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North South University

Spring, 2020

Final Assessment
Human Resource Management (MGT351)

Total Marks: 30

Please read the instructions carefully before answering any questions

a) You will submit your work on a specific folder created on google classroom

b) Any type of plagiarism will deduct marks significantly. You have to make sure the
originality of your work

c) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks (5*6 = 30)

d) Word limit: 5,000 words

1. As a response to COVID -19 issues, Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, has started
treating coronavirus patients since last month. Healthcare workers are on the frontline of
the COVID-19 response. Two volunteers from North South University intend to join in
Kurmitola General Hospital to assist the medical team. Since they do not have any
technical knowledge, they will be helping the team with activities like registering the
patients, providing initial information about treatment, collecting samples, etc. As the
manager of this hospital, you must arrange training for these volunteers to enhance their
skills and willingness to work. Therefore, list and briefly explain the steps you will follow
to train these individuals. How would you measure the effectiveness of the provided

2. Compare and contrast performance management and performance appraisal. Suppose,

you are the owner of a startup restaurant named “Kashmiri Kitchen” and have recruited ten
undergraduate level students as the waiters of this restaurant. Explain in your own words
how you would go about developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale and Management
by Objectives (MBO) to evaluate the performance of your employees?

3. You want to hire a new salesperson for the small dress shop you own in Bashundhara,
Dhaka, but first need to decide what sort of pay package to offer whomever you eventually
hire. How would you determine a market competitive pay plan for your company?

4. Give four examples of when you would suggest a merit pay plan. Do you think it’s a
good idea to award employees merit raises? Give argument in favor of your answer.

5. Salary structure of Mohd. Asif Siddiqui are as follows:

Total Salary BDT1,00,000

Basic 52,000

House Rent 25,000

Medical 8,000

Transport 7,000

Telephone 3,000

Miscellaneous 5,000

Additional details:

Provident Fund : 8 % of the basic, Yearly increment: 9.33% of the basic and Probation period: 0
year. The company decides 85% match for five years employment and the employee will
receive the full amount of his provident fund if he works at least seven years as a fulltime
employee. Therefore, if an employee leaves the organization after five years of service, what
would be his total amount of provident fund?

6. “Remember that it is more important to standardize ends and competencies than specific
methods” is the principle Tracey Grabowski, the Chief HR officer of Procter & Gamble Co,
follows to recruit and retain the most qualified employees for the company. Give your view
considering global HR policies and practices. Please detail your idea using two specific
Ans. TO. The. Ques. No. 1

There are certain lists about how to train individuals to enhance their skills and willingness to
work. As their work activities are like registering the patients, providing initial information about
treatment, collecting samples, etc. the manager should follow some training steps that are given

 On the Job Training- It means having a person learn a job by actually doing it. Every
employee from the mailroom clerk to CEO gets on the job training where he or she joins
a firm. In on the job training manager can arrange a coaching method where the trainee
will work directly with a senior manager.
 Apprenticeship Training- Here the trainee will become skilled workers through a
combination of classroom instruction and on the job training.
 Informal Learning- Trainee can learn through informal means, including performing
their jobs while interacting every day with colleagues.
 Job Instruction Training- Manager has to list job basic tasks and then train employees
step by step.
 Programmed Learning – This is a systematic method for teaching job skills. In this
method, manager will present questions for the method and allow trainees to respond and
giving the learner immediate feedback.
 Audio Visual Based Training- Manager can arrange web- based methods like using
PowerPoint, DVD’s, and films.
 Team Training- The manager can arrange team training.

Training Effects to Measure

 Reaction- Evaluate trainee’s reactions to the program. Did they think it worthwhile?
 Learning- Test the trainees to determine whether they learned the principles skills and
facts they were supposed to learn.
 Behavior- Ask whether the trainees on the job behavior changes because of the training
 Results- What results did they achieve in terms of the training objective previously set?
Ans. To. The. Ques. No. 2

The comparison and contrast of performance management and performance appraisal are given
 Performance management is the continuous process of identifying, measuring, and
developing the performance of individuals and teams where the performance appraisal is
evaluating an employee’s current and/ or past performance relative to his or her
performance standard.
 Performance management process includes direction sharing where performance
appraisal process includes setting work standards.
 Performance management includes ongoing performance monitoring where performance
appraisal includes assessing the employee’s actual performance.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale is an appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits
of narrative critical incidents and quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific
narrative examples of good and poor performance.
For developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale of newly recruited waiters of the restaurants
we need to follow some steps.
 Write Critical Incidents- We need to analyze the behavior of newly recruited waiters in
certain events.
 Develop Performance- In this step, we need to develop performance dimensions such as
result and output, input, time, focus, quality, cost and, output for newly recruited waiters.
 Reallocate Incidents- Then we need to reallocate the original critical incidents.
 Select the Incidents- In this step, we need to scale the critical incidents and then rates
how effective and ineffective these behaviors affect the performance own scale.
 Develop a Final Instrument- In the last step, we need to develop a final instrument
through measuring the final quality or behavior.
We need to develop management by objectives by setting an appraisal program. As a manager
the task would be setting specific measurable, organizationally relevant goals with each
employee and then periodically discuss the latter’s progress toward these goals.
By developing these we can evaluate the performance of newly recruited employees.
Ans. To. The. Ques. No. 3

