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Commercial HOTELS: [BASIC THEORIES OF HOTEL PLANNING ‘oy anarehtec! before panel put svery phan of hotel oreL economics Commercial HOTELS BACK OF THE HOUSE F000 CHECKER TIME KEEPER Fin. 1 ow dana of sei an fr destroyed: In the houneheoper'sdopertment ‘arava usualy bo pce fort soametrene to that need tepair might be uaeful for the ‘cna ew Nos many one mad ean Sted tinen room connects by vertical finer bayand 13. One porter ie saualy asigned 10 typicel cach mad lm addon tothe regular dayne ‘onnected by Sand, there wil boy ima onion ry rtightoning of the toorm, the Sreptring ot ceaitanel op, tlle paper et ‘itor tha questa cenvennce, One might ald ck, Food and Beverage Service Lundy Facilities Ine en nr Ho at a enn the tunéey rom ot all or onky «sta louary needy a te ramen Un on follow the tow ouskeepina Department Commer HOTELS STORM WEATHER CAP FLasHNg uILT-uP ROOF VENT THROUGH ROOF AUTOMATIC: SPROUCLER HEAD FLUSHING SPRAT HEAD 242 rane D00R, Sta OO Fn. 2Teah Son ca, 73 Commercial ‘HOTELS: omplahed by using partoraed mai! esting ‘wich and tlag rene ae wall t8 tyors on iil be the cold aren for lon crocna, dessert, {nthe larger sottee shops, most ot the ooking maybe dre inthe kite und passe ‘wil provign an employee! ext: ‘dina a they go along. They we chacked by potable. « pont threugh should be arranged x mechani wngienr. and ctr oa Serra ts ood operon, A eae titcioney are the guiding principe, wil ieee eer eager pai tne Rte ‘eel an atray. iensou be pe iy Ther oanry shop, an upholtery shop, snd del taker thin happen tokes pace. Those are the ‘burniehing, buschorng, baking of Commercial HOTELS: GeeaaL Ysccmcrancs accounts || Sisaste [seo 1 ee sel | RESERVATIONS Me Lg LItt im the smatior hotels will handle Fig, 4 Th Church ota, Londo, aoseaty ‘Guest be vere Commercial HOTELS Fis oi Bd el Yah ems at Ho Yo el wate. (a HY ‘neat oom (i Cusewny a Tana, Fie. Commercial HOTELS non on.) ney ae, Oet Ky Hie.) re eo Pore We, Commercial HOTELS Fi Som) Choe BE Reon ar Commercial HOTELS sp sven om ect ‘have bean sgned by the guste, whould be ‘epeciattnataiwayehatps worn “rhe guesttor puces betwoan the public pec, wich Mas Covered on 8 981 Commercial HOTELS an be achieved by pacing Dede nde by ide 38 nid, tl 6 ina a queen bad which fe wide fas kinase ba wich 8 wide Pre The reseom ie ebvious. A view out ot ‘hot anly lamp or » calling fature over Ineny room wit have najainng.soore. Too Sri anv ora he Dat ‘highly dosvable As one po ‘An innovation devised by soph ne foyer becomes pet ofthe err tmom fensity,rothat the sting raom eam be thi found only Ine ho ‘etd on a ied! bans: complete bath wr Hest in resting ng to ure thor Yor me ‘ust Bathoons ity a marble sab mith a ewout to rece protranis to have 4 todge {Rat gage ha scm a atc mana spect atoms inane anantaraiog mie on ae ide "which eight be aloned Guest Floor Servicn Space he help nthe area Me 22°100 people. tn most inatances, eh thee at vorlous sleet. Thus; W te mesting Foams winch sormaly might seat 25 poopie stampie. Im larger oma, which normaly cma, their justnpestion to serving Commercial HOTELS fh ae i oe ou boly ater on - PE i) B a Commercial HOTELS Fig 11 Maal ons nr ene By TRANK HARRISON RANDOLPH, PE Hate Phening Conltont and Professor of Hotel Engieeting, Coal University SPACE ALLOTMENTS In designing Notes, architecs are te quently hondicapped by the lack of foctal poce reall in excersive investment and bulldingrneintonance cons Too litle space rmokes i) iit for the hotel overs 10 Fealie satstastory profs ond, in vervice crowding, reduces speed, and Information on a few hotels con prob: aly be obtained by the orchitec, Mow Even with set of complete plans, there the right site or thatthe building will be ell sited to the complex business of hotel operation, Genealy, the data
