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(Includes Supplement ANSI/IEEE C37.010d-1984)
(Revision of ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1972)

An American National Standard

IEEE Application Guide for
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Bass

Switchgear Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved May 29,1975

Reaffirmed October 20, 1988

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Approved December 12,1975

Reaffirmed February 2, 1989

American National standardsInstitute

ANSlllEEE C37.010d-1984 approved March 11, 1982 by the IEEE Standards Board
Approved April 29, 1983 by the American National Standards Institute

Published by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017

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American National Standard

An American National Standard implies a consensus of those sub-

stantially concerned wi
National Standard is in e manufacturer,
the consumer, and the of an American
National Standard does
he has approved the standard
purchasing, or using products,
ing to the standard.
eriodic review and users
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be
revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American
National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaf-
firm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from
the date of publication. * National Standards
may receive current info s by calling or writing
the American National S

@Copyright 1979 by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

N o part of this publication may
in an electronic retrieval
without the prior written permission o

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(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979, American National Standard Application Guide for AC
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated o n a Symmetrical Current Basis.)
This standard is a guide to aid in the selection and application of AC high-voltage circuit breakers
on electrical power systems. Described in the guide are the general application conditions, applica-
tion considerations, and short-circuit considerations necessary to apply alternating current circuit
This standard is a revision of ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1972. This revision contains substantive re-
visions due to the efforts of a working group on revisions to C37.010-1972, and editorial changes as
a result of general power circuit breaker consolidation efforts.
Three substantive ns are included. The first involves deletion of a Procedure Chart, from
Section 5.3,page 26, e previous standard. This simplified procedure for calculating short-circuit
current was useful in only a few cases, and was somewhat confusing for anyone attempting t o use it.
The second substantive revision is an expansion of the statements in 5.3.2 involving the general
terms “one transformation” and “two or more transformations” to recognize large external im-
pedances such as long lines or station service transformers. Previously, “one transformation” in the
form of a station service transformer dictate the use of factors from Figs 7 and 8. However, because
this relatively large impedance limits the ac component decay, the wording on page 34 specifies the
use of factors from Fig 9 for both three-phase and line-to-ground faults.
The third substantive revision involves the rotating machine reactance table of multipliers on page
40. The multipliers under the heading “Closing and Latching Duty” were previously specified in a
section of Note 4 which is deleted. The substantive change involves the placing of all motors above
1000 hp with speeds 1800r/min and below into the 1.5 multiplier category. See chart below.

M = 3.0 ,, M = 1.5

3600 t II

MULTIPLIER - 3.0 M - 1.5

50 250 500 750 IOC Y o 0


Based on the ac short-circuit time constants of these larger, slower-speed machines and the fact that
circuit breakers are available with rated interrupting times of 5 cycles or less, the 1.5 multiplier will
give conservative results, whereas the previously shown 3.0 multiplier would not.
The remainder of the changes are editorial. They involve updating the examples and clarification
of the material in the guide. In addition, a number of changes were made as part of the general con-
solidation of power circuit breaker standards.

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The development of standards for the rating, testing, and manuf
breakers began almost simultaneously with the application of the
power supply systems.
A number of engineering and manufacturers trade organizations were int
-voltage circuit breakers as well as other types of electrical equipment
ard requirements for capabilities, sizes, and testing procedures.
AIEE’, the National Electric Light Association (NELA), the Electric
NEMA - the National Electrical Manufacturers Association), the As
ing Companies (AEIC), and the Edison Electric Institute (EEI).
s up to 1940, these organizations adopted and pub1
cerning rating, testing, and other requirements for hi
In 1941 a unified series of standards for circuit breakers, based
NEMA, w blished for trial use by the American Standards Associa
the first American Standard for high-voltage circuit breakers. In 19
approved American Standard with the familiar C37 number iden
g, preferred sizes, testing, and application of circuit
dards was revised and supplemented by additional se
basic group of American Standards for high-voltage circuit breakers. At
group of standards included:

NSI C37.4-1953 AC Power Circuit Breakers (included definitions, ra

test requirements)
ANSI C37.5-1953 Methods for Determining the RMS Value of a Sinusoidal Current Wave
and Normal-Frequency Recovery Voltage, and for Simplified Calculation
of Fault Currents
ANSI C37.6-1953 Schedules of Preferred Ratings for Power Circuit Breakers
ANSI C37.7-1952 Interrupting Rating Factors for Reclosing Service
ANSI C37.8-1952 Rated Control Voltages and their Ranges
ANSI C37.9-1953 Test Code for Power Circuit Breakers
ANSI C37.12-1952 Guide Specifications for Alternating Current Power Circuit Breakers

Under these original standards, the basis of the interrupting rating was established by 6.11 of
ANSI C37.4-1953 as the highest current t o be interrupted at the specified operating voltage and
was the “. . . rms value including the dc component at the instant of contact separation as deter-
mined from the envelope of the current wave.” Since this standard based the interrupting rating on
the total current including dc component at the instant of contact separation, it has
as the “Total Current Basis of Rating.”
For circuit breaker application, a simplified method was avail
iplying factors for use with the system symmetrical fa
tal rms current which could be present at contact separation. This c
choose the required circuit breaker rating from those listed in
revisions. The factors recognized typical system characteristics an

‘AIEE (American Institute of Electrical Engineers) merged with IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers) January 1, 1963
to form the joint organization IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

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In 1951, the AIEE Switchgear Committee began to give consideration to the development of a
circuit breaker rating method based on symmetrical interrupting currents. This work was initiated
with the goal of:
(1) Simplifying application where high-speed relaying and fast clearing circuit breakers are used
(2) Bringing American standards into closer agreement with accepted international standards
(IEC-International Electrotechnical Commission) t o avoid confusion on rating differences
(3) Requiring that circuit breakers are proven to demonstrate a definite relationship between
asymmetrical interrupting capability and symmetrical ratings
During the course of this work, principally in a working group of the AIEE Power Circuit Breaker
Subcommittee, numerous reports of the proposals on the new rating, testing, and application
methods were made to the industry as a whole through committee sponsored papers a t AIEE meet-
ings in 1954, 1959, and 1960. Suggestions made in discussions were considered by the working
group and incorporated where practicable. The principal change from the 1953 “Total Current”
standard was in the basis of rating. 4.5.1 of ANSI C37.04 established the Rated Short Circuit Cur-
rent as “the highest value of the symmetrical component of the.. . short-circuit current in rms
amperes, measured from the envelope of the current wave at contact separation, which the circuit
breaker is required t o interrupt at rated maximum voltage. . .”. Certain related capabilities were also
required, including operation under specified conditions of asymmetry based on typical circuit
characteristics and circuit breaker timing. This rating structure became known as the Symmetrical
Current Basis of Rating as compared to the previous Total Current Basis of Rating. However, as the
new ratings were developed, it became apparent that changes from the older t o the newer standard
could not occur overnight due to requirements for rerating and retesting of many PCBs. It was,
therefore, decided to retain both rating structures, with the understanding that all new circuit
breaker developments would be directed toward the symmetrical siandards. The circuit breakers
based on the total current standards would be transferred t o the new standards as work progressed
in rerating programs. This transfer is being carried out and ANSI C37.6 and ANSI C37.06 have
been revised accordingly a number of times.
The symmetrical current group of standard sections was published in 1964 and was given ANSI
C37.04, C37.05, C37.06, etc, designations. These sections and the corresponding 1953 sections
were :

Total Current Standard Symmetrical Current Standard Subject

ANSI C37.4 ANSI C37.03 Definitions

ANSI C37.04 Rating Structure
ANSI C37.04a
ANSI C37.5 ANSI C37.05 Measurement of Voltage
and Current Waves
ANSI C37.6 ANSI C37.06 Preferred Ratings
ANSI C37.06a
ANSI C37.7 ANSI C37.07 Reclosing Factors
ANSI C37.8 (included in Control Voltages
ANSI C37.06)
ANSI C37.9 ANSI C37.09 Test Code
ANSI C37.09a
ANSI C37.5 ANSI C37.010 Application Guide
(Section 3) (expansion of material
previously in C37.5)

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Sections .04a, .06a, and .09a, also issued in 1964, were addenda concerned with supplemental
dielectric capability requirements.
In ANSI C37.06-1964 and subsequent revisions prior to 1971, circuit breaker symmetrical current
i n t e r r u p w ratings were derived from ratings in ANSI C37.6-1961 by a relationship following a
middle ground position between the total (asymmetrical) current of the former rating method and
the full range of related requirements of the new rating method. For a given breaker this derivation
was expressed by the formula:
nominal voltage
rated short circuit current = 1,961
rated maximum voltage

11961 = interrupting rating in amperes appearing in ANSI C37.6-1961

F = 0.933 for 3 cycle breakers
0.955 for 5 cycle breakers
1.0 for 8 cycle breakers

Rated short circuit current was tabulated for rated maximum voltage rather than for nominal
voltage as had been the case under the total current basis of rating.
It was stressed that this derivation was for the numerical conversion only and that a
breaker, designed and tested under the total current basis of rating, could not be assu
these capabilities under the symmetrical current basis of rating without approval of the manu-
In the revision of ANSI C37.06 published in 1971, several simplifications were introduced, includ-
ing the use of a new method for selection of intempting current ratings for outdoor circuit breakers
121 kV and above. Values for rated short circuit current were chosen fr the R-10 preferred
number series, and the use of a reference nominal 3-phase MVA identificatio discontinued. Also
the rated voltage range factor K was changed to unity, 1.O,to simplify rating and testing procedures.
In the intervening years since the official publication of the primary sections of the symmetrical
basis of rating standard for high-voltage circuit breakers, a number of revisions, additions, and
improvements have been developed and published. Many of these additions were in subject areas
of major importance in the rating, testing, and application of circuit breakers and were published as
complete standards containing appropriate definitions, rating performance criteria, rating numbers,
test procedures, and application considerations. This was done to avoid delay in publication and the
necessity of reprinting other existing standards as each of these was completed. The result has been
the publication of a substantial number of individual supplementary standards. The basic subject
areas considered in these supplementary standards, and their initial publication dates, are shown

ANSI 637.071-1969 Requirements for Line Closing Switching Surge Control

ANSI C37.072-1971 Requirements for Transient Recovery Voltage
ANSI C37.0721-1971 Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage
ANSI C37.0722-1971 Transient Recovery Voltage Ratings
ANSI C37.073-1972 Requirements for Capacitance Current Switching
ANSI C37.0731-1973 Application Guide for Capacitance Current Switching
ANSI C37.0732-1972 Preferred Ratings for Capacitance Current Switching
ANSI C37.074-1972 Eequirements for Switching Impulse Voltage Insulation Strength
ANSI C37.076-1972 Requirements for Pressurized Components
ANSI C37.078-1972 Requirements for External Insulating

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ANSI C37.0781-1972 Test Values for External Insulation
ANSI C37.079-1973 Method of Testing Circuit Breakers When Rated for Out-of-Phase

A goal of work recently completed, and reprehented by the 1979 publication of these standards,
has been the editorial incorpo the supplementary standards listed above into the proper
primary standards documents. breakers rated on a metrical current basis, the con-
solidated standards sections are:

ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979 Rating Structure

ANSI C37.06-1979 Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities
ANSI/IEEE C37.09-1979 Test Procedure
ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979 Application Guide - General
ANSI/IEEE C37.011-1979 Application Guide - Transient Recovery Voltage
ANSI/IEEE C37.012-1979 Application Guide - Capacitance Current Switching

The present ANSI C37.05, Measurement of Current and Voltage Waves, is incorporated into
ANSI/IEEE C37.09; ANSI C37.07, Interrupting Capability Factors for Reclosing Service, is incor-
porated into ANSI/IEEE C37.04, ANSI C37.06, and ANSI/IEEE C37.09. Definitions which have
been in C37.03-1964 are now in ANSI C37.100-1972.
Standards are presently being developed in a number of additional subject areas, which will be
initially published as supplementary standards and incorporated into the primary subject document
at some future date. Included among these subjects are requirements for current transformers, a
guide for synthetic testing, sound level measurements, and seismic capability requirements.
For circuit breakers still rated on a total current basis, as listed in ANSI C37.6, the existing
standards ANSI C37.4, ANSI C37.6, ANSI C37.7, and ANSI C37.9 will continue to be applicable.
Documents pertaining to guide specification and control schemes, which apply to both groups of
ratings, are included in the ANSI C37 series as shown below:

ANSI C37.11-1972 Requirements for Electrical Control on AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers

Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis and a Total Current Basis
ANSI C37.12-1969 Guide Specifications for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis and a Total Current Basis

Periodic review of all these standards takes place through the normal ANSI procedure that
standards are reaffirmed, revised, or withdrawn within no more than five year intervals from the
original publication date.
Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this standard will be welcome. They should be
sent to the

American National Standards Institute

1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018

The basic data included in this consolidated document is the result of contributions made by
many individuals over many years. At the time of approval, however, the American National

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Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, 637, which reviewed and approved this standard, had
the following personnel:

C. L. Wagner, Chairman J. P. Lucas, Secretary

J. E. Beehler, Executive Vice-chairmanof High- Voltage Switchgear Standards
W. E. Laubach, Executive Vice-chairmanof Low-Voltage Switchgear Sthndards
Wilson, Executive Vice- irman of IEC Activities

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Electric Light & Power Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.................
. H. G. Frus
K. D. Hendrix
F. R. Solis

Institute of Electrical and Electronies Engineers ............................