For determining a market competitive pay plan for my company there are some steps need to be
considered. These steps are given below:
 Choosing Benchmark Jobs- Benchmark jobs are representative of the jobs the
employers need to evaluate. So first we need to choose benchmark jobs.
 Selecting Compensable Factors- Pay act of 1963 uses four compensable factors such as
skills, effort, and, responsibility and working conditions. So it needs to consider before
determining a market competitive pay plan.
 Assigning Weights to Compensable Factors- The next step is to determine the relative
importance of each factor. This is important because of each cluster of jobs some factors
are bound to be more important than others are.
 Convert Percentage to Points for Each Other- The next step is it converting the
percentage weights assigned to each compensable factor into point values for each other.
 Define Each Factor Degrees- Splitting each factor into degrees and defining each degree
so that raters may judge the amount existing in a job
 Determining for Each Factor its Factor Degrees Point- The evaluation committee
must be able to determine the number of points each job is worth. To do this the
committee must be able to examine each job and determine what degree of each
compensable factor that job has.
 Review Job Descriptions and Job Specifications- Reviewing job descriptions and
specifications are needed for the selected compensable factors such as efforts, job
complexity and working conditions.
 Evaluate the Job- After that, the committee determines the degree to which each
compensable factor is presenting each job.
 Draw the Market Wage Curve- The Internal wage curve from step 9 is helpful. To
draw the market wage curve produce a scatter plot and wage curve
 Compare & Adjust Current Market Wage Rates for Jobs- Based on comparing the
current wage and market wage curve the current pay rates must be adjusted.
 Develop Pay Grades- A pay grade is composed of jobs of approximately equal difficulty
or importance as determined by job evaluation.
Ans. To. The. Ques. No. 4

Merit pay means merit raise. IT is a salary increase the firm awards to an individual employee
based on individual performance.
The four examples of when a merit pay plan should be suggested are given below:
 Merit pay increases efforts in working. For example, if a teacher gets bonuses or base
payments then the teacher will work harder than before.
 Merit pay involves shows more interest in doing works. A faculty can be more interested
in his or her work if she or he gets merit pay.
 Merit pay also increases interest in working more. For example, if a faculty is told to do
some research he or she may not do that without getting extra pay or reward but if he or
she get a merit pay then will agree to work on research.
 A merit pay plan also develops the skills of a worker.
So, we can say that because of above- given reasons and examples a merit pay plan should be
suggested in an organization.

Award employee merit raises it’s a good idea. It motivates high performance. It is important
especially in jobs where efficiency in products, service, or selling is critical. In service jobs,
merit pay can reward service employees who achieve high satisfaction scores with customers. It
also promotes key goals. In this way the employees get rewarded based on whose performance
contributes strongly to the direction and vision of the organization. It increases flexibility and
also employee gets attracted for owner or merit pay.
If an employee doesn’t get an award of merit raises then they will not take their work sincerely.
They will not motivate themselves to work harder.
So, that’s why it is a good idea to raises awards or merit pay for employees to maintain a good
working environment in the organization.
Ans, To. The. Ques. No. 6

There are certain global HR policies and practices for international recruitment.

 The HR officer Tracey Grabowski must consider some factors regarding the recruiting
process. For example, if he wants to hire expatriates means the noncitizens of the
countries then he must consider his or her cultural factors or behavior such as if he hires
a Chinese then the Chinese person may behave according to his culture to the other staff
or employee.
 If the HR officer wants to recruit home country nationals then the culture, legal
permission, economic factors and labor union of subsidiary must be maintained. For
example if HR officer have subsidiary in India then the home country national with more
than 100 workers need government permission to fire. The managers also need to
understand a country’s type of economic system and for taking HR decisions labor or
trade unions must be considered in that country.
 If the officer wants to recruit a person who knows the local market then he can go for
host country nationals.
 Third - country nationals can be recruited if the HR officer wants the most qualified
employees for the company. In that case the cultural factors, legal issues must be
maintained strictly to that employee.


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