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Maria mufti

Reg num: dpt01123016

1- A pt came due to some accident
there was a cut at the site of the
fracture.which type of fracture is it:
• a. Closed
• B. Open
• C. Both a&b
• D. None of the above .
2- A pt came with symptoms of Ms
weakness,frequent falling,waddling
gait,and dropping eyelid .what is the
possible diagnosis :

• A. Cardiomyopathy
• B.dermatomyositis
• C. Mysthenia gravis
• D. Muscle dystrophy
3. A 2 years old child came who has
protubernt abdomen,spine kyphosis
sclosis,when x_ray was done it
showed shadows become denses
marked different size bw end of the
shaft and epiphysis ,what stage it
should be
A.acute stage rickets
B. Second stage rickets
C. Third stage rickets . D. Fourth stage rickets
MCQs by Rabia Tasmeer
❑ A 37 Years old patient comes to the clinic with pain in shoulder region.
Radiographic investigations show the posterior shoulder dislocation. Which
method could be used to treat this condition?
a) Stimson’s Gravity Method
b) Endoscopic method
c) Arthroscopic method
d) Laryngeoscopic method

❑25 years old girl comes with elbow dislocation. What could be the most
common cause of dislocation?
a) Fall on outstretched hand
b) Fall on back
c) Fall on knee
d) None of the above
MCQs by Rabia Tasmeer
❑An old male patient, 58 years old had a fall while taking shower in
bathroom. He was diagnosed with hip fracture. Which of the
following is NOT the clinical manifestation of this patient?
a) Severe pain and tenderness.
b) Muscle spasm.
c) Shortening of affected leg.
d) No pain at all.
MCQs by kanza khan
❑A 65 years old female comes to the hospital with complain of pain in joints
while walking after a period of inactivity, her flexibility is lost, stiffness as
well in the morning, what will be the possible diagnosis?
a) Previous fracture.
b) Dislocation.
c) Osteoarthritis.
d) Septic arthiritis.

❑A 7 months old infant presents with protuberant abdomen (pot belly) what
would be the cause of this development?
a) Caput quadratum.
b) Pectus craninatum.
c) Thoracic asymmetry.
d) Hypotonia of abdominal muscles.
MCQs By Kanza khan
❑A 10 year old male complains of frequent falling, waddling gait,
difficulty getting up what will be the most possible major symptom
regarding these complaints?
a) Myotonic.
b) Duchenne and becker.
c) Contracture.
d) Gower’s sign.
MCQs by Tahiya Zafar
❑A female aged 45 years comes in the doctor's office, she works as the home
interior designer, so picking up stuff was normal to her. The main signs showing
she has pain in the joints along with stiffness and loss of flexibility. On further
check up it seems like her cartilage is wearing away in arthritis joint, what is most
likely to be the diagnosis?
a) Rickets
b) Osteoarthritis
c) Osteoporosis
d) Sprain

❑A boy aged 20 years old comes in the hospital after having accident from a
motorbike, on carefully examination of him, doctors found inflammation, lower
bone density. On testing the bones, x rays are to be tested, what is the possible
b) muscle torsion
c) strain
d) sprain
MCQs by Tahiya Zafar
❑Boy aged 6 years with a symptoms of muscle weakness and upon
checkint further, he has wasting of skeletal and cardiac muscles, the
main muscles are wasting from pelvis, thighs, shoulders. What is the
b) Muscle weakness
c) dushenne
d) none of the above
MCQS by Filza Zulfiqar
❑A child aged 6 months having abnormal stature. Having pain and muscle cramps,
teeth deformity and skeletal deformities. On blood test we found out that he has
deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Since he has abnormal skeleton and he looks
so weak, we're further testing for blood test, bone x rays and biopsy for bones.
Which of the following diseases he has been diagnosed with?
a) Rickets
b) osteomalacia
c) Osteoporosis
d) muscular dystrophy
❑A sportsman playing hockey, after running faster, he fell on his arm and his arm
hit the ground, that is where he felt the outrstreched on his arm during the fall.
His arm is immoveable, intensely painful and swollen and discolored, what is the
possible diagnosis?
a) Fracture
b) Sprain
c) Muscle tear
d) Dislocation
MCQS by Filza Zulfiqar
❑The child aged 15 years old having poor bone stature, walking gait,
frequent falls and having trouble standing up on his feet and learning
disabilities. On further examination of blood test and biopsy we found
out that he has weakness in the muscles and they break down easily
so what is the diagnosis?
a) Muscular dystrophy
b) Rickets
c) Osteoarthritis
d) Osteoporosis
MCQs by Ali Fayaz
❑A female came to physiotherapist knee pain management, In x-ray Dr find
degenerative changes occur in their left knee, how pain will managed?
a) Rest
b) Apply over the counter creams
c) Use of NASIDS
d) All
❑5 Years old child comes to hospital with muscle spasms or stiffening after
use, hand weakness, foot drop and waddling gait, what will be the possible
diagnosis test will be do?
a) Muscle biopsy
b) DNA testing
c) Both
d) None
MCQS By Ali Fayaz
❑35 years old patient comes to hospital with swear pain in shoulder
afer x-ray doctor find dislocation in shoulder, what will the best
clinical management can be do?
a) Open Surgery
b) Kochers Method
c) Immobilization
d) Both B & C
MCQs By Aqsa Nadeem
❑ Mr. Adnan met with an accident and his right femur broke at 3 different places.
The cut was a clean break and the four pieces were put back together in their
original place. What kind of fracture did he have?
a) Contusion
b) Hairline fracture
c) Multiple fracture
d) Simple fracture.

❑A patient come to the hospital with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Which
medications can slow muscle damage in patients?
a) N -saids.
b) Corticosteroids
c) Aspirin.
d) All of these.
MCQs By Aqsa Nadeem

❑A patient come to the physiotherapy department with hip dislocation

in which he has flexion, adduction ,H/O trauma and medial rotational
deformity of the affected limb. And hip movement is grossly
restricted to him. Which type of reduction techniques is given?

a) Assistant stabilizing the pelvis.

b) Longitudinal traction is applied.
c) Both a and b.
d) None of these.
MCQs by Rabia Tasmeer
❑ A 37 Years old patient comes to the clinic with pain in shoulder region.
Radiographic investigations show the posterior shoulder dislocation. Which
method could be used to treat this condition?
a) Stimson’s Gravity Method
b) Endoscopic method
c) Arthroscopic method
d) Laryngeoscopic method

❑25 years old girl comes with elbow dislocation. What could be the most
common cause of dislocation?
a) Fall on outstretched hand
b) Fall on back
c) Fall on knee
d) None of the above
MCQs by Rabia Tasmeer
❑An old male patient, 58 years old had a fall while taking shower in
bathroom. He was diagnosed with hip fracture. Which of the
following is NOT the clinical manifestation of this patient?
a) Severe pain and tenderness.
b) Muscle spasm.
c) Shortening of affected leg.
d) No pain at all.
MCQs by kanza khan
❑A 65 years old female comes to the hospital with complain of pain in joints
while walking after a period of inactivity, her flexibility is lost, stiffness as
well in the morning, what will be the possible diagnosis?
a) Previous fracture.
b) Dislocation.
c) Osteoarthritis.
d) Septic arthiritis.

