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PUCOL Subject: Instructional Program in Administration and Supervision

Time: 7:00 am-10:00 am Reflection No. 8


First, let us explain the fundamentals before going any deeper into the main subject.
Efficient recruitment of personnel within an organization is human resources management. It thus
contributes to a strategic edge. The expertise and experience of individuals in an organization can be
improved. It therefore aims to optimize the capacity of an individual. This makes it easier for the
individual to perform in the right way.
The study on human resources management in education offers you the theoretical and
practical knowledge about employee acquisition processes, good relationships with them, training and
development, retention and compensation for their services, since the effective management and
leadership of schools in recent times are of great importance to management. Many school systems in
developing countries face a number of challenges today and human, financial and material resources are
limited and thus the strategic management of these resources is vital to the achievement of educational
system objectives and of school organizations.
Human resources (HR) must be adequately handled or managed in line with their
functions, so that those human resources (HR) can play their part in the organization in which they live in
compliance with their roles and functions. Human resources administration of the education process in
general is a very critical factor. Functions of human resources administration must then be performed in
the most possible way to meet the requirements for the objectives of people, organizations, bodies and
agencies. In addition, the deficiencies and problems of the Indonesian nation with effective human
resource management procedures are anticipated,
There are plenty of staff at colleges. It is also extremely necessary to handle them efficiently. HR
teams have a crucial part to play here. The administration of human capital will help improve the success
of students. This is because of the teachers' participation and inspiration. In addition, the administration
of human resources also seeks to improve the effectiveness of students. Efficient professors allow
students to further learn. The finest directors and corporate people are also employed and retained. The
school administration is the responsibility of these individuals. A successful framework will also include
effective use of human resources.
The human resources administration framework relating to schools has five processes, Talent
management is first. The HR squad figures out about the school's chances and obstacles. Therefore, this
means the planning of human capital.
Second is compensation, that is compensation. This ensures that the school's salary is controlled.
The HR team agrees on teacher/personnel salaries. In addition, salaries are paid depending on the amount
of employment. For eg, an employee should be paid better than a teacher.
Third is Performance management. This is yet a major part of the HRM in classrooms. It comes
from a very critical good result. The teacher/student performance is therefore shown. Here is the method
of results rating. Quality development occurs in many forms.
Training and development is the fourth thing. To strengthen teachers, the HR team must provide
instruction. This enables them to help deliver education. Teachers need to achieve their highest degree of
growth. For teachers, this would be helpful. The employees are also educated.
And Retention is finally. Any teacher and employee morale should be high. They should be
inspired by the HR staff. It would actually be easier to keep a happier employee. Unhappy staff may be
I conclude that the Human capital are a crucial factor in the effectiveness and inability of
surveillance programs to achieve their aims. The monitoring programs are quickly halted without an
appropriate plan to improve existing human capital and to recruit high-class workers.

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