H. F. White
M. J. Beachy (Alt)
C. A. Mathews (Alt)
R. A, McMaster (Alt)
D. C. Musgrave (Alt)
trical Manufacturers Association. ...................... .... A. P. Colaiaco
R. W. Dunham
D. G. Portman
G. A. Wilson
W. R. Wilson
Testing Laboratory Group. ................................. ...... E. J. Huber
R. A. Naysmith
R. W. Seelbach (Alt)
Tennessee Valley Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. C. St. Clair
U.S. Department of the Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... R. H. Bruc
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. . . . . . . . ....... E.M.Tom
U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. M. Hannemann

The personnel of the C37 Subcommittee on High Voltage Circuit Bre hich reviewed and
approved this document were as follows:

F. G. Schaufelberger, Chairman
J. J. Fayed, Secretary

J. E. Beehler D. R. Kanitz
D. 0. Craghead W. E. Laubach
M. A. Durso G. N. Lester
C. J. Dvorak F. W. Smith
R. E. Friedrich D. L. Swindler
R. D. Hambrick W. R. Wilson

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The basic documents used for the consolidation sections of this standard were prepared by various
working groups of the Power Circuit Breaker Subcommittee of the IEEE Switchgear Committee.
The personnel of the subcommittee at the time of consolidation were:

G. N. Lester, Chairman

H. W. Anderl G. P. Guaglione H. K. Reid

J. E. Beehler R. D. Hambrick A. B. Rishworth
D. M. Benenson G. R. Hanks W. N. Rothenbuhler
L. E. Brothers W. C. Huening, Jr F. G. Schaufelberger
R. G. Colclaser P. L. Kolarik H. N. Schneider
J. C. Coon S.R. Lambert E. F. Solorzano
C. F. Cromer D. M. Larson C. J. Truax
C. R. Cusick W. E. Laubach E. F. Veverka
A. Dupont M. J. Maier C. L. Wagner
C. J. Dvorak J. A. Maneatis D. R. Webster
J. D. Finley R. A. McMaster A. C. Wert
R. E. Friedrich G. J. Meinders G. A. Wilson, Jr
T. F. Garrity G. L. Nuss, Jr W. R. Wilson
W. F. Giles I. E. Olivier B. F. Wirtz
K. I. Gray G. 0. Perkins C. E. Zanzie
J. G. Reckleff

The Working Group members of the IEEE Power Circuit Breaker Subcommittee who developed
the substantive revision were:
P. L. Kolarik, Chairman
H. W. Anderl H. 0. Simmons, Jr
W. C. Huening, Jr C. J. Truax
G. L Nus,J r C. L. Wagner

The Working Group of this subcommittee responsible for the editorial consolidation work on this
standard consisted of:

N. E. Reed W. N. Rothenbuhler F. G. Schaufelberger

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on September 4,1975, it had the follow-
ing membership :
Joseph L. Koepfinger, Chairman Warren H. Cook, Vice Chairman
Sava I. Sherr, Secretary
Jean Jacques Archambault Irving Kolodny William S. Morgan
Robert D. Briskman William R. Kruesi William J. Neiswender
Dale R. Cochran Benjamin J. Leon Gustave Shapiro
Louis Costrell Anthony C. Lordi Ralph M. Showers
Frank Davidoff John P. Markey Robert A. Soderman
Jay Forster Donald T. Michael Leonard Thomas
Irvin N. Howell, Jr Voss A. Moore Charles L. Wagner
Stuart P. Jackson William T. Wintringham

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1. Scope ................................................................ 15
1.1 Relatedstandards ................................................ 15

2. Purpose .............................................................. 15
3. General Application Conditions ............................................ 15
3.1 Usual Service Conditions ........................................... 15
3.2 Unusual Service Conditions ......................................... 15

4. Application Consideration ................................................ 16

4.1 Maximum Voltage for Application .................................... 17
4.2 Voltage Range Factor .............................................. 17
4.3 Frequency ...................................................... 17
4.4 Continuous Current ............................................... 17
4.5 Rated Dielectric Strength ........................................... 23
4.6 Standard Operating Duty ........................................... 23
4.7 Interrupting Time ................................................. 24
4.8 Permissible Tripping Delay .......................................... 24
4.9 ReclosingTime ................................................... 25
4.10 Short-circuit Rating ............................................... 26
4.11 Transient Recovery Voltage Rate ..................................... 27
4.12 Load Current Switching Capability and Life ............................ 27
4.13 Capacitance Current Switching ....................................... 27
4.14 Lineclosing ..................................................... 27
4.15 Conditions of Use with Respect to the Out-of-Phase Switching Current Rating .... 29
4.16 Shunt Reactor Current Switching ..................................... 29
4.17 Excitation Current Switching ........................................ 29
4.18 Mechanical Life .................................................. 29
4.19 Rated Control Voltage ............................................. 29
4.20 Fluid Operating Pressure ............................................ 30

5. Short-circuit Considerations .............................................. 30

5.1 System Short-circuit Currents ....................................... 30
5.2 ..........................
Selection of Applicable Circuit Breaker Ratings 32
5.3 Methods for Calculating System Short-circuit Currents .................... 32
5.4 Electrical Quantities Used .......................................... 39

6. References ............................................................ 43


Fig 1 Current . Time Relationship to Determine Short-Time Load-Current Capability

of High-Voltage Circuit Breakers ..................................... 22
Fig 2 OperatingTime .................................................. 24
Fig 3 Examples of Reclosing Capability for Some Usual Reclosing Duty Cycles Shown
Graphically ...................................................... 26
Fig 4 Power Circuit Breaker Design Requirements ............................ 31
Fig 5 System Illustrating Use of Simplified Method of Short-circuit Calculation ..... 33
Fig 6 Positive-Sequence Reactances for System Shown in Fig 5 .................. 33

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Fig 7 Zero-Sequence Reactance for System Shown in Fig 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Fig 8 Three-phase Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include Effects of AC and DC
Decrement ...................................................... 34
Fig 9 Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include Effects of AC and DC
Decrement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Fig 10 Three-phase and Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include
Effects of DC Decrement Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Fig 11 System Illustrating Use of the E / X Method With Adjustment for AC and DC
Decrements . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 37
Fig 1 2 Positive-Sequence Impedance for System Shown in Fig 11(Br 37
Fig 13 Zero-Sequence Impedance for System Shown in Fig 11(Brea 37
Fig 1 4 Positive-Sequence Impedance for System Shown in Fig 11(B 38
Fig 15 Zero-Sequence Impedance for System Shown in Fig 11 (Breaker B) . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fig 1 6 System Illustrating large Short-circuit Contribution from Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Fig 1 7 X / R Range for Power Transformers . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 42
Fig 18 X / R Range for Three-phase Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 42
Fig 19 X / R Range for Small Solid Rotor and Salient Pole Generators and Synchronous
Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Table 1 Summary of Temperature Limitations for Circuit Breaker ents ...... . 19

Table 2 for Various Ambient Temperatures . . , .
Ratios of (la/lr)
Table 3 Typical Thermal Time Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 21
Table 4 Range and Typical Values of X / R Ratios of System Compo . . .. . . . ... . . 41
Table 5 Equivalent System X / R Ratio at Typical Locations , . . . .


Appendix A Basis for E / X Method Corrected for AC and DC D

of Short-circuit Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Al. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
A2. Application Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
A3. The Effects of AC Component Decrement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 45
A4. Derivation of E / X Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
A5. Longer Contact Parting Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . 49
A6. Accuracy of Proposed E / X Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A7. References to the Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fig A Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement; Three-phase Short Circuit; 107
MVA 3600 r/min Conductor-Cooled Turbine Generator . . .. . . . . . . . . . 46
Fig A2 Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement Three-phase Circuit with
Generator and System Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47. e . .

Fig A3 Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement Three-phase S it; Repre-

sentative 95 t o 200 MVA Conductor-Cooled 3600 r/min enerators ;
ults at High Side Terminals of Gener ... . . . . .
Fig A4 mmetrical and Total Current Decr
sentative 35 to 65 MVA 3600 r/min Turbine Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Fig A5 Relationship of ( I w m /Isym)mcd to X / R for Several Breaker Contact Parting

Times .......................................................... 48
Fig A6 Illustration of Accuracy of Fault Determination Hydro Generation; Three-
Phase Fault at High Side Terminals of Station Step-up Transformers ......... 48
Fig A7 Relationship Between X / R Ratio and AC Decrement from Accurate Fault
Calculation ...................................................... 48
Fig A8 E / X Multiplier for Equivalent Symmetrical Amperes for Actual X / R (Breaker
Capability Curve Corresponds to X / R of Approximately 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fig A9 Relationship of Iwm/Isyrn to X / R for Several Breaker Contact Parting Times
(AC Decrement Included) .......................................... 50
Fig A10 Three-phase Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include Effects of AC and DC
Decrement ...................................................... 50
Fig A l l Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include Effects of AC and
DCDecrement ................................................... 51
Fig A12 Three-phase and Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors Which Include
Effects of DC Decrement Only. ...................................... 52
Fig A13 Breaker Asymmetrical Capability ..................................... 52
Fig A14 Illustration of Accuracy of Fault Determination ......................... 52
Fig A15 Illustration of Accuracy of Fault Determination, Single Line-to-Ground Fault
[Conventional Cooled Generator (3600-rlmin) Range 95-200 MVA] . . . . . . . . . 53
Fig A16 Illustration of Accuracy of Fault Determination (107 MVA Turbine Gen-
erator) ......................................................... 53


Table A 1 Calculated Symmetrical Amperes ..................................... 46

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A n American National Standard
IEEE Application Guide for
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis

Supplement C37.01Od-1984 is indicated by a

revision bar in the margin. I
1. Scope 2. Purpose
This application guide applies to the ac high- This guide is intended for general use in the
voltage circuit breakers rated in accordance application of circuit breakers. Familiarity
with the methods given in ANSI/IEEE C37.04 with other American National Standards apply-
1979, Schedules of Rating Structure for AC ing to circuit breakers is assumed, and
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, and listed in provisions of those standards are indicated
ANSI C37.06-1979, Preferred Ratings and Re- herein only when necessary for clarity in
lated Required Capabilities for AC High-Voltage describing application requirements.
Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis. Circuit breakers rated and
manufactured to meet other standards, or used 3. General Application Conditions
in' switchgear assemblies, should be applied in
accordance with application procedures adapted 3.1 Usual Service Conditions. Service condi-
to their specific ratings or applications. tions for circuit breakers are defined in ANSI/
IEEE C37.04-1979 (see 4.1). These conditions
1.1 Related Standards specify limits in altitude and in ambient
When the following American National
Standards referred to in this document are
3.1.1 Provision for System Growth. Power
superseded by a revision approved by the
American National Standards Institute, In- system facilities must be increased from time
corporated, the revision shall apply.
to time to serve larger loads. This usually
results in higher values of short-circuit current.
ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979, Ra
Therefore, liberal allowance for expected
for AC High-Voltage Circuit Bre
future increase in short-circuit current is
ANSI C37.06-1979, Schedules of Preferred
Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for
3.1.2 System Design. Methods of limiting
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
the magnitude of short-circuit currents or
Symmetrical Current Basis.
ANSI/IEEE C37.09-1979, Test Procedure for reducing the probability of highcurrent
faults by system design are outside the scope
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
ANSI/IEEE C37.5-1979, Guide for Calcula- of this guide. Such methods should be con-
tion of Fault Currents for Application of AC sidered where short-circuit currents approach
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Total the maximum capability of the circuit breakers.
Current Basis. Many station design features may depend on
ANSI/IEEE C37.24-1971, Guide for Evaluat- available circuit breaker ratings. System design
should take into account the necessity for
ing the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor
circuit breaker inspection and maintenance.
Metal-Clad Switchgear.
ANSI/IEEE Std 21-1977,Requirements and 3.2 Unusual Service Conditions. Unusual
Test Code for Outdoor Apparatus Bushings. service conditions are listed in 4.2 of ANSI/IEEE
ANSI C37.100-1972, American National C37.04-1979 and include those conditions listed
Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear. below. Special installation, operation, and


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maintenance provisions should be considered not designed for use in explosive atmospheres.
where these conditions are encountered. For this type of service, special consideration
3.2.1 Applications at Altitudes Above 3300 should be given in conjunction with applicable
f t (IO00 m). Rating corrections for altitudes regulatory bodies so that acceptable equipment
above 3300 ft (1000 m) are listed in Table 1 is selected.
of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979. 3.2.5 Exposure Abnormal Vibration,
Shock, or Tilting. S ard circuit breakers are
EXAMPLE: Consider an outdoor oil circuit breaker
having a rated maximum voltage of 38 kV, a con- designed for mounting on substantially level
tinuous current rating of 1200 A, a rated short-circuit structures free from excessive vibration, shock,
current of 2 2 000 A at 38 kV, a maximum symmetrical or tilting. Where any of these abnormal condi-
interrupting capability of 36 000 A, and a rated inter-
rupting time of 5 cycles. Assume that this breaker is tions exist, recommendations for the particular
to be operated at an altitude of 7000 ft (2100 m). application should be obtained from the
The operating voltage and the normal-frequency re- manufacturer.
covery voltage should be [interpolating between the
values given for 5000 and 10 000 ft (1500 and
3.2.6 Seasonal or Infrequent Use. Equip-
3000 m ) ] : ment stored or deenergized for long periods
should be protected against accelerated deteri-
38 kV [ 0.95 - (0.95 - 0.80)::701( 1E)] oration. Before energizing for service, operating
performance and insu on security should
= 33.8 kV. be checked.
Rated withstand voltages should be multiplied by the
same factor. The continuous current must be similarly
plication Consi~e~ation
0.99 - (0.99 - 0.96)
In the application of circuit breakers to
= 1174 A. electrical systems, attention must be
given to many items hnical importance to
The rated short-circuit current, related re- assure that a misapplication does not occur. In
quired capabilities, and the rated interrupting the usual application, the principal function of
time are not affected by altitude. the circuit breaker is to
3.2.2 Exposure to Damaging Fumes, Vapor, provide a means for the
Steam, Oil Vapors, Salt Air, Hot and Humid circuit current. However, it may be used for
Climate frequent load, exciting current, or capacitive-
(1) Provison may be necessary to avoid current switching. In some cases, switching
condensation on all electrical insulation and requirements may be the determining factor in
current-carrying parts selection rather than the requirements of
(2) Bushings with extra creep distance may short-circuit current i ption. Special
be required attention must also be to applications
(3) In cases where particular exposure where frequent operations are essential.
represents a hazard to insulation security, In the selection of a
special maintenance including insulator wash- tion must be given t
ing may be necessary the present needs for
(4) Materials resistant to fungus growth may for current-carrying capability. These considera-
be required. tions include the possibility of connected
3.2.3 Exposure to Excessive Dust or Abra- circuit changes, such as additions of supple-
sive, Magnetic, or Metallic Dust mental cooling means for transformers
(1) Totally enclosed nonventilated equip- nection of multiple cable or overhead
ment or compartments may be necessary ossible future transfer of the
(2) Where current-carrying equipment m its initial postion to some
designed for ventilated operation is enclosed in
a nonventilated compartment, derating may be In the United States, two types of circuit
necessary. breakers are available for use at most voltage
3.2.4 Exposure to Explosive Mixtures of ratings. These types come under the general
Dust or Gases. Standard circuit breakers are classification of oil and oilless power circuit