❑A 7 months old infant presents with protuberant abdomen (pot belly) what
would be the cause of this development?
a) Caput quadratum.
b) Pectus craninatum.
c) Thoracic asymmetry.
d) Hypotonia of abdominal muscles.
MCQs By Kanza khan
❑A 10 year old male complains of frequent falling, waddling gait,
difficulty getting up what will be the most possible major symptom
regarding these complaints?
a) Myotonic.
b) Duchenne and becker.
c) Contracture.
d) Gower’s sign.
MCQs by Tahiya Zafar
❑A female aged 45 years comes in the doctor's office, she works as the home
interior designer, so picking up stuff was normal to her. The main signs showing
she has pain in the joints along with stiffness and loss of flexibility. On further
check up it seems like her cartilage is wearing away in arthritis joint, what is most
likely to be the diagnosis?
a) Rickets
b) Osteoarthritis
c) Osteoporosis
d) Sprain

❑A boy aged 20 years old comes in the hospital after having accident from a
motorbike, on carefully examination of him, doctors found inflammation, lower
bone density. On testing the bones, x rays are to be tested, what is the possible
b) muscle torsion
c) strain
d) sprain
MCQs by Tahiya Zafar
❑Boy aged 6 years with a symptoms of muscle weakness and upon
checkint further, he has wasting of skeletal and cardiac muscles, the
main muscles are wasting from pelvis, thighs, shoulders. What is the
b) Muscle weakness
c) dushenne
d) none of the above
MCQS by Filza Zulfiqar
❑A child aged 6 months having abnormal stature. Having pain and muscle cramps,
teeth deformity and skeletal deformities. On blood test we found out that he has
deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Since he has abnormal skeleton and he looks
so weak, we're further testing for blood test, bone x rays and biopsy for bones.
Which of the following diseases he has been diagnosed with?
a) Rickets
b) osteomalacia
c) Osteoporosis
d) muscular dystrophy
❑A sportsman playing hockey, after running faster, he fell on his arm and his arm
hit the ground, that is where he felt the outrstreched on his arm during the fall.
His arm is immoveable, intensely painful and swollen and discolored, what is the
possible diagnosis?
a) Fracture
b) Sprain
c) Muscle tear
d) Dislocation
MCQS by Filza Zulfiqar
❑The child aged 15 years old having poor bone stature, walking gait,
frequent falls and having trouble standing up on his feet and learning
disabilities. On further examination of blood test and biopsy we found
out that he has weakness in the muscles and they break down easily
so what is the diagnosis?
a) Muscular dystrophy
b) Rickets
c) Osteoarthritis
d) Osteoporosis
MCQs by Ali Fayaz
❑A female came to physiotherapist knee pain management, In x-ray Dr find
degenerative changes occur in their left knee, how pain will managed?
a) Rest
b) Apply over the counter creams
c) Use of NASIDS
d) All
❑5 Years old child comes to hospital with muscle spasms or stiffening after
use, hand weakness, foot drop and waddling gait, what will be the possible
diagnosis test will be do?
a) Muscle biopsy
b) DNA testing
c) Both
d) None
MCQS By Ali Fayaz
❑35 years old patient comes to hospital with swear pain in shoulder
afer x-ray doctor find dislocation in shoulder, what will the best
clinical management can be do?
a) Open Surgery
b) Kochers Method
c) Immobilization
d) Both B & C
MCQs By Aqsa Nadeem
❑ Mr. Adnan met with an accident and his right femur broke at 3 different places.
The cut was a clean break and the four pieces were put back together in their
original place. What kind of fracture did he have?
a) Contusion
b) Hairline fracture
c) Multiple fracture
d) Simple fracture.

❑A patient come to the hospital with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Which
medications can slow muscle damage in patients?
a) N -saids.
b) Corticosteroids
c) Aspirin.
d) All of these.
MCQs By Aqsa Nadeem

❑A patient come to the physiotherapy department with hip dislocation

in which he has flexion, adduction ,H/O trauma and medial rotational
deformity of the affected limb. And hip movement is grossly
restricted to him. Which type of reduction techniques is given?

a) Assistant stabilizing the pelvis.

b) Longitudinal traction is applied.
c) Both a and b.
d) None of these.
Farah Shafique
Reg no.DPT02163132
1) A patient comes to the hospital with an accident and his right femur broke at
3 different places.The cut has clear break and the four pieces were put back
together in their original place.what kind of fracture did he have?
a. Contusion
b. Hairline Fracture
c. Multiple Fracture
d. Simple Fracture
2) A children who are between 6 to 36 months old that comes to the
hospital with a history of softening and weakening of bone.Physical
diagnosis show skeletal deformities teeth deformities such as delyed tooth
formation .Laboratory examination show lack of vitamin D,calcium or
phosphate .what is the diagnosis?
a. Osteoprosis
b. Sickle cell anemia
c. Progeria
d. Rickets
3) A patient comes to the hospital with a history of bone pain
(especially spine,pelvis and legs )difficulty to walking. Laboratory
examination shows soft bone often because of vitamin D deficiency
.Which drug are used for the treatment?
a. Phenobartbital
b. Amoxillin
c. Epinephrine
d. Doxycycline
Submitted By: Fatima Shafiq
Registration No: DPT02181138
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A 65 years old male in having bone pain, muscle weakness &
his bone fracture easily. What amount of Vitamin-D does his
body requires per day:
a) 7.5 μg
b) 10 μg
c) 10 μg
d) 20 μg

2. A 60 years old lady is complaining of having swollen small joint

of hands & feet, tenderness & warmth & stiffness that limits
movements. What will be the diagnosis?
a) Carpel tunnel syndrome
b) Rheumatoid Arthritis
c) Osteomalacia
d) None

3. A 20 years old boy is having tingling & numbness in fingers,

aching in thumb, swelling of forehead & arm, burning pain in
wrist, weakness of grip. What will be the best diagnosis?
a) Local pain
b) Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
c) Osteoarthritis
d) Tennis Elbow

1-a four year old girl is brought to the primary health cetre for not being to walk
properly.On examination, there are skeletal deformities of both upper and lower limbs
with marked bowing. General examination shows pallor, otherwise there are no other
signs. The abdomen is distended, otherwise systemic examination is normal.
1. Based on the above history and examination, the diagnosis is
a) Vitamin A deficiency ki
b) Scurv
c) Rickets
d) None of the above
2-A 43-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of generalised bone pain, muscle
weakness and gait disturbance. The patient had been following a restricted diet and
avoiding ultraviolet exposure for 8 years to manage her worsening atopic dermatitis.
Physical examination revealed generalised bone tenderness and bilateral symmetric
proximal muscle weakness. Vitamin D-deficient was diagnosed based on the laboratory
examination findings.What is the probable diagnosis?
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Osteoporosis
c) Osteomalacia
d) Rheumatoid arthritis
3-A 37-year-old woman developed a symmetrical polyarthritis. A test for rheumatoid
factor was positive and erosive changes were seen on X-ray confirming a clinical diagnosis
of RA. The arthritis followed an aggressive course with poor response to a variety of
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and she became increasingly disabled due to severe
destructive changes in the knees, wrists and shoulders. A moderate dose of prednisolone
was introduced at the age of 42, with some symptomatic improvement in her joints and she
was referred to an orthopaedic surgeon with a view to knee replacements. However, 1
month before her orthopaedic appointment she presented to the emergency department
with a painful swollen right knee. On examination she was unwell, febrile (38°C) and had a
hot, red right knee with a sizable effusion. 80ml of purulent synovial fluid was aspirated
from the joint and microscopy of the fluid revealed numerous Gram-positive cocci .What is
the probable diagnosis?
a) Compartment syndrome
b) Septic arthritis
c) Rickets
d) Malaria
Surgery MCQs topics:
• Osteoarthritis
• Rickets
• Fractures
• Dislocation
• Muscle dystrophy
1) A patient is admitted to the hospital with the complaint of severe joint pain and
swelling. Factory worker by occupation and 47 Y/O. On physical examination the patient
presents with hard lumps around the painful joint.
What is the possible Diagnosis?
A) Rheumatic Arthritis
B) Osteoporosis
C) Osteomyelitis
D) Osteoarthritis
Correct answer: D
2) An11 month’s old child is admitted to the hospital due to irritability and Difficulty in
breathing. On examination the patient presents with abnormally protruded abdomen,
kyphotic back and abnormal increase in the size of the head. What would be the possible
A) Cerebral Palsy
B) Hydrocephalus
C) Rickets
D) Spina bifida
Correct answer: C
3) A 5 y/o child is admitted to the hospital due to muscle weakness and difficulty
changing position. During physical examination we found that the child has abnormal
curvature of spine and a waddling gait. What is the possible diagnosis and treatment?
A) Duchenne MD, exercise and corticosteroids
B) Cerebral palsy, exercises
C) Rickets and corticosteroids
D) Myotonic MD, phenytoin.
Correct Answer : A

Question 1: A 45 years old patient comes to hospital with joint pain, stiffness, swelling
and feel joint tenderness when apply light pressure. what will be the diagnosis?
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Rickets
c) Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Septic arthritis

