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Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad http://jonathanlewis.wordpress.


Oracle Scratchpad
June 12, 2009
Consistent Gets – 2

Filed under: Infrastructure — Jonathan Lewis @ 8:45 pm UTC Jun 12,2009

How would you describe “db block gets” and “consistent gets” in a couple of short paragraphs ? Having asked
the question, I suppose I ought to offer my version of the answer up for scrutiny and dissection.

Before supplying my descriptions, I’d like to point out that there are (at least) two other mechanisms that Oracle
uses to visit data blocks in the buffer cache: re-visiting pinned buffers, and doing a fast cleanout on commit.
These buffer visits can be seen in the statistics: “buffer is pinned count” and “commit cleanouts successfully
completed”. (The statistic “commit cleanouts” tells you how many times Oracle tried to do a commit cleanout,
and there are various statistics to explain the failures.)

Whan I asked the question originally, I pointed out that it as possible for Oracle to change a block without
recording any type of “get” and without generating any undo or redo; that’s the “commit cleanout”. Strictly
speaking I wasn’t telling the exact truth, the cleanout is completed by the next person to update the block, and
it’s the next person that generates the relevant undo and redo, so technically you could argue that the commit
cleanout is the source of some undo and redo, even though its apparance is delayed.

So, back on point:

A db block get is used when Oracle has to see the most recent version of a block, including all the uncommitted
changes – but “commit cleanouts” are not considered to be db block gets even though the block has to be the
most recent version of the block.

The two commonest reasons for db block gets are:

access to a block to change the data – you should only change the latest version of the block and …
access to index blocks to check uniqueness and referential integrity constraints – behind the scenes,
your session needs to see uncommitted changes from other sessions (even though you, end-user aren’t
allowed to see these changes) in case you are trying to make a change that will become illegal when the
other session commits. This conflict is often the cause of mode 4 waits on TX enqueues. [Paragraph
updated in response to a comment below.]

A consistent get is any other “latch protected” block visit (i.e. excluding visits to pinned buffers) that does not
need to see the latest version of the block.

The two commonest reasons for consistent gets are:

access to an undo block to find records that can be used to construct a “read-consistent” version of a
data block and …
access to a version of a data block showing only the changes that had been committed as at a given point
in time (as indicated by a system change number (SCN)).

Of course, when all you want to do is give the right sort of impression about what’s going on, the “traditional”
descriptions are adequate approximations: “a db block get access the latest version of a block”, “a consistent
read uses undo to produce a version of a block as at an earlier point in time”. But it’s nice to be able to add
more precision when you see unexpected patterns in the numbers in a Statspack or AWR report.

Here, for example, is a thought that’s often overlooked – and it’s a point I made in the earlier posting. A “read-
consistent” block may be in a state that never existed in the past. Consider this scenario:

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Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad

Session 1 updates row 1 in the block, but does not commit.

Session 2 updates row 2 in the block, and commits
Session 3 queries the block

Session 3 has to apply undo records to a copy of the block to reverse out the change to row 1. The “read-
consistent” copy of the block includes the change to row 2, but not the change to row 1 – it is in a state that
never existed in the past.

Once you’ve realised the significance of this simple scenario you can understand why it’s possible to see
extreme numbers of consistent gets when several processes mix short and long transactions to update a small
section of a database – the processes are constantly thrashing through the undo segments to create versions of a
handful of blocks to see what the data would look like if the changes made by other sessions weren’t there. This
effect can become particularly serious with code that does “select for update” followed a little later by “update

One final thought – if you’re about to update a block you acquire it with a db block get to make sure you’ve got
the latest version. But before you update it you have to create a read-consistent copy to check that

the target rows you can see in the current block existed when you started your update and …
there aren’t any “missing” rows that were target rows when you started the update but don’t look like
targets in the current block because they have been deleted or updated by other transactions (which may
or may not have committed) in the interim.

When you start to think carefully about read-consistency you sometimes wonder how the technical wizards at
Oracle Corp. managed to get it working at all !

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Comments (23)

1. [...] 12th June] I’ve published my definitions in a separate note. But this is the link to the blog that started
this thought running. Comments [...]

Pingback by Quiz Night « Oracle Scratchpad — June 12, 2009 @ 9:28 pm UTC Jun 12,2009 | Reply

you said ;
The two commonest reasons for db block gets are (a) accessing a block to change the data – you should
only change the latest version of the block – and (b) access to blocks to check uniqueness and referential
integrity constraints – you need to see uncommitted changes from other sessions in case you are trying to
make a change that will become illegal when the other session commits.

Aren’t they same ? At the end, you try to change data for both case, don’t you ?

Another question, Is there a way we wont get db block get for any data change ?