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breakers, and the preferred ratings available are without derating so that none of their tempera-
listed in ANSI C37.06-1979. The choice of ture limits is exceeded
breaker type may be influenced by such con- (3) As far as temperature limits are con-
siderations as attended versus nonattended cerned, any high-voltage circuit breaker may be
operation, contaminated atmosphere, location, used with cables having an 85OC or lower
maintenance, ease of handling the interrupting temperature limit, provided that the tempera-
medium, and cost of the installation. ture limit of the cable insulation is not
exceeded. Among the methods of accomplishing
4.1 Maximum Voltage for Application. The
this are:
operating voltage and the normal-frequency
recovery voltage should not exceed the rated (a) Operate the breaker at a continuous
maximum voltage, since this is the upper limit current sufficiently below its rating
for operation. (b) Use a section of oversize conductors or
a special terminal connector ahead of the cable
4.2 Voltage Range Factor. The voltage range to reduce the temperature at the cable terminal
factor, K, is published in ANSI C37.06-1979. (See IEEE Std 55-1953, Guide forTemperature
In most cases, the voltage range is within the Correlation in the Connection of Insulated
range commonly used. (See 4.10.) Wire and Cables to Electric Equipment.)
4.3 Frequency. Rated frequency for circuit (4)The possible adverse effect on or by
breakers is 60 Hz. closely associated equipment operating at a
At slightly lower frequencies, such as 50 Hz, higher or a lower temperature than the breaker
the main current-carrying parts will be should be examined
adequate, but ac control devices may not be (5) It is recognized that when a circuit
suitable for the application. breaker is properly selected for continuous
At 25 Hz, the continuous current ratings in current operation, it may also be used for
amperes are higher and are listed in ANSI starting such equipment as motors, synchronous
C37.06-1979. condensers, and cold loads on an infrequent
Interruption of fault currents on systems basis; under this condition, the continuous
operating at frequencies other than rated current rating may be exceeded without
frequency may require modification of causing damage to the circuit breaker.
mechanisms to change speed of opening or may 4.4.2 Rated Continuous Current for Capaci-
require a change in interrupting ratings of the tor Banks. When a high-voltage circuit breaker
circuit breakers. is used in a circuit supplying static capacitors,
In any case, special consideration should be the continuous current rating should be selected
given to applications at frequencies differing to include the effects of:
from 60 Hz. (1) Operation at voltages below and up to
4.4 Continuous Current. Circuit breakers are 1 0 percent above the capacitor rated voltage
designed for normal application where the (2) The positive tolerance in capacitance of
sustained load current does not exceed the static capacitors (- 0+15 percent)
rated continuous current, the altitude above (3) The additional heating caused by
sea level is 3300 f t (1000 m) or less, and the harmonic currents
ambient temperature does not exceed 4OOC. (4) The effect of grounded or nongrounded
Rated continuous current of a circuit breaker neutral connection of the capacitor.
should not be exceeded except for short In the absence of specific information, it will
periods such as in starting of motors or syn- usually be conservative to use 1.25 times the
chronous condensers or energizing cold loads nominal capacitor current at rated capacitor
or for conditions covered by 4.4.3. voltage for nongrounded neutral operation or
4.4.1 Normal Operation. The conditions to 1.35 times the nominal current for grounded
be followed when making an application are: neutral operation.
(1) Breakers designed for installation in 4.4.3 Load Current Carrying Capability
enclosures may be so used without any further Under Various Conditions of Ambient
derating Temperature and Load
(2) Breakers designed for use in open rooms General. Circuit breakers are
and outdoors cannot be used in enclosures designed for normal application in accordance


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with 4.1 and 5.4 of ANSIPEEE C37.04-1979, a should be provi

where the sustained load current does not ex-
ontinuous current, the altitude
above sea level is 3300 f less, and
the ambient temperature ed 4OoC.
The rated continuous current is based on the
maximum permissible total temperature limita- bility Based on
tions of the various parts of the circuit breaker The continuous
when it is carrying rated current at an ambient
temperature of 4OOC. Th otal temperature
of these parts under service conditions depends
both on the actual load current and the actual
ambient temperature. It is, therefore, possible
to operate at a current higher than rated con-
tinuous current when the ambient temperature
is less than 4OoC, provided that the allowable where
total temperature limit is not exceeded. Simi-
larly, when the ambien
than 4OoC, the current
than rated continuous c
temperatures within all0wable limits.
on at a current higher than rated
C us current will usually cause the Omax = allowable h
allowable temperature limitations to be
exceeded and should be avoided except in
these instances:
(1) For peribds, such as in the starting
of motors nchronous condensers, or when
energizing cold loads. Generally, the time
duration of this type of current increase is
short enough that it does not raise tempera-
tures significantly. NOTE: The temperature rise of a current-carrying
(2) When operating at an ambient tempera- part is proportional to ah exponential value of the
ture below 4OoC, as covered in current flowing through it.
although the exponent may have
(3) For short periods following operation at depending on breaker design and componen
a current less than that permitted by the of 1/1.6 to 1/2,0.
existing ambient temperature, as covered
that is suitable for this application guide.
The method of calculating allowable
current at an ambient temperature above 4OoC
is given in For some high ambient
temperature conditions, it may not be practical
to reduce current sufficiently to keep the total
temperatures within their allowable limits.
Forced ventilation will help in many cases. follows :
Temperature limits of associated equipment
such as cables and current transformers must
Circuit Breaker
be considered. Effect of solar radiation must Component Number Section
also be considered. (See ANSI/IEEE C37.24-
1971, Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar
Radiation on Outdoor Metal-Clad Switchgear.)
Where ambient temperature is be joints, etc C37.04-1979
minimum limit of -30°C, special Bushings C76.1-1976
Curkent transfor
may be required, and additional heater capacity


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The values of temperature limitations NOTE: Although circuit breakers are designed to
specified in these various standards are sum- carry rated current continuously while exposed t o an
ambient temperature of 4OoC, most circuit breakers in
marized in Table 1.In order that none of these service are subjected t o a much less severe ambient
limitations be exceeded when the load current temperature condition which varies with time of day
is adjusted t o the value permitted by the actual and season of year. The average outdoor air tempera-
ture during any 24 h period is usually 5 to 10°C lower
ambient temperature, the values for Om= and than the maximum, and the maximum is usually less
8, should be determined as follows: than 4OoC. This is one important reason for the long
(1) If the actual ambient is less than 4OoC, life which circuit breakers historically have demon-
strated. Continuous operation at rated current and at
the component with the highest specified an ambient temperature of 4OoC likely would result in
valyes of allowable temperature limitations a life somewhat shorter than that usually experienced.
should be used for determining Omax and 8,. The user is cautioned that this guide is intended to
cover situations where the circuit breaker is used at its
(2) If the actual ambient is greater than total temperature limitations infrequently (a few
4OoC, the component with the lowest specified occasions in the expected lifetime), for relatively short
values of allowable temperature limitations periods of time (perhaps a few days).
The manufacturer should be consulted if operation
should be used for determining Om, and Or. at maximum allowable temperature is required at
The use of these values in the calculation will frequent intervals or over extended periods of time.
result in an allowable continuous current which
will not cause the temperature of any part of ay not be necessary to include the
the circuit breaker to exceed the permissible extreme values of highest and lowest allowable
limits. temperature limitations, as listed in Table 1,in

Table 1
Summary of Temperature Limitations for
Circuit Breaker Components

Limit of
Temperature Total
Rise, OC Temperature, OC
Component Description 0, 0max
1 Circuit breaker parts handled by the operator 10 50
in the normal course of his duties
2 Copper contacts, copper-to-copper conducting
joints, external surfaces accessible to the
operator in the normal course of his duties,
external terminal connected t o bushing
3 40 80
4 onnected to 85OC 45 85
insulated cable
5 Hottest spot temperature of parts where they 50 90
contact oil; silver (or equal) contacts in oil;
silver (or equal) conducting joints in oil
Silver (or "equal) contacts in air; silver (or 65 105
equal) conducting joints in air; hottest spot of
bushing conductor o r of bushing metal parts in
contact with Class A insulation or with oil;
hottest spot winding t rature 5 5 ' ~rise of
current transformers.
7 External surfaces not accessible t o an operator 70 110
in the normal course of his duties
8 Hottest spot winding temperature of 80°C 110 150
dry-type current transformers


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Table 2

*For limiting current, use lowest 0, and Omax.

?For limiting current, use highest Or and Omax.

this determination. The lowest value is for estimated from Table 2 or may be calculated
circuit breaker parts handled by the operator in directly from the lormula.
the normal course of his duties, and the highest
value generally is for external surfaces of a EXAMPLE 1: Consider an oil circuit breaker with
copper-to-copper contacts, American National Standard
circuit breaker, not accessible to an operator in bushings, and 55OC rise current transformers. When
the normal course of his duties. In many cases, operating at an ambient temperature of 2
overheating of these parts beyond the specified current could be increased by a factor correspo
with the highest temperature
allowable limitations will not impair circuit e components
breaker performance or expected life. If these
parts are neglected, a higher value of permissible according to Table 2, the factor of
increase is 1.12 times rated curre
continuous load current can be obtained from
the calculation. In most cases, this higher the current must be reduced by a factor which cor-
value of current may safely be used. However, responds t o the component with the lowest temperature
in some circuit breaker designs there may be
gaskets or other components located near such
inaccessible external surfaces which would be
damaged if overheated. The use of 80°C rise
dry-type current transformers would place a
further limit on the allowable current for
operation at an ambient of less than 40°C.
Evaluation of the breaker design should be
made to determine whether or not these
extreme values of temperature limitation
should be included. In case of doubt, the
manufacturer should be consulted.
Table 2 lists the calculated values of l a / I r for
each specified temperature limit for the various
componen e circuit breaker over a
range of ent temperatures. The
allowable current in any given situation can be


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current can be increased by a factor of 1.12, cor- De termination of Allowable Time
responding to the temperature rise limitations of
65OC of the silver-to-silver contacts and the current for I, by Use of Fig 1 . One method for
transformers. determining the allowable duration of current
If the ambient temperature were 5OoC, the reduction Is is shown in Fig 1. The values of time
factor would be 0.87 corresponding to the temperature
rise limitation of 45OC of the connected cable. obtained from the figure are given in “time
constant units.” The actual time is determined
Current transformers that form part of a by multiplying the time constant units by the
circuit breaker assembly or that are normally proper thermal time constant listed in Table 3.
considered a part of the breaker installation
will usually have heating characteristics similar EXAMPLE: A 1200 A oil circuit breaker with silver-
to-silver contacts and American National Standard
to those of the circuit breaker. The continuous bushings is operating at 1000 A (Zi = 1000 A). It is
current permitted by the formula will not desired to increase the current to 1600 A ( I , = 1600 A)
cause overheating of a current transformer for a short time. The maximum ambient temperature
expected is 25’C. For how long a time can the circuit
connected to a ratio tap corresponding to rated breaker carry this current?
current of the circuit breaker. However, if a The allowable continuous current is determined
lower ratio tap is used, the expected secondary according to Since the ambient is less than
4OoC, the highest temperature rise limitation of 65’C
current must be evaluated in terms of the is used, the temperature rise limit of the bushing. From
continuous thermal rating factor of the current Table 2, the ratio of 1.12 is determined for the ambient
transformer. The effect of the secondary current temperature of 25’C. Therefore, Z, = 1.12 x 1200 =
1344 A.
on apparatus connected to the current trans- The ratio (Ii/Is)is (1000/1600) = 0.625. The cor-
former terminals should also be considered. responding value ti from Fig 1 is 0.58 time constant Short-Time Load Current Capabil- units. The ratio (Za/Zs) is (1344/1600) = 0.84. The
corresponding value ta from Fig 1is 1.31 time constant
ity. When a circuit breaker has been operating units. The period of time for which the excess current
at a current level below its allowable continuous can be carried is t, - -
ti = 1.31 0.58 = 0.73 time
load current I,, it is possible to increase the constant units. The actual time is obtained by
multiplying this value by the thermal time constant of
load current for a short time to a value greater 0.5 h taken from Table 3 (0.73 x 0.5 h ) = 0.365 h or
than the allowable current without exceeding about 22 min. After this time, the current must be
the permissible temperature limitations. The reduced to no more than 1344 A in order to prevent
overheating of the bushings.
length of time that the short-time load current
Is can be carried depends on these factors: Determination of Allowable
(1) The magnitude of current Is to be carried Time for Is by Direct Calculation. The allow-
(2) The magnitude of initial current I i carried able duration of current Is may be calculated
prior to application of Is directly. While the chart method is quicker and
(3) The thermal-time characteristics of the simpler than hand calculation of these equa-
circuit breaker tions, the increasing availability of digital com-
The time duration of the short-time current puters makes it desirable to provide the details
may be calculated directly or may be obtained of these calculations. These equations may be
by simple use of Fig 1as described below. The easily written in a computer language such as
time duration of the current Is determined in Fortran so that many sets of conditions may be
this manner will not cause the total temperature analyzed quickly. The program also should
limits of the circuit breaker to be exceeded, then be immediately available for use at a
provided that these requirements are fulfilled :
(1) The circuit breaker, and in particular the
main contacts, shall have been well maintained Table 3
and in essentially new condition Typical Thermal Time Constants
(2) The value used for the current Ii is the
maximum current carried by the breaker Circuit Breaker Typical Time
during the 4 h period immediately preceding Listed in Constant
ANSI C37.06-1979 r, hours
the application of current Is
(3) At the end of the time period, the Table 1
current Is is reduced to a value which is no Table 2
Table 3
greater than the cunent l a Table 4
(4) The value of current I, is limited to a Table 5
maximum value of two times rated current I,.