Question 2: When someone seated in a car during a road accident is thrown forward
striking the knee against the dashboard. They result from trauma to the flexed knee with
the hip in varying in degrees of flexion. The femur is thrust upward and the femoral head
is forced out of its socket. Which type of injury is?

a) Osteoarthritis
b) Soft tissue injury
c) Dashboard injury
d) Sciatic nerve injury

Question 3: A young patient comes to hospital with bone fracture. The bone partly
fractures on one side, but does not break completely because the rest of the bone can
bend. Which type of fracture is?

a) Transverse Fracture
b) Green stick Fracture
c) Transverse Fracture
d) Spiral Fracture
Group B:


Roll NO: DPT02171113
Topic: scenarios
Subject: Surgery
Department: DPT
Semester: 7th
Submitted to: MAM Natasha

1-A 39 year old women presents to her physician’s office due to pain,
numbness, tingling of her palm, thumb, index and middle finger .the
patient reports that the pain is worse at night and when her hand is
outstretched. To relieve the pain she shakes her hands or places it under
warm water. She says that the symptoms mainly affect the first 3 digits
of her hand. She denies any recent injury or pain in hand .On physical
exam she has normal ROM of neck and…it is due to:
1-Radail nerve neuropathy
2-axillary nerve neuropathy
3-ulnar nerve neuropathy
4-median nerve neuropathy
2- A 60 year old man presents to emergency department for worsening
knee pain. He reports that his symptoms began 10 days ago and is
unable to bear weight on affected knee. He has also diabetes type 2.on
physical examination,the right knee is erythematous , swollen and tender
to palpation and decrease ROM on affected joint. Laboratory testing
reveal elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate.what will be the
1-rheumatoid arthritis
3-septic arthritis

3- A 39 year old women came to physicians with pain and swelling in

the hands and wrists. She reports morning stiffness that lasts for
approximately 1 hour which later improves. She also states experiencing
symptoms of depression and fatigue. Physical exam reveal that there is
tenderness to palpation and swelling of the proximal interphalangeal
joint and metacarpophalengeal joints. What will be the diagnosis?
2-carpal tunnel syndrome
3-muscular dystrophy
4-rheumatoid arthritis

Question 1: Patient A is white, 60 years of age, and works as a cab driver. While driving home
after work, he develops an aching in his chest and slight, regular palpitations. The ache is still
present when he goes to bed, when he wakes several times during the night, and when he gets up
in the morning, seven hours after retiring. He drinks some soda water, but when the aching does
not improve, he decides to go to the emergency department.

At the hospital, Patient A complains of chest pain accompanied by diaphoresis, slight shortness
of breath, and nausea. Relief of pain is obtained with IV morphine sulfate. When the patient is
admitted to the critical care unit (CCU), his symptoms are generally unremarkable except for
recurrent pain.

Answers :
A. Acute anterolateral MI, generally uncomplicated
B. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
C. Hypertension: Untreated for 15 years, probably essential hypertension given age at onset

Question 2: Mrs Jones (not her real name), 55 years old, came to a
musculoskeletal specialist seeking advice for a 3-year history of progressively
worsening pain in both knees. Her knees were stiff for about 20 minutes when
she arose in the morning and for a few minutes after getting up from a chair
during the day. She had difficulty walking > 30 minutes because of pain, and
her symptoms were exacerbated by kneeling, squatting, or descending stairs.
Although sitting, resting, and reclining relieved her pain, she became stiff if
she stayed in one position for too long. Her symptoms were worse on humid
or cold days, and she occasionally felt as if one of her knees would “give out.”

A. the duration of the effects of this injection to be variable, lasting from a few days to >6
B. is still receiving conservative care and is doing well. She is able to participate in
recreational activities and continues with a strengthening program.
C. illustrates how a conservative management strategy can help maintain patient
functioning and quality of life while minimizing side effects and avoiding major
surgical trauma to the patient.

Question 3: Emma is a 35-year-old woman who injured the ACL and meniscus in her right knee
playing NCAA collegiate soccer at age 20. Her ACL was surgically reconstructed, and she
returned to play after completing a full physical rehabilitation program. During her annual
physical, she comments that her right knee feels achy some mornings when she wakes up. She
also notes that while kicking the soccer ball with her children over the last couple of months, she
has felt twinges of pain and a feeling of weakness in her right knee. Emma is 5’11” and 215
pounds (BMI 30 kg/m2). On her pre-visit worksheet, Emma reported that she engages in
moderate exercise about once per week for 30 minutes but is otherwise fairly sedentary. She also
reported eating fast food for lunch 5 days a week.

A. What are Emma’s risk factors for developing OA?

a) Having had a knee injury
b) Being female
c) Being overweight
d) All of the above

B. What strategies would best help Emma reduce her pain and slow the progression of OA?
a) Lose weight and increase physical activity
b) Oral or topical NSAIDs
c) Intraarticular corticosteroid injection
d) Nothing; knee pain is inevitable with aging, and she should learn to live with it.

• Muhammad Asim Mukhtar

• Dpt02163080
• Mcqs surgery
• Group A

1.A patien have lower excretion of phosphorus. Which type of rickets he or she is likely to
a.vitamin D deficiency
b.Phosphorus deficiency
c.Hypophosphatemic rickets
d.All of above
Correct answer: B

2.A pt. Comes to you with symptoms of abnormalities in sensory sensations in palmer aspect
of the 1st digit and radial one half of 4th finger. He lso has weakness in hand muscles what
will be the possible diagnosis?
a. Spinal cord injury
b. Carpel tunnel syndrome
c. Claw hand
d. Osteoarithritis
Correct answer: B

3. If a 22 years old patient is having carpel tunnel syndrome, which nerve will be
a. Radial nerve
b. Ulnar nerve
c. Muscle cutaneous nerv
d.Median nerve
Correct answer:D





A 45 yr old female present with joint pain in hand and knee and hip joint usually during or after
use,or after period of inactivity.on examination there is tenderness as well as stiffness around the
joint.she is obese and had a history of radius fracture.her radiographs shows cartilage wear.What
will be the possible diagnosis you suggest:
A: Gout
B: Septic arthritis
C: Osteoarthritis
D: Rheumatoid arthritis
Correct answer= C
A 67 yr old male presented with bone and muscle weakness.he had parental history of rickets.on
further examination he was having drugs( phenobarital) for insomnia.what will be the diagnosis:
A: Osteochondrosis
B: Osteoarthritis
C: Osteomalacia
D: Rheumatoid arthritis
Correct answer= C

A 50 yr old dibetic patient presented with pain in palmer aspect of first three digits and radial one
half of the fourth finger after falling on the out-stretched hand 2 days ago.He also complaint
about tingling sensations in the fingers.Physician suggested Carpel tunnel syndrome.which of the
nerve is most likeley to damaged?
A: Radian nerve
B: Brachial nerve
C: Ulnar nerve
D: Median nerve
Correct answer= D

A 1.5 yr old girl presented to hospital with muscular weaknes,malaise and diarrhea.she has
thoracic assymetry and repiratory infections.her test result was; low calcium level,reduced serum
phosphorus level,serum alkaline phosphotase was elevated,serum 25-hydroxy cholecalciferol
level was also low.what will be possible diagnosis you suggest:
A: Marasmus
B: Kwashiorkor
C: Rickets
D: None of above
Correct answer= C

Muhammad Burhan
45-year-old male that comes to the clinic with a history of pain with tingling and
numbness in the right hand with thumb, index and middle finger involvement.The
patient describes the pain as needles and pins.Investigation shows that pateint has
carpal tunnel syndrome.
Choise of treatment is:
b) Vitamin B-6
c) Vitamin B-12
d) Beta blocker

A 15 yrs old male come to clinic with multiple joints pain especially knees, ankle,
elbow and wrists.Pain relieved with NSAIDS.On examin minimal signs of
inflammation present. And xray was unremarkable.
Diagonosis will be:
a) Psoratic arthritis
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Oestoarthritis
d) Osteomalacia

A 44-year-old woman developed polyarthritis. The symptoms include Fever, severe

pain, swelling of the joint and tenderness. If poorly treated which of the following
may occour over time to the women?

