Communication and Computer Skills Module Review Questions 2020

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1. State the functions of the following computer components:

i. Graph plotter iv. Game port

ii. Heat sink v. Casing

iii. Peripheral

control card

2. Suggest precautions that should be taken against

component damage by static charge. [10]

3. State the main functions of the following components of the

computer systems unit: [15]

i. Expansion slots iv. Hard disk drive

ii. Chipsets v. Power supply unit

iii. Processor

4. Distinguish between ‘Internal’ and ‘external’ data storage

media used with computers [10]

Lecturer: –CCS Paper No: 321/18/S07 Questions

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5. Explain how you would configure an HP2055d laser printer

for use by a computer. [10]

6. Explain safety precautions to be taken when handling

storage media such as CDs/DVDs [5]

7. Explain the effects of food and dust particles on a keyboard

8. Giving two examples for each distinguish between operating

system software and Application software [10]

9. Explain the differences between DOS and Windows

operating systems [10]

10. Distinguish between Windows and Linux server

software [10]

11. Define the following terms as used in Windows:

i. Folder iii. Shortcut

ii. Desktop

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1. Explain the following forms of communication:

a) Interpersonal communication [2]
b) Intrapersonal communication [2]
c) Extrapersonal communication [2]
d) Mass communication [2]
2. Explain vertical communication with the aid of a diagram
3. Explain five advantages and five disadvantages of vertical
communication [10]
4. Explain the process of communication in detail [15]
5. Briefly explain the application of the ‘Behavioural theory’ of
communication in an industry or workplace setup. [20]
6. Explain the relevance of the Mathematical theory of
communication in industry today [20]
7. Explore the fundamental differences between the Interactive
and Transactional models of communication [20]
8. Discuss ‘Communication breakdown’ and what can be done
to prevent this problem. [20]
9. Explain the scenarios where the following types of meetings
are appropriate:
a) Formal meeting [5]
b) Committee meeting [5]
c) Command meeting [5]

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10. Explain in detail the process or procedures of meetings. [20]

11. Explain the roles played by the following in meetings:
a) Chairperson [10]
b) Secretary [10]
12. Explain the following terms as used in meetings: [10]
a) Seconder f) Motion
b) Mover g) Minutes
c) Convene h) Ex-Officio
d) Quorum i) Agenda
e) Adjourn j) Notice
13. Draw up a notice clearly indicating the do’s and don’ts of
answering a business telephone [20]
14. Describe the role of division of labour in an organisation [20]

15. Identify two leadership styles and describe how each affects
the flow of information and the running of the organisation
16. In view of COVID-19, discuss how the ‘Health and Safety
Act’ affect employees and employers [20]

Lecturer: –CCS Paper No: 321/18/S07 Questions

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