    lected from the sources vuiclly evaleble fro incomplete, unvepresenative, oF ore wine inadequate. Tn cdr Ho ebiain spacealotment fi et tht would be reasonably reliable, the plans of more thon 40 hotels were exon ned. Thete ranged up 42 500 guestrooms in sae, were of wide geogrephie lsribu Vion, amd all ware Bul within the lost 25 yoors. They were predominantly of he Heved to be representative. Although sev ‘rot weve in rear communities, his had Tine influenee on the apace allotments for ‘he working areot. Resident! hotels ond partment hovies were not iacided ORGANIZATION AND USE OF GRAPHS In general, each space alleinent Is plotied on @ separate groph, wih the Fetal number of guest rooms in the hotel ‘he mot! teouhie common denominata. The pleted point [ech representing ene hotel ftom pepper the graph ino widely seottoed manner withovt soggeiing & feed location foro trend ine waning Tivough the Feld of point. The ploted points for the lobby, main Ailehen, and bile oom, however, indicate that the site of thet areas varies dvely wih the umber of gues! teams. This is © reason fable expectation for other aeos. Ta arrange the inlermation ia @ clear ford viable form, ¢ sk diagonal line iz orted of “zeres4ro” in the lover eft omer of the graph ond locoted by trial fo thow the median trend runniag vp through the Held of the points 30. thot halt the points ore above the line ond boll below it. On mor! of the graphs feo bicker diagonal lines are drawn in add 100 BUILDING HEIGHT sof TT sof} 2°} ge go 2s zs aa numees tion. The upper diagonal fine is located platted points are above i and the lower diagonal 40 thot orefourth of the points re below it. Ate ret, the fon-shaped ‘oreo belween the twa broken diogonat lines contins 30 per cent af the points hit method of pret the designer 49 grasp of a glance the falotive number of dota points, thai lcs ‘determine whet deviations Irom the medion value ore required for hit hotel, The o¢ ‘ovine! point plotted obove the vonge of The generclzeion thet the veel space letment for the tron! office iv 1 oq fh feimate the recnonable Tolerance. above Commercial GROUND FLOOR: ‘AREA 823 3 oF GUEST ROOMS 2000) 3000! The space iletmenis for the 455-100m w indicate, where shown, by on X on the data point The designers, clready thoroughly served in hole plonning ond accustomed too taining igh stondards of guest comort years of tetcorh in planning hit sue bly from the median values wore forthe Inout port the eeu hotel space requiremens, and nel dee 12 diconsences peculor to thi oto The mathod of provenition is auch thet toking 99 overage value might be intla ‘encod coniderably by one oo abner ‘molly high or lew voles ‘of 6 reercbcton ot the finel word on space allotments. But Wr should ror ore ralloble guide In HOTELS HOTELS "ia “alee sole 2 Ged (GUEST FLOOR yPICAL a uest roows | u GUEST FLOOR - | « so PER TYPICAL. FLOOR wn §8 ee “AREA J ae ae Pa - iF : wi F Bs| to boeticteal Bod Le el §, Be wal | a gr ay I FRONT OFFICE} — g +f wcutons +1 : oe FRONT OFFICE a PA . over Be x x ¥ titra ponsngs bjt to moditeaine view guest voum ends send perceniogs oor: fn: ganarat hee ore chou 18 to The, hen the plan on Wir graph world Elva ere povided ocodlog 1 the omarion {etow-c puter sinior to The prooh for somber of quell room. The number af 1h Saeed FORUMS eek botany Sapa iat a aa RE SF Coen pamela tontates. enter soch sto peter woeld bw vided cher tacare el. oy ie ielg oe iis & ght orappredod arch lsc, by a tail lee fupeiorg Och lye, opsd the aon lie Htc tao any. weaker’ eet som ela Mle, Nos eh and steoon ledge af ini tree rooms Slrdard it, borer, nd ‘heratre Ye tole! mer geet ond soe Maisis line Bed Briefe, Wes Remind Ahaconihod wine Skrle(k eretite Oe, of sies chow green. The rots Benen Spoil yo terror in 10 hotel tle wry of 125 hoe are shown on Unslh sth maid it ogee '0 sou! showed) the dition otuwen get the graph, plotted with logarithmic coor 16 room, which should