a) Growth disturbance
b) Cartilage destruction
c) bone destruction
d) All of the above

Muhammad wasam
A group of disorders affecting the voluntary muscles in the human body is
known as muscular dystrophy. In this disease, the patients experience
progressive weakening of skeletal muscles and loss of muscle mass. This
disorder is caused due to the interference of abnormal genes in the formation
of proteins essential for muscle formation.
1. One of the ways scientists suggest to find a treatment for muscular
dystrophy is
(a) replacing muscles
(b) create customized diets for them to be healthier and stronger
(c) attempt to correct defective genes so it creates the right proteins
(d) none of these
Answer: (c)
When a person gets osteoarthritis of the hip, where else might the pain
show up?
A. Arm
B. Groin
C. Feet
D. Shoulders
E. All of the above
Answer (E)

Mr. A met with an accident and his right femur broke at 3 different places. The cut
was a clean break and the four pieces were put back together in their original place.
What kind of fracture did he have?
a) Contusion
b) Hairline Fracture
c) Multiple Fracture
d) Simple Fracture
Answer (c)

1. Sohail yaqoob
2. Dpt02161015
3. Group A

1. A RTA patient is presented to you in a hospital setting, upon examination you notice his
tibia bone breaking out of the skin, what kind of fracture are you dealing with ?
1. Pathological
2. Closed fracture
3. Open fracture
4. None of the above
Answer: open fracture

2. IIf a person has morning stiffness of more than one hour, arthritis and soft tissue swelling
of more than 3 joints and subcutaneous nodules are present on his olecranon process of right
elbow. What will be the most probable disease?
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Osteoporosis
c) Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Rickets
Answer: Rheumatoid arithritis

3.A 18 year old boy have bone disease which one he likely to have?
a) Osteomalacia
b) Rickets
c) Osteoarthritis
d) Rheumatoid arithritis
Submitted to : Dr Natasha
Submitted by :Fatima Naeem
Reg no : Dpt02171002
Section : 0
Subject :surgery

1).A 25 year patient his clinicle history trauma ,pateint has flexion ,abduction ,medial
rotaion deformity of the affected limb and hip movement grossly ristricted. So after x_ray
this symptoms show are____

..A.(hip dislocation)
B.hip fracture
C.face joint dislocatin

2).A bone fracture patient after assesment doctor collaborative care are insert pins
,plate,intermedullary rods,and screws or surgicaly inserte at the time of
realignment this fixation is____?

A.External fixation
...B.(Internal fixation)

D.All of above

3).if 35 year women complain joint pain after daignose patient symptom
osteoarthritis symptom doctor recomend firstly medicine .Medications that can
help relieve osteoarthritis symptoms, primarily pain, include:

A.Acetaminophen. B.NSAIDs
..C.(Both a & b)


 A 52 years old woman came to the hospital with severe knee pain, stiffness ,
swelling, loss of flexibility. Pain started a year ago and exaggerate day by day. She is
hypertensive patient. X-ray shows narrowing of joint space, broken cartilage and
bone spur around the joint. What is the diagnosis?
A) Rickets.
B) Osteoporosis.
C) Osteoarthritis.
D) Osteomalacia.
 A young patient comes to hospital with bone fracture. The bone partly fractures on
one side, but does not break completely because the rest of the bone can bend.
Which type of fracture is?
a) Transverse Fracture.
b) Green stick Fracture.
c) Oblique Fracture.
d) Spiral Fracture.

 A 5 year old girl is brought to the primary health center for not to walk properly.On
examination, there are skeletal deformities of both upper and lower limbs with
marked bowing. General examination shows pallor. The abdomen is distended,
while systemic examination is normal, the diagnosis is?
a) Vitamin A deficiency.
b) Anemia.
c) Rickets.
d) osteomalacia.

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

• Fractures
• Dislocation
• Rickets
• Osteoarthritis
• Muscular dystrophy
• A 7 years old patient presents with the complaint or difficulty in walking and
muscle weakness. On examination it is observed that the patient also gets his
muscle stiffened after work and foot drop. What is the diagnosis and medication?
a. Duchenne MD, corticosteroids
b. Myotonic MD, Quinine or Phenytoin
c. Cerebral palsy, corticosteroids
d. None of the above
Correct answer: B
• A 44 y/o patient visited the hospital with the problem of severe joint pain and
swelling. He concluded that he have had this pain for the past 2 weeks. The
physical examination shows lumps around the joint and the imaging tests reveals
the narrowing of space between the joints. Choose the best possible diagnosis:
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Septic arthritis
c. Osteoporosis
d. Rheumatoid arthritis
Correct answer: A
• A case of a small child of 1 year was presented in the hospital whose head was
abnormally enlarged and was having difficulty in breathing. The patient had
kyphotic back and appeared to be a case of malnutrition. Further examination
revealed that the patient is suffering from rickets. What Medication would be
recommended to the patient?
a. Oral administration of vit.D
b. Corticosteroids
c. Quinine or phenytoin
d. None of the above
Correct answer: A

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Assignment of surgery-1

Mcq from
➢ Soft tissue injury
➢ Rheumatoid
➢ Septic arthritis
➢ Carpal tunnel

Submitted by
➢ Affifa sher Muhammad
➢ Dpt02171027 (7TH )
➢ 22may2020
Submitted to
➢ Dr. Natasha

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza

Registration # dpt02171079
: Ali. is a 45-year-old male that comes to the clinic with a history of pain with tingling and
numbness in the right hand with thumb, index and middle finger involvement that started 2 days
ago while he was at work. The patient describes the pain as “needles and pins”. The discomfort
gets exacerbated as he does repetitive computer work and gets mildly relieved with handshaking
and change of positions. A.R. is an established patient at the clinic that has a desk job at a local
insurance company. He has been taking Tylenol 500mg for the past day with little symptom relief.
Patient denies any recent fall or trauma to the involved extremity. Denies shortness of breath,
chest pain, headaches or recent infection.
a) CTS
b) Cervical rediculopathay
c) Polyneuropathy
d) Ulnar nerve compression

Q2: Joy G. is a 48-year old married mother of 3 active boys, ages 12, 15, and 18. She enjoys
attending her sons’ sporting events and providing “Mom-Taxi” services for her sons and their
friends. She also loves her part-time job as a hairdresser at a popular salon. Seven months ago,
Joy began noticing stiffness in both hands in the morning that lasted longer and longer. Stiffness
now lasted more than 1 hour every morning and included hands, wrists and ankles. She also had
increasing difficulty standing for long periods at work or at home due to foot and ankle pain. She
began taking ibuprofen 800mg 3 times daily and found it helped her get through her day with less
pain and stiffness. Three months ago, Joy noticed pain in her right and left shoulders when she
would cut or blow dry her client’s hair. She also began feeling extremely tired and short
tempered. She had no energy to do her usual activities. Ibuprofen was no longer very effective for
her pain or stiffness.
a) Osteoarth ritis
b) Chronic gout
c) SLE
d) RA

Q3: The patient is vegetarian without any unusual medical history. He owns a private
business; he usually transfers light objects within 10 kg. Since about 1-2 years ago, he had pain
on his legs when walking and difficulties to run and walk upstairs. Also, he sometimes had
cramps at hip-joint and hip muscles but he didn't experience much inconvenience in daily life.
Three months before visiting a hospital, he did intensive work to carry things while moving so he
had more serious pains at hip-joint part. Then the patient experienced difficulties in walking and
abnormalities and oppressive pains around coccyx. He was disturbed while in sleep since he
couldn't lie down due to the severe pains and cramps occurred as he spread his legs more. A half
month before the hospital visit, he couldn't sleep due to serious cramps without specific reasons
and then he came into neurology department out-patient clinic of the hospital in order to have
additional examination and treatments.