Comment by coskan — June 12, 2009 @ 10:02 pm UTC Jun 12,2009 | Reply

2 of 10 30.06.2010 16:34
Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad

I added a few words to clarify things.

1) If you insert a row in a child table you get “db block gets” on the block, a segment header block (if it’s
start of transaction) and an undo block (if it’s the first time the undo block has been used in that
transaction). Those have to be “db block gets” because you are about to change the blocks.

BUT you will also check the primary key index of the parent table to check the referential integrity – and
those will be “db block gets” as well, even though you won’t be making any changes to that index.

2) As clarified – a “commit cleanout” does not do a “db block get” (or any sort of get), but it changes the

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 12, 2009 @ 10:12 pm UTC Jun 12,2009 | Reply

It is now clear as a daylight. Thank you very much for this invaluable post.

Comment by coskan — June 12, 2009 @ 10:19 pm UTC Jun 12,2009 | Reply

You have not linked to the original blog entry. I suspect it is because the author is shown to be very
ignorant about db_block_gets?… but I won’t mind if you are pointing the finger at me

Comment by mwidlake — June 13, 2009 @ 9:47 am UTC Jun 13,2009 | Reply


It was yours, and I added a link to it from the original article.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 13, 2009 @ 10:40 am UTC Jun 13,2009 | Reply


You wrote: “The “read-consistent” copy of the block includes the change to row 2, but not the change to
row 1 – it is in a state that never existed in the past.”

The apparent contradiction in terms stems from imprecise language used to describe the block of interest
(“read-consistent copy of the block”). What one is interested in is a read-consistent subset of rows(or a
partial row) that happens to reside in a block rather than the entire block as there may be multiple
“consistent” blocks depending on what consistent subset of rows we are interested in.

Of course, the Oracle reconstruction process to obtain old committed rows will produce blocks with
consistent rows plus some garbage that can be ignored, as well as the fact that no such “consistent” block
has ever existed, except for the performance implications you described so well above.

Comment by Val — June 13, 2009 @ 3:28 pm UTC Jun 13,2009 | Reply

3 of 10 30.06.2010 16:34
Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad


I think you could refine your comment further by saying that we see a block in three ways – (a) the
individual rows, (b) the set of rows for each possible transaction on the block, and (c) the entire set
of rows in the block.

Read-consistency is an operation that has to handle an entire block but is really only interested in
subsets of the rows -the ones relevant to particular transactions.

As so often, confusion arises (as you point out) by imprecise use of language that leads to
inaccurate thinking.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 14, 2009 @ 6:17 pm UTC Jun 14,2009 | Reply


Regarding ‘consistent get’, Does oracle use the same previous data block in memory from first current
block cloned while hunting down other undo segment until first older/equal SCN found ?


Comment by Bundit — June 13, 2009 @ 4:00 pm UTC Jun 13,2009 | Reply


I’m not quite sure that I understand your question – but you may be thinking about cases where one
sessions produces a CR block and another session wants an even older version.

There are cases where a session can pick up a CR copy and roll it back further (and I believe the
“single transaction” flag on the buffer header identifies those cases), but in some cases it will have
to start with the current version again.

There are several variations on the strategy for how a session manages to get to its required version
as efficiently as possible.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 14, 2009 @ 6:20 pm UTC Jun 14,2009 | Reply

“Strictly speaking I wasn’t telling the exact truth, the cleanout is completed by the next person to update
the block, and they generate the relevant undo and redo”

It’s true for all cleaned blocks? or just for dirty blocks, that were written by DBWR before COMMIT?
When all blocks were cleaned by COMMIT in SGA, no undo and redo is generated by the next person, I

Comment by radino — June 14, 2009 @ 4:45 pm UTC Jun 14,2009 | Reply


4 of 10 30.06.2010 16:34
Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad

I have a couple of hours in an airport on Tuesday – I’ll try to write up the main variations then.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 14, 2009 @ 6:21 pm UTC Jun 14,2009 | Reply

The two commonest reasons for consistent gets are (a) accesses to undo blocks to find records that can
be used to construct a “read-consistent” version of a data block
But then what about the question that you raised in earlier post? Why is access to UNDO blocks recorded
as “consistent get” when they are actually read as they exist i.e. CURRENT mode?
Also, for those using 8i, even a simple SELECT can generate “DB block Gets” even when there are no
referential integrity constraints, for the reasons that you mentioned in earlier post.
(I know the “world” is supposed to be talking about 10g and above by default, but I believe there are still
many “shops” that continue to still use 8i and will observe this behaviour, which has changed partially in
9i and completely in 10g, as you suggested in previous post).

Comment by Narendra — June 15, 2009 @ 7:29 am UTC Jun 15,2009 | Reply


I don’t know if Oracle ever uses older copies of undo blocks (e.g. in RAC, where the current copy
may be on a different node; or to allow another user to add records to the block while you are
reading them to find older records) but there are cases where at least in principle the block doesn’t
have to be the current block.