all be en The sme elevators end Fives ropidly, showing Moor If foasible, the number of gu ota. Th core Ii cos) 8 be os follows the typial 20000m hotel to be 10 rooms on the typleal for should be © Number of Gues! cars Service corr Movies high, ond then fonds 10 level off, ula of 16 or quite clove Yo it. On room in par 100 pet 100 Showing the typicl hoa ef 2,000 to 3,000 the graph, the horizontal band indicate hotel rooms rooms rooms 10 be chou! 25 stoves high tot one maid would handle from M4 to 50-150 1a 19 ‘Grovad Reor area is shown with the TA rooms, two mold twice this mumber 130-550 07 05 ploted points widely seaiered en the or om 2 Yo 36 room, ond thee moide Expressed onathor way, about 40. per {10ph. The acilable ground oreo and the umber ot guest rooms to be placed on 54 rooms. In more than half the hot he umber or from 42 te cunt of the slevctons ae gues! ton ond ‘bout 40 per cent 1 ecrounl for the wide dispersion, tn sd, the housekeeper of crenly hes The: typca’ hotel es sin won space ‘Generel, he more gues! room, the greater some aiicly Ia erranging mold o1sign- diviviont,clessitied ctording to fun the grovnditoor area. "At" is the abbrev- ments (1) Pate space, (2) Concession space, (3) tion for 1,000) Guestloor steirways tend to increase Subrenol spore, Food and overage Trpicel ies fesr creo vwelly covery in member wilh te number af quell rams sevrce speee, (9) Gueroetom apnce, and ‘bout 55 percent ofthe gt ‘ecconding fe the dots prevented. The guest. the disnce (rom the guestioom deat to will be cotidered seputeoly. The par retfeor ore, on lbw Hypical ocr. Regulation Yimileg {6| Generolerioe spurs. Coch di oor aren may vory grey, however, de: the nearest sainioy antronce vsvelly fe: cenloge of the Totel oreo That it produc pending von Individual circumstances. quire «minimum of two stairways on the tive (evenue producing) space i of spe Guew rooms per typical Noor re shown Yypical Foor The graph hows thot two cal tignifconce, Preforably, ot leas 50 point H there were a tondard overage ote no. mare then AO gues! roome por aulve tpace LOUNGE + [7 ube “Teowemen TT LAT) commons | {ogy LouNse se[ DIONNE st | Fat conmnors: Losey ADJOINING 6 A orm 5 vews tour] J wate ror ouests | | 7 rom euests 771g = / » HH E 4 Fol 4 CL ce TI k By # ie I a _ | PunUc seace diet prof. Typical incsions ia these toby, lounge, public leila, and enero he lobby including front ofc i vvally lonigned obout 1 aq f per guest room The tendency in cent years hot been Formerly, 14 44 ff was nol uncommen, but ‘About 40 per cent of the pots om the (109% do ot exceed 9 aq M per guest The Fron lice by the nerve cater or the Roll. The Trent office, ar ton! desk, hos gues-contoct stations forthe registry, specialist in frantafice aperoion ond eauipment may recommend the dimensions red tor best revile. &. sighting ‘enerelly prefered, with @ length of 101 for 9 $0:r00m hotel, 15 4 for 100 rooms, 2011 fr 200 soome, and The lounge is usvelly alloted about & 25 t per gues) room, The g109h thom, however, thal hall the tel studied ue The lounge sevely odoins the lobby ‘hot quests wating in he lobby can over ow inte the lounge. Some designers sim- ly designote the oreu “Mobby-ounge’ Public corridors adjoining the lobby ore cotter dotignes 40 that the labby is set Bock liom the tre! entrance and is veoched by fone or more corridors Ranked by sore, {eslanvonts, or other oreo. Thi norprodye- layouts regite mo seh corridor. The space silotmen! it dependent more on setign ‘han on the number of gues! rooms. The tombined lay, lounge, and ado. Ing coriders ore quite exible in the all iment of space, To Bring thete thee non producive erect ine. proper per the som ofthe eneos i given onthe graph. Yion with the size of the hotel, with am ererage allotmont of obout 16 19 1 pet guest room, Some reduced this monproductive area to 12 39 The men’s eile) for quests should be