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E .*E

? .-E
0 k

z 0



0 0


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future time. These are the equations used to 4.5 Rated Dielectric Strength
calculate the time duration ts for a short-time 4.5.1 Low-Frequency Withstand Voltage.
load current Is : Circuit breakers are tested to withstand, for
1 min at normal frequency, a voltage that
exceeds the rated maximum voltage. This test
provides a margin of safety for normal
deterioration, for minor contamination, and
for normal voltage surges encountered in service.
Y = (emax - 40°C) (Ii/Ir)1.8 Test values are listed in rating tables in ANSI
C37.06-1979. These apply to new circuit break-
ers tested at the factory. See 1.3 of ANSI/IEEE
allowable hottest spot total tempera- C37.09-1979 for tests after delivery.
ture from Table 1, in degrees Celsius In some types of circuit breakers, dielectric
actual ambient expected (between withstand voltage may be reduced below a safe
-30°C and 6OoC), in degrees Celsius value by loss of air or gas pressure caused by a
initial current carried prior to applica- stuck valve or other malfunctioning device.
tion of I s , in amperes (the maximum Automatic isolation of the breaker should be
current carried by the breaker during considered in such cases.
the 4 h period immediately preceding 4.5.2 Impulse Withstand Voltage. The basic
the application of current I s )
impulse insulation levels (BIL) of circuit
short-time load current, in amperes breakers are specified in rating tables in ANSI
rated current, in amperes C37.06-1979 for various breaker ratings. In
thermal time constant of the circuit
applying circuit breakers it is necessary to
breaker from Table 3, in hours
make certain that the insulation levels of all
permissible time for carrying current
facilities at a terminal are properly coordinated.
Is at ambient 19, after initial current
Since this is a matter of system insulation
Ii time is in same units of hours as r.
coordination, it is outside the scope of an
NOTE: These equations are derived in the following application guide for circuit breakers.
manner : The purpose of impulse voltage withstand
Let tests is to demonstrate that the insulation level
O s = total temperature, in degrees Celsius, that of the circuit breaker, when coordinated with
would be reached if current I, were applied suitable protective devices, will protect against
continuously at ambient ea dielectric failure or flashover under lightning
O i = total temperature, in degrees Celsius, due to
continuous current Ii at ambient ea surge or equivalent conditions.
et= total temperature, in degrees Celsius, at some When surge arresters are installed on the bus
time t after current is raised from Zi to I, or on transformers and not on each circuit
Then breaker, the surge voltage at the breaker can
et = (es - ei) (1 - E - ~ / T ) + ei exceed that at the arresters, the amount of the
Let et = Omax ;solve for t .
excess depending upon the steepness of the
wave front and the distance from the circuit
Then breaker to the surge arresters. When the circuit
breaker is in the open position, an incoming
surge voltage may be doubled by reflection at
the open terminals. Selection of too low an in-
sulation level for circuit breakers, if not indi-
ei = (ema - 4OoC) ( I ~ / I +, ea
~ vidually protected by arresters, may result in
and an excessive number of operations of local or
e, = (e,,, - ~ ea.
4OoC) ( Z , / Z ~ ) ~ . + remote breakers in clearing faults caused by
external flashovers.
For the special case where the initial current is zero,
the equations in this form are useful. By substitution 4.6 Standard Operating Duty. Power circuit
and further manipulation, the equations given above in breakers are rated for current interrupting
terms of Y are obtained; these are convenient to use in
the more usual case where the initial current is not ability on the basis of a standard operating
zero. duty. (See 5.6 of ANSIIIEEE C37.041979.)


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If the actual duty cycle application is differ- instability. For low values of current, these
ent from the standard operating duty, refer to considerations are less important. of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979, and to The rated interrupting times of specific circuit
Fig 1 of ANSI C37.06-1979,for rating factors breaker ratings are given in the tables of ANSI
for reclosing service and for examples illustrat- C37.06-1979. Fast interrupting speeds may be
ing the use of the rating factors. significant where system stability is critical or
4.7 Intempting Time. The rated interrupting
where line conductor damage is an important
time of a circuit breaker is the time between consideration.
Fig 2 shows the sequence of events in the
trip circuit energization and power arc inter-
ruption on an opening operation, and is used to course of a circuit interruption and reclosure.
classify breakers of different speeds. 4.8 Permissible Tripping Delay. The rated per-
The rated interrupting time adjusted by missible tripping delay Y constitutes a thermal
factors included in 5.7 of ANSI/IEEE C37.04- limit which should not be exceeded for a close,
1979 indicates the length of time to circuit carry, and interrupt sequence at K times rated
interruption of power current after trip initia- short-circuit current. The permissible tripping
tion. Note that the rated interrupting time may delay T , in seconds, may be determined for
be exceeded at low values of current and for currents lower than K times rated short-circuit
close-open operations; also, the time for inter- current by use of the formulas given in 5.8 of
ruption of resistor current for interrupters ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979. The rigorous method
equipped with resistors may exceed the rated is generally not required for application unless
interrupting time. The increase in interrupting the approximate method of the section pro-
time on close-open operation may be important duces a result close to the tripping delayapro-
from the standpoint of line damage or possible posed for use.

Fig 2
Operating Time


t f f f +




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T =Y
1 K (Rated Short-circuit Current)
1 opened. Synchronous motors and static capaci-
tors included in the load will tend to prolong
L 1, -1 the period of arcing. On tie lines, dead time on
where the circuit is the time interval between inter-
ruption of current by the last breaker t o clear
Y = aconstant and making of the contacts on the first breaker
I,, = the quotient E / X , in amperes. to reclose.
For the values of Y , see ANSI C37.06-1979 A dead time on the circuit of at least 8 cycles
(1.1.3). is normally required at 115-138 kV for breakers
without resistors across the interrupters. The
EXAMPLE : Consider an outdoor circuit breaker required dead time is greater for higher voltages.
having a rated short-circuit current of 22 000 A and a
voltage range factor K of 1.65. Assume that I s is Where resistors of low ohmic value are used
20 000 A and Y is 2. Then the permissible tripping across the interTpters, the necessary dead time
delay is: may be affected by the current flowing through

T = 2(
1.65x 22000
20 000
) = 6.6s.
the resistors. Investigations in this area are
being made.
Fig 2 illustrates the reclosing time whieh is
This limit applies to short-circuit current and defined in ANSI C37.100-1972. Figure 1 of
does not apply to load current, motor starting ANSI C37.06-1979 gives factors to be applied
current, or similar service. The aggregate to the interrupting capabilities of circuit
tripping delay on all operations within any breakers for reclosing duty cycles other than
30 min period must not exceed the time ob- the standard operating duty. Examples of the
tained from the above formula. use of these factors are given below.
4.9 Reclosing Time. High-speed reclosing may Example 1. Determine the symmetrical inter-
be applied on radial lines to minimize the rupting capability of a circuit breaker when
effect of line outages. In most cases, reclosing used on a duty cycle of 0 + Os + CO + 15s
within l/2 s from incidence of a fault will + CO + 60s + CO on a system operating at
prevent any adverse effect of the circuit outage 23 kV. The breaker rated short-circuit current
on residential and commercial customers. In is 15 000 A at a rated maximum voltage of
many cases, industrial customers can modify 38 kV on a standard duty cycle of CO + 15s +
their equipment to eliminate most of the CO.
adverse effects of momentary outages if high- (1) The symmetrical interrupting capability
speed reclosing is employed. at 23 kV is 15 000 AX (38/23) = 24 800 A.
High-speed reclosing has been used success- (2) (From Fig 1 of ANSI C37.06-1979.) The
fully on tie lines where opening a circuit calculating factor d, from Fig 1 for reducing
separates a portion of the system from the the symmetrical interrupting capability is 4.0
remainder. In this case, it is necessary to at 24 800 A.
reclose before the rate of change or magnitude (3) (From of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-
of the phase angle of voltages across the open 1979.) Total reduction factor D is 3 X 4.0 =
circuit has reached a value beyond the capability 12.0
of the circuit to restore synchronism following
reclosure. In many applications on loop and D = 4(4 - 2) + 4 ( 1 515- 0 ) + 4 (15-15) + o = 12
grid systems, high-speed reclosing is used to 15
avoid instability, to improve voltage condi-
tions, and to minimize the effects of line The reclosing capability factor is thus R
outages. = 100 - 12.00 = 88.0 percent.
Several definitions of dead time for a circuit (4) The symmetrical interrupting capability
breaker are given in ANSI C37.100-1972.Before for this duty cycle at 23 kV is 24 800 A X 0.88
a circuit can be successfully reenergized, there = 21 800 A.
must be sufficient dead time in the circuit (5) This circuit breaker may be used on this
breaker for the arc path at the fault to become duty cycle at 23 kV on any circuit where the
deionized. On a radial line where the load in- calculated system short-circuit current does not
cludes a large motor component, arcing may be exceed 21 800 A after correction for X / R , if
sustained after the breaker at the source is necessary.


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0 00

z o

0 & 90

Duty Cycles Shown Graphically

Example 2. Determine the symmetrical inter- (5) This breaker may be used on this duty
rupting capability of a circuit breaker when cycle at 28 kV on any circuit where the calcu-
used on a duty cycle 0 + 0 s + CO + 5 s + C O lated system short-circuit current does not ex-
on a system operating at 28 kV. The breaker ceed 26000 A, after corr
rated short circuit is 22 000 A at a rated maxi- necessary.
mum voltage of 38 kV on a standard duty cycle Examples of other reclo
of C O + 15 s + CO. some reclosing duty cyc
(1) The symmetrical interrupting capability ically in Fig 3.
at 28 kV is 22 000 A X (38/28)= 29 900 A.
(2) (From Fig 1 of ANSI C37.06-1979.)The 4.10 Short-Circuit Rating. In the application of
calculating factor dl from the reclosing capabil- circuit breakers, it is necessary that none of the
ity curve is 4.9 at 29 900. short-circuit current capabilities of a circuit
(3) (From of ANSI/IEEE C37.04- breaker be exceeded. These capabilities are
1979.) The total reduction factor using the derived from rated short-circuit current and are
formula for this duty cycle described in 5.10 of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979.
dl = 4.9
n = 3
tl = 0
tz = 5 times the rated max
+4.9 0 5 - 5 1 metrical interrupting c
D = 4.9 (3 - 2)+ 4.9 (15-0) .
15 15
= 13.1
" 1 OpeEating Voltage 1
(4) The symmetrical interrupting capability
= 29 900 A X 0.869 X 26 000 A at 28 kV and except that, f
the above duty cycle. required symmetrical interrupting capability is

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15 percent higher but in no case greater than K be taken to protect breakers against opening
times the rated short-circuit current. where normal current zeros are not obtained.
The precaution includes:
EXAMPLE: Consider an indoor oilless circuit breaker
having a rated short-circuit current of 37 000 A at the (1) Extended relay times
rated maximum voltage of 15 kV and K=1.30. The
symmetrical interrupting capability at an operating (2) Special X/R ratios
voltage of 13.2 kV is (3) Circuit breaker location to avoid this
objectionable degree of asymmetry
37000 X
- =42050A.
At an operating voltage of 11.5 kV which is less than
For examples of calculations of system
short-circuit currents for both 3-phase and
1/K times rated maximum voltage, the symmetrical line-to-ground faults, see 5.3 and 5.4.
interrupting capability is limited to 37 000 K = 37 000
x (1.30) = 48 000 A. 4.10.3 Service Capability. Refer to of
ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979 for the service capabil-
4.10.2 Asymmetrical Requirements. A circuit ity of the breaker and for the specified breaker
breaker having adequate symmetrical intermpt-
condition following certain performances.
ing capability will have adequate capability to The required capabilities of the circuit
meet all of the related short-circuit require-
breaker should not be exceeded, even though
ments unless there is a significant contribution only one interrupting operation may be
from motor load or unless the XIR ratio is imposed.
greater than approximately 15. This will result
4.11 Transient Recovery Voltage Rate. See
in a slower decrement rate for the asymmetrical
current than that incorporated in the rating ANSI/IEEE C37.011-1979, American National
structure. (See Fig 2 of ANSI/IEEE C37.04 Standard, Application Guide for Transient
1979.) Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit
If the actual opening time of the circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.
breaker is less than the assumed value (1.0 4.12 Load Current Switching Capability and
cycles for a 2cycle breaker, 1.5 cycles for a Life (Repetitive Operation). Careful attention
3-cycle breaker, 2.5 cycles for a 5cycle breaker, must be given to ANSI C37.06-1979.
and 3.5 cycles for an 8-cycle breaker), the Motor starting duty may require closing the
breaker is required to have a symmetrical inter- circuit against inrush currents many times
rupting capability corresponding to the actual greater than the running current. This will not
minimum contact parting time in accordance be limiting on a circuit breaker having a con-
with Fig 2 of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979. There- tinuous current rating at least equal to the
fore, it is not necessary to allow a margin in maximum running current of the motor. [See
application for the possibility of breaker open- 5.12(3) of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979.1
ing faster than normally expected. Note that Special circuit breakers may be required for
any combination of symmetrical and direct- applications involving highly repetitive opera-
current components is permissible within the tions such as arc furnace switching and plug-
limitations covered in of ANSI/IEEE ging, jogging, or reversing of motors.
C37.04-1979. 4.13 Capacitance Current Switching. See
If the actual relay time is less than 0.5 cycle, ANSI/IEEE C37.012-1979, American National
this fact should be taken into consideration Standard Application Guide for Capacitance
when calculating required asymmetrical Current Switching for AC High-Voltage Circuit
capability. Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.
Refer to Note 4 of 5.4.1 for the treatment of
the motor contribution where it affects the 4.14 Line Closing (Line Closing SwitchingSurge
initial asymmetrical current. Methods of allow- Factor). When a circuit breaker is closed to en-
ing for slow decrement of the asymmetrical ergize an overhead transmission line, it produces
current are discussed in 5.3 and the sections on the power system a transient overvoltage,
that follow it. the crest of which is called the line closing
In some applications, particularly on switching surge maximum voltage. Circuit
generator buses, a condition may occw where breakers which have been specifically designed
over 100 percent asymmetry is obtained [ 8 ] . to control such voltage to be less than a speci-
Where this condition exists, precautions should fied limit are assigned a rating called the rated


