Moses encounter with the Angel of the Lord in the burning bush
forever altered the direction of world history. His writings full of
stunning metaphors such as clouds, mountains, thunder,
lightening, trumpets, plagues, wings, telling of miraculous signs
and wonders; revealed God still wanted men to share His glory.
Moses metaphors were so effective they were commonly used by
all the prophets. Metaphor is the language of the Spirit. The
prophets understood the Lord was restoring His reign over the
earth throughout history.

I teach Moses wrote the book of Job. So along with the

Pentateuch these six books are the bedrock of Biblical prophecy.
Those students who do not understand Moses and his language
do not understand Biblical prophecy. Understand Moses and
you’ll understand the prophets, even those of the New

The grandeur of Moses’ life from a prince in Egypt to a shepherd

prophet leading Israel out of Egypt is surpassed by none other
than Jesus Christ. He provided Israel with a covenant, law,
songs, tabernacle, prophesy and manifested God’s glory was still
available to mankind. That glorious shine on Moses face was the

highlight of his life and the testimony that God manifested in

human flesh.

The spectacular deliverance by the glory cloud at the Red Sea

was a precursor to the glory cloud revealed at Mount Sinai,
Ex.19:16. The Lord went before them in a cloudy pillar by day;
and a fire cloud at night manifesting His glory, Ex.13:21. Imagine
resting under the cloud of fire each night and feeling the warmth
of the glory. Imagine the Angel of the Lord who lived in that cloud
and talked with Moses face to face.

Come and watch Moses as he cried, “Stand still and see the
salvation of your God.” Then watch as the glory cloud moves
from before Israel, flying over their heads to the back where it
became a pillar of light shinning towards the Red Sea. Suddenly
the Red Sea opened and God in His glory cloud led His people
through the midst of the sea. The amazing glory of a miraculous

No wonder Miriam sang, The Lord is a man of war; His hand is

glorious in power,” Ex.15:3-6. Not difficult to understand the Lord
as the cloudy Angel, Rev.10:1, then the man of war, Rev.19:15,
and finally His glorious hand. All are beautiful metaphors of the
glory of the Lord.

The cloud transformed itself and became a thick black cloud

resting on Mount Sinai. This “coming in the clouds,” phrase
became the metaphor commonly used by all the prophets to
describe the visitation of God. “Coming in the clouds” phrase was
also employed by David,Ps.18:15, Ezek.1:10, Hab.3:3-13,
Dan.7:13, and finally Jesus and His apostles, Matt.24:30.
Nowhere does it state that they saw the Lord in physical form.
The Jews understand the cloud phrase as a declaration that God
was coming to deliver or judge through an earthly army. Moses

reminded them they saw no similitude, only they heard a voice,

Deut.4:12. The effect of the cloud coming on the Jews was
electrifying and even Moses trembled as God thundered His
commandments, Heb.12:19-21.

Moses eventually pitched the tabernacle outside the camp so

that those who delighted in the Lord’s Presence went to seek
Him. As Moses walked to the tabernacle all eyes were watching
as a smaller cloud of glory walked down the mountain. The
smaller cloud stood at the tabernacle door and the Lord talked
with Moses face to face. The humility of the Lord as He
descended to meet Moses, reveals an aspect of glory, people
need to see, Ex.33:9. What meekness as the Lord knocked at the
tent door and called out, “Moses, Moses” Like a gentleman the
Lord stood and waited for His friend to give the invitation to
initiate the encounter. In a similar situation John saw the Lord
standing at His Church door knocking. Amazing meekness!

And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his
friend, Ex.33:11. Two incredibly meek persons! The Lord had a
friend! Moses considered if the Lord gave him grace; then the
Lord should also grant grace to his nation, Israel. The Lord
seemed to say; No!, so Moses persisted and the Lord responded
positively. Then the breakthrough prayer, “Show me your glory!”

The Lord who answers prayer was willing! To protect Moses from
the blinding light the Lord told him to stand in the cleft of a rock
so He could put forth His hand over Moses face and walk by
proclaiming His name. God’s name also reveals His glory; for it
declared His attributes that were relevant for humans; His mercy,
grace, longsuffering, abundance of goodness, truth, and

Do you ever imagine what Moses saw? I do! Sometimes I see

the Lord as the king of glory walking majestically with the train of
His garment containing the history of the earth from Adam to
Moses etched upon it. Other times I see the Trinity as crowned
Kings having robes containing the universes. Moses experienced
God’s goodness permeating His being. It was enough! The God
of glory had revealed He still walked with men. The prophets
understood and the quest began for a walk with the God of glory.

Imagine the hand of God covering Moses face! Imagine the

radiance of light that flashed from His hand into Moses face. The
pure rays of eternal light that flashed into Moses spirit. The
quickening and refreshing Moses experienced as the Lord’s
energy pulsated within him. Lord’s gracious hand stretched out
protecting His friend from the fierce blaze of His glory light. God’s
Divine Nature released into His friend. The glory light had not
been seen in mankind since Adam. Had the Lord revealed the
restoration of His glory to humans? God’s glory was seen on a
man’s face again. The standard was set and all those desirous of
obtaining God’s glory followed Moses footsteps. They climbed
the mountain, walked into the cloud, waited in God’s presence till
the grace was granted for an encounter with the glory of God.

Is it not surprising Joshua did not leave the tabernacle? Ex.33:11.

He was spoilt; He saw the glory was available and desired it too!

When the tabernacle was completed, the glory cloud came down
the mountain and the glory cloud filled it. It was God’s house of
goodness on the earth and it was filled with His glory presence.
Moses went to enter God’s tent and experienced such a powerful
force coming from the glory that even he could not stand in
it,Ex.40:35. Such was the power emanating from the glory. So
Moses declared God’s promise, “As truly as I live the earth shall
be filled with the glory of the Lord,” Num.14:21.

Chapter seven

The glory in the tabernacle

When John heard a voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the

tabernacle of God is with men, and God will dwell with them and
be with them,” he was declaring the new house of God was the
spiritual body of Christ, where His glory would dwell.

The Old Testament tabernacle was only a shadow of things to

come. The real thing was Christ and His Spiritual body of
believers. Worship and fellowship with God and Christ in the
Spirit was the main point of the old tabernacle. To the Jews
however the tabernacle represented God’s house of glory on the
earth. They were blind and refused to accept the Spirit of Jesus
Christ as God’s dwelling place. Jesus said told the Jews He
would destroy the temple and raise it up in three days and He
was referring to the temple of His body, John 2:19-21.

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross removed the sin that

separated God from the people. The High Priest’s garments
called garments of glory pointed to the glory Christ received after
His resurrection, ascension, and exaltation at God’s right hand.

The Levitical priesthood was corrupt from the beginning. The

enemy seemed to target Aaron who made the golden cows and
his sons Nadab and Abihu who offered strange incense before
the Lord. The family of Eli was so corrupt that the glory departed
and the infamous designation “Ichabod” (‘the glory has departed’)
was declared over the house of God, 1 Sam.4:21. It’s clear to me
the priesthood and the house were abandoned by God and
whatever continued doing God’s service was a make-up job,
totally void of spirit and glory. A religious spirit took over God’s
so-called house.

Samuel’s mother Hannah prophesied that the Lord would ‘raise

up a poor man and make him inherit the throne of glory.’ It was
God’s word that inspired Samuel to train up prophets and
educate leaders for Israel. Samuel’s vision of God’s kingdom was
that God would be king ruling from a central city with an earthly
king that listened to the voice of the prophets. Peter said that all
the prophets from Samuel declared the restoration of the glory,
Acts 3:24. Samuel inspired David to place God’s throne; the Ark;
in the centre of Israel. And so Jerusalem became God’s city, Zion
became God’s government place, The Ark, God’s throne was in a
tent next to David’s throne. David was seated at God’s right hand
on the throne of glory surrounded by prophets, psalmists,
singers, musicians and worshippers.

David exalted the throne of God’s glory over his kingdom. He

gave God the highest place of honor, and expected his people
and other nations to come seeking the blessing and prophetic
word from God. David insisted that musicians, singers and
prophets be employed to minister before the glory day and night.
Something like IHOP the International House of Prayer where
praise ascends continually. Once God’s throne of glory was
settled in Zion visiting dignitaries and ambassadors came to pay
homage to God and receive a word for their nation.

The psalms composed at that time revealed Christ’s throne at the

right hand of God. David understood the Lord exalted His
anointed one – Christ; as His King in Zion. So Christ sat in Zion
waiting till His enemies were put under His feet. He saw Christ as
the King of glory, his mighty captain fighting on his behalf.
David’s King of glory had eternal life; was anointed with the
blessing of goodness and enjoyed sharing the glory He received.
Grace poured from Christ’s lips as He rode in majesty and
prospered because of His love for truth, meekness and
righteousness. David’s King of glory was anointed with joy and

gladness. And so David’s psalms reflected the inward and

outward glory of Christ’s character, and kingly power.

The Ark dwelling in Zion meant that God was available and
approachable to all. As people stood in the glory and worshipped
they either heard the voice of God directly from within or from the
prophets. David released his authority over his inheritance (his
nation) from his throne of glory. David’s words carried authority
that was backed by the invisible God. Ambassadors received
words from the prophets for their nation. The Holy Spirit gave
warnings, directions and encouraging words through the
prophets to the surrounding nations. God’s reign was established
through the prophetic in Zion. Prophetic songs, spiritual
revelations; visions, dreams, and proverbs multiplied in the
Spiritual glory realm in Zion. There was great freedom in the Holy
Spirit. Heaven was open so that David and his ministers could
experience the glory realm. The bliss David experienced in God’s
presence; he wanted Israel to experience, Ps.16:11. Certainly
Nathan’s promise that God would build David a house, a
kingdom, and a throne that would be established forever gave
him the confidence to build up Zion. All in Zion were the ministers
of God’s glory.

David composed psalms for Solomon’s coronation giving voice to

the desire of his heart that the earth should be blessed, restored
and filled with the glory of God, Ps.72:19. He understood Adam
was crowned with glory before the fall, 8:5, and taught everyone
should speak of God’s glory, 29:9. He insisted God’s glory be
declared among the Gentiles, 96:3. He believed the Lord gave
grace and glory to those who loved Him, 84:11. His heart was so
happy it reflected on his face; his glory rejoiced. I believe David’s
face reflected Christ’s life; the light of Christ’s life quickened his
body continually. He experienced fullness of joy and happiness in
Christ’s presence and bliss was reflected in David’s face, 16:11.

Jesus said David was “in Spirit” when he wrote his Psalms,
Matt.22:43. He was certainly caught up by the Spirit to see
visions of Christ on the throne of glory, 2:4-6. A brief look at
David’s psalms shows Christ was the King of glory, 24:7-10.

David saw Christ rejoicing in God’s salvation as the blessing of

goodness came over Him like a crown of glory. This glory is
promised to Christians in the New Covenant. I mean God will
never turn away from doing you good! Christ asked for eternal life
for His believers and God gave it to Him. Christ’s gloried,
rejoiced; in God’s salvation because honor, majesty, and
blessing was laid upon Him for us. Christ gloried in God’s choice
of the cross as the way for Him to conquer His enemies. His
ensuing resurrection was vindication. He was right to obey God.

The Spirit of God raised Him up and caused Him to ascend to the
throne of glory where God glorified Him. He was told to sit at
God’s right hand until His enemies submitted to God. He knew
then His day of power and glory had begun and sent out His
Spirit to anoint the hundred and twenty at Pentecost. Christ
began to conquer nations with the gospel through the apostles’
witness. He began to gather people into His kingdom. Clearly the
knowledge of Christ’s glory increased during David’s reign!
However it was king Solomon who reaped the multiplication of
God’s kingdom because of the sure foundation David had laid.
David prepared everything for Solomon to construct a temple for
God in Jerusalem. In a similar way it was given to the apostles to
manifest Christ’s kingdom and build with Him a Spiritual temple,
His Church.

In the Book of Proverbs Solomon instructs us to listen to our

fathers, Prov.4:3-4. Solomon understood the spirit of wisdom,
understanding, knowledge, counsel, fear of the Lord that gave

him a house and kingdom of glory unsurpassed by any king of

his day, Prov.4:9. Paul states that Christ is now our wisdom and
He takes us from one level of glory to another, 2 Cor.3:18.
Undoubtedly David and Bathsheba prayed the Spirit of wisdom
over Solomon so that his kingdom grew exceedingly glorious
within a very short time. The following is an amazing word! “God
gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceedingly much...
and Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of the east country,
and all the wisdom of Egypt...and all peoples came to hear the
wisdom of Solomon, 1 Kings 4:29-34.” Wisdom will lead us into
wealth and abundance; but it’s released for others benefit. The
glory and riches of heaven are to bless others.

Solomon wrote that wisdom calls out to us; however many ignore
her and then wonder why they are not seeing glory in their lives,
Prov.1:21-24. Wisdom promises to give us things like, the fear of
the Lord, strength, promotion, honor, long life, grace, and safety,
Prov.8:4-35. Wisdom knows how glory works! So we should wait
upon her. She will lead us into the glory realms. She is the
primary thing to ask for.

Solomon was wise to build God’s temple first and to give God an
extravagant offering. It resulted in the glory of God visibly
manifesting as fire falling from heaven. The glory cloud filled the
temple so much the priests could not enter because of the thick
heavy glory. Wisdom instructed Solomon to see manifestations of
glory like that! Clearly God enjoys manifesting His glory on
important days in our lives.