required space moy be Sy provided avo rons should and of: restouront 6 ber ‘be the chiet consierstion i toca ‘ceria tothe mon onthe se! The womens filet for guests should be provided of the some Bost ot the men's toilet facies. In odstion, the entrance shouldbe incon sn This focity thasld not be 100 ‘on opprecated convenionce. The restroom is goneely of about the etme for the wore |s typically 1 54 11 per quest room, Some recently planned hotel hove cot tN Bre Tn hat to reduce the nonprft crt, Entertainment quoter: and gome rooms ‘ore properly clomifed ot pubic space be: ‘ause they seldom yield on annual prof Thus, ite balloon were wed only for since 0 allcom it al vied for banquets, iris more suitobly included vader food and beverage service space ond will therefore be considered tater CONCESSION AND SUBRENTAL SPACES Concession space it for gue paid hotel services that ight be rin by the manage nent oF 19blet on © porcartage Basis. It ‘may wall include @ borber shop, Beouty Commercial HOTELS Commercial ‘HOTELS — “TG ee ae Ly YZ oo SHOP sbpefee LA! Tmener |, eva soo fe iim} 34 4 get AR . z, t 3 ‘y i Joo XK — Bub ma 209 2 | t "EE j Cot sy TTI Fk *Cotowkee sce | [ [+7 “ETT TF rors ‘asta su newred frones £ ital Ba ob ttt KEE Ee “ ; > Ta etry Eee i w Ze } T Ba |g | AG SHIT Waa Ct eT 7 ¥ = 1 LAT Tl eee not normally provided under hotel ope Fon, such ce sores, permanent «shi, navel agencies, fice, ond chib quarter The renal i wsucly @ fed monthly for the purpose of The borber shop i in considerably less demand than formerly. Lest thon ball of ‘he recently constcted hotels have: this feciiy. provided, the lloiment i about 15 4a 41 per guet! room. Typically, the bother shop requtes 90 9 ft per choir ond There were Imucien! dole on tho Ibeouly parker to warront « groph. The beauty parlor, provided, usually has bout hal ov mony choie ot the berber hop inthe vome hotel. The required arco, ding space for moniure tobles ond lockers ond filet Tor employees, ix about 200 44 11 per eh The cigar ond news stond i cstomarily porated by the front desk in the smoler ote, Mediumsize hotels olien place this farea adjacent fo the Iron! desk 36 thet it can be operated by 9 seperoe clerk dorng bury hours ord by the front-office person nel during slack periods. In some hotels, this area is operated by the drier con cenlon, The longest hotels may place the The volet shop handles the pressing ond iteeniog oF the vest" getdents, Uivlly the service is provided for the guest ‘rough the bellman, The valet shop is generally fxeted adjacent 10 the laundry 1a Ht per guest room. Mony hoe, fc Ing thet guess expect this service, nave luded ia the plons. Sometimes the oreo het 0 prening equipment but merely stan onthe pickup ed delivery sto {ora tocol concern Inthe busines 1 tlaaraph ofc, requiring 40 10 60 0 eit of the work of proce The extremly high cost of lord and the hoowy fax otcssment in the choice reel iavict of a city generally make i neces: ‘premium cost of the Lond, regoreus of The number of rented ates, ob ind ceted by the wide dupenion of the data points on the graph, depends mere upon ireamstonces thon upon the ruber of ‘est rooms. The groph docs nol indicte the patcentage of hotels without stores, stores ere included, however, thete is ‘aeterelly show! one store for every 35 ‘ve! rooms, The total er of rented sores incresues mance (rm the Lobby incconet the re volun. stores ore provided, 2049 {1 of Move oreo per gv llotment Some ‘cone potential by rlting this gure to 30 the rental value af the sore. Most hotel provide o seperate area, often it he base sent (where spoce i fr less valuable, fo ferveou a reciving room, o place to open bboxet ond 10 store @ moderate omovrt of rmorchondie. A compaison of the typical tolues shows thet the storage space I fe fond in some insionces of least one third ofthe sore ore, CGiher subrentl areas ave sometimes