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line closing switching surge factor, This rating factor of a circuit breaker design will be based
designates that the circuit breaker is capable of on a great number of tests made by the manu-
controling line closing switching surge voltages, facturer on a simulated syst
so that there is a probability of at least 98 per- by a user to perfor
cent of not exceeding the rated line closing will be done in acco
switching surge factor, when switching the ANSI/IEEE C31.09-1979,
standard reference transmission line from the cent of the tests to have a li
standard reference power source. surge factor in excess of the rated factor. The
Establishment of the rated line closing switch- probability of obtainin
ing surge factor is based on closing of the circuit no more than one exce
breaker governed by random time energization
of the device which initiates closing of all three
phases. bility (26.5 perc
Random closing of the circuit breaker will tests each will
produce line closing switching surge maximum simulated tests
voltages which vary in, magnitude according to made with a m
the instantaneoug value of the source voltage,
the parameters of the connected system, and t o
the time differences between completion of the
circuit path in each phase. These variations will
be governed by the laws of probability so that
the highest and the lowest possible overvoltages
will occur very infrequently. In recognition of
this and of the economy associated with not
designing for the worst case, the rated line clos-
ching surge factor is based o
at the circuit breaker wil bility of the circuit
ing switching surge factor equal to, or within known statis
less than, the rated factor 98 percent or more
of the times it is closed, and never more than
1.2 times the rated factor.
4.14.1 Statis lysis o f the Number of
Allowable Occ in Excess of the Rated
Value. Any device with which there is a mathe-
matically constant probability of 2 percent of
the occurrence of an event will usually
different test results th
a series of 50 tests. In resent case, if the
event is defined as the line closin'g switching of exceeding rated factor for un-
surge factor exceeding the rated factor, and a acceptable circuit breaker
large number of test series consisting of 50 Alpha = 5 percent =
tests each were conducted, in 36.4 percent of
the repeated test series, of 50 tests each, the
rated factor would not be exceeded; in 37.1 ceptance
the series the rated value would be
once; in 18.6 percent, twice; in 6.1
times; in 1.5 percent, 4 times; and
in 0.3 percent, 5 times (from the binomial
formula). Thus a circuit breaker with a per-
ned and constant 2 percent prob-
eeding the rated switching surge
factor would do so four or more times in about
2 percent of repeated 'te eries of 50 tests each.
It is expected that the rated switching surge


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4.14.2 Type of Power System to Which the the duties specified in 4.15.9 of ANSI/IEEE C37.09-
Rated Line Closivg Switching Surge Factor 1979.
(2) The requirements of this standard cover the great
Applies. The rated line closing switching surge majority of applications of circuit breakers intended for
factor applies to a power system where the cir- switching during out-of-phase conditions. Several cir-
cuit breaker connects an overhead transmission cumstances would have to be combined to produce a
severity in excess of those covered by the tests of this
line directly to a power source. The factor ap- standard and, as switching during out-of-phase condi-
plies specifically to a power system with char- tions is rare, it would be uneconomic to design circuit
acteristics of the standard reference power sys- breakers for the most extreme conditions.
Where frequent out-of-phaseswitching operations are
tem as described in 4.14.1 of ANSI/IEEE anticipated, or where for other reasons out-of-phase
C37.09-1979 and also to those actual power switching is a matter of importance, the user should
systems whose characteristics are not greatly consider actual system recovery voltages. A special
circuit breaker, or one rated at a higher voltage, may
different from those of the standard reference sometimes be required. As an alternative solution, the
power system. severity of out-of-phase switching duty is reduced in
The transmission line is open at the receiv- several systems by using relays with coordinated
impedance-sensitive elements to control the tripping
ing end and is not konnected to such terminal instant, so that interruption will occur either substan-
apparatus as a power transformer although it tially after or substantially before the instant the phase
may be connected to an open circuit breaker or angle is 180'.
disconnect switch. 4.16 Shunt Reactor Current Switching. Circuit
The system does not include shunt reactors, breakers may be applied to switch shunt reac-
potential transformers, series capacitors, shunt tors. Because of the high transient recovery
capacitors, lightning arresters, or any similar voltage rate produced by switching shunt reac-
apparatus unless specified in Table 8 of ANSI tors, the arcing time of some circuit breakers,
C37.06-1979. under that condition, may be significantly
Applications where a circuit breaker is used longer than it would be for other types of
on the low-voltage side of a transformer to switching duty. This longer arcing time may
energize a line on the high-voltage side of the require more frequent maintenance. (See 5.16
transformer are being studied for possible of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979.)
future inclusion in this standard.
It is anticipated that any actual power system 4.17 Excitation Current Switching. Circuit
which deviates too greatly from the standard breakers used for switching exciting current in-
reference power system may require that a cluding energizing and deenergizing of feeder
simulated study be made of it in order to deter- regulators and transformers may require special
mine the actual line closing switching surge consideration because of switching frequency
factor to be expected. or severity.

4.15 Conditions of Use with Respect to the 4.18 Mechanical Life. Circuit breakers are d e
Out-of-Phase Switching Current Rating. The signed to operate satisfactorily for the number
conditions of use with respect to the out-of- of operations specified in Table 6 of ANSI
phase switching current rating are : C37.06-1979.
(1) Opening and closing operations carried 4.19 Rated Control Voltage. The successful
out in conformity with the instructions given performance of circuit breakers depends upon
by the manufacturer for the operation and maintenance of control voltage within the
proper use of the circuit breaker and its aux- standard limits as shown in Table 8 of ANSI
iliary equipment; closing operations should be C37.06-1979. The voltage at the control termi-
limited to a maximum out-of-phase ingle of nals of the circuit breaker should approximate
90' whenever possible [see Note (2) below] the rated control voltage under loaded condi-
(2) Grounding condition of the neutral of tions and must not be less than the minimum
the power system corresponding to that for specified in Table 8 of ANSI C37.06-1979,
which the circuit breaker has been tested even under minimum expected battery voltage
(3) Frequency within f 2 0 percent of the conditions.
rated frequency of the circuit breaker Batteries, battery chargers, control trans-
(4) Absence of a fault on either side of the formers, etc, should be selected considering
circuit breaker this limit and taking into account the line drop
NOTES: (1) All circuit breakers having an assigned out- encountered in the control buses, leads, relay
of-phase switching current rating are able to perform series coils, the condition and charge of the


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battery, and the volt-ampere burden on the subjected b t h e following types of faults:
control transformers. The possibility of
simultaneous closing and tripping of two or
more power circuit breakers should be con-
sidered in selecting the control power supply.
Control current free operation may be
quite high. The are especially critical
where lower control voltages- (24-48
. V

Where emergency service, communication

loads, indicating lights, r similar power
requirements must be supplied from a control
battery, these represent a sustained load
requirement for the battery and charger and
should be include fixing the size of
4.20 Fluid Operating Pressure. Circuit breakers
operated by fluid pressure are designed to
operate over a pressure range prescribed by the
manufacturer. Limit switches to control com-
pressor operation, to indicate low pressure, and
to prevent circuit breaker operation below
minimum pressure are normally provided. A
suitable power sou r compressor operation
is required.

euit Considerations circuit breakers h*ave 1

urrents. One of the

ts of circuit breaker
application is the ' determination of the
maximum short-circuit duty imposed on the
Different methods of determining system
short-circuit currents have been published. In
general, more complex calculations give
improved accuracy. The application engineer
should select the method in acco
accuracy. Ordinarily, the meth
5.3.2will be conservative.
5.1.1 Sh-ort-circuit Tests. The most accurate
ation of short-circuit current may be
trolled and instru-
s. Sometimes such
ade to test new equipment or system
arrangements, but are not
a means of determining
circuit breakers on a p
most cases, selection
precedes completion of new facil
5.1.2 Types and


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Va f



W >

r I I I
QlL IME :*
:k 1.0
0 0

I /2 I 2 3 4
a w
(*The circuit breaker required asymmetrical interrupting capability for any time up to
the permissible tripping delay. See 4.7.)

Fig 4
Power Circuit Breaker Design Requirements

Circuit breakers are designed to interrupt fault is close, electrically, to a major element
satisfactorily with the asymmetrical and of generation, the ac decay will be appreciable
symmetrical current relationships shown in during the first few cycles.
Fig 4. When a breaker interrupts a short-circuit The ac decay may not be significant in sys-
current, the critical current value is that exist- tem locations that are electrically remote from
ing at the time of primary arcing contact part- generation. This may be so even in auxiliary
ing. The curve of Fig 4 is designed t o specify systems fed directly from the generator termi-
the required asymmetrical capability of any nals, but through a relatively high impedance
circuit breaker based on %-cycleminimum relay reactor or transformer.
time plus the circuit breaker opening time. Once In cases where high X/R ratios are en-
this asymmetrical capability is so established countered and some tripping delay in excess of
(see of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979),it l/2 cycle is used, advantage may be taken of
remains fixed for any contact parting time the system decay in either or both of the dc
within the permissible tripping delay period. and ac components of short-circuit current.
(See 5.8 of ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979.For In locations where such advantage is taken of
example, if a circuit breaker has an opening the decay in the ac and dc components and
time of 1/2 cycle, the minimum contact parting where the circuit breaker is applied at about
time is 2 cycles. From Fig 4, the circuit breaker 1/K times the rated maximum voltage, special
has an asymmetrical current capability of 1.2 care must be exercised to assure that the circuit
at 2 cycles, where the required symmetrical breaker capability at l/2 cycle (closing and
capability is 1.0. latching capability) is not exceeded. This is
The more exact type of calculation (see 5.3.2) 1.6 times K times the rated short-circuit cur-
evaluates the decay in the ac and the dc com- rent. Also, in the presence of motor load,
ponents of the short-circuit current. When the closing on a short-circuit may be critical, in


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which case the critical current may be that of be substituted for E / X in the descriptions
the first major current crest. Proper provision which follow.
for this condition is assured by making a 5.3.1 EfXSimplified Method. In many cases of
closing and latching duty calculation using the short-circuit current calculations a simple E/X
rotating machine reactances indicated in 5.4.1. computation (E/X,) for 3-phase faults or
In any case, neither the required symmetrical 3E/(2X1 + X,) for single line-to-ground faults)
nor the required asymmetrical interrupting will provide adequate accuracy for circuit
current capability of a circuit breaker should breaker application.
be exceeded at the time of primary arcing NOTE: See 5.4 for definitions of electrical quantities.
contact separation.
The results of the E / X simplified procedure
5.2 §election of Applicable Circuit Breaker
may be compared with 100 percent of the
Ratings. With the short-circuit current duties
circuit breaker symmetrical interrupting
at the circuit breaker location available
capability where it is kno
(see 5.3), the most severe of these should be
tem X/R ratio (Xl,lRl f
used in selecting the desired breaker rating
or (2X1 +X0)/(2R1+R,) f
from the tables of preferred ratings in ANSI
ground faults is 15 or less.
(337.06-1979. The proper table for indoor or
outdoor, oil or oilless breaker types should be NOTE : For simplification, negative-sequence reactance
chosen. One or more interrupting and continu- X z is assumed equal to positive-sequence reactance X I .
A similar assumption is made for resistance values Rz
ous ampere ratings are available in most voltage and R I .
The E/X simplified procedure may be used
5.3 Methods for Calculating System Short- without determining the system R if E/Xdoes
Circuit Currents. Various methods and devices not exceed 80 percent of the symmetrical
are in use for the calculation of short-circuit interrupting capability of the breaker. If it is
current. Rather rigorous methods involving desired to use a breaker where the current
step-by-step application of ac and dc decre- determined in this case exceeds 80 percent of
ments have been devised and used for faults at the breaker’s symmetrical interrupting
generating stations. These same methods are capability, a more exact method of calculation
sometimes used for faults at other locations, such as that described in 5.3.2 should be used
but the application of the methods is more to check the adequacy of the circuit breaker.
difficult and less satisfactory as the impedance
networks became more complex. NOTE: In many cases, calculation will show the X/R
ratio to be less that 15. In such cases, no further
A simplified method is described in 5.3.1. calculation is required since EIX can be used up to
This method requires only an E/X calculation 100 percent of breaker rati
up to certain limits which represent the degree
The more exact procedure should also be used
of accuracy of the method.
if a single line-to-ground fault supplied
A more accurate method is described in 5.3.2.
This method gives results approximating those predominantly by generators, at generator
voltage, exceeds 70 percent of the circuit
obtained by more rigorous methods. In using
it, it is necessary first to make an E/X current breaker symmetrical interrupting capability for
single line-to-ground fa
calculation. Then it is necessary to adjust the
E/X current value for both the ac and the dc EXAMPLE OF E / X SIMP
decay which depend upon the circuit condi- (1) General: Consider the system shown in Fig 5.
tions. This method also provides for the Faults on both sides of breaker A in Fig 5 and of all
possibility of including both ac and dc decays other circuit breakers should be considered, assuming
in each case that the breaker in question is the last
where relay time delay in excess of the l/2 cycle breaker to clear the fault. However, upon careful
minimum is utilized. This method should pro- observation of the system involved it may be apparent
vide results having an accuracy commensurate that a fault on one side of the breaker gives a higher
fault current than does a fault on the other side. This is
with the usually available short-circuit char- the case for breaker A in the system shown in Fig 5.
acteristics of electrical equipment and systems. Therefore, currents have been calculated for a fault on
In those instances where it is desired to use only one side at positi ver, in case of doubt,
fault currents for fau sides of the breaker
impedances instead of reactances for determin- should be calculated. line-to-ground faults
ing short-circuit current magnitudes, E/Z may on tie lines, the con the remote breaker


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I 132 K V . 26 KV
(0.050+ 0.020)
(0.400 + 0.200 )
\ a /
Total X I =
(0.050 + 0.020) +

- 0.070 x 0.50 = o.06,
0.070 + 0.50
Base voltage = 132 kV
Base current = 437 A
The value of operating voltage corresponding to the
Fig 5 highest typical operating voltage at the fault point is
System Illustrating Use of Simplified Method 134 kV or 1.015 per unit.
of Short-circuit Calculation
Isc = -X 437 = 7270 A.

