CONTREDAS (Moral Standard Reflection)

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March 30, 2021

It is more difficult to do only what which is moral than to do anything what you want to do.
But you keep on striving to do only what which is moral, anyway. What makes you strive to
do only that which is moral even if difficult? Write your reflections.

A big question for this statement is that “Are we born good or evil?” This has a deep meaning need with a
large understanding.
Needless to say, we are all born TO BE naturally good. Apart from existing, we are living in the complex
society with full of uncertainty conditions on how we should shape our characters with these social
influences. TO BE naturally good, we obligate ourselves to live with the morality of the world. A person
particularly our parents strive to shape our good character, educate us all the good morals that we are all
born with. We just have to learn how to develop our moral beliefs and make it dominant as we engage to
society. To be called as someone having good morals is not the only reason why we need to strive to do
only what is moral even if its difficult. It is a huge responsibility that makes it like a burdensome compare to
anything that we want. We ought to! For a reason of gaining self-respect in some other way. We strive for
we are a moral being bearer with moral duties. We have intellect and conscience after all. Consequently,
we able to reflect our actions and its consequences, we can come to a conclusion to disapprove the actions
of others, we still striving for goodness in the end.
To do only what is moral, we refer this to our thoughts, actions and motivations in doing so just to adhere
what is right and wrong. However, all of these fall into individual interpretations that is why it is really difficult
to do only what is moral than what we want. My own perceptions on what is moral thing to do may change
for there are times that a feeling of selfishness dominate to do instead what I want than to consider it is
I can’t count myself as someone who purely do what is moral. I had violated these once, twice, we don’t
know how long will we be able to do this especially where everything is out of control. Possibly, another
justification to make every effort for morally upright is a sense of believing in ourselves that we are
inherently good. Regardless of selfishness, we still trust the goodness within and that aspire us to do only
what is considered as moral.
I was torn between doing what is moral and doing what I want. However, I have a guilty conscience about
doing anything what I want whenever it is not beneficial. This guilty conscience is my alarm clock to wake
up that doing only what we want is far from what is right. But like an alarm clock, it appears within in a
specific time after such realizations. This inner feeling urge me to do pursue for moral duties.
Experience gives us definition to choose between these two. Social influence make us hard to do only what
is moral. For we are open to different views in life affecting our intellect. Out strong commitment to moral
duties has suddenly changed making ourselves confuse in sustaining the morality in us. Striving to do only
what is moral is subjective. Somehow difficult for we also have free will. Perhaps, the only thing that makes
me strive to do moral duties is for the common good. I believe I could put limitations to myself by deciding
to do only what is moral, clearing my conscience, having a peace of mind, and aiming for a valuable society
to live with.

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