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Libra Woman in Love

In the way a Libra woman loves, much from her native element of air. Only this calm air,
harmonious, without sudden changes and unpredictability. So, the Libra woman in love is the
main calm and harmony, both external and internal. She is not characterized by extremes in
deeds and actions. She in itself is quite a peace-loving and compromising person.
Like no other, the Libra woman in love swims in her element - they are simply created for
love. In this case, not they should love, but them. And not just love, but literally worship and
exalt to heaven. Only in an atmosphere of adoration, the woman of Libra will feel happy in
her personal life. She needs to constantly feel the enthusiasm from her partner, she needs to be
understood without unnecessary words and hints.
Libra women though are family nature - they do not just please, and they choose husbands
themselves. They need to feel a man’s beginning in a man. In general, Libra women are pretty
strong by nature, so it’s important for them that there is a man next to him who will be an
order of magnitude stronger than herself. Otherwise, it just will not make sense to look for a
man for a joint life, because she and in the ordinary life have enough fans.

Love Relationships with Libra Woman

The Libra woman attracts a man with her charm, beauty, sociability and peace-loving
character. Communication for it is necessary as air, it can not be without it. With her you can
have fun, talk on different topics. By nature, many women of Libra have a beautiful
appearance, which allows them to attract men more easily. They like to pay a lot of attention
to their body, appearance, to create beauty. He always tries to keep abreast of the latest
fashionable novelties.
It attracts all the beautiful, chic, expensive. He likes to be in a society where you can flash
with your eloquence and beauty. She needs a lot of attention. I like romance, and the process
of courtship, is not indifferent to compliments, to beautiful words. To a love relationship, as to
life, an easy attitude, sometimes even carefree. She prefers to live for today, not remembering
the past. Her character is also light, not resentful, rancorous.
Positive qualities of Libra woman in love: communicative, informative, harmonious,
compliant, condescending, calm, rational, diplomatic, tactful, curious, feminine.

Which Men are Suitable for Libra Woman

A man is suitable for a Libra woman, with similar looks, like hers. Who will not violate its
harmony, both external and internal, spiritual. The feeling of harmony for it is very important,
when it is not there, nervousness and uncertainty may appear. Therefore, men arranging
scenes of clarifying the relationship, for it is not suitable. She needs a calm environment, so
that nothing disturbs her sense of harmony and beauty.
Libra woman will be easy with a man: calm, sociable, versatile, positive, confident,
determined, compromise, compliant, educated, gallant, generous, able to earn well.
Libra woman will be hard with a man: conservative, pedantic, strict, economical, laconic,
inert, imperious, rude, uncultured.

How to Fall in Love with a Libra Woman

For a man to win a woman Libra, it is necessary, above all, to be cultured and gallant. She
likes cultured men who behave like a true gentleman, has good manners, knows how to
beautifully look after a woman. It attracts gallant men who can become her knight and create
romance in her life. Also it is necessary to be interesting, it is difficult for her with laconic
She likes to communicate, she wants to receive many impressions from life. And the more a
man will give her unforgettable impressions, the better. Also it should be remembered that
any manifestation of lack of culture, vulgarity, rudeness, aggression can alienate the woman
Libra. She has a subtle perception of beauty and harmony. Consequently, and the relationship
with it should be smooth, calm, without any special passions.

Sexuality of Libra Woman in Bed

Despite the external charm and seductive image, the woman of Libra in bed can behave
impassively. For her, the main thing is to build relationships beautifully, harmoniously.
Where there must necessarily be talk of love, beautiful courtship. She likes all the details of
the love process. Where necessarily there should be a beautiful prelude, gentle touches,
beautiful words. All this enchants her mind, soul, heart.
Libra woman in bed alien convention, strict stereotypes. She likes to get impressions
everywhere, even in bed. Only sex should be approached gradually. Her animal instincts and
passions are alien to her. And the manifestation of rudeness, stiffness, aggressiveness and at
all can push away from the man.
Woman Libra in Family Relationships
It is in vain to expect that the Libra woman in marriage will limit herself only to household
chores. She is not one who is completely absorbed in domestic cares and troubles. Moreover,
she has no strict rules how to organize and manage family affairs. She easily gives in to the
right to lead the man. In addition, it does not tolerate conflicts, it will quickly make
concessions, compromise, if only not to spark a scandal. Or at all will translate conversation
on other subjects that not to focus attention on problem questions.
In the house for her, too, you need a sense of harmony and beauty. In her house will
necessarily be beautiful things, even if not the cheapest, but please her look. It is difficult for
her to resist and not to buy a beautiful thing, despite the price. Why often there are problems
due to lack of economy and wasteful attitude to money.
If financial opportunities allow, she can do endless purchases for herself, why then she has an
impressive collection of cosmetics, clothes, shoes. There is a strong desire for a luxurious,
chic life. It happens that having bought an expensive thing can put it on several times and lose
interest in it. And such things can accumulate quite a lot.
She prefers to have a rest in the company of friends and friends, likes to organize holidays,
attend cultural events. Can not stay long at home. Her interests are aimed at the outside world,
and she is flexible enough to sit in one place. In addition, she needs impressions, new
sensations. Why sometimes less time is left on household chores.

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