(3) Single Line-to-Ground Fault Calculations. Con-

X, :0050 sider the system shown in Fig 7.

(0.030 + 0.20) (0.20) = o.107

TotalXo =
x,:0020 (0.030 + 0.20) + (0.20)

Since Xo is greater than X I , the single line-to-ground

fault need not be considered.
(4) Selection of Breaker. A circuit breaker is t o be
selected from the preferred rating schedules in ANSI
OPEN C37.06-1979. The load current requirement is 600 A
and the standard duty cycle is used.
Consider a breaker which has a rated maximum
voltage of 145 kV, a continuous current rating of
1200 A, a rated short-circuit current of 20 000 A at
Fig 6 145 kV, a maximum symmetrical interrupting ca-
Positive-Sequence Reactances for System pability of 20 000 A, and a voltage range factor K of
Shown in Fig 5 1.0. For a three-phase fault the symmetrical inter-
rupting capability of the breaker is 20 000 A at the
134 kV operating voltage.
Since the three-phase short-circuit current (7270 A)
is less than 80 percent of the symmetrical interrupting
capability (16 000 A), this breaker is adequate for the
service required. There is a large margin for growth
which may be important in selecting the breaker for a
x, =o033 new application.

8-- 5.3.2 E / X Method With Adjustment for AC

and DC Decrements. For greater accuracy than
that given by the E/X simplified method de-
scribed in 5.3.1, the following procedure
should be used.
The technical basis for this procedure is
Fig 7 presented in the Appendix. The procedure
Zero-Sequence Reactance for System involves steps for applying factors to the E / X
Shown in Fig 5 calculation. These factors depend upon the
point on the system at which the short circuit
occurs,and upon the system X / R ratio as seen
closed may sometimes produce a fault current through
from that point.
the breaker higher than that occurring when the remote For determination of the system X / R ratio it
breaker is open. In such a case, the single line-to- should be noted that there is no completely
ground fault current will not exceed the 3-phase fault accurate way of combining two parallel circuits
current except for a very unusual combination of
impedances. with different values of X / R into a single
(2) Three-phase Fault Calculations. In the system circuit with one value of X / R . The current
shown in Fig 6, per-unit reactances are indicated from the several circuits will be the sum of
adjacent to generators, transformers, and lines. Base
apparent power = 100 MVA. Nominal voltage is used several exponentially decaying terms, usually
as base a t all levels. with different exponents, while that from a


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' 0
I 1

1.2 13 14 13 14 I O I I 12 13 IO
I/-- I I I2 13


NOTE: Consideration has been given to extending Che curves o

1.0, but since there are possibilities of nonconservative application in both symmetrical and asymmetrical current
determinations in this area, the curves have not been extended. Further studies within these zones are recommended
for future revisions of this application guide.

Fig 8
Three-phase Fault Multiplying Factors
Which Include Effects of AC and DC Decrement [See 5.3.2(1)]

single circuit contains just one such term. be applied to the E / X calculation so that the
Investigation has shown [2] that for practical ac and dc decrements are properly included in
proportions, the procedure of reducing the the final result.
reactance to a single value with complete The following procedure is usually con-
disregard for the resistances and reducing the servative :
resistance to a single value with complete
disregard for the reactmces gives, in general,
more accurate results than any other reasonably . The E / X cur-
rent should be multiplied by a factor from
simple procedure (including the phasor repre-
sentation used at system frequency). In addi-
tion, the error for practical cases is on the
conservative side. For these reasons, this is the
recommended procedure.
In cases where an E/Z calculation is made
it is acceptable to substitute Z/R for X I R
provided that the R is obtained from a separate
resistance disregarding
The factors taken from Figs 8, 9, or 10 should times the generator per-unit sub-


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1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 IO 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

Fig 9
Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors
Which Include Effects of AC and DC Decrement [See 5.3.2(1)]

transient reactance on a common It will be noted that the maximum correction

system megavolt-ampere base factor obtained from Figs 8, 9, and 1 0 in most
(2) The factors of Fig 1 0 include only the practical applications is approximately 1.25.
effects of dc decay. The E / X current should be This 1.25 factor forms the basis for establish-
ing 80 percent of circuit breaker capability as a
multiplied by a factor from Fig 10 for a three-
limit for application of the simplified method
phase or a line-to-ground fault if the short-
circuit current it fed predominantly from in 5.3.1 where XIR is unknown.
In breaker applications, relays slower than
generators through:
one-half cycle are frequently used. In some
(a) Two or more transformations or cases, consideration could be given to utilize
(b) A per-unit external to the this relay time to reduce the fault current at
generator that is equal to or exceeds contact parting time to avoid or postpone
1.5 times the generator per-unit replacement of circuit breakers. Figs 8, 9, and
subtransient reactance on a com- 10 include curves for breakers of typical speeds
mon system megavolt-ampere base for longer contact parting t i e s to aid in
checking the adequacy of circuit breakers with
The resulting product must not exceed the contact parting times longer than the'normal
symmetrical interrupting capability of the minimum. The breakers must still meet the
circuit breaker being considered. closing and latching duty.


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x 7c
5 6C





C ~

3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

Fig 10
Three-phase and Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors
Which Include Effects of DC Decrement Only [See 5.3.2(


(1) Gen nsider the system shown in Fig 11.
Since it arent that faults on the line side of
breakers A an oduce higher fault current through 25
the breaker than does a fault on the bus side, currents
been calculated on only one side of each breaker. (3) Single Line-to-
se of doubt, fault currents for faults on both sides Breaker A (Case 1).
of the breaker should be calcualted. Fig 13.
ulation of Breaker A
wn in Fig 12, per-unit (0.070) (0.030 + 0.300) = o.0578
Total X o =
nt t o generators, trans- 10.070 + 0.030 + 0.300)
formers, and lines. Base apparent power = 100 MVA.
Nominal voltage is used as base at all levels.

(0.150 + 0 . 0 7 0 ) (0.020 + 0.120)

= 0.0856 55 = 16 720.
- (0.150 + 0.070 + 0.020 + 0.120)

(0.0017 i-0.0015) (0.0005 + 0.0120) = o.oo255 for More

TotalR, = Accurate Calculation (C ase fault:
(0.0017 + 0.0015 + 0.0005 + 0.0120)

Base voltage = 46 kV
Base current = 1255 A


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46 K V +4 345KV

Fig 11
System Illustrating Use of the E / X Method with
Adjustment for AC and DC Decrements

X i = 0.070

R , = O 0005

Fig 12
Positive-Sequence Impedance for System
Shown in Fig 11 (Breaker A)

R o = 0 03

Fig 13
Zero-Sequence Impedance for System
Shown in Fig 11 (Breaker A)

Consider a 5-cycle breaker with a contact parting From Fig 9, the single line-to-ground short-circuit
time of 3 cycles and a normal duty cycle. Since the current should be multiplied by 1.13 t o assure con-
breaker is on the bulk system, is only one transforma- servative breaker application. The current to be com-
tion away from generation, and the X/R ratio is greater pared with the breaker symmetrical interrupting
than 15, the breaker duty should be multiplied by a capability for single line-to-ground faults is 1 6 720
factor from Fig 8 t o assure conservative breaker 1.13 = 1 8 890 A.
application. This factor is 1.05. The current t o be (5) Selection of Breaker (Case 1). A circuit breaker
compared with the breaker symmetrical interrupting is t o be selected from the preferred rating schedules of
capability is 1 4 910 x 1.05 = 15 660 A. ANSI C37.06-1979. The load current requirement is
For a single line-to-ground fault: 700A and the standard duty cycle is used.
Consider an outdoor oil circuit breaker with a rated
2x1 + X , - 2 X 0.0856 + 0.0518 = 35.1 maximum voltage of 48.3 kV, a continuous current
2R1 + Ro 2 X 0.00255 + 0.00143 rating of 1200 A, a rated short-circuit current of
17 000 A at 48.3 kV, a voltage range factor K of 1.21,


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I x , = 0 I20 __
X I = 0 020
R, = 0 0005
X , = O 070 R I (ac) = O O l L O
R,(,,)=O 0015

IR(oc) = O . O O y

Fig 14 1
Positive-Sequence Impedance for System
Shown in Fig 11 (Breaker B)

Xo = O 030
X, = 0 300
Ro : O 0 3 0
X, = 0070
R, =00015

R, = O 0 3 0
Fig 15
Zero-Sequence Impedance for System
Shown in Fig 11 (Breaker B)

NOTE: X may be either X I or 2X1 + X o and R may

be either R I o r 2R1 + Ro as shown in 5.4.
(6) Three-phase Fault Calculation of Breaker B
(Case 2). Consider the system shown in Fig 14.

(b.150 + 0.010 + - (0.020)

)' + 0.200 = 0.219
= (0.160 + 0.070 + E)+
2 (0.020)

(0.0017 + 0.0015+ -
o.0120) (0.0005)
i0.0040 = 0.0047

Base voltage = 34.5 kV

Symmetrical Base current = 1670 A
Calculated Interrupting
The value of voltage corresponding t o the highest
Short-Circuit Current Capability typical operating voltage at the fault point is 34 kV or
0.986 per unit.
At Rated At
X/R Adjusted Maximum Operating
Fault E/X Factor E/X Voltage Voltage -X 1670 = 7520
Is, = 0'986 A
3-phase 1 4 9 1 0 1.05 15660 17 000 17540
(7) Single Line-to-Ground Fault Calculation of
single Breaker B (Case ~ 2 ) .Consider the system shown in
ground 1 6 7 2 0 1.13 18890 I
19550 20 170
Fig 15.


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x, =
(0.070 + '9)+ (0.030)
0.200 = 0.226
X I is the positivesequence reactance. (Equiv-
alent to X as used in this standard.)
0 300
(0.070 + -)+2 (0.030) X , is the negative-sequence reactance. (In the
simplified method of fault calculation, X2 is
0 0,300)
(0.0015+- (0.0010) assumed equal to X , .)
+ 0.0040 = 0.0049 X , is the zero-sequence reactance which may
Ro = (0.0015+O
- o r ) + (0.0010) be obtained from design data, by calculation,
or by test.
0*986 X,!J' is the subtransient direct-axis reactance
= (0.219x 2) + 0.226 x 1670 = 7440 A of a synchronous machine or locked-rotor
reactance of an induction machine. This is
always a positive-sequence reactance.
( 8 ) Factors Applicable to E/X Calculation for More Xi is the transient direct-axis reactance of a
Accurate Calculation (Case 2). For a three-phase fault: synchronous machine. This is always a positive-
sequence reactance.
Xi - 0.219
= 49.0 R is the corresponding lowest value of system
R1 0.0047
resistance as viewed from the fault point
Consider a 38 kV 5-cycle breaker with a minimum (determined with X assumed 0) with the
relay time of 1.5 cycles resulting in contact parting resistances of the system components de-
time of 4 cycles and standard duty cycle. Since the termined as specified in 5.4.2.Instead of calcu-
breaker is on the subtransmission system, is remote
from generation by more than one transformation, and lating R , an estimate of the system X / R ratio
the X/R ratio is greater than 15, the breaker duty may be determined as shown in Table 5.R may
should be multiplied by a factor from Fig 1 0 for a be either R I or 2R, + R o depending on
conservative breaker application. This factor is 1.20.
The current t o be compared with the breaker symmet- whether three-phase or single line-to-ground
rical interrupting capability is 1.20 X 7510 = 9012 A currents are being calculated.
for a 3-phase fault. For a single line-to-ground fault: ,
R is the positive-sequence resistance.
R 2 is the negative-sequence resistance.
2x1 + X o -- (2X 0.219)+ 0.226 = 47.8
Ro is the zero-sequence resistance which may
2R1 + Ro (2 X 0.00447)+ 0.0044 be obtained from design data, by calculation,
or by test.
From Fig 10, the single line-to-ground short-circuit L is inductance in henrys. L = X / 2 n f (where
current should also be multiplied by 1.19.The current f is system frequency).
t o be compared with the breaker symmetrical inter- C is capacitance.
rupting capability for single line-to-ground faults is
1.19 X 7440 = 8850 A. 2 is impedance.
A breaker would be selected as described in (5). I is current.
Selection of Breaker (Case 1). I, is the calculated symmetrical short-circuit
5.4 Electrical Quantities Used. E is the line- current.
to-neutral value corresponding to the highest K is the voltage range factor (see 5.2 of ANSI/
typical operating voltage which occurs^at the IEEE C37.04-1979and ANSI C37.06-1979.
circuit breaker location. Tdc is the direct-current time constant for
X is the corresponding lowest value of the' circuit involved in the short circuit being
system reactance (determined with R assumed calculated (see 5.1.3).
0) as viewed from the fault point with all S is the ratio as shown in Fig 4 and
rotating machines represented by the appro- of ANSI/lEEE C37.04-1979.
priate reactances as specified in 5.4.1. It may
5.4.1 Rotating Machine Reactances. Basi-
be either X , or 2 X , + X o according to whether
three-phase of single line-to-ground currents cally, initial short-circuit current of rotating
machines is determined by the machine sub-
are being calculated. transient reactances. For the simplified and
NOTE: Load reactances are neglected in this guide more accurate methods of short-circuit current
pince they are usually large with respect t o the series
reactance and have little effect on the magnitude of calculation, the following reactances are
short-circuitcurrent. deed :