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
DPT 02171023
1. A 42 year male comes in physiotherapy ward with pain in multiple joints and swelling.
By examination, its clear that his joint spaces are increased and joint effusion is present.
Patient has the symptom for 3 days and pain intensity is increasing gradually. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Septic arthritis
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Both B and C

2. A 38 years old female presenting to you with history of muscle weakness, generalized
bone pain, and gait disturbance. The patient had been following a restricted diet (without
fish or dairy products and avoiding ultraviolet exposure for 8 years to manage her
worsening atopic dermatitis. Physical examination revealed generalized bone tenderness
and muscle weakness. Laboratory examination revealed vitamin D deficiency. What is
the probable diagnosis?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Juvenile arthritis
C. Osteomalacia
D. Muscular dystrophy

3. A 26 year old male present in hospital due to falling ankle inversion. Patient has
symptom of soft tissue injury. Patient want to increase flexibility of joint, muscle strength
and balance. What kind of management he will be given.
A. Cryotherapy therapy
B. Rest
C. Compression
D. Physiotherapy

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Surgery Group A
1. Emma is a 35-year-old woman who injured the ACL and meniscus in her right knee playing
soccer An 8 year old boy was presented for difficulty in walking and muscle weakness with
difficulty in climbing stairs, running and particularly in vigorous physical activities, he also had
decreased strength and endurance. His parents did not have consanguineous marriage, one brother
and two sisters were all healthy; no other family members were similarly affected. at age 20. Her
ACL was surgically reconstructed, and she returned to play after completing a full physical
rehabilitation program. . Emma is 5’11” and 215 pounds (BMI 30 kg/m2). On her pre-visit
worksheet, Emma reported that she engages in moderate exercise about once per week for 30
minutes but is otherwise fairly sedentary. She also reported eating fast food for lunch 5 days a
Q1. What are Emma’s risk factors for developing OA?
A. Having had a knee injury
B. Being female
C. Being overweight
D. All of the above
2. A 34-year-old man presents to the emergency department after a motor vehicle accident with
severe left hip pain and a lower extremity rotational deformity. He was the driver when he lost
control and hit a pole. On examination, he has a shortened and externally rotated left lower
extremity. Radiographs of the left hip show a posterior hip dislocation.
What is the best treatment option for this patient?
A. Closed reduction then CT
B. Closed reduction then MRI
C. CT then closed reduction
D. Open reduction and internal fixation
3. An 8 year old boy was presented for difficulty in walking and muscle weakness with difficulty in
climbing stairs, running and particularly in vigorous physical activities, he also had decreased
strength and endurance. His parents did not have consanguineous marriage, one brother and two
sisters were all healthy; no other family members were similarly affected.
?What is this type of dystrophy
A. Duchenne dystrophy
B. Becker dystrophy
D. Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Case Presentation 1-
• A 55 years old female came to a musculoskeletal specialist
seeking advice for a 3-year history of progressively
worsening pain in both knees.

• Her knees were stiff for about 20 minutes when she arose
in the morning and for a few minutes after getting up from
a chair during the day. She had difficulty walking > 30
minutes because of pain, and her symptoms were
exacerbated by kneeling, squatting, or descending
stairs.Although sitting, resting, and reclining relieved her

• she became stiff if she stayed in one position for too long.
Her symptoms were worse on humid or cold days, and she

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
occasionally felt as if one of her knees would “give out.”she
was slightly obese.

• 1.What will be the most appropriate diagnosis?



d-Muscular dystrophy
Case Presentation 2-

• An 8 year old boy was presented for difficulty in walking


muscle weakness with difficulty in climbing stairs,

running and particularly in physical activities, he also had
decreased strength and endurance. No other family
members were similarly affected. On examination, he had
difficulty jumping onto the examination

table, a Gower sign (a sequence of manoeuvres for rising

from the floor,After examination he has proximal weakness
of pectoral and pelvic girdle muscles, a waddling gait
tight hell cords, and apparently enlarged calf muscles.

What will be the diagnosis?


b-Septic arthritis


Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
d-Muscular dystrophy
Case Presentation 3-

A 6-month-old male child with a chief complaint of failure

to appropriately gain weight despite adequate caloric
intake via breastfeeding. While he has met developmental
milestones he appears small for age and is diagnosed
with failure to thrive after crossing two major growth curve

• What will be the most close diagnosis?

• a-Rickets
• b-Rheumatoid arthritis
• c-Osteomalacia
• d-Muscular dystrophy.


Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Submitted by: Nimra Iftikhar

Submitted to: Dr. Natasha Fatima.

35 year-old woman gradually developed painful wrists over three months; she
consulted her doctor only with pain early morning stiffness stopped her from ADLs.
On examination, both wrists and the metacarpo-phalangeal joints of both hands were
swollen and tender but not deformed. On investigation, she was found to have a raised
C-reactive protein (CRP) level. X-rays of the hands showed bony erosions in the
metacarpal heads.
The most probable diagnosis is
a. Bone fracture
b. Osteomalacia
c. Osteoarthritis
d. Rheumatoid arthritis

32 year old factory worker female presented with a complaint of hand numbness with
pain. When it was reported, the pain was in both hands, and the hands go numb in the
morning. Carpal tunnel syndrome was diagnosed upon the examination finding. She
was obese with thyroid dysfunction. What is the most likely cause for this
a. Being female
b. Obesity
c. Workplace factor
d. All of the above

A 52 year-old woman with a history of well-controlled epilepsy, cardiac failure and

depression presented with a four months history of throughout day generalised pain
without morning stiffness. Her haematology report indicated moderate raised plasma
level, normal calcium and very raised alkaline phosphatase. Which of the following is
best diagnosis regarding these symptoms

a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteomalacia
c. Rheumatoid arthritis
d. Septic arthritis

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Raheela Ashraf

1.A patient have inflammatory disorders ,rheumatoid arthritis ,poliomyelities,

cerebral palsy ,There include in which of following
A) acquired dislocation
B) Congenital dislocation
C) both a&b
D) none of above

2.A patient have disruption and break in the continually of the structures of bone. Also
have tramatic injuries include
A) fracture
B) none of above
C) dislocation
D) both a&b

3.A patient have chest pain, tachycardia, cyanosis, paO, dynpnea these symptoms
include in
C) None of above
D) Immobility

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079



Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

1. A patient come to ER with symptoms of pain , parasthesia and pallor. On examination

increase in intercompartmental pressure with beeding was discovered. What will be the
a)Greenstick fracture
b)Compartment syndrome
c)Venous thrombosis
d)Fat embolism syndrome
correct ans: B

2. A 42yearsold male with history of osteoarthritis complains of severe pain in groin or

buttock area and sometime inside of the knee or thigh. Determine which joint
osteoarthritis is?
a)Knee OA
b)Finger OA
c)Hip OA
d)Feet OA
correct ans: C
3. A rare type of vitamine resistance was diagnosed in an adolescent which is termed as
d)Rachitis Trada
correct ans: D

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Sana Javed

I. A 19 years old boy is having osteolamacia, what will be the

treatment for this condition:
a. Vitamin-D Supplementation
b. Diet
c. Sun Exposure
d. All of Above

II. If a 22 years old patient is having carpel tunnel syndrome,

which nerve will be compressed?
a. Median Nerve
b. Ulnar Nerve
c. Superior Vestibular Nerve
d. Cochlear Nerve

III. A patient is having progressive, incurable, metabolic

disease characterized by abnormal deposits of protein in the
kidneys. What will be the correct answer for this condition?
a. Fibrosis of lungs
b. Renal Amyloidosis
c. Rheumatoid Nodules
d. None of above

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
NAME : Abuzar Nadeem
Reg no : DPT02171073
1) A person with age 50yrs comes with a complain of bone and muscle weakness and
has a history of vitamin D deficiency and is on vitamin tablets to overcome
deficiency he also complains about tenderness widening of wrists and skeletal
deformities, What possible diagnosis can be made considering the S/S.

a) Osteomalacia
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Rickets
d) Osteoarthritis

2) A patient is diagnosed with osteomalacia and reports about suffering from muscle
weakness , tenderness widening if wrists and skeletal deformities , what should be
the best possible management technique?
a)adequate sun exposure
b) diet rich in calcium
c) both a and b
d) none of the above

3) An old citizen with a history of weak bone and muscular problem comes to clinic in
order to get checked up about the recent complication he developed which was
related to GIT disturbances , based on his past medical history what diagnostic tests
would you recommend him to have in order to finalize the best possible diagnosis?