Lets think about Jesus filled with wisdom as a child. Luke wrote,
He increased in wisdom, so that people marveled, ‘What wisdom
is this given to Him?’ and ‘Whence this man got this wisdom and
these mighty works?’ Lk.2:4,52. When Jesus made a comparison
of His ministry with that of John the Baptist, He said “Wisdom

was justified of her children, Matt.11:19” Jesus was not ashamed

to call wisdom His teacher. He declared wisdom gaves Him
prophesy, “Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send
them prophets and apostles, Lk.11:49.” He also stated He had
greater wisdom than Solomon!” Matt.12:42. Wisdom rests in the
heart of Him that had understanding, Prov.15:33.

Wisdom taught Jesus to release the glory of God in miracles.

She was there when Jesus was glorified for John saw the Spirit
of wisdom resting upon Him and then sent out into all the earth,
Rev.5:6. That means wisdom is here on earth and available for
all. Paul encouraged the church to pray for the Spirit of wisdom,
Eph.1:17. When we do we will build the true spiritual tabernacle
of God and see it filled with glory. Peter said if we are reproached
for the name of Christ, we should be happy for the spirit of glory
and of God rests on us, 1 Pet.4:14. When spirit of glory is resting
on us the spirit will lead us to restore the earth!

David wrote ‘The Lord restored what He took not away.’ Clearly
Jesus restored peace and glory to the earth. Now Jesus did say
that John the Baptist began restoring all things. This referred to
John’s message of repentance, water and Spirit baptism. Then
Jesus continued the restoration by restoring the sick to health.
‘He stretched forth his hand and it was restored whole,
Matt.12:13. Jesus made him look up, and he was restored, Mk.
8:25. Obviously Jesus was and is the Restorer restoring sick
bodies to wholeness. He could have restored the earth to glory at
the resurrection or at Pentecost, but Father gave no such
command. It seems Jesus left the restoration of the earth to His
over-comers in the Church! Therefore Paul’s exhortation to the
Galatians is insightful, ‘restore such a one in the spirit of
meekness!’ We who believe in restoring the earth can apply this
to ourselves. Let’s restore the earth in the spirit of meekness, not
pride! For there’s glory in it for you if you do!

Chapter eight

Glory in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah

The restoration of Zion, the Lord’s governmental place in New

Jerusalem is Isaiah’s focus.10 Isaiah use the metaphor of the
‘mountain of the Lord’ to refer to the invisible kingdom of God
which is being fulfilled in Christ’s spiritual body. God’s reign over
the earth is being accomplished through those believers who sit
on their heavenly throne and excise the dominion of Christ over
their inheritance on earth. These over-comers are the Zion
people; the true rulers - saints in Christ ruling and reigning in

When Isaiah saw the Lord exalted and seraphim crying, “the
whole earth is full of His glory,” (6:3) he was stating the Lord’s
intention to restore His glory to earth.

Isaiah had experienced the Lord’s glory in his lifetime. Let me

explain. In the days of King Hezekiah the Lord delivered
Jerusalem from Assyria by killing 185,000 men in one night. It
resulted in a season of revival as the Holy Spirit fell in Jerusalem.
However during the wicked reigns of Ahaz and Manasseh Isaiah
saw Babylon coming to destroy Jerusalem and leaving only a
remnant. Then he saw Christ as the crown of glory and beauty
for the remnant, Isa.24:16, 28:5. The first part of Isaiah’s book
ends with a beautiful song revealing the desert blossoming as
God’s glory is being revealed, Isa.35:2.

The second part of Isaiah continues with the revelation that

Christ the glory of the Lord would be revealed to the remnant.

Isaiah 2:2-4, 4:3-6, 6:1-4 These prophesies of Isaiah are the same as Nathan’s prophesy of the
kingdom, house and throne of David being established forever. 2 Samuel 7:11-16.

They were told to look at their God, the good shepherd, who
would gather them and escort them to New Jerusalem, Isa.
40:5,9,10-11. The Lord declared He loved them, and had created
them specifically for His glory, Isa.43:4-7. The Lord said He
would restore their judges and counselors as at the beginning,
Isa.1:26 referring to the apostles. Then the wilderness and lonely
places would be glad because of them; with the deserts rejoicing,
and blossoming as the rose. Emphatically he repeats, “It shall
blossom abundantly and rejoice with singing; the glory of
Lebanon forests, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon brought
into the kingdom as they see the glory of the Lord and the
excellency of God, Isa.35:1-2.

The Lord would not be discouraged till He set the example for
judgment among the Gentiles, Isa 42:1-8. He calls His servants
blind and robbed, and none says Restore! Did you catch that!
“And none says Restore!” Who will hear this in the time to come?
Isa 42:22-23. Father promised Jesus He would be His servant to
raise up and restore the remnant of Israel. Luke declared all
these things concerning Christ were fulfilled in that first
generation of Christianity, Lk.24:14. The remnant of Israel refers
to the apostles and first century disciples of Christ who were to
go to the Gentiles and restore them to the glory of God.

Isaiah 49:1-6 records a moment of intimate fellowship between

the Father and the Son. Father reassured Christ He would be
glorified in Him. Christ replied He had not been able to gather
Israel. Still He knew He would be glorious in His Father’s eyes.
Father replied He would make Him the light and salvation of all
the Gentiles. Father did not allow Christ to go to the Gentiles
while He was on earth in the flesh. Father would send Christ to
the Gentiles through the apostles ministry in the Spirit realm. The
remnant from the Jews went to bring in the harvest from the
Gentiles in the Roman Empire in the last days of the Jews

reigning. Thus scripture was fulfilled. The apostle Paul gathered

a huge harvest of souls from the Gentiles in his day.

After a magnificent song revealing the sufferings of Christ, 52:13-

53:12, Isaiah goes on to describe the glory that follows, 54:2-3, 1
Pet.1:11. Christ would be enlarged and His Spirit would inherit
the Gentiles through the apostles. He would be called the “Lord
of the whole earth” as the apostles began restoring the earth to
the glory of creation. The nations came into Christ because the
Lord had glorified them, Isa.54:2-3, 5. 55:5.

Therefore the restoration of the glory to the earth began in Christ.

Christ would start a new creation of over-comers in His body the
Church. Christ’s overcoming Spirit flowing from the heavenly Zion
was resting on the apostles to edify believers who could manifest
the glory of God, Isa.33:13-22, Ps.102:16. When the gospel of
Christ’s kingdom spread throughout the Roman Empire and the
mature sons of glory were ready; Christ came from the heavenly
Zion and judged the earthly Zion. Christ came in the glory of His
Father (in light in the clouds with angel’s) and was glorified in His
mature saints as they judged the old Zion. This Zion overcoming
group were then presented to the Father as His new government
formed to rule the earth.

I believe Zion is the saints that make up the heavenly

government of New Jerusalem, where the Lord reigns forever,
Rev 14:1-5. This Zion group of believers is the new creation in
Christ. The glorious people Christ created to rule the heavenly
realms. The over-comers from each of Christ’s churches occupy
the thrones of glory and start the restoration of the glory to the
earth. First the glory must be seen in them and then these sons
of glory start to fill the earth with glory. This is what Paul was
referring to when he wrote that creation was looking for the sons

of God to deliver it. Rom.8:19. It’s always a small remnant that

leads the way!

Isaiah reveals the glory of the Lord in Zion in the final seven
chapters. In Isaiah 60 he reveals Zion’s brightness, population
and wealth, 60:10-14, 15-18, 19-20. Her reconstruction and
prosperity; climaxing in her being crowned with glory. The saints
are told to “Rise and shine,” 60:1-2, for Christ had risen and
given her His glory, John 17:22. They were the lights of the
world; ruling over cities on earth, Matt.5:14. They were the house
of His glory; one that He would glorify, Isa.60:7-9. Some of the
believers were enjoying the glory as they flew in Father’s cloud in
the Spirit realms. This Zion group, are Christ’s glorious rulers!
They minister together with Him as He restores the universe. The
Lord is their everlasting light and their glory. They are all
righteous by faith, and inherit the heavenly inheritance; the
universe! Isaiah 60:8,14-15, 19-21.

Isaiah revealed they would have “double glory” and be called by

a new name; “Christian,” Isa.61:7, 62:2, Acts 11:26. These
Christian’s would be a ‘crown of glory’ in the hand of the Lord.
They would be called Hephzibah (delightful) and Beulah
(married) and were told to boldly declare their salvation comes,
His rewards of glory are with Him and His work (the restoration of
the earth) before Him. Isaiah 62:3, 4, 11

These promises were followed by the vision of a new heaven and

earth, 65:17-21. The simplest interpretation of this vision is to say
the old age of the Jews ruling in the kingdom was at an end when
the new age of Christ’s Spirit ruling was established. It would
take about thirty years to establish Christ’s Spiritual in Asia and
the Roman Empire. Christ chose to rule through the Spirit in the
heavenly Zion group of New Jerusalem. He combined both the

angelic and human realms together! Heaven and earth are joined
together in one body of Christ! Col 1:20. Eph. 1:10.

The former way of the Jewish temple approach to God was not to
be remembered. Christians were to rejoice in the New Jerusalem
that Christ created. In it the over-comers had long life, Isa. 60:20.
Babies dying at 100 years were considered cursed. That day has
not yet come on earth but it will in future generations. The
believers build houses have agricultural prosperity, and family
security! Christians are called “blessed of the Lord.” Their prayers
are answered before they prayed, and people with different
natures and cultures live happily together. Isa.65:18-22.

This new Zion is ruled by grace and love! Their love provides the
environment for the glory of God to manifest in miracles,
multiplication of food, changing substances, walking on water
and trans-locating from one place to another. Zion people have
transfiguration glory manifesting on face; angels ministering
prophesies; visions, and dreams. All kinds of open heaven
visions and experiences! The various aspects of God’s glory
previously unknown is finally revealed through Christ. Which Paul
describes as the unsearchable riches of Christ, Eph.3:8. This
restoration of God’s glory on the earth must begin in Jerusalem
through the apostles the first century Zion rulers. And spread
throughout the Roman Empire, Isa. 66:11. It did and continues;
and will continue forever! The knowledge of the glory filling earth.

This restoration of God’s government in Jerusalem was important

to Isaiah for he lived and worked as a historian there. Jeremiah
on the other hand was a priest from a village called Anathoth. He
ministered before the destruction of Jerusalem. He also saw the
restoration Christ launched for humanity, Jer.30-33. After their
gathering and salvation the Lord offered all families His
everlasting love, Jer.30:3-10,31:1-4.

Lord promised to gather them and be a shepherd to them. He

would create a new thing for both the heavens and the earth.
Again he also saws the Spiritual body of Christ, the Church,
Jer.31:10-14. To prepare for the new creation Christ will make a
new covenant agreement with God which Jeremiah explains in
detail. It is the same new covenant which Isaiah called the
everlasting covenant making it possible for glory to be in both the
earthly and heavenly realms, Isa.42:5-6; 49:9 55:3; 59:21; 61:8.
The new covenant provides for glory to subsist in both realms

The main points of the new covenant between Christ and God
which allows Christ to release glory to humans are:
1. Christ infusing His (law of) love within human spirits.
2. Permeating minds with new desires, motives and goals.
3. He would be their God co-mingling inside each of them.
4. They would be His children spiritually born by His Spirit.
5. All His children would know Christ Spirit was within them.
6. They would know mercy through continual forgiveness.
7. Forgetting their sins enabled Him to move forward fulfilling
His plans to glorify them, Jer.31:33-34.
8. God would gift them a new spirit - Christ’s Spirit - thus
enabling humans to walk in awe of God forever.
9. God will do good for them and their children forever.

The last clause that God will never turn away from doing us good
is the bedrock of glory teaching. God assures us He will rejoice to
do us good. In other words He is happy to share His glory,
power, and gifts with us. He promised to place believers in the
spiritual plains within Himself (the land), because God’s heart
and soul are in this. What a thought! With all His Spirit and soul
God delights in sharing His glory with us, Jer.32:41.

What immense wealth was hidden in the inauguration of this new

covenant when Jesus said. “This is my blood of the new
covenant, Matt.26:28 and “The New Covenant in my blood,”
Lk.22:20. Our King is starting the glory reign of God upon the
earth and everyone is clueless as to what’s beginning. God’s
glory can start filling the earth legally from the moment the blood
of Jesus was poured out at Calvary. This was confirmed by the
Spirit being poured out at Pentecost. The knowledge of the glory
of God began to fill the earth and no one understood. I suppose
the apostles were busy emphasizing other parts of the good

The glory life of God in Christ’s Spirit within the spirit of the
believer is the bed rock of the new covenant. God’s invisible
Spirit can energize the spirit of a believer and cause light rays to
beam within. The phrase “never stops doing us good” guarantees
God can release glory to those believing for it. Whatever He
releases to His Son Jesus Christ; He automatically gives to His
children who believe Him. Peter says all the prophets saw the
sufferings of Christ and the glories that followed. “The glories that
followed!” The prophets longed for the glories they saw and died
seeing them afar off. The apostles saw it was near and at hand.

What patience God and Christ possess as they wait for us to

believe in the glory we possess in Christ. There is so much glory
available to us! God willing gives all. All glory! All spiritual
blessings. He said, All I have is yours! He has freely given us all
things. We should be experiencing His glory realm daily.

The eyes of our understanding opening to the glory realms

available to us is according to the level of intimacy we share with
Him! Eph.1:18. The more we share intimate moments with Him,
the more He opens the levels of glory, Eph.3:19. However there
is a test before we reach the higher levels of glory. We should

also note all the prophets were older men when they saw visions
of the glory and gave prophesies of glory. That should give all the
younger students a hope that they will see glory in their latter
years as they continue faithfully pursuing the glory realms. There
is a quality of character and a maturity of spirit required to carry
the heavy weight of glory! It’s much easier for us in our
generation than in previous ones as there is a level of restoration
already reached in certain parts of the earth. But there is more to
come! So all of us have a hope of more glory manifesting in our
older years! Jer.29:11.

Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel understood there was to be a

restoration of Israel in a future time. Isaiah chapters 40 to 66,
especially chapters 60 to 66! Jeremiah chapters 30 to 33! Ezekiel
chapters 33 to 48! It partially was fulfilled in the restoration under
Zerrubabel, Joshua, Zechariah and Haggai. However it was clear
there was more to come when Christ came! There was more; but
not in the way they expected! The prophets described the
restoration in metaphors and Peter states both they and angels
longed to understand how it would happen. They prophesied
things that seemed physical but in actuality were spiritual. Things
like, “I will raise up the decayed places,” Isa 44:26. Raise up the
tribes, Isa 49:6. I will restore comforts to you, Isa 57:18. You build
the old waste places and raise up the foundations of many
generations, You shall be called the repairer of the breach. the
restorer of paths to live in! Isa.58:12. I want to be called that!
You ride on the high places of the earth, Isa.58:14. Amen to that!
You build up and repair the former desolations, Isa 61:4. Yes!
I will restore health unto you, and heal your wounds.. This is Zion
but no man seeks after. Jer. 30:17 Oh what a travesty!
Joel said God will restore the years the enemy destroyed 2:25.
Consider these words together with Jesus’ description of John
the Baptist who came first and restored all things!’ Matt.17:11-12,
Mk.9:12, Jesus and John were restoring!

Chapter nine

Glory in the book of Ezekiel

Ezekiel’s book opens with a vision of God’s glory cloud coming to

Babylon and using her to discipline the nations of the world. As
Ezekiel’s ministry was to Judah and Jerusalem the Spirit
transported Ezekiel to Jerusalem to watch as the glory departed
from the temple and city.

The heavenly invisible spiritual realms were suddenly opened

and Ezekiel saw the Lord sitting on His throne in the midst of the
glory cloud. He saw the Son of Man on fire coming to judge. Our
God is a consuming fire and His Son is the Man on fire,
Heb.12:29. A preview of Christ sending fire on the Jews of His

Ezekiel saw four cherubim running in and out of the fire like
lightening. At the side of each cherubim was a wheel within a
wheel with eyes on the rims of the wheels, Ezek.1:13,18. A
revelation of the spirits working together with the cherubim as
they watched over the earth! Above the cherubim was a
firmament like a crystal sea displaying the heavens over which
the Son of Man rules.

In this vision Christ chose a bright yellowish orange colored light

to represent His glory. This light revealed He was perfectly right
to judge Judah. The rainbow representing His Covenant with the
Judah covered this light, Ezek.1:26-28, Dan.7:13, Rev.4:3.
Ezekiel fell on his face in surrender to His glorious King who
happened to be on fire in this vision! I wish pastors would
understand Peter saw the same as Ezekiel that the Lord would
burn up Judah with fire and stop preaching this crazy idea that
the earth is going to burn up in fire! It’s not! Both Peter and

Ezekiel are referring to the judgment on Judah; first by the

Babylonians, the second; by the roman armies of Vespasian and
A sketch to illustrate Ezekiel’s Vision.

Son of Man in a Human Form

Firmament - Universes

Wheel Cherub - Angelic Wheel


Ezekiel is transported in the Spirit to Jerusalem to see the evil

done by the priests in the temple. The Lord called six angels to
assist Him watch over Jerusalem that the godly were not injured.
He sent an angel of mercy to mark the godly on their foreheads.
The Lord then instructed the other angels to follow and destroy
those who were not sealed, Ezek.9:1-7, Rev.7:3, Hab.3:2, In
wrath, remember mercy.

Ezekiel made intercession. The mercy angel returned and

reported his work was completed. This revealed the co-ordination
in the glory cloud by the Lord. His Spirit, the angels, and the
prophet. Heaven and earth joined and working together! It
reveals the ministry mature believers are called to perform over
cities and nations. When the Lord visits a place in judgment He
reveals it to His servants first who engage His angels and spirits.
We coordinate together in the glory cloud.

The Lord told the mercy angel to take fire from inside the glory
cloud and scatter it over Jerusalem. Prophets employ the

metaphor ‘fire’ to describe both heavenly and earthly armies

destroying a city. The phrases ‘destruction by fire’ or ‘fire from
heaven’ in reality referred to Nebuchadnezzar’s army that
eventually destroyed Jerusalem, Ezek.10:1-2. Rev.8:5. 10:18-19.

At that time the Lord’s symbol of glory that was on the ark, His
earthly throne departed through the temple to the throne on His
chariot waiting outside. From the temple chariot-throne moved to
the east gate, and left Jerusalem. Let me explain it this way. The
manifest glory on the ark was rejoining the glory in the glory
cloud, as it returned to heaven.

The Levites did not celebrate or appreciate the glory that was
with them. They were suppose to be ministering to the glory. But
they completely ignored the glory presence therefore it was only
right that God withdraw the glory from them. And you could say
the same with us today.

Ezekiel was then carried back by the Spirit to his home, 11:22-
24. He understood the Lord’s name “Merciful” had just been
glorified. Even in the midst of fiery judgments the Lord glory is
His mercy and grace.

Let’s just recap on this visitation of the Lord’s glory to a city. First
the glory cloud was seen by a prophet. The visitation was
invisible to others. However afterwards the people understood it
was ‘the Lord.’

Second the Lord coordinated all the realms spirits, angelic and
human to execute His decision. He separated His saints while
pouring wrath on His enemies.

In view of this I maintain that the Lord’s ‘coming on the clouds”

visitation to judge is no different today. Throughout history the

Lord has frequently visited cities and nations to put right the
wickedness within them. Contrary to evangelical teaching the
Lord’s coming on the clouds is not to burn up the earth in fire.
The Lord visits different nations, governments, and businesses
and judges their work. Its not an end of the world judgment but
an end to that particular rule of evil within that realm.

The Lord promised He would be a sanctuary for the remnant and

re-gather them. To Christians this refers to Christ’s Spirit is our
sanctuary. Ezekiel saw the apostles comfort the remnant of
Judah as they gathered them into Christ.

Ezekiel is explaining the spiritual realities of the new covenant

which Isaiah and Jeremiah saw. The born again experience is
the real thing, Ezek.11:16-19. After the Holy Spirit quickens our
spirits He forms Christ within us and illuminates the glory that is
within Christ in us. If Christ is not growing within us then we are
ignorant of the glory within. Therefore the glory will be redundant,
not employed; and depart from us as it did from Jerusalem.

In his later chapters Ezekiel explains the restoration after seventy

years of bondage in Babylon. These chapters were to encourage
the Governor Zerrubabel and Joshua the high priest to return to
Jerusalem and rebuild the city. The returning remnant is pictured
in a valley experiencing a resurrection and growth into an army.
The divided tribes of Judah and Ephraim were re-joined; their
enemies destroyed; and a new temple constructed.

The restoration was in two parts. First restore the skeleton and
skin; and second it was “filled with the Spirit of life,” Ezek.37:4-8
Corresponds to the creation of Adam, Gen.2:7, only it’s a new
creation. Ezekiel obeyed and welcomed the Spirit of God to
breathe upon them. As the Spirit responded and entered them
they became an army ready to rebuild Jerusalem. In the same

way the Spirit entered the early church and started to fill the new
Jerusalem in heaven.

:27, Christ chose the apostolic church to rule in the new

Jerusalem. By March AD 66 Christ’s rulers were ready so He
came to lead His children into heaven to receive their glorious
inheritance. God started to rule through this group from the
heavens over the earth. It is now their duty to regenerate,
restore, and resurrect all things that Adam lost. This new spiritual
body Christ lives in works to produce glory on earth.

So Ezekiel new temple city was renamed “Jehovah Shammah;

the Lord is there.” Ezekiel painted an idealistic word picture of
Christ’s new creation body, the new Jerusalem. John described it
in a similar fashion as God’s temple city; Revelation 21:10. Both
prophets present Zion the glorious city made up of the saints.

This idealistic city was dedicated by God’s glory. As the glory

filled the temple the river of life flowed from it. This life giving river
symbolized the blessings of Christ flowing everywhere. It’s a river
of glorious eternal life increasing all over the earth producing fruit
for God in every realm! Ezek.44:1-5, Joel 3:18, Zech.13:1, 14:8,
Rev.22:1-2, Isa.8:6, Ps.96:4.

The miraculous growth of this river of life and glory is described

in four stages. 1. Water up to the ankles, 2. Then to the knees. 3.
Then to the waist, and finally a river to swim in, Ezek.47:1-6.
There are several ways one can interpret the four levels of
growth. One way of interpreting the growth is the progress of
Christ’s reign (His kingdom) within. 1. An understanding of
Christ’s Spirit reigning within, 2. Christ forming Himself within
manifesting gifts., 3, Understanding heavenly warfare and taking
dominion over nations. 4. God’s glory manifesting in our bodies
as the transfiguration light and glory of Christ.

Ezekiel’s division of the land is purely idealistic. There is no

evidence that the twelve tribes went back to the land after the
exile. Nor is their evidence that Jesus found twelve tribes in His
day. There is evidence that Jesus called twelve apostles and
there are twelve divisions (Zodiac) in the heavens. So I believe
the universe is divided under the leadership of apostles.

John saw the same glorious land and city as Ezekiel but
thankfully skips the measurements. Ezekiel called the eternal
city, “The Lord is there.” Christ hidden in the spirit of His Church,
Ezek.48:35, Rev.22:3-5. The new heavenly Jerusalem for all for
all eternity!

Have you noticed the Lord caused all the prophets to see the
resurrection motif once they realized the city of God on earth,
Jerusalem, was destroyed. They followed Moses who said, I will
raise them up a prophet. Deut.18:15-18, I will raise me up a
faithful priest, 1 Sam.2:35. I will raise up your seed, 1 Chron
17:11. I will raise unto David, a righteous Branch, Jer. 23:5. Lord
raised up the spirit of the kings, Jer.51:11. I will raise up your
sons as prophets, Amos 2:11. I will raise up a plant of fame,
Ezek.34:29. I will raise up the tabernacle of David, Amos 9:11.
And to top them all; in three days He will raise us up, and we
shall live in His sight, and He comes as the rain, Hos.6:2-3.

Chapter ten

Glory in the book of Daniel

Daniel was alive at the same time as Ezekiel. Daniel was a

prince elevated to a government minister for Gentile Kings while
Ezekiel was a priest living among the colony of Jews by the river
canal. Both had great respect for each other and were preparing
their nation Judah for the world changing events of that period.

Daniel saw it was God that gave Nebuchadnezzar the kingdom,

power and glory to rule over the then known world. Then God
gave the authority to three other nations after him to rule the
earth until Christ came to rule. First Babylon; second Medio
Persia; third Greece; fourth Rome;

The word kingdom in this book refers to the nation having the
authority to rule over the other nations. In the days of King David
Judah had dominion over surrounding nations! However, through
disobedience they lost the right to rule. So God gave the
dominion of the earth to four Gentile nations. This period was
referred to by Jesus as the “time of the Gentiles,” which period
continued until Christ came and set up His Kingdom which rules
forever, Dan.2:37,44.

Christ’s dominion was pictured as a ‘mountain’ that filled the

whole earth, Dan.2:35. Judah was subdued by four Gentile
kingdoms until Christ came and set up His invisible spiritual
kingdom. Christ kingdom reign began manifesting in the Gospels
and was then spread throughout the Roman Empire by the

In Daniel chapter four an angel told Nebuchadnezzar, ‘God rules

in the kingdoms of men, and gives it to whomsoever He will.’

Nebuchadnezzar declared, ‘The Most High has an everlasting

dominion and a kingdom that is from generation to generation.
Nebuchadnezzar’s reason returned for the glory of his kingdom
Babylon. “He was established in his kingdom, and excellent
majesty was added unto him,” Dan.4:32,34,36.
Let me explain the meaning of these words.

God’s kingdom is His invisible spiritual rule. He is Spirit and

chose to reign invisibly in the spirits of His creatures. He enjoys
ruling in those who love Him and submit to His inward voice.

Dominion means to control the care and protection of other

creatures. God gave Adam dominion to care for His creatures.

Authority refers to those who give the commands that require

others to obey. They make the final decision and then declare it.

Majesty refers to the impressive beauty, splendor, and dignity of

a ruler’s character. The awesomeness of his or her being!

Honor refers to the great respect and fame the ruler earns.

God gave Nebuchadnezzar, a kingdom, majesty, glory, and

honor to rule the nations of his day, Dan.5:18. Can you imagine
how much more God gave to Christ to share with His people?
God gave Him a kingdom, dominion, authority, majesty and glory.

Daniel’s vision of the Son of Man rising in the clouds to God is

crucial to understanding when the age of glory began. Daniel saw
God gave to the Son of Man a kingdom, dominion, authority,
power and glory so that all nations should serve Him. For His
dominion is an everlasting dominion. This vision confirms the
vision of chapter two where the ‘great mountain filling the earth’ is
Christ’s kingdom. Therefore I choose to believe if the kingdom of

Christ is forever filling the earth; then His glory, authority and
power are also doing the same. The kingdom, power and glory of
Christ all proceeded together in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and
started to fill the earth wherever people believed and received.

His promise to the saints is repeated three times in 7:18, 22, 27.
1. 7:18; The saints of the Most High receive and possess the
kingdom forever. The word ‘receive’ refers to the disciples who
submitted themselves to Christ and received the Holy Spirit. They
possessed the kingdom when they received the Spirit of Christ at
Pentecost. The Holy Spirit began His reign over them.

2. 7:22; The Ancient of Days came and judgment was given in

favour of the saints; the appointed time had arrived; and the
saints possessed the kingdom. The saints referred to are the
martyrs of the early Church. Christ descended to vindicate them!
The appointed time was March 66 AD when the saints judged
their enemies.