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Using Z = (,!?/Xi) E-tIT': as the expression for the

Positive Sequence exponential decay of induction motor symmetrical
Reactances for Calculating current t o a terminal short circuit, the reactance
multiplying factor is E + ~ / T, where t is thz proper time
Interrupting Closing and after initiation of the short circuit and T is the motor
5 P e of Duty Latching Duty short-circuit time constant. (Both should be in the
Rotating Machine (Per Unit) (Per Unit) same time units.) For example, using manufacturer's
motor data for T ', the reactance multiplying factor for
All turbogenerators, all determining the interrupting duty may d using
hydro-generators with t equal to the circuit breaker minimum parting
amortisseur windings, time. For a circuit breaker with a five-cycle rated
and all condensers (See interrupting time, t = 3 cycles (0.05 s). For determin-
Note 2) 1.0 xl; 1.0 x: ing the closing and latching duty, t = 0.5 cycles
(0.00833 s) in the reactance multiplying factor
Hydrclgenerators without calculations.
amortisseur windings
(See Note 2) 0.75Xd 0.75Xd
All synchronous motors
(See Notes 1, 4, and 5) 1.5 Xi 1.0 xi POWER SYSTEM

Induction Motors (See

Notes 3, 4, and 5)
Above 1000 hp at
1800 r/min or less 1.5 X t 1.0 x:
Above 250 hp at 3600
From 50 t o lo00 hp at
T"" -r ' x,= 7.7
1800 r/min or less 3.0 X: 1.2 x; lo I
I 3
From 50 to 250 hp
at 3600 r/min
Neglect all 3-phase induction motors
below 50 hp and all single-phase
(1) Xl of synchronous rotating machines is the 50 TO 250 HP
rated-voltage (saturated) direct-axis subtransient re-
actance. f

(2) Xd of synchronous rotating machines is the Fig 16

rated-voltage (saturated) direct-axis transient reactance. System Illustrating Large
(3) X g of induction motors equals 1.00 divided by Short-circuit Contribution from Motors
per-unit locked-rotor current at rated voltage.
(4) The current contributed t o a short circuit by
induction motors and small synchronous motors may
usually be ignored on utility systems except station EXAMPLE: In the syste shown in Fig 16, imped-
service supply systems and at substations supplying ances are per unit on a 100 MVA base.
large industrial loads. At these locations, as well as in at 4.15 kV = 1 3
industrial distribution systems or locations close t o Per-unit react re indicated adjace
large motors, or both, the current at l / 2 cycle will be tors and transformers. Nominal voltage is used as base
increased by the motor contribution t o a greater degree, at all positions. The value of voltage corresponding to
proportionately, than the symmetrical current will be the highest typical operating voltage at the fault point
increased at minimum contact parting time. In these is 4.16 kV or 1.0 per unit. T
calculation of '12 cycle current
g the methods of 5.3.1 or 5.3.2 be 1.0 (see 5.3.1).
and the appropriate reactance values given above under
the heading "Closing and Latching Duty." A 1.6 rated maximum voltage of 15.0
multiplying factor should be used for asymmetry and factor K of 2.27, a continuou
this result must not exceed the closing and latching 1200 A, a rated short-circuit current of 9300 A, and a
capability of the circuit breaker being used. maximum symmetrical interrupting capability of
(5) These rotating machine reactance multipliers and 21 000 A at 6.6 kV and below. The symmetrical
the E/X amperes multipliers of Figs 8 and 9 include the interrupting capability of this breaker at 4.16 kV is
effects of ac decay. However, the methods for calcula- 21 000 A. The current to be compared with the sym-
tion of system short-circuit current described in 5.3.1 metrical interrupting capability is, for a 3-phase fault
and 5.3.2 incorporate sufficient conservatism t o permit near breaker A:
the simultaneous use of a rotating machine reactance
and a E/X amperes multiplier from Fig 8 or 9. l + 1
(6) When the contribution of large individual
induction motors is an appreciable portion of the
short-circuit current, substitution for the tabulated
l39000 1.87 + 0.10 (3.45) (1.5) + (1.10)
1 1 1
multiplying factors of more accurate multipliers based + (16.8) (i.0) + 7.7 + (1.5);4.75)] = 11 400 A
on manufacturer's time constant data is appropriate.


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The system R could be calculated and a correction ing temperature. In setting up the R network
factor based on X/R determined. However, since this
factor will be 1.00 and since the current determined is for the calculation of the equivalent X/R ratio
already less than the symmetrical interrupting capabil- of any system, rotating machine resistance
ity, it is not necessary t o make this refinement. values obtained from the manufacturer or
The symmetrical component of current at l/2 cycle
is: through use of the following table should be
adjusted by the applicable rotating machine
reactance multipliers from the table in 5.4.1.
l + 1 The ranges and typical values of the X/R
l3 1.87 + 0.10 3.45 + 1.10 ratios of system components may be obtained
+ (16.8)(1.2)
+ 7.7
-'1 = 13 5 0 0 A
from Table 4. An estimate of the total system
equivalent X/R ratio to the point of fault may
be obtained from Table 5.
The symmetrical interrupting capability is adequate.
Since 1.6 times the symmetrical component of the ' / z Approximate
cycle current (21 600 A) does not exceed the circuit System Components Resistance
breaker closing and latching capability (34 000 A),
the breaker is satisfactory for service at position A Turbine generators and
in Fig 16. condensers effective resistance'
Salient pole generators
and motors effective resistance'
5.4.2 Resistance of System and Typical X/R Induction motors 1.2 times the dc armature
Ratio. For the purpose of determining the resistance
equivalent X/R ratio, it is recommended that
Power transformers ac load loss resistance (not
the manufacturer's advice be obtained con- including no-load losses or
cerning the resistance value to be used for auxiliary losses)
important electrical devices. For machines, the Reactors ac resistance
X/R ratio required is a measure of the time Lines and cables ac resistance
constant of the exponential decay of the dc
component of machine current for a fault at
its terminals. In the absence of manufacturer's
recommendations, the approximate values of
'Effective resistance = -X2"
resistance from the table listed are suggested. where X p V is the rated voltage negative-sequence reac-
tance and T,3 is the rated voltage generator armature
In both cases, measured values on rotating time constant in seconds. It is usually about 1.2 times
machine should be converted to normal operat- the dc resistance.

Table 4
Range and Typical Values of X / R Ratios of System Components

System Component Range Typical Values

Large generators and hydrogen cooled synchronous condensers 40-120 80

Power transformers see Fig 1 7
Induction motors see Fig 18 -
Small generators and synchronous motors see Fig 19 -
Reactors 40-120 80
Open wire lines 2-16 5
Underground cables 1-3 2

NOTE: Actual values should be obtained if practical.


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Equivalent System
(For Quick Approxi

Type of Circuit Range

(1) Synchronous machines connected directly t o the bus or through reactors 40-1 20
(2) Synchronous machines connected through transformers rated 100 MVA and larger 40-60
Synchronous machines connected through transformers rated 25 t o 100 MVA for

( 4 ) Remote synchronous mach rmers rated 100 M

larger for each three-phase bank, e 90 percent or m
the total equivalent impedance t o 30-50
(5) Remote synchronous machines connected through transformers rated
100 MVA for each three-phase bank, where the transformers provide 90 percent or
of the total equivalent impedance t o the fault point
(6) Rqmote synchronous machines connected through other types of circuits, such as:
transformers rated 10 MVA or smaller for each three-phase bank, transmission lines,
distribution feeders, etc 1 5 or less

Based on class of transformer, obtain the proper 6?

factor from the table below. Multiply the transformer
megavolt-ampere rating by this factor before using
Fig 17 t o obtain the typical X / R value.
Class Rating in MVA Factor

1 2 5 IO 50 100 500 1000

Fig 18
X / R Range for Three-phase Induction Motors

and Synchronous Motors
30 70

_I 60
> 20 [r

t- 2 40
a 30
IO a
>- 20
0 0
50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10,000 1000 2500 5000 10000 15000 1 25000


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6. References Determining the Transient Recovery

Voltages on Power Systems. AIEE
6.1 References to the Text Transactions (Power Apparatus and
[l] SKUDERNA, J. E. The X l R Method of Systems), vol 77, Aug 1958, pp 592-
Applying Power Circuit Breakers. AIEE 604.
Transactions (Power Apparatus and Sys- [12] HANNA, W. M., TRAVERS, H. A.,
tems), vol80, June 1959, pp 328-338. WAGNER, C. F., WOODROW, C. A.,
[2] AIEE Committee Report. Calculation of and SKEATS, W. F. System Short Cir-
Electric Power System Short Circuits cuit Currents. AIEE Transactions,
During the First Few Cycles. AIEE V O 60,1941,
~ pp 877-881.
Transactions (Power Apparatus and Sys- [13] HUENING, W. C., Jr. Time Variation of
tems), vol 75, April 1956, Pp120-127. Industrial System Short-circuit Currents
and Induction Motor Contributions.
[3] HAHN, W. M., and WAGNER, C. F.
A IEE Transactions (Industry and General
Standard Decrement Curves. AIEE
Applications), vol 74, May 1955, pp 90-
Transactions, vol 51, 1932, pp 352- 101.
[14] KNABLE, A. H. Proposed New Breaker
[4] WAGNER, C. F., and EVANS, R. D. Ratings and Their Effect on Applica-
Symmetrical Components. New York: tion for Industrial Systems. AIEE
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1933. Transactions (Power Apparatus and Sys-
tems), vol 80, Feb 1962, pp 957-963.
[ 51 Electrical Transmission and Distribu- [15] AIEE Committee Report. A New Basis
tion Reference Book. East Pittsburgh: for Rating Power Circuit Breakers.
Central Station Engineers of Westing- AIEE Transactions (Power Apparatus
house Electric Corporation, 1950. and Systems), vol 73, April 1954,
pp 353-367.
[6] WAGNER, C. F. Decrement of Short
Circuit Currents. Electrical Journal, [ 161 AIEE Committee Report. Proposed
March, April, May, 1953. Revision of American Standard Alter-
[7] KIMBARK, E. W. Power System Stabil- nating-Current Power Circuit Breakers,
ity. New York: Wiley, vol I, 1948; C37.4-1953; AIEE Conference Paper
vol 11, 1950;~01111,1956. NO CP-59-186,1959.
[8] OWEN, R. E., and LEWIS, W. A. Asym- [ 171 AIEE Committee Report. Simplified
metry Characteristics of Progressive Calculation of Fault Currents. Electrical
Short Circuits on Large Synchronous Engineering, vol 67, 1948, pp 1433-
Generators. IEEE Transactions on Power 1435.
Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-90, [18] SKEATS, W. F., TITUS, C. H., and
March/April1971, pp 587-596. WILSON, W. R. Severe Rates of Rise of
[ 91 AIEE Committee Report. Calculated Recovery Voltage Associated with Trans-
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Short- mission Line Short Circuits. AIEE
Circuit Current Decrement Rates on Transactions (Power Apparatus and Sys-
Typical Power Systems. AIEE Trans- tems), vol 76, Feb 1958, pp 1256-
actions (Power Apparatus and Systems), 1266.
vol75, June 1956, pp 274-285.
6.3 References Concerning Line-Closing
6.2 General References Concerning Short- Switching Surge Voltage Control Switch
Circuit Current Interruption [19] JOHNSON, I. B., SILVA, R. F., and
[lo] DANDENO, P. L., WATSON, W., and WILSON, D. D. Switching surges due to
DILLARD, J. K. Transient Recovery energization or reclosing. Proceedings
Voltage on Power Systems. AIEE Trans- American Power Conference, vol XXIII,
actions (Power Apparatus and Systems), 1961, pp 729-736.
V O ~77, Aug 1958, pp 581-592. [20] ARISMUNANDAR, A., PRICE, W. S.,
[ll] GRISCOM, S. B., SAUTER, D. M., and and McELROY, A. J. A digital computer
ELLIS, H. M. Practical Method of iterative method for simulating switching


Authorized licensed use limited to: MINCYT. Downloaded on December 23,2014 at 15:15:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
surge responses of power transmission in high vol uit breakers. IEEE
networks. IEEE Transactions, Paper No Paper, No 31CP66-112.
63-1031. ~ 2 4 1 SONNENBERG, C. F. Methods of
[211 LAUBER, T. S. Resistive energization of switching surge testing based on statis-
ission lines: part I single-phase tical sampling theory. IEEE Paper, No
part I1 three-phase lines. IEEE 31C43-C.
Papers, Nos 31CP65-171 and 31CP65-
174. [251 WALD, A. Sequential Ana New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 19
[22] Sampling Procedures and Tables for In-
n b y Attributes. MILStd-105D. 1261 CALABRO, S. liability Principles
r231 ER, C . L. and BANKOSKE, J. W. and Practices. ork: McGraw-Hill,
Evaluation of surge suppression resistors 1962.
[271 and d
Y of
Reclosing Transients on a 765 kV
Shunt Compensated Transmission
Line, IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol 97, July/
Aug, 1978, pp 1447-1457.