a) Levels of calcium including vit D

b) LFT
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
REG # DPT02171005

A RTA patient is presented to you in a hospital setting, upon examination you notice his tibia
bone breaking out of the skin, what kind of fracture are you dealing with ?
1. Pathological
2. Closed fracture
3. Open fracture
4. None of the above
Answer: open fracture
A RTA patient is presented to you who was involved in a car accident, upon examination you
notice his hip is dislocated, patient also reports of hitting his knee on car’s dashboard during the
impact, which type of dislocation is most probable in this case ?
1. Posterior dislocation
2. Anterior dislocation
3. Lateral dislocation
4. Medial dislocation
Answer: posterior dislocation
A 55 years old patient is presented to you with history of bone fractures which happen easily,
he’s also experiencing bone tenderness and muscle weakness, patient also appears to be
malnourished, upon tests his serum calcium and phosphorus levels also appear to be low, what
disease will you diagnose the patient with ?
1. osteomalacia
2. rickets
3. osteomyelitis
4. osteo arthritis
Answer: Osteomalacia

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Andleeb shehzad

A 67 year-old woman with history of rheumatoid arthritis .Shehas pain in both ankles
with pedal oedema, more prominent on the left foot, both knees, finger joints, wrists,
lumbar back. The location of pain was shifting. She presented with fatigue and
dyspnea. All complaints worsen in the evening.Choice of treatment is:
1) Anti inflamatory
2) Steroids
4) None of the above

A 45 years old patient come to OPD with septic arthritis diagnosed.The patients has
symptoms except:
1) Fever
2) Tenderness
3) Limited joint mobility
4) Cold

57-year-old female who presented to our outpatient department with complaints of

persistent numbness over the lateral side of her palm and poor grip strength of her
right hand.the patient diagnosed with:
1) Soft tissue injury
2) Poly arthritis
3) Carpal tunnel syndrome
4) Fracture
Ans 3

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

1. A 81 year old male presented with a complaint of severe acute joint paint. Upon physical
examination it was revealedt that the patient's joint mobility was very limited, his joints
were tender and warm and there was swelling present as well. The on call doctor ordered
an xray of the joints. The xray showed narrowing and irregularity of joint space. What
would be the diagnosis of the patient?
a. Compartment syndrome
b. Septic arthritis
c. Osteomalacia
d. Osteoarthritis

1. A 45 years old male that comes to the clinic with a history of pain with tingling and
numbness in the right hand with thumb, index and middle finger involvement that started
2 days ago while he was at work. The discomfort get exacerbated as he does repetitive
computer work and gets mildly relieved with handshaking and change of position. What
is the probable diagnosis?
a) Carpel tunnel syndrome
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Rickets
d) Muscular dystrophy
2. A case of a small child of 1 year was presented in the hospital whose head was
abnormally enlarged and was having difficulty in breathing. The patient had kyphotic
back and appeared to be a case of malnutrition. Further examination revealed that the
patient is suffering from rickets. What Medication would be recommended to the patient?
a) Oral administration of vit.D
b) Corticosteroids
c) Quinine or phenytoin
d) None of the above

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Aqsa Anwar
1) A 45 years old male that comes to the clinic with a history of pain with tingling and
numbness in the right hand with thumb, index and middle finger involvement that started
2 days ago while he was at work. The discomfort get exacerbated as he does repetitive
computer work and gets mildly relieved with handshaking and change of position. What
is the probable diagnosis?
a) Carpel tunnel syndrome
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Rickets
d) Muscular dystrophy
2) A 35 years old woman presented with a 2 year history of generalized bone pain, muscle
weakness and gait disturbance. The patient had been following a restricted diet (without
fish or dairy products) and avoiding ultraviolet exposure for 8 years to manage her
worsening atopic dermatitis. Physical examination revealed generalized bone tenderness
and muscle weakness. Laboratory examination revealed vitamin D deficiency. What is
the probable diagnosis?
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Muscular dystrophy
d) Osteomalacia
3) “Soft tissue swelling” and “Joint space narrowing” are the early findings of which of the
following disease?
a) Septic arthritis
b) Carpel tunnel syndrome
c) Rickets
d) Osteomalacia

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Areeba Ihsan
Reg No; dpt02171052
1. A 50 year old white lady comes to a clinic with the history of loss of movement, erosion
of joint surface, has morning stiffness and soft tissue swelling. She is also a regular
smoker from past 30 year. She also appears with pericardium, pleura and sclera. She used
NSAIDS as a treatment option. What will be your most appropriate diagnosis?
a. Septic arthritis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Rheumatoid arthritis
d. Osteomalacia.
2. A 65 years old male comes to a clinic with muscle weakness, bone ache also have a
family history of rickets and pt. have Vit D deficiency what will be your final diagnosis?
a. Rickets
b. Carpel tunnel syndrome
c. Muscular dystrophy
d. Osteomalacia.
3. A person comes to a clinic with soft tissue injuries, pain and swelling in soft tissues.
Which investigation method we used to diagnose the disease?
a. MRI
b. X-ray
c. CT
d. Blood test.

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Scenario MCQS
1) A 45 year old female comes to the clinic with the history of pain and numbness in the
right hand with thumb, index and middle finger involvement that started 3 days ago while
she was cooking food. The patient describes the pain as “needles and pins”. The
discomfort gets exacerbated as she does repetitive movement of hand while doing house
chores and gets mildly relieved with rest and change of positions. What will be the
a) Carpel tunnel syndrome
b) cervical radiculopathy
c) arthritis
d) none
2) A 19 year old female after falling from stairs came to the hospital with the history of
pain, swelling and bruising in the left ankle. Possible diagnosis will be?
a) osteoarthritis
b) muscular dystrophy
c) Soft tissue injury
d) none
3) A 45 years old male comes to your clinic with the complaint of GIT problems, renal
failure and Vit D deficiency. What will be your appropriate diagnosis?
a) Rheumatoid arthrits
b) Osteoporosis
c) Osteomalacia
d) septic arthritis

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Name: Arneeb Hassan
Reg#: Dpt02171040
Subject: Surgery

A 30 years old patient admitted to hospital with fracture immobilization.
He also have muscle spasm due to immobilization and in past history due to
the fracture he is suffering from some pathological condition. Which is the
best method to treat that?
a) Internal Fixation
b) External fixation
c) Approximation
d) Traction
A female 45 years old patient is admitted to hospital and she has a condition
in which she has elevated intracompartmental pressure within a confined
myofascial compartment compromises the neurovascular function of tissues
within that space. What is the problem he is having?
a) Carpal tunnel syndrome
b) Compartment syndrome
c) Venous thrombosis
d) Wallet syndrome

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
A patient is having a localized pain in lower limb and he told the doctor
about that and he observe that the patient is having a problem in which piece
of the periostium is intact across the fracture. What is the problem?
a) Unstable Fracture
b) Stable Fracture
c) Open Fracture
d) Closed Fracture

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079

Hafiz Attiq ur rehman


1) If a person has morning stiffness of more than one hour, arthritis and soft tissue swelling
of more than 3 joints and subcutaneous nodules are present on his olecranon process of
right elbow. What will be the most probable disease?
a) Rickets
b) Osteomalacia
c) Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Muscular dystrophy
2) If a patient of soft tissue injury comes to your clinic for the treatment. Which one of the
following is contraindicated in the treatment of soft tissue injury?
a) Elevation
b) Rest
c) Use of crutches and slings
d) Compression bandage
3) Which one of the following organism can cause septic arthritis?
a) H. influenza
b) HIV
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) None of these

Submitted by: Syed Ahsan Raza
Registration # dpt02171079
Sawera Ali

Q:A 17-year-old male presented with increasing pain in the left upper arm of
approximately 3 months' duration and a recent onset of low-grade fever. On physical
examination, there was some local tenderness and soft tissue swelling over the
proximal and mid thirds of the left humerus.which is contraindicated in this condition:
A) Compression
B) Ice
C) Exercise
D) sling

Q:A 40-year-old man presents to his primary care doctor complaining of pain in his
ankles, knees, feet, heels, lower back and buttocks. His eye also appears to be
inflamed. And, he reports having a burning sensation when urinating, which has
become much more frequentThe patient is exhibiting signs of:

A) Septic arthritis
B) Sciatica
C) Rheumatoid arthritis
D) Age-related wear and tear on joint

Q:A patient presenting the complain of pain,tingling and parasthesia in

hand.Investigation show that patient has carpal tunnel syndrome:
Which nerve will effect:
1) Median nerve
2) Ulnar nerve
3) Radial nerve
4) Tibial nerve

Surgery 1:
Submitted by:
Seemab Khan (DPT 02171059)
Submitted to:
Dr. Natasha
Date of submission:

Group B:
• Soft Tissue Injury
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Septic Arthritis
• Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
• Osteomalacia
Question no 1:
A patient of age 32 presents to hospital surgical emergency with ankle pain. The patient’s ankle
has been twisted since he was climbing up the stairs while he was on the phone call. The patient
is diabetic. And got his tibia fracture 2 years back in a bike accident. The patient complains with
dizziness. And a heavy heart at night causing difficulty in sleeping. Patient also complains with
urinary incontinency. His symptoms are Pain and intense swelling, bruises can be seen. X-rays
shows no bone fracture. Choose the most possible diagnosis:
a) Soft tissue damage
b) Nerve impingement
c) Sciatic nerve pain
d) Bone trauma
Question no 2:
A patient of age 67 presents with complaint of sudden severe pain in the hip area, restricting the
patient from walking and is really painful. Patient has no fall history. X-rays show milkman line
on thigh bone. The patient had asthmatic attack few weeks ago. And complaining with low grade
fever at rest .The patient was already on Vitamin D supplements, because he was suffering from
muscle weakness and painful bones. Patient has a family history of hypertension. What do you
think he is suffering from? Possible Diagnosis is:
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Osteoporosis
c) Osteomalacia
d) Diabetes mellitus

Question no 3:
A patient of age 16 came to hospital due to sudden onset of acute pain in the left hip for 10 days.
The pain is associated with high grade fever with chills, was non radiating, severe in intensity
and aggravated by movements in hip, and was only partially relieved with medication. The fever
was remittent and was relieved with medication, only to reoccur. There was no history of any
trauma cough, anorexia or pain or swelling in any other joint of the body. The child’s medical
and family history was non contributory. There was no significant past history. What is the
possible diagnosis?
a) Acute pyogenic septic arthritis
b) Tubercle arthritis
c) Osteomalacia
d) Both a and b
Shabina Arshad Bhatti
Question 1
A 32 years old male patient came tou the
hospital with an open fracture of tibia bone,
because of Road traffic accident an hour ago
skin of that part is breeched and area is bleeded
badly his Blood pressure is 100/80mmg/dl.
His past history shows kidney infection from
last 3months. What type of treatment we would
A) Internal fixator & casts.
B) Internal fixator & antibiotics.
C) External fixator and antibiotics. ✔️
D) non of the Above.
Correct answer is C

Question 2
A 5 years old boy came to the hospital who is
unable to walk, difficulty in waking up, His
muscles stiffened, foot drop and hands were
weak. His pulse rate is 50-80 per minute.
Diagnosis shows muscke distrophy, What type
of treatment we would use:
A) Physiotherapy.
B) Medication.
C) Surgery.
D) Both a & b. ✔️
Correct answer is D

Question 3
A 52 years old woman came to the hospital with
swerve knee pain, stiffness , swelling, loss of
flexibility. Pain started a year ago and
exaggerate day by day. She is hypertensive
patient. X-ray shows narrowing of joint space,
break cartilage, bone spur around the joint. What
is the diagnosis?
A) Rickets.
B) Osteoporosis.
C) Osteoarthritis. ✔️
D) None of the Above.
Correct answer is C


Question 1:
A 60 years old patient come to the hospital presenting bones
pain, muscular weakness and fatigue, fever, vitaminsC
deficiency also past history of the patient is renal tubular
acidosis. What is the possible diagnose?
B. osteomalacia
C. Septic arthritis
D. Osteoporosis

Question 2:
A 65 years old patient come to the hospital with short joint pain
feeling numbness, tingling and swelling which medication is
recommended to treat inflammation?
A. Opioids
B. Anticoagulant
D. Cortisone therapy
Question 3:
A patient has inflammation of synovial membrane and he has
acuteness of onset of joint pain:
B. rickets
C. Septic arthritis
D. none

Mariya Mazher DPT02171017
Wardah javaid DPT02171039
Farwa Amjad DPT02171056
Mahrukh anjum DPT02171077
Surgery MCQS
1) aA patient comes to you with the chief complaint of body pain , muscle weakness ,
scoliosis and having waddling gait . what will be the correct diagnoses for the patient
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Osteomalacia
c) Rheumatoid arthritis
d) Septic arthritis

2) A 50 year old female comes to the emergency dep with severe pain , swelling and often
bruising at the ankle and patient is recommend for XRAY
Which type of injury is this
a) Joint injury
b) Soft tissue injury
c) Bone fracture
d) minor fracture

3) A patient comes to you with the symptoms of tingling in gingers, clusiness in hands , swelling
of hand and forearm and burning pain form wrist to hand
Which nerve is damage
a) Ulnar nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Median nerve
d) None
4) A patient with abnormal sensation present on palmar aspect of first 3 digits and radial one half
of fourth digit. What will be the diagnosis?
a) carpel tunnel syndrome
b) Renal disease
c) Fracture of wrist
d) None
5) An ederly patient is diagnosed with tumor induced osteomalacia. What would be the
a) Aspirin
b) Beta blocker
c) Phenytoin and actezolamide
d) All of the above
6) what will be the radiological findings of 50 year old patient with CTC?
a) Fractures
b) Codfish vertebrae
c) Pseudo fractures
d) All of the above

7) A 52 yrs old patient came to doctor, complaining of pain in knee joint also face difficulity in
walking. There is tenderness in an area of pain.X-Ray findings show decreased joint spaces.
What would be the possible diagnosis?
a) Rhuematoid arthritis
b) Fracture
c) Osteoporosis
d) Septic Arthritis
8) A 20 yrs young athlete, while tackling a foot-ball on ground suffered from sprain due to over-
stretching of ligaments. What would be the effective treatment?
a) Bandaging
b) Pain-Killers
c) RICE method
d) HOT Packs
9) A 69 yrs old patient was presented to doctor with sudden onset of pain in joints involving
wrist, elbow, hand and knee(bilaterally) .She also describe that pain starts in morning and then
disappears . After listening to the patient doctor suggests Blood test in which increased RF is
noted i.e; 2IU/ml . which means she suffered from
a) Rheumatoid Arthritis
b) Septic arthritis
c) Soft-Tissue injuries
d) Osteomalacia
10) A pt. Comes to you with symptoms of abnormalities in sensory sensations in palmer aspect
of the 1st digit and radial one half of 4th finger. He lso has weakness in hand muscles what will be
the possible diagnosis?
a. Soft tissue injury
b. Osteomalacia
c. Carpal tunnel syndrome
d. Rhematoid arthritis
11) A patient comes to you with symptoms of respiratory infection. Constipation,
And anemia. He was diagnosed with osteomalacia wdue to malabsorption. What will be the
possible treatment?
a. Vit. D for4-6 weeks.
b. injection oral dosing of significant amounts of Vitamin D.
c. Calcium and phosphorus supplements.
d. All
12) A pt. Comes to you with symptoms of symmetric arthritis, subcuteneos nodules, and Rh
factor level above 95 percentile he was diagnosesd with rhematoid arthritis what will be the
possible treatment?
a. Cortisone Therapy
b. Anti-inflammatory Agents
c. Acupuncture
d. All

Name Rana HAmza Habib
Reg no DPT02171035
Group A
1) A 60 year old patient fall off from the bike and there is hip dislocation occuer and damages
the siatic nerve.Which of the following is sign of siatic nerve injury in hip dislocation except
a. All of the above
b. Loss of sensation in posterior leg and foot
c. Loss of dorsiflexion (peroneal branch) or plantar flexion (tibial branch)
d. Loss of deep tendon reflexes at the ankle S1 , 2
All of the above
2) In Allis reduction method the surgeon increase the traction and should slowly increase the
degree of flexion to approximately
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. All of the above
d. 70%