3. 7:27; Then the kingdom, dominion and the greatness of all the
kingdoms was given to believers. Similar to Psalm 22:27-28!

Initially Christ’s dominion was exercised by the apostles who

removed principalities and powers from ruling over cities in the
Roman Empire, Rev.2:26-27,14:1, Rom.5:17. Then throughout
church history Christ dominion was exercised by those who
believed the gospel of His kingdom reign. These believers sat
with Christ in heavenly places and exercised dominion over their
realm; their inheritance! All thy saints… speak of the glory of thy
kingdom, and talk of thy power, and make known ... the glorious
majesty of His kingdom, Ps.145:11-12.

When I was a futurist I use to put these verses in a future

kingdom period. Now I understand these verses as being fulfilled

in the first century. This sets me free to believe the glory power
and dominion of Christ are mine now.

Daniel 9:24. The seventy week prophecy

In my opinion the prophecy should be interpreted like this:
1. To finish transgressions – on the cross
2. To make an end of sins – AD 66-70, Finish Judiaism.
3. Make reconciliation between God & man. At the cross.
4. Everlasting righteousness Explained in Romans; By faith.
5. Seal up vision and prophecy. Fulfilled in Sept AD 70.
6. Anoint the Most Holy, Christ’s spiritual body anointed by
God to rule the universe. God dwells in Christ eternally.

In point 5, the Hebrew word to “seal,” means “to complete, finish

or fulfil,” in other words to bring to conclusion by fulfilling
everything.11 Christ sealed up all the visions and prophecies of
the Old Covenant in AD 70. This was revealed by John in the
Book of Revelation. See my book on Revelation for many are still
under the impression this is not so when it is. The new covenant
was not complete until its power to make believers into sons of
God actually worked. The new covenant had to produce sons of
glory like Christ.

By AD 50 the apostles’ doctrines were producing mature sons

and daughters of God who understood their glorification. There
was a group of perfected saints in which God was all in all. The
first fruits! 1Cor.15:29. Therefore by March AD 66 when Christ
came He gave the judgment to the over-coming saints thereby
completing by fulfilling the Old Covenant. By September AD 70
Christ spiritual body was ready to be officially presented to the

Jeremiah 31:31-34, the New Testament was made by Jesus before the Old Testament was
finished. Jeremiah 32:40, said it would be an everlasting Covenant. Matthew 26:26-28, declared
the New Testament was made in His body and blood.)

Father. Christ presented kings and queens; co-rulers for the

throne of glory. Christ did it in the last days of the Jewish
Covenant as He inaugurated the first days of the new covenant
age of Christ’s rule!

To the Jews there are only two ages on earth. The age of the
Jews ruling and then the age when Christ’s rules. At least they
got that right! The question is when did the reign of Christ start?
The simplest answer is that Christ started to reign at His first
coming. The evangelical teaching under the influence of John
Darby confused the church into believing Christ comes physically
to reign in the future. That Christ is reigning over the church now
in the church age. They added another age, (actually 7-8 ages)
when in fact there are only two ages. This lie limits Christ
reigning now in the Spirit and prevents the glory manifesting now!

God the Father’s glory light was given to Christ to share it with
His children. He glorified all of them in Christ. Simply put; when
Christ died they died, When Christ rose they rose; When Christ
ascended they ascended; When Christ sat in glory they sat in
glory. When Christ began His rule they started to rule. God
completed their glorification in Christ in actuality in AD70,

God made His children glorious just like Himself. In His image!
He in them, they in Him! He reflected His glory through them. The
apostles were manifesting His fullness! They were one with their
Father! Glorious as He was glorious. Christ the source of their
glory was in them. Father dwelt in Christ in them: the source, the
nuclei of their glory light! The glorious Christ produced glorious
apostles for God through His new covenant. It worked! His work
was perfected by September AD70 when the temple in
Jerusalem was destroyed. The new temple of God; Christ’s

spiritual body was anointed and glorified and began the work of
restoring the universe.

Before we get to Daniel chapter twelve I must comment on

Gabriel’s words in chapter eleven where he describes the land of
Israel as God’s glorious land and Jerusalem as God’s glorious
holy mountain, Dan.11:16,41,45. Throughout the Old Covenant
the land of Israel was seen as God’s glorious land. The question
is which land where they referring too? I believe the prophets
saw the land as referring to God’s land in the heavens. At
Christ’s redemption all the land on earth was finally paid for and
so had the potential become God’s glorious land. I believe every
place on earth is under the blood and in the Spirit and has the
potential to be an open heaven when we declare it.

The redeemed earth has been mystically joined to the New

Jerusalem which is coming down from heaven continually. The
new covenant enlarges the land to include all the earth. A
transformation took place that places the earthly land under the
dominion of the heavenly land; the earthly Jerusalem under the
New Spiritual Jerusalem; the visible land covered by the invisible
spiritual realm. All who believe that enter heavenly places and
take their inheritance in the heavenly glorious land over the
earthly land.

The gospel of the kingdom was spread all over the Roman
Empire by March AD66, so the transformation from the earthly
Jerusalem to the spiritual heavenly New Jerusalem was
completed by September AD70. Through Jesus Christ a persons
body, family, land and property become holy and have access to
an open heaven where glory manifests. Thank God that faith in
open heaven and heavenly places has been restored to the
Church in our generation.

When Gabriel said that the wise shall shine as the brightness of
the heavens and as stars forever and ever he was referring to
our spiritual body shinning as a star in the heavens, Dan.12:3.
From the days of Abraham the Jews always saw themselves as
God’s stars. Abraham believed God would raise him and his kids
from death and take them into the heavenly city, Heb.11:19. It
was prophesied of David that he would be famous and a restorer
of life. He prayed, “raise me up,” and God did! Ps.41:10. The
history writer wrote, ‘David was raised up on high,’ 2 Sam.23:1
He was lifted to throne of glory, 1 Sam.2:8. He was a star!

Jesus encouraged us to be lights shining over our cities,

Matt.5:14. He told us to focus on being filled with His light that
our whole body would be full of light, Lk.11:34-36. Now that’s a
bright star and obviously refers to our spirit man! Paul says, A
child of light; full of glory light, Eph.5:8. Stars! John and Peter say
A living stone clear as crystal in the heavenly New Jerusalem, 1
Pet 2:4, Rev 21:11. Isaiah saw the Lord brings out the army of
stars by number, and calls them by their name, and not one falls,
Isa.40:26. The over-comers in the church are the stars. Not the
Hollywood bolly-wood stars of the world demanding our attention.
But God’s kids full of light and glory; shinning over our nation!

Chapter eleven

Glory in the minor prophets

The minor prophets were called to speak of the glory of the Lord
as it pertained to God’s people. Micah declared; “His glory was
on” the children of Israel, so how much more glory will be on His
New Testament children? Micah 2:9.

Hosea said that God would change Israel’s glory into shame and
the glory of Ephraim would fly away like a bird, Hos.4:7, 9:11.
The glory departed from Israel’s capital city Samaria as it did at
Shiloh, Hos.10:5. In spite of all the warnings still the prophets
expressed their hope that God’s glory would fill the earth as
Moses said. So Habakkuk boldly declared; the knowledge of the
glory shall fill the earth, Hab.2:14. Habakkuk went on to share his
vision of Christ’s glory light covering the heavens in chapter
three. He saw lightening shoot from Christ’s hands as He
displayed His power. He described Christ salvation as rivers that
split the earth. It has! Rivers of Christ’s Spirit have filled the earth
and increased the knowledge of God and His glory.

Haggai began by declaring that God would be glorified. He

compares the glory of the former temple in Jerusalem; with the
glory of the latter house. There’s no comparison! Christ’s spiritual
body is unique, exceptional, one of a kind. Haggai saw the Lord’s
kingdom shaking within the Roman Empire. The promise “I will
shake all nations” refers to the great tribulation that started in
March AD66. Hag.1:8, 2:3,7. From that time the treasures of all
the nations flowed into Christ. In March AD66, Christ the desire
of all nations came. He revealed that His spiritual body was filled
with glory as the saints judged their enemies. And the glory of
God’s new house surpassed that of the old for it is of an eternal
glory kind.

Zechariah declared that God would be the glory in the middle of

the New Jerusalem, Zech.2:5. From there He sent His glorious
Christ, in His unlimited spiritual form into the nations. After His
glory He sent His messenger Paul to the nations. Christ warned
the nations not to plunder the Church; for whoever touches the
Church touches the apple of God’s eye, Zech.2:8.

Zechariah saw Joshua the high priest restored and standing with
those who stood around the Lord of glory. He saw two olive trees
representing Joshua and Zerrubabel the governor pouring the oil
of Holy Spirit into the restored remnant of Israel. The comforting
words of restoration were, “Not by your might or power, but by
My Spirit,” said the Lord. The construction of the temple would be
accompanied with shouts of “Grace! Grace!” Zech.3:4-7, 4:7-9.
And the grace would continue till the last stone was placed. This
pointed to Christ’s spiritual temple being filled with grace. His
exceeding rich grace raised us and made us sit in glory. Grace!
Grace! Glorious grace has enabled us to inherit glory, Eph.2:7,

Zechariah saw Christ the Branch building the new temple and
carrying its glory. The Only Begotten Son carries God’s glory as
He rules on God’s throne. Zechariah saw Christ as a priest as
well as a King revealing the peace and harmony between the two
ministries, Zech.6:12-13. A glorious King Priest is building God a
spiritual Temple!

Joel called the Pentecostal outpouring of Acts two as the former

rain. The latter rain refers to the outpouring of God’s Spirit in
March AD66 which produced the harvest, Joel 2:23-32. During
that time the Lord roared out of the Heavenly Zion as the hope
and strength of His people, Joel 3:16. Christ desired all should
know He was living in His mountain from where rivers of life
flowed. He declared this heavenly Zion was where Judah would

live forever, Joel 3:17-20. This was confirmed by Zechariah who

said Christ would save Judah first for they were the glory of
David’s house, Zech.12:7.

So by the end of the old covenant we note the hope of Israel was
Christ coming with glory revealed to and in His saints. It was
invisible and spiritual; for those with eyes to understand. The
Cross laid the foundation of the new agreement which ushered in
Christ’s rule. The Spirit raised Christ’s body, spiritualize it and
reunited Israel and Gentiles in it. The saints in this spiritual body
reigned in Zion in New Jerusalem. God will protect Zion and be
the glory in the midst of her. All the saints would partake of God’s
glory. It would be an invisible kingdom surrounding the earth
where angels and spirits minister. The saint would restore and fill
the earth with the knowledge of God’s glory.

Chapter twelve

Glory of Jesus in the Gospels!

Isaiah declared the glory of the Lord would be revealed and all
flesh would see it. God would come as a king to gather His
people into one flock and lead them into heaven, Isa.40:5-11. So
it was the incarnation of Christ that began the revelation of God’s
glory and not something in the future. Undoubtedly the
incarnation revealed the humility, meekness, and endurance of
God’s Son. Condescending to become a seed planted in the
virgin’s womb was a glorious descent! The invisible Father hid
Himself in His Son’s spirit just as the Son hid Himself in the
virgin’s womb! Then the Son humbled Himself and made Himself
of no reputation, Phil.2:6-8. Born in a stable and covered with
swaddling clothes He manifested the glory of meekness and
lowliness of heart. As a young man He was a carpenter, a
servant. Phil.2:7.

Jesus bore the ignorance of His own people patiently. The

dullness of the Jews was compensated by Gentile wise men
coming to worship Him. Immanuel, the Son of glory had arrived!
But the Jewish leaders were so blind they somehow missed His
arrival. So the Angel of the Lord visited the shepherds and
surrounded them with glory. Glorious angels radiating their glory
light as they sang, ‘Glory to God in the highest. Peace and good
will on earth,” Lk.2:9,14. It was joy to the world and some missed
it! Was Luke hinting at the glory that was to come? Simeon
prophesied the light of the Gentiles and glory of Israel was in
their midst, Lk.2:32. Clearly Luke considered Jesus was destined
for a life of glory.

The greatest aid given to both John the Baptist and Jesus in their
preparation for ministry was the spirit of wisdom. It is clear who

taught and nurtured these two young men as they travelled their
different paths; John a mystic and Jesus a carpenter. Wisdom!
Both had the abiding glory within their spirits. John received the
Holy Spirit while in His mother’s womb whereas Jesus was born
of Holy Spirit.

It was Father’s will that Jesus be like His brothers, till it was His
time to reveal Himself as the Christ, Heb.2:17, Gal.4:2-4. They
must have driven Him crazy at times! But His glory increased as
He lived humbly in a family of selfish individuals as we humans
tend to be. He was in sync with God’s Spirit and the Divine
nature flowed through Him, even when hidden from sight He was
the brightness of God’s glory as He lived in the likeness of sinful
flesh. Amazing!

This lowliness of heart, gave Him access as a human into the

angelic, heavenly realms surrounding Him. The Holy Spirit
provided access to the Father. Jesus was a man who enjoyed
fellowship in the two realms, physical and spiritual. His spirit was
the door into the heavenly realms for He explained to Nicodemus
He was the Son of man who was in heaven, Jn.3:13.

In the introduction of his gospel John stated the apostles beheld

the glory of Jesus and referred it to Jesus’ miracles, Jn.1:14.
John declared the first miracle in Cana manifested Christ’s glory,
Jn.2:11. It was a miracle of transformation from one substance
into another; water to wine. A sign showing the believers they
can transform substances in the glory realm.
The second miracle of Jesus revealed the power of Jesus words,
“Go, your son lives,” Jn.4:50-54. The glory of Christ’s word is that
in the Spirit one doesn’t have to be physically present. Believers
also share in this glory when they pray for those who are not
physically present and yet are healed.