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(This Appendix is not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.010-1979, American National Standard IEEE Application Guide for
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.)

Appendix A
Basis for E / X Method Corrected for AC and DC
Decrements in the
Calculation of Short-circuitCurrents

A l . Introduction A2. Application Methods

The methods used in developing the applica- Two methods of short-circuit calculation are
tion guide for the more accurate procedure described in 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 of this standard.
described in the main body of this standard The E / X simplified method and its limitations
(see 5.3.2) are covered in this Appendix. This are described in 5.3 .l.The method as described
Appendix shows the derivations that permit in 5.3.2 is the more accurate method which,
the use of a semi-rigorous procedure for though semi-rigorous so far as accuracy of
short-circuit current calculations. It avoids results are concerned, is relatively simple to
the intricate procedure required in the rigorous use. It is recommended for accuracy purposes
procedure while providing a degree of accuracy that this method be used when the following
which is within the practical limits of short- conditions occur:
circuit calculation considering the accuracy of (1) Three-phase and line-to-ground short
constants which are usually available for such circuits exceed 80 percent of the circuit
computations. breaker symmetrical interrupting capability.
Of primary importance to any application (2) Line-to-ground short circuits supplied
procedure is the method for determining the predominantly by generators at generator
value of short-circuit current which a circuit voltage exceed 70 percent of the circuit breaker
breaker must interrupt. A method of calcula- symmetrical interrupting capability for single
tion [ A l l which employs correction factors line-to-ground faults.
for application to E / X short-circuit calculations This Appendix gives the supporting technical
has been suggested. The correction factors data for the procedure decribed in 5.3.2.
proposed to be applied to the E / X values are
based on the system X / R values at the point of
fault. That method does not account for any A3. The Effects of AC Component
decay in the symmetrical component of the
short-circuit current. It, therefore, often gives Decrement
overly conservative results, particularly for
faults that are near generation. The application The need for proper recognition of the decay
procedures developed in this Appendix employ in the symmetrical component of short-circuit
the basic principles proposed by an earlier current is clearly evident from the decrement
paper [ A l l and, in addition, include the curve calculations which have been made for
adjustments considered necessary for the ac short-circuit applications at or near a source of
decrement effects on the total short-circuit generation. Evidence of this nature, including
current value which is to be used in selecting a calculated and test results, is presented in an
circuit breaker. AIEE Committee report [A2].
Further evidence is included in the sample
figures in this Appendix. The data are based
upon calculated decrement in both the ac com-
1Numbers in brackets refer to References t o the ponent and in the total short-circuit current for
Appendix, Section AT. machines of various manufacture. In determin-


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A2 107 MVA, 3600 r/min, conductor cooled Remote 87

A3 95-200 MVA, 3600 r/min, conventional cooled,
composite characteristics HV 78
A4 35-65 MVA, 3600 rlmin, composite characteristics LV 68
HV 77

= Fault on generator bus, low voltage.

Dower transformers.
Remote = 'see Fig A 2 for fault location.

ing short-circuit current decrements for these be taken into a

cases, a three-phase short circuit was assumed.
The single line-to-ground fault condition is
discussed later in this Appendix. The calculated
data obtained by a rigorous calculation
procedure are shown in Table A l .
From the cases presented in Table A l , it is constants for
seen that the symmetrical component of short-
circuit current at 4 cycles after short-circuit
as low as 62 percent of the
e remote fault (see Fig A2)
or for the close to generating station short
circuit, where there is substantial fault cu
contribution from a remote system, the. ac
decrement may be much less. However, the
assumption that regardless of fault location
there will be no ac decrement will result in
overly conservative results.

A4. ~ e ~ v a tofi oE /~X Multipliers

Fig A5 shows the relationship of fault
current ( I a y m /Isym)nacd (the subscript nacd
indicates that there is assumed to be no ac
decrement) 85 a function of X/R for various
contact parting times. This family of curves
whiph considers only the decay of the dc
component of fault current forms the basis of
a recent application proposal [ A l l . They also
form the starting point for the derivation of
E/X multipliers for this proposal.
Fig A7 illustrates the method used to modify
the curves of Fig A5 so that the decay of the
symmetrical component of fault current will


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5 $ 6
Z w 4
n m 3


FOR ABOVE - gl= *
iz- I


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 8

Fig A2
Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement
Three-phase Short Circuit with Generator
and System Contribution

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fig A3
Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement Fig A4
Three-phase Short-circuit Representative Symmetrical and Total Current Decrement
95 to 200 MVA Conductor-Cooled Three-Phase Short Circuits Representative
3600 r/min Turbine Generators 35 to 65 MVA 3600 r / h h Turbine Generators


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0 I 2 3 4 5
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Fig A6
Illustration of Accuracy of Fault
Fig A5 Determination Hydro Generation
Relationship Of (Iasym/Isym)nacd to x / R Three-Phase Fault at High Side Terminals
for Several Breaker Contact Parting Times of Station Step-up Transformers









Fig A7
Relationship Between X / R Ratio and A
Decrement from Accurate Fault Calculation


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very small to very large apparent power ratings Step 1: Assume a three-phase fault, an X / R
of various manufacture. If considered alone, ratio of 80, and time after fault initiation of
1800 r/min machines would fall above this 3 cycles. From Fig A5 the ratio
band, but when considered in combination
with 3600 r/min units they fall within the band,
and even with 1800 r/min machines alone, the
error in calculated current is negligible at
contact parting times up to 4 cycles. As will be
demonstrated later, the upper curve of this
Step 2: Referring to Fig A7 (a) and (b) an
band is used to determine the E / X multipliers, X / R ratio of 80 is related to an ac decrement
since this gives the more conservative answers of 0.70 per unit at a time of 3 cycles after fault
in terms of circuit breaker application. initiation. (For this particular system the
Water wheel generator characteristics
symmetrical component of fault current has
generally fall somewhat above the band
decayed to 70 percent of the initial E / X value.)
indicated. Although separate E / X multipliers
could be developed for hydro-generator circuit
breaker application, the typical example shown Step 3: Following across to Fig A7 (c) and
in Fig A6 indicates that the multipliers the curve labeled 1.5 [the ratio (Iwrn /Isym)nacd
developed in Fig A8 give adequately accurate obtained from step 13, a reduction factor of
results. 0.885 per unit is obtained.
Fig A7(b) shows the decay of the sym-
metrical component of fault current at various Step 4 : The modifier ( I w m / E / X ) ratio for
time intervals after fault initiation. Again, an X / R of 80 is 0.885 X 1.5 = 1.33. This
because of variations in machine and system establishes one point on the three-phase
consthts, individual points plotted on this modified X / R decrement curves of Fig A9.
figure result in erratic patterns. In order to Following the above step-by-step procedure,
remain on the conservative side, points showing the family of curves shown in Fig A9 was
the least ac decrements were favored to establish determined.
the curves shown in this plot. As far as E / X The final step in this derivation was to obtain
multipliers for breaker application are E / X multipliers for breaker application. This
concerned, a reduction from the initial sym- was accomplished through the use of the
metrical E / X current with time has the same modified X / R decrement curves of Fig A9 and
effect as a reduction in X / R if only dc the breaker capability curve (see Fig 4,in 5.1.3)
decrement was considered. Fig A7( c) establishes which shows asymmetrical to symmetrical
reduction factors that can be applied to (Imym / breaker capability ratios of 1.4, 1.2, 1.1,and
Isym)nacd ratios of Fig A5 to obtain this effect. 1.0 for minimum breaker contact parting
For a given X / R ratio, the reduction factors times of 1, 2, 3, and 4 cycles, respectively.
b be applied b the (I,,, /Iwm )nacd ratios of This knowledge, in conjunction with the
Fig A5 are obtained from the following rela- system decrements of Fig A9 form the basis
tionship : for E / X multipliers of Fig AS. For example,
assume an X / R of 80 as in the earlier step-by-
step analysis which gave a modified system
(Iwm/E/X) ratio of 1,33 for a time corre-
E/X sponding to a minimum breaker contact part-
Reduction Factors = ing time of 3 cycles. If the E/X (Isym) fault
current calculation is now taken as 1.O per unit
the E / X application multiplier required to
ensure sufficient breaker capability is the ratio
A step-by-step analysis will aid in under- 1.33/1.1 or 1.21 (where 1.1 is the breaker
standing the manner in which Fig A7 was used capability factor for B three-cycle contact
to modify Fig A5 to account for symmetrical parting time). This establishes one point for
current decrement. Fig A 8 which gives E / X multipliers as a function
of X / R for minimum breaker contact parting
times of from 1 to 4 cycles.
ZRatios of Fig A5.


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> I 1 I l l 1 I 1 I I I I '
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 110 I20 130 140 150

Curve Corresponds to X I R of
roximately 1 5 )

Fig A8
/A' Multiplier for Equivalent Symmetrical
Amperes for Actual X / R

Multiplying Factors
DC Decrement [See 5.3.2 (l)]


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A5. Longer Contact Parting Time of the accuracy of the proposed E/X multipliers
for three-phase short circuits.
In certain breaker applications, breaker con- Curve 1 of Fig A13 shows the necessary
tact parting time in excess of the contact breaker asymmetrical capability as a function
parting time curves of Fig A8 can be of contact parting time as calculated by the
considered. This may be true whenever relay E / X simplified method (see 5.3.1). The E/X
operating time exceeds the minimum l/2 cycle calculation of symmetrical fault current yields
tripping delay assumed in arriving at the basic a value of 10 per unit (ac component). For the
rating structure. For example, if a breaker with fault indicated, the 80 percent limit applies
a minimum contact parting of 2 cycles is and, therefore, the breaker symmetrical ca-
relayed such that it actually parts contacts pability should be at least 1.25 E / X . Breaker
4 cycles after fault initiation, the E/X multiplier asymmetrical capabilities indicated in curve 1
for breaker selection can be reduced to account of Fig A13 develop from the fact that the
for the fault current decay during that 2-cycle rating structure proposes asymmetrical to sym-
period. metrical current ratios of 1.0, 1.1,1.2, and 1.4
Figs A10, A l l , and ‘A12 have been so for contact parting times of 4 , 3 , 2 , and 1cycle,
arranged as to show the multiplier to be used respectively.
in the selection of breakers relayed for both Curve 2 of Fig A13 shows the necessary
minimum and longer contact parting times. breaker asymmetrical capability as a function
of contact parting time as calculated by the
more accurate method (see 5.3.2). In this
A6. Accuracy of Proposed E / X case it is necessary to consider both X and R
Multipliers networks for breaker selection. The following
sample calculation will aid in the understanding
Figs A6, A13, and A14 give an illustration of this method as used for the determination of

Fig A l l
Line-to-Ground Fault Multiplying Factors
Which Include Effects of AC and DC Decrement [See 5.3.2 (l)]






2 70
4 60




90 II I2 I3 14 IS IO I I 1.2 I 3 1.4 IO I1 I2 1.3 1.0 I I 1.2 I3



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1 1.1 1.2 I.3 I.4


Fig A12
Three-phaseand Line-To-GroundFault Multiplyi
Which Include Effects of DC Decrement Only [ S



c 8




0 I 2 3 4

Fig A14
Fig A13 Illustration of Accuracy
Breaker Asymmetrical Capability of Fault Determination


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n 9

d 5
3 4
0 I 2 3 4

(Conventional Cooled Generator (3600 rlmin)

Range 95-200 MVA) (107 MVA Turbine-Generator)

Fig A15 Fig A16

Illustration of Accuracy Illustration of Accuracy
of Fault Determination, of Fault Determination,
Single Line-to-Ground Fault Line-to-Ground Fault at Terminals

the required symmetrical capability of a 1.2 X 10.2 = 12.2 per unit. This establishes
breaker which parts contacts 2 cycles after one point of curve 2 of Fig A13. Figs A6
fault initiation: and A14 are constructed similarly.
Figs A15 and A16 give an illustration of the
accuracy of the proposed E/X multipliers for
(0.10 + 0.10) (0.20) = o.lo single line-to-groundshort circuits. These figures
X to point of fault =
(0.10 + 0.10 + 0.20) show the short-circuit current versus time
characteristics for short circuits on a high-
(0.00104 + 0.005) (0.017) voltage bus and on a generator bus, respectively.
R to point of fault =
(0.00104 + 0.005 + 0.017) It will be noted that line-to-groundshort-circuit
= 0.00447 currents have less symmetrical decrement than
the three-phase short-circuit currents. The E/X
simplified method should not be used for single
Equivalent X/R to point of fault = 22.5 line-to-ground faults in excess of 70 percent of
Total symmetrical fault current ( E / X ) = breaker symmetrical single line-to-ground inter-
10 per unit. rupting capability if supplied predominantly
E/X multiplier from Fig A8 = 1.02. from generators at generator voltage (see 5.1.2).
Breaker required symmetrical capability Should the calculated line-toground fault at
(10 X 1.02) = 10.2 per unit. these locations exceed 70 percent of the circuit
breaker capability which the application
Since a three-cycle breaker has an asym- engineer desires to use, then it becomes neces-
metrical to symmetrical ratio of 1.2, the sary to refer to the hultipliers in Fig A l l to
breaker required asymmetrical capability is check the adequacy of the breaker.


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A7. References to the Appendix Circuit Current Decrement Rates on

Typical Power Systems. AIEE Trans-
[ A l l SKUDERNA, J. E. The X / R Method actions (Power Apparatus and Systems),
of Applying Power Circuit Breakers. vol75, June 1956, pp 274-285.
A IEE Transactions (Power Apparatus [A31 AIEE Committee A New Basis
and Systems), vol 80, June 1959, uit Breakers.
pp 328-338. s (Power Apparatus
[A21 AIEE Committee Report. Calculated and Systems), vol 73, April 1954,
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Short- pp 353-36*7.


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