Regarding the db block gets on select. This is presumably the delayed block cleanout effect you are
thinking of – which fits the definition because Oracle is changing the block and therefore ought to
be doing a db block get. The surprise isn’t that 8i showed db block gets for this operation, it’s that
later versions don’t.

I’ve just run a select statement on 10g which produced 20,000 db block changes and the
corresponding 20,000 redo records without reporting any db block gets. We can only assume that
the rationale follows that of the commit cleanout.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 15, 2009 @ 9:38 am UTC Jun 15,2009 | Reply

Regarding the db block gets on select. This is presumably the delayed block cleanout effect you are
thinking of – which fits the definition because Oracle is changing the block and therefore ought to be
doing a db block get.
Thanks for your response. However, as I had mentioned in comment on your previous post, I had
observed the DB Block Gets for ALL executions of the SELECT and not just initial (after creating data).
Also, I had created very small no. of rows (max 1 block). My understanding was Delayed Block Cleanout
will cause excessive redo generation (only for subsequent initial SELECT). Does it mean Delayed Block
Cleanout will result in “db block gets” as well? I am struggling a bit to understand the correlation between
delayed block cleanout & db block gets.

Comment by Narendra — June 15, 2009 @ 3:05 pm UTC Jun 15,2009 | Reply


5 of 10 30.06.2010 16:34
Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad

I’ve added to your comment a link back to your previous comment so that people can see the

The point I made there was that the db block gets you see are a very special case (in fact they may
well be a bug) due to the version (8i) and the create table as select (CTAS) you are using.

Create a larger table with 100 blocks instead of just one and the number of db block gets will still
be 12 – they are all accesses to the segment header block.

That particular bit of activity has nothing to do with delayed block cleanout – and there’ll be a short
note about cleanout and related topics in a few days.

You just have to recognise that sometimes there are special cases for reasons we cannot guess.

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 15, 2009 @ 9:42 pm UTC Jun 15,2009 | Reply

10. [...] Lewis- Consistent gets 2-How to remap_tablespace on original export import Chen Shapira [...]

Pingback by Blogroll Report 12/06/09 – 19/06/09 « Coskan’s Approach to Oracle — June 23, 2009 @
11:23 am UTC Jun 23,2009 | Reply

11. [...] LIO: (a.k.a Logical I/O) – a visit to a block that is in the buffer cache, initiated by a search though a
cache buffers chain while holding a latch. (See also PIO). For further reading about logical I/Os, see this
note. [...]

Pingback by Glossary « Oracle Scratchpad — June 27, 2009 @ 8:12 pm UTC Jun 27,2009 | Reply

“you need to see uncommitted changes from other sessions in case you are trying to make a change that
will become illegal when the other session commits.”

I am confused! I thought that uncommitted changes in other sessions were absolutely not ever visible. I
am missing something glaring, I know, but what?!

Comment by Nigel — June 29, 2009 @ 3:55 pm UTC Jun 29,2009 | Reply


I’ve modified the wording to clear this up. Your session is allowed to run code behind the scenes
that sees the uncommitted changes even though you, as an end-user, don’t have access to those

Comment by Jonathan Lewis — June 29, 2009 @ 6:34 pm UTC Jun 29,2009 | Reply

That is very intersting! It also blows apart my understanding of how Oracle works! I had,
rather simplistically, believed that SCN was King and that first past the post was the “winner”
in transactions. I had no idea that (relatively) complex stuff like that you describe went on. Is
this in the Oracle Docs.?

Comment by Nigel — July 13, 2009 @ 1:43 pm UTC Jul 13,2009 | Reply

13. [...] #4 An absolutely confusing definition of consistent gets, which are different from current mode gets.
The consistent get, while coming from memory, may have involved one or more physical disk reads. The

6 of 10 30.06.2010 16:34
Consistent Gets – 2 « Oracle Scratchpad

“db block gets” statistic is actually the same thing as a current mode get. A consistent get attempts to
build a version of a block as of a specific time, or more accurately, as of a specific SCN through the
application of zero, one, two, or more undo blocks. The specific SCN to which the block is rolled back is
dependent on the current isolation level specified for the session. A current mode get will contain both
committed and uncommitted data since it is the version of the block as it exists at that instant. See these
blog posts: [...]

Pingback by Statspack/AWR Report Resources « Charles Hooper's Oracle Notes — December 14, 2009
@ 2:14 pm UTC Dec 14,2009 | Reply

14. [...] [...]

Pingback by True or False – Undo « Charles Hooper's Oracle Notes — May 9, 2010 @ 2:10 pm UTC
May 9,2010 | Reply

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