The motivation for every miracle Jesus did was to show the
Father’s will was to restore life and vitality to all who trusted in
Him. Jesus came to manifest Father’s name; merciful, gracious
and abundant in goodness...! Jn.17:6, Ex.34:4-6. And Father’s
name was constantly glorified through the miracles Jesus
performed. Jesus told Martha, “If you believe, you will see the
glory of God.” The raising of Lazarus a man dead four days
proved conclusively that Christ would conquer death. It was a
prelude! Proving He was the resurrection and life.

The Son of God was glorified as He raised Lazarus. The very

action of raising dead things to life glorified God. Resurrections
showed His glorious power over death! Jn.11:40, 4. He would
often just say one word, ‘Rise’ and it was enough. The Spirit of
life within Him was released and quickened the dead person.
Their spirit was released from the dead spirits holding them
captive and they re-entered their body. The dead blood and flesh
cells were quickened and came alive and the persons rose up to
live. It was His glory to give life to dead people.

All the miracles Jesus performed displayed His Father’s glory.

Jesus was releasing Father’s glory through His actions and
words. Jesus was not seeking personal glory but was revealing
the multifaceted glory of Father. Jn.8:49-50. When Jesus saw the
widow of Nain He manifested Father’s glorious grace to her.
Lk.7:11-16. Jesus looked upon her and Father’s compassion
moved Him towards her. Father’s love moved Jesus to speak
words of power over the young man’s dead body. As the young
man rose from death Jesus displayed another of Father’s
kindnesses by presenting the boy alive to his mother. This gift of
God’s life was released in the glory realm surrounding Jesus. He
didn’t always need to shout but He did need to open His mouth
and release the spirit words of life in order to quicken the dead.

When four young men lowered a paralyzed boy through Peter’s

rooftop, Matt.9:2-8. God’s mercy was activated in the glory realm.
Jesus told the boy to be happy and released forgiveness to the
boy as He raised him to new life. Mercy was glorified as the Spirit
quickened joy and life within the boy. Son be happy are glorious

Jesus walked from village to village sharing the life of God

among the people that were His inheritance. He revealed to His
people the Father’s love. He was a spiritual light sharing the truth
they needed to see. His passion was relentless as He walked to
interior places manifesting a gracious spirit that had never been
seen before. The gentle nature of Father’s Spirit desired to reach
out to the weak ones giving life. God’s shepherd came to actively
seek and save that which was lost. As Jesus reached out and
forgave the woman caught in adultery; delivered Mary
Magdalene of seven demons; allowed sinful women to weep at
His feet; virtue flowed out from Him! He was just releasing the
glorious power that was available in God, Jn.8:1-11, Lk.8:2, 7:38,
13:11-17, Mk.5:25-34, Lk.6:19

He wanted the Jews perception of God to change and so took

every opportunity to reveal the loving face of our heavenly
Father. The beautiful face of Father was glorified through Jesus.
Father’s goodness and graciousness were glorified. It was Jesus
greatest achievement! He said, “He that has seen me has seen
the Father,” John 14:9.

Father’s glory peeped through Jesus when He looked at the

young man and just loved him, Mk.10:21. He had that awesome
ability to just love people. The people saw it in His eyes. He told
his disciples “Love them as I have loved you,” Jn.13:34. That was
His standard in the glory! He prayed for them for He knew He
would be glorified in them. He carried them in His arms and

cared for them. He loved them to the end, Mk.10:21, Jn.13:34,

17:9-10; Lk.15:5, Jn.10:28,13:1.

His understanding of Father’s glorious love propelled Him to

forgive, heal, and deliver His sheep. It was His Father’s grace
flowing through Him that caused Jesus to give glory to those He
pleased. It was Father’s pleasure! The happy God was able to
love freely. Grace had found a place to give; a glory realm where
it could give generously all it had. In the free spirit of Christ;
grace, glory, joy, and heaven were revealed. In Christ’s glory
realm, grace had perfect freedom to manifest the glory of God in
miracles of great power. The exceeding rich love of Christ
caused the fullness of God to overflow in great power.

I am sure inwardly Jesus often prayed “Father glorify thy name.”

However Father’s audible voice replied only once; “I have
glorified it; and will glorify it again,” Jn.12:28. Yes Father will
continue to be glorified as we His children carry His glory to the
people, Jn.15:8. Jesus ability to release Father’s miracles
aroused the animosity of the Jewish leaders. Their opposition
was another opportunity for Father to be glorified through Christ’s

The passion of Christ revealed many aspects of Father’s glory.

The apostles seemed to miss the point of Him riding on a donkey
into Jerusalem. Did ever a great leader ride on a donkey? An
army captain!? A King!? Yet the Savor of the world chose the
path of humility to teach His disciples the way. And why? Was He
trying to outsmart them? Or was He genuinely showing them the
humility of Father’s heart? When he stooped down and washed
His disciple’s feet and suggested they do the same was it just
rhetoric? Were not the last days of His life on earth an example
of the glorious meekness of God? Every act seemed to portray

the words, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” And in these actions

Father was truly glorified by His Son Jesus Christ.

As Jesus set His face to go to Jerusalem He knew the hour had

finally come to be glorified, Lk.9:51,Jn.12:23. Referring to Himself
as a seed falling to the ground to die, He understood His passion
would bring forth a glorious response from genuine people,
Jn.12:23. His enemies reviled and mocked Him. They
blasphemed, spat, scourged and finally nailed Him to a cross.
Yet so patiently Jesus bore that for He knew Father’s willingness
to suffer on behalf of others. He choose and gave Himself to be
shamefully stripped naked in order to give to all creatures the
message “This is what Father is willing to bear to save you.” His
desire to complete Father’s glorification resulted in a display of
perfection. His passion was the greatest glorification of God any
human has ever performed. As Christ bore the sin, shame, and
pains of His creatures He magnified the selfless God. A God who
graciously gives all to all; because of His love for all He created.
Christ’s endurance bearing the wrath of God; His longsuffering
and patience; His silent forbearance; all glorified the Father.
Need I write, forgiveness was glorified, His care for His mother
thus including all women was glorified, His pure righteous
character holding His peace, refusing any word that would mar
His Spirit and fellowship with Father was glorious. His clinging,
holding on, won’t let go, trusting His Father’s decision as best
expressed in His cries, “My God My God, Why have you forsaken
me?” “I Thirst.” And finally “Into your hands I surrender my spirit.”
The faith Father required from mankind was finally displayed and
glorified in Jesus Christ. Caring for His sheep, “Today, you with
me in paradise;” joined together, inseparable; You with me! Oh
glorious thought God was not going to abandon the humans; He
was going to save them.

As the Lamb suffering for mankind He understood and openly

declared if God was glorified through the cross then afterwards
God would glorify Him in Himself, Jn.13:31-32. He knew His
Father! Knew what Father would do. As the Creator Father
longed to be reconciled with His creations again so they could
become glorious in His Spirit. So Jesus took the wrath of God
glorifying Father’s mercy, grace and love forever. It was done
once, forever, on the cross, for it was perfect! In agony, the
tolerance of our Creator was magnified. His endurance and
longsuffering were stunning. He knew tasting death would disarm
the powers of death and destroy death’s hold over mankind and
the universe. All glory to Jesus for His glorious passion which
resulted in redemption and reconciliation being accomplished.

Christ’s victory cry; “It is finished” glorified God’s ability to finish

the appointed task of saving the universe. It was always His work
to finish the reign of sin, spiritual death, judgment, the law, the
corruption within the flesh! The king, the lion, the victory, our Lord
conquered the enemies of mankind. It was done and the demons
didn’t know! By bowing His head in death, stooping low and
descending into paradise of hell He was going down in order to
set the captives free. He was the Savior and He had come to set
them free.

He had already prayed and petitioned His Father in the garden.

Having glorified the Father on the earth and finished the works,
miracles Father gave Him to do, He prayed, “Father glorify Me
with thine own self with the glory which I had with you before the
world was,” Jn.17:4-5. Jesus wanted His glory back which He
had eternally shared with Father. God’s life of glory must come
back to Him and include all those who believed in Him. He
desired Father’s glory must be shared with all His children,
saying “All mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified
in them,” Jn.17:10. Christ then promised the glory which He

received after the ascension He would give to them; so they

would all be together in one glory realm. Even as the Father and
Son were one; so all the Son’s works should be one in the glory,
Jn.17:22. This glorious unity is experienced in the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of Christ incubates this hope of glory in all Christians.
Then Jesus final petition was that His followers would be with
Him in the spiritual realm to look at the glory Father had given
Him, Jn.17:24. A glory that encompasses all the realms,
kingdoms, and universes the Son made to please His Father and
us too!

Glory in Jesus words.

Another aspect of Jesus glory was the gracious life giving words
He spoke. Even the soldiers said No man ever spoke like this
man, Jn.7:46. Peter declared Jesus had the words of eternal life,
Jn.6:68. Jesus words were spirit and gave spiritual life and light.
They will live on into eternity for they are so full of life. Jesus was
a life giving spirit releasing life through encouraging words to
those who carefully listened to Him. He that has ears to hear let
him hear! Words of Spirit life flowed from His loving spirit. His life
giving words released faith in the invisible God to people.

Christ’s gracious words were recorded so the glory realm could

be experienced by Christians. It was always God’s desire that His
children release His life giving words throughout the universe.
They quickly learn how His Spirit gives life and what grieves His
Spirit. It was clear to the apostles that religion grieved Christ’s
Spirit. Religion was not the way to get eternal life. God’s Spirit
just didn’t flow through religious works. Religion just didn’t work.
But Christ’s life-giving words and ways worked. They had to be
recorded. Moses had already advised the Jews to listen to
Christ’s words, when He came, Deut.18:19. Christ would be the
par-excellent prophet!

When Jesus revealed Himself as I AM He was revealing He was

full of the ever present Godhead who is continuously moving
forward accomplishing His will. He was committing to be
whatever His followers needed Him to be; their life, light, bread,
water, door, king, priest, shepherd; the only way, truth, and
source of eternal life. To get humans to trust in Him for His life
giving powers He made covenants with them to reassure them
that He would keep His promises. So Jesus also entered into an
agreement with God His Father in order to secure eternal
blessings and glory for those in Him. It is clear to me that John
delineates the new agreement in chapters thirteen to seventeen
of John’s gospel. Just like Moses wrote the old agreement in
Exodus chapters twenty to twenty four ending with the meal so
Jesus also at the last supper gave the promises of the agreement
with God.

Now Jeremiah had already told Israel that God would make a
new Covenant with them and the children born of Christ would be
spiritual and glorious, and all would know Him, Jer.31:31-34,
Heb.8:10-12. The writer of Hebrews explained it was an eternal
covenant meaning no words would be added to it. John also says
the same, Heb.13:20, Rev.22:18-19.

It appears to me that the main points of the new covenant are;

That Jesus is God, the Savior. Jn.442, 8:24, 58, 10:33.
That God is a Spirit that baptizes us in His Holy Spirit. Jn.4:24
Christ will lead us as we listen to His voice. Jn.10:14; 4.
All God’s kids feed on Christ as the living bread Jn.6:51,10:56.
Christ is the light for all the universe. Jn.8:12, Rev.21:23.
Christ is the door to Father’s Spirit and gives access. Jn.10:9.
All come to Father’s Spirit through Christ Spirit. Jn.14:6.
God has an inheritance for us to rule over. Jn.14:2.
The inheritance is reserved for us in heaven.1 Pet.1:4.
Christ’s words abiding in us will make us fruitful. Jn.15:5.

Father’s Holy Spirit will live in us forever. Jn.14:16-20.

His Spirit will teach us the glory realms. Jn.16:13.
The kingdom dominion, power, gifts and glory!
Great miracles will be done in Jesus name. Jn.14:12.
All future ages are under the authority of God’s kids, Heb.2:5-10.
God’s kids share His throne and glory. Rev 1:6, 3:21.
Martyrs inherit thrones of glory. Matt. 19:26, Rev 20:4.

Humans enter this covenant agreement through repentance, faith

in Jesus Christ and water baptism. Christ covenant declares we
have the ability to stir up the Spirit and ignite the glory within us in
order to manifest His power. We are His love vessels; His glory
lights; His shinning stars of the heavens! He has created us to be
rulers over the universe; extending His kingdom, exercising His
dominion; working His miracles; speaking His words! We are His
ambassadors to the universe! It was His pre-determined plan to
fill the heavens with our spirit bodies shining gloriously like stars.
Paul said, “One star differs from another star in glory,”

Our Lord Jesus Christ returned to His invisible spiritual glory.

Now He manifests as He wants in heaven, a shepherd, king, lion,
lamb, angel, priest, a captain, etc., He can manifest in a million
places all at the same moment in various forms. He is glorified!
But He especially enjoys His spiritual form as Christ within us,
growing up together within us, Jn.11:25,14:6. He loves being a
parent, and enjoys nurturing us!

God through Christ’s Spirit has infused all of us with life again.
Christ called, “Life more abundantly,” while Peter called it “full of
glory,” Jn.10:10. From a trickle, to a stream, to a river, to flooding
rivers! Yes unlimited amounts of life and glory are available to us
according to our thirst and desire.

The capacity for more life and glory is according to our

understanding of the new covenant and the Spirit that is within
us. The flow and ebb of this Spirit glory life continues in eternity.
It is unhindered in heaven. Christ is our life and glory eternally,
Col.3:4. The Lord shall be unto you an everlasting light, and thy
God thy glory, Isaiah 60:19. Men will call you the ministers of our
God, you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory
you shall boast yourselves. For your shame you shall have
DOUBLE, and….rejoice in their portion; therefore in their land
they shall possess the DOUBLE; everlasting joy shall be unto
them. Isa.61:6-7.