provided for towel ogencis, ofcas, ard lub quorters: No dite concosions com Commercial ‘HOTELS a 4 7 inte Ta aol oT x aeT 7m T T y " T TT? t * T T nsunny hronen | ean'wo | | wowaen oF | FOR COCKTAIL —}— | PRIVATE} 40 = — carr ‘Sint |Z rua : Cet Z| ” + —* += RooMs py t YET Lee ny eT 3 3 t I de | i Z 3 i D LW on | ct Yer aati ti tt L F1l || | be drawn, however, because of fragmen: tary dota on the scotored vier of thee F000 AND BEVERAGE SERVICE SPACE “This dvton includes ail efsas aed for the reteving, sorage, preparation, ond service of food ond beverages for gues, the general pubic, ond employeet. It in Cludes the raceving grea, slorerooms for fo0d and beverage wpplie, hina, glatt ore, and iver, ond lio the tiehen, restaurants, bonquet fll, private dining ce ponies, boy, eoetel lounge, ond gar age 1m lometimes with incinerate) The main dining room oreo should not be determined merely on the boss of rer ‘ge dota. The probable demond for @ ma ining room should be estimated with cre, for, of best, protable operation it e aly ditch, The difly ie due to the slack load together with compatition rom father resourents Abou? 14 2g ft pet se is required forthe ining toom The ellt- neat vores from 114 It for de love dia ing rooms to U4 ft for popular ork The main kitchen shouldbe ste forthe ‘workload, 1 edition 10 the main dining terre the cofise shop, the benquet hall Private dining rooms, employers meal fd room trvca to goons, Such condi tions oppy 10 the Hertford Statler, for ox There the itehen is 30 per cont itch is Jo ervice only the min ding room, however it area ie customarily 40 4 only the cotee shapy in two other hole, 1! served the cflee shop, private ‘ining rooms, ond, pressmobly, employee Ht wat mot foosble in onayaing and prototing the dot 10 eeparte the kiehon Ponentt ond their szet of the number of A boke shop, of one type or another hole, the Boker occeies a comer of the Hichen. If @ separate bake'sbop oreo is provided, the typical elotment is 2 a9 ft to vine i forthe work load. Ia seperate boke shop is provided, its reo is vsvaly The ecllow shop provides quick food serie of modetote pices. OF the 46 hotels ‘alyzed, 42 per cent hod a cafe shop. ‘About 71 ft por guest room is the usvl The orea requied per sect in cafes shops is about 18 541 par seat for counlor Service only (his rea include 16 9M per set for both counter ond fable service, ond 14 4g per a fable service only, Frequently abou! one: ‘hird ofthe sea ore ot the counter ‘An ausllory kitchen fer the cafes shop is costomerily provided i he cafes shop is ircumstonces, the aviary Slchen may be backed-up” by the moin kithan, which for cooking slmost everything on ie menu ‘ne cuniioy htchen Hs generally trom 20, to 25 per cea of the orea of the coffe ‘hop. However, the extra klchen payroll fond exvipment required moke it diablo to plon 40 that on ovary Atehen is not The bar sini pte Goi way: Spotted, adjoining, or combined. Some- For each hole! onalyzed, the data pont thows the total oven, No dole pont is shown for ony of the several halls thot had neither bor nor coche lounge. WF the area is provided, 7.5 44 1t pe ‘ves! 100m is the typical allotment, Howe ver i it wall to eatimeta the amovet of 393, Commerci ‘HOTELS oe tae i + PRIVATE DINING ROOM T Chis 7 TOTAL, we BANQUET : saanauer- | “yl sacioon 7 BALLROOM / — 5 coo af aee [7 eae sures} + 74 PANTRY, 7 : | i CAS L Pett busines thatthe bor ond coca lounge vill handle in view of the characteris Of the community ond the type of pa allotment should then be altered propor The umber of private dining room in dicated on the groph does not include instonces in which the ongest ll it vided into smaler dining reas by folding ‘wall or aiding partitions. Most Rotel th terve food hove privete dining rooms with fon overoge of one room for 80. guest fons, The vse of private

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