3) A45 year old patient come to doctor with hip dislocation and surgeon treat the patient with

bigelow method .In Bigelow method the head of femur is levered back into acetabulum by

which movement

a) adduction, external rotation and extension of the hip

b) abduction ,internal rotation and flexion of hip

c) external rotation and extension of hip

d) internal rotation and flexion of hip

Adduction, external rotation and extension of the hip

Submitted By Tajamul hussain bangash
Registration # DPT02171068
Athletic sustained an injury around the knee joint suspecting
cartilage damage which one of the following is an investigation
of choice
a. Plain X -RAY
b. Clinical Examination
c. Arthroscopy
d. Arthotomy

A Patient gives H/O twisting strain and locking of the knee
joint the mostly likely diagonse is

a. Avulsion of tibial Tubericle

b. Meniscal Tear
c. Tearing of laterial collaterial ligament
d. Tear of Anterior Cruicate Ligament

which is the investigation of choice for a sport injury of the
knee? when patient complain with server knee pain
A. Ultrasonography
B. Plain radiography
C. Arthrography
D. Arthroscopy

Submitted By Tajamul hussain bangash
Registration # DPT02171068
Athletic sustained an injury around the knee joint suspecting
cartilage damage which one of the following is an investigation
of choice
a. Plain X -RAY
b. Clinical Examination
c. Arthroscopy
d. Arthotomy

A Patient gives H/O twisting strain and locking of the knee
joint the mostly likely diagonse is

a. Avulsion of tibial Tubericle

b. Meniscal Tear
c. Tearing of laterial collaterial ligament
d. Tear of Anterior Cruicate Ligament

which is the investigation of choice for a sport injury of the
knee? when patient complain with server knee pain
A. Ultrasonography
B. Plain radiography
C. Arthrography
D. Arthroscopy

Nosheen Asif
Semester 7th

Q:1. A 59 years old man came to hospital with 2 year history of bone pain muscle
weakness and gait disturbance.The patient had been following a restricted
diet(without fish and dairy products)and avoiding ultraviolet exposure for 8
years.What was his diagnosis?

1. Osteomalacia

2. Osteoarthritis

3. Osteoporosis

4. None

Q:2 A 25 years old boy came to hospital with symptoms of numbness,paresthesia

and pain in the wrist and move towards the fingers.After performing different lab test
Dr asked him he has suffered with carpel tunnel syndrome.What type of surgical
treatment Dr. Given to the patient?

1. Open carpal tunnel release

2. Physical therapy, medication

3. A&B

4. None

Q:3 A 35years old male who play basket ball at the local recreation center.He
sustained a massive inversion sprain of his right ankle when landing on foot of an
opponent after jumping to rebound the basket ball. He wrapped the ankle and iced for
2 days.On 3rd day he went for radiography.No fracture was detected. Observation
revealed swelling and discoloration in anterior and lateral ankle region. What was his

1. Ankle Strain

2. Dislocation of ankle joint

3. Ankle Sprain





A 6-year old boy presents to the emergency department with 24-36 hours
of right leg pain. He was febrile, tachycardic and irritable. Ethan had
a painful and warm right knee effusion with reduced range of motion and
was unable to bear weight. His bloodwork showed an elevated WBC,
elevated ESR and elevated CRP. X-ray of the bilateral knees and right
hip were normal. Synovial fluid analysis revealed an elevated WBC of and
the gram stain showed gram positive cocci in clumps. What is the most
likely diagnosis

a) Septic arthritis
b) Osteoarthritis
c) Flu
d) Rheumatoid Arthritis

Answer.. a

A 53-year-old woman had spent two consecutive days shucking corn: that
is to say, removing the outer husks. On the evening of the second day,
she presents to our emergency room in great distress complaining of an
acute onset of severe pain in her left wrist associated with
paraesthesia in the radial 3 digits. Clinical examination revealed
swelling of the volar aspect of the left wrist which was acutely tender
to palpation. Wrist movements and finger flexion were resisted due to
pain and sensory testing with touch was reduced in the median nerve
distribution. Two-point discrimination was absent. Which of the
following tests may help us with the most quick and effecient diagnosis
of the patient

a) CBC
b) Phalens maneuver or Tinels test
c) Joint arthroscopy
d) LFT

Answer.. b
A footballer while playing football twists his ankle and falls down, the
game is called to a halt and the footballer is carried away from the
field. You are the teams physiotherapist what should be your first step?

a) Order a CT scan of the joint

b) Order a CBC
c) Rest, Ice, Elevate the affected joint
d) Order an MRI of the joint

Answer.. c
Name: Saman Masood

Roll number: DPT02171069


MCQS (Group B)

Q1- A 39-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency department with cellulitis of her
right foot and lower leg that rapidly developed into tissue necrosis. The patient course is of unique
interest due to progressive history over a 104 days time frame with complications following surgical

The patient is supposed to have?

A) Rheumatoid arthritis

B) both c and d

C) Soft tissue injury of the lower extremity

D) Soft tissue injury of the uper extrimity

Q2- A woman, 54 years of age, who has been employed for 17 years in the manufacturing industry. She
has missed little work and continues to perform her regular duties, which include spending many hours
each day at an assembly station. Patient also spends time each day at her home computer. The patient
presents to her physician's office with chronic pain, tingling, and numbness in her right hand and wrist
as well as pain, tingling, and numbness in her neck and shoulders. It indicates that she is unable to take
anti-inflammatory medication due to a peptic ulcer and that she has had no success alleviating
symptoms with other medications. She also reports a history of hypertension and recent-onset arthritis.
The patient is diagnosed with?

A) None

B) carpal tunel syndrome

C) Rhuematoid arthritis

D) wrist ganglion
Q3- A 64-year-old woman with a history of well-controlled epilepsy, cardiac failure and depression
presented with a three-month history of generalised aches and pains, which were present throughout
the day. There was no morning stiffness.Clinically, there was no evidence of cardiac failure.A routine
haematology and biochemistry screen revealed a moderately raised plasma viscosity, normal calcium,
but a significantly raised alkaline phosphatase.

The patient was seen by the endocrinologists and started on vitamin D and calcium supplements, and
she made a dramatic improvement. A few months later, when she returned for routine follow-up, she
was walking normally.

She was suffering from?

A) osteomalacia

B) osteoarthritis

C) osteoporosis

D) none of the all

REG NO:DPT02171090

A athlete of 28 yr old is complaining severe pain, swelling and
bruising in his heel bone due to over stretching of the ligament .What will b the
A:talofibular ligament sprain
B: Ankle sprain

C : Calcaneofibular ligament sprain☑

D: None

A 69 old male having bone pain , muscle weakness and his bone
fracture easily .What amount of Vitamin D does his bidy requires per day?
A: 5.0


A 20 yr old boy having tingling and numbness in fingers , aching in thumb
, swelling of Arm and burning pain in wrist. What will be the best diagnose?

A:carpel tunnel syndrome ☑

D:Rheumatoid Arthritis
Name:Umaima Naeem, DPT02171063, 7TH SEMESTER.


A 50 year Old woman presented in OPD with complains of stiffness in movements of right
knee joint. There were no signs of swelling or inflammation at this joint. Although, there was
moderate pain present. Patient didn’t went any injury. On radiography, there is joint mice
present with in yhe synovial cavity. What is your diagnosis of this patient?
A. Septic Arthritis
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Rheumatoid Arthritis
D. T. B

A 8 year Old boy presented with complains of fractured Radius and Ulna. Along with that
there is bowing of increased legs from last 2 and half Months. On examination, there was
frontal bossing, distended abdomen, muscular weakness and caput quadratum including
wrist ankles and knees. How will you manage this patient?
1. By giving NSAIDs and Rehydrate.
2. Will start patient on steroids.
3. Will surgically correct the fracture and then put on Vitamin D and Calcium
4. Will start growth hormone infusion.

A 20 year Old patient comes to the OPD of Mayo Hospital with generalized muscle
weakness, foot drop, difficulty in getting up, curvature of the spine, eyelid drooping,
mental impairment and lungs failure. What is your diagnosis of thid patient?

1. Generalized muscle weakness.

2. Buchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
3. Parkinson’s disease.
4. Multiple Sclerosis.

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