Paul taught we can grow from one degree of glory to another,

2Cor.3:18. So it is feasible that many humans will press in and
experience His tangible glory in their bodies in this lifetime. In fact
it’s already happening in certain believers who are pressing in for

Glory on the mount of transfiguration

It was Peter’s desire before he was martyred that we remember

the transfiguration of Jesus and relate to the power and glory of
Christ, 2Pet.1:12-18. Peter described how Jesus received from
the Father, honor and glory when the voice of God came from the
glory saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well

The transfiguration glory in Christ was the unveiling of Christ’s

inward glory radiating from His spirit. His pure spiritual glory light
was seen by three apostles! They noted the Father gave great
honor to Jesus by this visitation in glory. Father had enjoyed His
visitations in the glory cloud with Moses, David, Isaiah, Ezekiel,
Daniel, and Habakkuk. So it was time for God to reveal the glory
of His Son to His apostle’s. This visitation in the glory cloud was

on a mountain near Caesarea Philippi, a Gentile land. Not in the

land of Judah, Matt.16:13. That is significant!

While the glory cloud was hovering over those assembled when
Moses and Elijah came in the cloud of glory and spoke to Jesus!
Lk.9:31. They spoke to Him about the exodus He was to
accomplish in Jerusalem. The three apostles saw the heavenly
realm in the glory cloud in which angels and saints minister. They
saw the saints encouraging Christ to fulfill His destiny. Moses
who delivered Israel from Egypt; and Elijah who ascended into
glory, both experienced God’s glory while on earth.

The glow on Jesus face was described in Matthew 17:2 as His

face did shine as the sun. Luke 9:29 says ‘His face changed its
appearance.’ Lk.9:29. (GNB); or ‘the appearance of His face
changed,’ (MSG); or ‘became different (actually transformed)
(AMP); And there ‘was a blinding glory streaming from Him.’ Did
His face become like pure glass? Or did it become translucent?

Mark’s emphasis is on garment shining, exceeding white, like

multiple flashes of lightening.’ (TPT). White and dazzling;
(WMBBE); ‘White and glistening.’(KJV) ‘flashing with the
brilliance of lightening.’ (AMP).

Peter said they were eyewitnesses of Christ’s majesty. The

glories of Christ’s character poured out from Him. The invisible
particles of Divine life manifested! As if life was crystallized into
tangible light rays like from a diamond. Only millions of light rays
were emanating glory particles through Christ’s body.

The human spirit of Christ was so in tune with the Holy Spirit that
glory flowed as light rays through Him. His Divine light radiated
into the atmosphere surrounding Him. Light that could permeate
everything. Particles of Spirit life that are so minute they are

invisible to human eyes yet they sparkle in the Spirit realm. And
remember it was flesh that was experiencing God’s transforming
power. He was in the likeness of sinful flesh Paul said; Romans
8:3. It was a foretaste of the glorified body that does not have to
taste death. Jesus said: “You shall not die,” Jn.11:25-26. And
Paul; “Death is abolished; swallowed up in victory,” 2Tim.1:10.

Free flowing light particles from within our human spirit flow out
into the atmosphere and influence other beings. God the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit freely flow within each other continually. At
the transfiguration Jesus’ Spirit was freely flowing in and out of
God’s Spirit; and God’s Spirit was freely flowing in and out of

Glory particles can be of differing colors. The particles sparkle

with light and dazzle because of the passions experienced within
the spirit. The passionate love within Christ blazes like a fire. Like
the lava of a volcano, (see Jesus as Man of Fire in Ezek.1:27-
28). Christ’s Spirit burns with passionate love. Thankfully His fiery
love is contained. However in the transfiguration it radiated so
much His face was like the sun, Matt.17:2. Had the fullness of
His glory shined, the sun would have bowed to its Creator.
However He was in Father’s glory cloud and so His glory was
contained in order to protect His disciples, Isa.45:15.

When Father declared, ‘This is My Son, hear Him,’ Peter

understood Father was giving Christ great honor and majesty.
Father was informing the universe that Jesus was His Son. It was
a notable moment! The Son was declared to be God in a glorified
human form. The invisible God was revealing His glory in a
human form.

The transfigured body of Christ was a foretaste of the new

creation body; the mystical corporate body of Christ; the temple,

house, body, tabernacle whichever word you want to use will be

were God lives and radiates His glory from. God therefore placed
all of His creations in Jesus body on the cross and crucified
them! He then quickened and raised them up into His Spirit
where He glorified them, Rom.8:30. It’s a finished work. It’s a
done deal. It was all fulfilled in the redemptive work of Christ.
Glorification is not a separate work. Its an inclusive work. God
included it all in the package when we received Christ. Jesus
said the Son of Man would be glorified at the cross and after His
death He would bring forth much fruit,’ Jn.12:23-24. Those who
become a part of Christ’s transfigured glorified body, individually
and corporately are glorified already, Rom.8:30. Often times the
understanding of our position and condition in Christ is just not
experienced as a reality in our lives. We are suppose to be happy
children of God; We have already been glorified in Christ!
Somebody shout Hallelujah!

There are several reasons for not experiencing the joy of being
glorified. Obviously the earth-bound carnal mind just cannot
understand. The earthly mind has to be renewed by the word and
Spirit of God in His presence. Secondly; the Lord called His
people lost sheep because they forgot their resting places, Jer.
50:6. He taught them to dwell in peaceable homes and quiet
resting places, Isa.32:18. Solomon took it further by describing
the joys of being the bride leaning upon her beloved as he came
from the apple tree, and said, I raised thee up under the apple
tree; where thy mother brought thee forth, S of Sol.8:5. Paul says
there is a rest for the people of God, and we enter His rest by
ceasing to do our works and trusting in His accomplished works.
So let us labor to enter God’s rest. Trust God’s Spirit to raise us
up in the resting place, believe and begin to manifest glory. Christ
is the door and as we enter in through spending time with Him we
experience the ‘green pastures’ of his heavenly blessings.

Chapter thirteen

Glory through the ascension

The writer of Hebrews states three times that Enoch was

translated. And the reason given was that, Enoch pleased God,
Heb.11:5. Enoch obviously lived in the glory realm.

At the time of Moses departure from earth Michael the archangel

fought for the body of Moses before he could hid it. We assume
Moses ascended to heaven for He reappeared in glory with
Jesus at the transfiguration.

Before Elijah ascended he instructed Elisha, that if he saw him

when he ascended then he would receive a double portion of the
Holy Spirit. Now that’s important! Elisha focused on Elijah and
saw him taken up into heaven. When Elisha saw Elijah ascend
the eyes of his understanding were opened. He became a man of
two realms. Elisha saw heaven open! It was not far away! This
encounter opened Elisha understanding about glory realms.

Elisha desired that Gehazi should understand also and so

prayed, “Lord open his eyes that he may see!” Then the eyes of
Gehazi spirit were opened and he saw surrounding Elisha were
horses and chariots of fire, 2Kings 6:17. Note he saw the glory
realms surrounding Elisha. They were not far away. The Spirit
realms were open and manifested to Gehazi. Through an
encounter his eyes opened.

Now Jesus also points in the same direction when He asked the
question, “What if you see the Son of Man ascend?” He was
implying that if the apostles saw Him ascend then they would
understand Him and the Spirit realms. It seems that mediating on
the ascension and thinking how the Spirit lifted Him up is

essential, Jn.6:61-63. The powerful Holy Spirit raised Jesus into

His Spirit realms. Paul described this understanding and took it
further when he wrote; “If you be raised with Christ, seek those
things which are above,” Col.3:1-3.

Daniel wrote that he saw the Son of Man ascend in clouds to

God and received dominion, glory and a kingdom. This caused
Luke to write that Jesus ascended up in clouds and was escorted
by two men in white, Acts 1:9-11. The apostles who saw Jesus
ascend in the cloud also became men of two realms, the invisible
and the visible; the heavenly and the earthly.

The apostle John saw a door open in heaven and heard a voice
calling him, “Come up here and see the things to come,” Rev.4:1.
Initially he saw God’s throne and then he saw the saints seated
on thrones ruling together with Christ, Rev.20:4-5. The Lord God
and His Son took charge of the universe and were infusing it with
life, power, and glory through their sons and daughters,
Rev.11:15-17. God was sharing His kingdom, power and glory to
whoever overcame, Rev.21:7.

Jesus declared only those included in the Son of man ascend,

Jn.1:51,3:13. Because God included us in Christ we can
experience ascension power in our spirits and see the glory
realms surrounding us. It is already done. We only believe and

Chapter fourteen

Glory in the early Church

The apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and power and went
everywhere preaching the kingdom of God. The Lord confirmed
His word with signs following the apostles. There was an
explosion of miracles all over the Roman Empire as the disciples
went spreading the gospel of the kingdom. Peter boldly declared
Christ was exalted at the right hand of God and received the Holy
Spirit power and glory and was releasing it to all who called upon
Jesus name. Peter was given the glory of opening the door of
salvation to the Jews first and later to the Gentiles.

Peter recognized when the Holy Spirit fell upon people. He

understood the kingdom came when the Holy Spirit ruled over
people’s lives. Jesus declared His kingdom was within the
believer’s spirit. Paul said, the kingdom was in righteousness,
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In a way they were all declaring
Adam’s glory was restored when people received the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit was the ‘earnest’; the initial down payment on the
purchased possession. The believer had to grow and together
with the Holy Spirit get the power working. For glory seasons
break out according to the power that works within in us.

Peter said the heavens received Jesus till the restitution of all
things, which God spoke about by His prophets, Acts 3:21. For
example the prophet David wrote, “Disciples will speak of the
glory of Christ’s kingdom and talk of His power,” and “the Lord
will give grace and glory.” “Let God’s glory appear to His children;
and declare His glory among the Gentiles.” So “glory may dwell
in their land,” And “Let the whole earth be filled with His glory for
“the glory of the Lord will endure forever,” Ps.145:11, 84:11,
90:16, 96:3, 85:9, 72:19, 104:31. Clearly the prophets declared

God’s glory would be restored to mankind and the apostles were

to proclaim it. So the book of Acts records an explosion of
miracles, angelic visitations, outpourings of Holy Spirit, as whole
cities were shaken by the apostles who were ministers of the
glory realm!

Stephen full of the Holy Spirit, looked steadfastly into heaven,

and declared he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the
right hand of God. Paul testified he saw Christ on the road to
Damascus and was blinded by the glory of His light, Acts 7:55,
22:11, 5:15. The apostles saw the glory of God as the dead were
raised to life, cripples healed, blind eyes opened, and even the
shadow of Peter healing. They received visions from God’s Spirit
directing them to take over cities. People testified, “These are the
men that have turned the world upside down.” Amen! Christ’s
kingdom, power and glory is in the Holy Spirit and it was
manifesting throughout the early church period.

In order to edify the church in future ages it was necessary that

the apostles recorded the words of their glorious lives. They were
ordinary people manifesting Christ’s glory in their lives making
them extra ordinary people. It was the touch of glory that made
the difference and it needed to be recorded how they got it.

For the Gentiles spread all over the Roman Empire the apostle
Paul was specifically chosen as the vessel to explain in lay men’s
terms the unsearchable glories of Christ and His salvation.

Chapter fifteen

Glory in Paul’s epistles

Paul opens his epistle to Romans by declaring that the Gentiles

knew the invisible things of God, namely His power and
Godhead, but then changed His glory into an idol, Rom.1:20, 23.
What was ‘known of God’ was that an invisible glorious Spirit was
within their beings. They then sinned against the Spirit of glory
and as a result fell short of the glory of God, 3:23. Their glory
light disappeared because they acted independently and didn’t
trust the voice of God. So Paul declared that a human is justified
by faith in Jesus Christ and trust in Christ’s Spirit to guide them.
Paul encouraged those who continued to do good to seek after
God’s glory, honor, and immortality for they would not be
disappointed for glory honor and peace would be their reward,
2:7. This hope of glory is understood by the heart when the Holy
Spirit’s love is experienced by the believer, 5:2. The pouring of
Spirit love into the heart results in greater glory manifesting.

God’s grace and goodness flow to those who desire to be

conformed to the image of God’s glorious Son Jesus, 8:29. God
predestinated, called, justified and glorified those kind of
believers, 8:30. In God’s mind glorification of His kids is already
done! We are glorified in Christ the moment He saved us! He’s
just waiting for us to believe and receive the grace; then move up
into glory realms.

To help the early believers obtain greater glory God chose

opposition as the means to perfect them, 8:18. Paul taught the
sufferings the early Christians were enduring were nothing
compared to the glory that would be revealed in them, 2Cor.4:17.
That generation was marked for the highest glory levels possible
for humans! A glory similar to that of Jesus Christ! Perfection!

Maturity, Heb.10:14, 6:1. The image of the glorious Son seen in

humans, 2Cor.13:3-5.

Paul stated that as the glory manifested in the sons of God the
creation would cry out to be delivered also, Rom.8:20-21. So as
the sons of God experience the glory, they are expected to
restore the glory to creation and make it like it is in heaven –
glorious! As the saints exercise authority over creation it gets free
and becomes glorious. This is one of the first fruits of the Spirit in
a believers life; restoration of the creation! 8:23.

Glory in Corinthians

Paul agreed with Jesus’ words ‘The flesh profits nothing!’ when
he wrote “No flesh glories in God’s presence!” 1Cor.1:29. Paul
encourages us to grow in spiritual qualities such as wisdom,
righteousness, grace, faith and holiness. Jeremiah wrote “He that
glories, let him glory in the Lord,” 1Cor.1:31, suggesting our
growth in the knowledge of Christ within is our glory. Paul agrees
with Jeremiah by stating the wisdom of God; is our glory! This
wisdom and understanding of the glory of God was specifically
ordered for God’s kids before the ages began, Jer.9:23, 1Cor.2:7.

Some of the Corinthians were glorying in their possessions. They

were rich and behaving as though they were kings compared to
the apostles who were suffering for Christ. 1Cor.4:7-9. Paul
gloried in his infirmities in order that the power of God would stay
on him, 2Cor12:9. Paul emphatically declared the kingdom of
God was not in word but in power! 1Cor.4:20. Paul had nothing to
glory of when preaching the gospel for it was necessary that he
fulfill his calling. Woe to him if he took money for preaching the
gospel. All Paul’s ministry was for the glory of God, 1Cor.10:31.

Paul went on to explain the spiritual body of Christ and the pre-
eminence of love within it, 1Cor.13:1-8, Paul explained believers
manifest Christ when they manifest spiritual gifts, 1Cor.12:7.
Manifesting gifts is Christ’s glory manifesting through the

Paul went on to describe the resurrected body of the believer, 1

Cor.15. Now before we get into this I have to explain that I come
to the conclusion that Paul was not referring to a physical body
resurrection but to the resurrection of the spiritual body. It took
me years to change my thinking on this subject. But it is crucial
for our understanding of the glorious spirit body in Christ.

Now one of the principal arguments leading to my change of

thought was this. There are five main passages in the new
covenant on the resurrection. Jn.5, Jn.11, ICor.15, 2Cor.5:1-6,
and 1Thess.4. Yes there are other verses in Jn.6, Phil 3, Col 3,
and Rev.20, but the main five are these. Now please note my
teachers taught me that John 5 refers to physical resurrection;
John 11 refers to a spiritual resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15 refers
to physical resurrection, 2 Corinthians 5 refers to spiritual
resurrection and 1 Thessalonians 4 refers to a physical
resurrection. They taught a dichotomy (which means ‘a division
or contrast between two things that are represented as being
opposed or entirely different.’) According to my teachers Jesus
had two views of resurrection and so did Paul. When that was
pointed out to me, I understood that can’t be right! If a dichotomy
was in Jesus and Paul’s mind they would have said so! If they
were not teaching dichotomy then both Jesus and Paul were
teaching only one view of the resurrection; the spiritual view! My
teachers taught a spiritual resurrection first and then a physical
one; therefore the glory is given after the physical resurrection
which in their opinion had not yet happened. I thought you should
note that before we start.

Jesus spoke of Himself as the resurrection and life, Jn.11:25. To

Jesus the death He destroyed was spiritual death and the life He
released was spiritual life. So when Paul poses the question,
How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?
1Cor.15:35. He replies, the body they sow needs to be
quickened, 15:36. For the human body is like a seed,:37. We
already know the Holy Spirit quickens the human spirit man at
new birth. Paul continues by comparing the body of a seed which
is small and round, to a shoot that rises from the seed and has a
bunch of seeds on top. The shoot is another kind of body with the
seeds on top. Paul concludes God had given the seed a body as
it pleases Him and every seed has its own body. Paul’s point is
that the body of the grain is one and the body of the stem is a
totally different one. One is small and round and the other is tall,
wide, with a crown of seeds/fruit on top. The bodies are different.

Paul goes on to declare the differences in the bodies of flesh; of

men and animals; fish and birds; earthly and heavenly;
proceeding towards the glory of the heavenly bodies, 15:39-41.
Let me illustrate this with the caterpillar that has the body of an
insect, weaves a cocoon and emerges out a beautiful butterfly.
The DNA is the same but the body is entirely different. The point
Paul makes is that God gives it a body as it pleases him! and to
every seed its own body,15:38. I tell my students God gives us a
body as it pleases him, and he likes to please us, so I pray
constantly for a body with wings, colored wings! I dare to believe
my inward man is being transformed and is already a partaker of
glory in the heavenly realms. Paul declares that one star differs
from another star in glory which agrees with 2 Corinthians 3:18
where he writes of going from one degree of glory to another.
Paul was referring to the resurrected spiritual body of the believer
that is already glorified. Jesus said; “in the resurrection they are
equal to angels,” Lk.20:36 or “they are as the angels of God in

heaven.” Matt.22:30. We err because we don’t know the

scriptures nor the power of God! Mk.12:24.

Paul continues to explain the resurrection of the spiritual body of

a born again Christian that is quickened by the Spirit of God. It is
sown in the corrupt state of a flesh body but raised up as an
incorruptible spiritual body. It is sown in dishonor but it is raised
with glory. It is sown in weakness but it is raised by the Spirit in
power. It is sown a natural body but it is raised up a spiritual
body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body,

Paul then stated the last Adam, Jesus Christ was made a
quickening Spirit. The first body was natural and afterwards that
which is spiritual. Those who are earthy live under the dominion
of the earthly thoughts, and those who are heavenly live under
the dominion of Christ’s thoughts. The heavenly ones have glory
in their spirits. Believers once bore the image of the earth; but
henceforth they bear the image of the heavenly glorious Lord
Jesus Christ, 15:45-48. Paul concludes by declaring flesh and
blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 15:50.

In second Corinthians Paul gives three chapters to the subject of

glory for the believer. He starts by declaring that Christians are
ministers of the new covenant which is releasing God’s life-giving
Spirit to others, 3:6. This ministry of imparting spiritual life to
others is glorious and more excellent, 3:8, because it ministers
the glory of Christ. Seeing Paul had a strong hope of glory he
was very bold, 3:11-12, and did not hide his face like Moses did.
No! Paul turned to the Lord who is the Spirit, 3:17. He enjoyed
the freedom that is in the Spirit and kept looking into the glorious
face of Jesus to be transfigured from glory to glory; one degree of
glory to another degree of glory! 3:18. Paul stated the
transformation into a glorious spirit was for all Christians.

Transformed into the image of the glorified Christ! Not the

physical Jesus! Transformed! Like Jesus transfiguration! 3:17-18.

Paul continued to say he had received mercy to preach the glory

of Christ in order that the light of God would shine into others.
God had shinned into Paul’s heart, the light of the knowledge of
the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Paul was referring to
the light of Christ he saw on the road to Damascus. The Christ he
saw in his glorified form was the image every believer was called
to be like! But Paul then declared that every believer has this
treasure, this glory, already within their earthly bodies,.4:6-7.

He said God’s power was working within their spirits when they
were suffering afflictions. Their inward man was being renewed
daily, 4:16. Their sufferings were working for them an exceeding
and eternal weight of glory, 4:17. The Spirit of glory was thick
heavy presence being experienced in the flesh body. 4:17. It’s
tangible! You can feel it! Contrary to what others may say I
declare you can feel the Spirit moving within! Paul was not
looking at the fleshly body but at Christ’s glorious body! That was
eternal! 4:18.

Paul understood when his earthly body was finally dissolved (at
physical death), he had a building of God eternal in the heavens
and was already longing to be covered with it, 5:1-2. He was
referring to his glorious spirit body being prepared for the
heavens. A body that could fly, translocate, walk through walls,
like Jesus. A supernatural, super-powerful, glorious light body!

Paul’s rapture to the third heavens, 12:2. The passion translation

explains it the best. “And I know that this man (again I’m not sure
if he was still in his body or taken out of his body – God knows)
was caught up in an ecstatic experience and brought into
paradise, where he overheard many wondrous and inexpressible

secrets that were so sacred that no mortal is permitted to repeat

them,” 12:3-4. Paul was still trying to decide if his spirit man was
taken out of his physical body. That sure challenges me to press
on into glory realms. John was also called up into heavenly
places and called us to “Come up here!” Rev. 4:1.

Finally Paul testifies how the Corinthians sought proof that Christ
was speaking through Him, 13:3. His reply was that Christ lived
in him by the power of God even though he was weak in
appearance. 13:4. He then challenged the Corinthians to prove to
themselves that Christ was living in them. 13:5, the glory shinning
on Paul’s face was the sign that Christ lived in him. One cannot
dispute the glory when we see it on a Christians face. It is Christ
in them shinning forth His glory!

Glory in Ephesians, Philippians and Colossi

Paul’s opening statement; Blessed be the God and Father of our

Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings
in heavenly places in Christ” sets the premise for the prison
epistles, Eph.1:3. After extolling and leading us to praise the
glory of God’s grace, Paul offers a prayer to the Father of glory!
1:15-17. Paul requests five things in his first prayer. 1. That we
would receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know God. 2.
That the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened. 3. That
we would know the hope of our calling; which is glory. 4. Know
the glory God has in His saints as His inheritance. And 5.
Experience the ascension power of the Holy Spirit which He
worked in Christ’s Spirit body, 1:17-19.

In Paul’s second prayer he requests according to the riches of

God’s glory that Christians would be strengthened with courage
by the Holy Spirit, 3:14-16. Paul desired they would know the

depth of Christ’s love in order to be filled with all the fullness of

God, 3:18-19. Filling with Christ’s love is filling with glory!

Paul ends his prayer with a doxology, 3:21, which I enjoy

preaching every time I dedicate a new church building; and that’s
eight to ten times a year! Carefully note Paul declares there will
be glory in the church throughout all future ages. He states the
age of Christ rule is without end. That verse upsets the futurist’s
doctrine. But it’s the truth!

The Church has a glorious future to look forward too. She’s

Christ’s glorious bride and she rules in the Spirit realm over the
earth, Eph.5:7. She sits in heavenly places and rules over the
principalities and powers, 2:6. Christ presented to himself a
glorious Church, Eph 5:27, in March AD66. She is one with him
in His work of filling the earth with glory. I boldly declare
throughout all future ages Christian’s must exercise their
authority over their realm so that glory increases on earth. It’s a
joy for me to be in a dry place and watch it fill with glory. I was
assigned a poor state in India and have had the privilege of filling
it with glory before I leave the earth. And I dare say when I am
received up into glory I will continue to pray and declare glory
over my state. I will use all the powers God has given to me to
influence others to fill this land with glory. Its my inheritance and I
love the challenge it presents!

Paul describes a Christian being filled with the fruits of

righteousness as one who brings glory to God, Phil 1:11 When
everyone bows their knees to Jesus and calls Him Lord Paul
says that also gives glory to God, Phil 2:9-11.

Paul wrote Christ will change our vile earthly body so that it will
be fashioned like His glorious body, Phil.3:21.Other translations
also give good suggestions, such as: ‘Conformed to the body of

His glory!’ (ASV) ‘Having glorious bodies like His own!’ (MSG)
‘Identical likeness of His glorified body’ (TPT), ‘not only transform
but completely refashion our earthly bodies so that they will be
like His glorious resurrected body! (AMP) Then Paul stated how
Jesus would do it; By exerting that power that enables Him to
subject everything to Himself! (AMPC) 3:21.

Paul had already mentioned that his desire was to attain to the
resurrection of the dead, 3:11. Was he thinking to escape
physical death like Enoch and Elijah? He knew his body was
already transforming into the likeness of Jesus glorious body.
Think about it; Jesus walked through the crowds, and walked on
water, gave life, healings and miracles, ascended into heaven
and sat down in glory realms; and we also can have a taste of
that glory now. Christ has abounded towards us in the fullness of
His grace so that we will always have all sufficiency in all things
to abound to every good work, 2Cor.9:8. As we seek to bring
glory to our heavenly Father in the ages to come; so He delights
to support all our works with His miraculous powers! Phil.4:19-20.

Christ strengthens us according to His glorious power so that we

can do extra-ordinary feats in His kingdom, Col.1:11. The
glorious mystery was revealed; that God wanted the Gentiles to
know Christ was in them, and the guarantee they would get glory,
Col. 1:27. Christ is the fullness of glory and we are filled through
Him, Col 2:9-10. Paul promised them when Christ their life
appeared, then they would appear with Him in glory, Col 3:4.

In Paul’s earliest epistles the testimony is the same; God had

called us unto His Kingdom and glory, 1Thess.2:12. And the
clearest: We were called by the gospel to obtaining of the glory of
our Lord Jesus Christ, 2Thess.2:14. Paul again testified the
promise of glory was according to the gospel given to him on the
road to Damascus, 1 Tim.1:11.

Chapter sixteen

Glory in the epistles for the Jews

Beginning with Hebrews it is apparent that the apostolic writers

Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude were aware of the
immanence of Christ’s coming in His kingdom, power and glory.
It is my opinion after studying “Re-dating the New Testament” by
Dr. John A.T. Robinson that these epistles were written in the
years of AD58-64. I believe the apostles were giving the final
warning to the Jews of the wrath of God which was to come upon
them in March AD66.12 I believe it was like the final call to the ten
virgins of the Lord approaching.

As I teach Hebrews and Revelation each year I can’t help but

notice the similarities. So there’s no doubt in my mind that John
had already seen the Revelation and that Paul who was with
John in Ephesus for a good year or more wanted to follow suit.
John started with a vision of Jesus as High Priest, so Paul seeks
to glorify Christ similarly. They both are making the final appeal to
the Jews before the end. Paul therefore describes Jesus as the
brightness of God’s glory; the fullness of God; radiating the
dazzling splendor of God, The exact likeness and representation
of God’s being, who sustains all things by His powerful words.
Don’t that fit his road to Damascus experience? It sure does!

Paul then describes Christ as the Son of Man having glory and
honor as He leads many sons into glory. Christ calls these
glorious sons His brothers for they are spiritually mature and
share in His glory, Heb.2:17-11. They have wisdom to operate

The Works of John Owen, Edited by William H. Goold, Vol 8. Sermon 5, The Shaking and
Translating of Heaven and Earth. Pages 247-279. The Banner of Truth Trust,

His kingdom dominion, creative power and life-giving Spirit. They

are the over-comers Jesus described in His Churches.

Paul again follows John and reveals Jesus as a King-Priest like

Melchizedek. He describes Jesus intercession on earth and in
God in heaven praying for us. He describes Christ’s once-for-all
sacrifice on our behalf and the importance of Christ’s blood and
flesh body in the atonement. Paul concludes Christ will appear
the second time without sin for the salvation of the Jews and of
humanity. As the Day of Christ’s atonement completes Christ
came out of Zion and consummated the end. (Consummate
means bring to completion by fulfilling all). Paul concluded this
magnificent epistle with Christ as the great shepherd to whom
glory is given forever and ever, Heb.13:21.

The apostle Peter declared a kingdom principle when he wrote;

“suffering leads to glory.” Peter was in jail in AD63-64 and
sensed the urgency to write a gospel recorded by Mark so the
believers in Rome would be encouraged by Christ’s words,
“Carry your cross; deny yourselves; prepare to suffer!” Then as
the martyrdoms increased he wrote his epistles encouraging the
Jews to stay faithful so their faith would have glory and honor at
the appearing of Jesus Christ, 1Pet.1:7. The believers were
already rejoicing and experiencing in Spirit a heavenly joy that
was indescribable and full of glory, 1Pet.1:8 The prospect of
being worthy to follow Christ in a similar death excited the
believers. They knew they would receive a similar heavy weight
of glory.

Peter defends this proposition by stating the prophets testified of

the sufferings of Christ and the glory that would follow, 1:11,
when God raised Christ from the dead, 1:21.

Peter gave us a key to obtaining glory when he stated; “If you be

reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of
glory and of power rests on you, 4:13-14. It’s clear God’s children
can experience the patience and longsuffering God shows
towards the rebellious.

Peter declared he was a partaker of the glory that was to be

revealed, 5:1. He was encouraging Jews to suffer so that when
Jesus the chief shepherd appeared, they would receive a crown
of glory, 5:4. He wrote it was God’s grace that had called the
early church to obtain the eternal glory that was in Christ. Peter
promised after they had suffered for a little while Christ would
perfect them, 5:10. To Him be the glory and dominion forever.

As multitudes of Jews denied Christ and returned to the Jewish

religion, Peter and Jude warned them! 2 Peter 3 is hard for
futuristic interpreters who read it as literal. I found the writings of
John Owen and Milton S. Terry on this chapter to give insight.
They consider the creation made for the angels and then for
Adam were both washed clean by a flood. However the creation
of the Jewish nation was judged by the fire of the Roman Army.
They correctly interpret the metaphor of fire as the army of Titus,
the Roman General. Thus they escape the error that the earth
will be burned up. Actually the opposite is to occur! The earth that
is already filled with the glory of the Lord is being restored,
renewed, regenerated, to the glory of the garden of Eden.

Jude finished with a glorious doxology to the only wise God, be

glory, majesty dominion and power both now and forever. Jude
24-25. In union with Paul and the other apostles Jude declared
Christ is going to present the sons of God before the glory of God
and take them into the glorious God to be one with Him forever.

Chapter seventeen

Glory of Christ in Revelation

From the beginning of His book John reveals the things that will
soon come to pass upon the earth; means in the first century. Not
things far away in the future but things that were at hand! John
reveals Father has told Jesus it was time to return to earth; its
repeated twice for emphasis; “Shortly! and “at hand! So this
Revelation occurred 2000 years ago. It is not for today except to
bless us in that it’s all been fulfilled!13 John says his prophecy
was written in signs and signs point to things that are hidden from
the natural eye. The Jews of that age would have understood all
the signs and metaphors John used. John was describing the
judgment that was speedily coming upon the Jews!

In that this Revelation reveals the glories of Christ and His Bride
John begins declaring Jesus intention was to make kings and
priests for His Father, Rev.1:6. So John’s first vision of the
glorified Christ describes Him like unto Melchizedek the king
priest. And He is seen examining His churches, seeking the over-
comers, and encouraging the believers to stay faithful till He
comes. The over-comers will be His kings and priests. They are
described through many metaphors, the over-comers, the man-
child, the souls under the altar, the 144,000 on Zion, the pure
bride in comparison to the harlot, the holy city New Jerusalem.

In the next glorious vision of Christ He is portrayed as the Lamb

and the whole angelic assembly worship Him as He ascends to
the throne of God and takes the book of Daniel out of Father’s

Students need to read “Before Jerusalem Fell” by Kenneth L. Gentry or my book The Book Of
Revelation and decide when John wrote the Revelation. I agree with Gentry Revelation was
written before AD66 when the Jewish war began. I believe John wrote it early possibly in AD58.
That means that Revelation is referring to Christ’s wrath poured out upon the Jews.

hand. He is acknowledged as the only one worthy to ascend and

open the sealed book of Daniel 9-12. Because He was killed He
received power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and
blessing, Rev.5:12. It was a Revelation that God was on the
throne and had given the judgment upon the Jews to His Son.
The Son had given sufficient time for the Jews and Romans to
repent of killing Him. As they had not repented it was time to
judge them. Christ would show His victorious reign even in the
midst of that wicked generation. He would complete the harvest,
perfect the saints and present sons of glory from that generation.
Unfortunately Christ only reaped a remnant of 144,000 from the
Jews; but through them He took a huge harvest from among the
Gentiles of the Roman Empire. So we see the glory of Jesus, the
Lord of the harvest, gathering His harvest from the midst of a
crooked generation! There were multitudes of Gentiles standing
in white garments redeemed and presented before God, 7:13-17.

Israel was Jesus creation so only He had the right to wrap it up

and bring it to its end. He earned the right to judge by dying for
their sins so it was His glory to take the book and open the seals
and start the de-creation of Israel, 6:12-17. True to Old
Testament apocalyptic visions John saw Christ releasing horses
over the earth. The first horse shows the glory of Jesus riding
forth on the white horse of victory; conquering and to conquer!
Christ and His bride together conquering the nations with the
gospel of the kingdom. He had given the Jews warnings and
signs of His coming in glory and even stated to some of His
disciples that they would live to see it, Matt.16:27-28.

As King of the Jews the Lord employed trumpets to warn the

Jews of the day of wrath approaching, AD66-70. John offers
encouragements to the martyrs throughout the book, 6:11. In
Spirit the martyrs were already reigning with Him on the throne,
20:4. The martyrs were more than conquerors for they gave their

lives as a love offering for their people as Christ did for His. The
glory of the martyrs love; love for God and love for others was

A vision of the mighty angel of the Old Covenant was revealed.

With His foot firmly upon the Romans (pictured as the sea) and
the Jews (pictured as the land) the angel finally took His authority
over His enemies and put them under His feet. He cried that
there should be no more time for His enemies; the Romans and
Sanhedrin; to rule. The mystery of God, the Church, was
completed and it was ready to rule. The old testament had
served its purpose and needed to be removed. “No more time”
means the last days of the Jews had finally arrived. It was time to
remove them. Did Jesus wait for Peter and Paul to get the
martyrs crown? I think so! For as soon as Paul was martyred
Jesus returned.

So we have seen the glory of Jesus as Melchizedek our great

high priest; the Lamb of God with seven spirits of God upon Him,
the conqueror of nations riding on the white horse, the angel of
the old covenant, the harvest reaper, and finally He is the light
and glory of the city of God, New Jerusalem, where the bride and
the sons of glory reign. Abraham looked for the city whose
builder and maker was God. The Church of the first century, the
apostolic age entered it and began to reign in glory.

Paul had already revealed to the Galatians that New Jerusalem

was the mother of us all, Galatians 4:26; and in Hebrews 12:22,
he declared the saints had already come to it. This was in perfect
harmony with John’s New Jerusalem that was continually coming
down. Rev.21:2,10. This heavenly city of saints is in a state of
continual descending! It surrounds, blesses and influences, all
those who are called to be rulers in the kingdom of God. John’s
main point is that the bride of Christ rules from this glorious city of

God. She has the glory of God, 21:11. Christ is her glory light and
is described as a jasper stone, clear as crystal. John is careful to
show her glory color is identical to God’s, 4:3. This city rules the
universe! The rulers of this city are busy restoring, regenerating
and renewing the earth and the universe. The judgment on the
old is accomplished. The work of restoring the planet and the
universe has begun!

John saw all the Gentile nations walk in the light of this glorious
city comprising of sons and daughters of glory. and the kings of
the earth were bringing their glory and honor into it, 21:23-24.
This ongoing work of bringing the glory of the nations into the
kingdom is our eternal work, 21:26.

The final glorious vision is of our heavenly Father sitting with His
children; wiping the tears from their eyes and comforting them
with assuring words that the former things have passed away
and behold I make all things new, 21:4-5.

I remember as a student in school reading John Milton’s epic

poem, “Paradise Lost.” I was amazed at Satan’s power, Adams
weakness and felt utterly disappointed at the end. I honestly had
no hope. After I was saved I discovered Milton had written a
sequel called “Paradise Regained” which portrayed Jesus Christ
conquering Satan. Just the title, “Paradise Regained” gave me
hope. And it’s the same with the subject of glory. Some pastors
have little hope in the future of planet earth because they
consider it fit to be burned. They offer no hope to the believers.
But having read this book I pray you have a hope of glory and
decide to fill your place of authority with the knowledge of the
glory and get it filling the earth.

Chapter eighteen

The glory of Christ’s second advent

1. He came invisibly. 1Tim.6:14-16 “no man has seen, nor can

see.” Paul states that we cannot see Christ visibly when He
comes as the supreme ruler!

2. He came like His Father. John 5:19. I only do what I see my

Father do! Father visited on clouds, invisibly in the Old
Testament, Isa.19:1, Ps 18:6-12, Ex.19. Isaiah referred to Father
using an earthly army; Nebuchadnezzar’s army! Jesus used Titus
Roman army! Their glory was to hide and use their power to
move these captains to do their will. See also, Ps 18:6-12, Ex.19.

3. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of

kings is to search out the matter. Proverbs 25:2. Truly you are
the God that hides yourself, Isa.45:15.

4. In his own glory, Father’s glory, and angels glory! Lk.9:26.

1. His own glory as the Son of God. Plus the glory he earned as
the Son of Man Jn.17:5.
2. Plus Father’s glory. Riding Father’s cloud, clothed with the
sun, rainbow, and sitting in His chariot,
3. Plus the glory of his holy angels. The combined forces of the
all powerful armies of heaven, Archangels, angels of winds,
thunder, rain, thunderstorms with all creation serving at their feet!

5. “Parousia” refers to Christ’s Spirit presence. His arrival or

official visit in his Spirit! It does not mean a physical coming.
Jesus said, “The kingdom cometh not with observation!” Lk.17:20

6. Some apostles saw him come! Matt.16:27. Notably apostle

John, Jn.21:22.

7. He was glorified in the saints, 2Thess.1:10. Dan.7:22,27.

The saints sat in Fathers clouds and judged their enemies. Christ
was in them! The first century judgment was the first Christ
performed using the hearts of the saints. They were so like him in
judgment it glorified him in them.

8. Glorified by fulfilling all scripture

In that generation, all O.T. fulfilled, Lk.21:32, Matt.23:36, 24:33.
The day of vengeance fulfilled, Lk.21:22, Deut.32:43.
Times of Gentiles ruling earth fulfilled, Lk.21:24,
All O.T. scriptures about him fulfilled, Lk.24:44.
The last days fulfilled, Gen.49:1, Deut.31:29, Heb.1:2.
Feast of Tabernacles fulfilled in March AD66, Heb.9:28.
He came from the heavenly Zion, Rom.11:26.
He finished sin in Jacob, It is finished, Rom.11:26.
All the remnant of Israel was saved, Rom.9:27.
It was a short work, 9:28. Only a seed from Jews, 9:29.
But all were saved who would be saved,11:26.
Fulfilled eschatology glorifies Christ as prophet, Deut.18:18-19.

9. Glory as He presented a kingdom to his Father, 1Cor15:24.

His kings, the apostles were trained and perfected. He removed
the Jewish religious system and appointed a new Caesar over
Rome. He finished his judgment on the Old Testament age. He
took his kingdom comprising of a remnant of Jewish rulers and a
harvest of Gentile believers into heaven to present to His Father

10. Glory as the enemies were put under him, 1Cor15:25.

11. Glory as God became all in all in Christ, 1Cor.15:28.

After sitting at God’s right hand for 33 years, Ps.110:1, the Son of
Man was rewarded with the expansion of His Spirit to include all
things. 1 Cor.15:25-28. Father gathered everything into Christ’s
Spirit, Eph 1:10. I illustrate it to my students like this. He sat

ruling over Judea and the Church of that generation and if He did
a good job Christ was promoted to ruling over every universe in
the heavens. He was tested with Judea and the Church and
passed and given the universes to give to whoever he wished.
Father anointed both Christ and His body of rulers and glorified
them all in Himself. So He was all in all of them. A glorious
moment for Christ as He presented to His Father His Kingdom
done through His Spirit!


The resurrection of Jesus has happened. God is reconciled! The

regeneration, quickening and renewing of all things has already
begun. John the Baptist started the restoration. Jesus carried it
forward in a blaze of miraculous power. Now Christ in us is
restoring all things through us. The earth and the universe will be
restored through us. We have the life giving spirit. We have the
light and glory within us. God’s reign manifests through us. His
kingdom bursts forth in words, declarations, and prophesies
when we start to restore all things. Let’s start to manifest the
glorious Christ who lives within us! It is up to us to believe and to
start releasing his glory. The glory realm is here and demands a
response from you. Will you search till you find the glory within
yourself? When you are conscious of Christ within you the glory
and the power will manifest.

I trust this book has blessed you! I hope to add in future the
lessons we learn releasing glory over Odisha. I’m expecting more
of the glory realm to break out all over the earth! I’m expecting
more believers to catch the vision expressed in this book. Let’s
all be clothed with the spirit of meekness and wisdom and press
into the glory realms! Let the knowledge of the glory of God fill
the earth is my prayer!

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