Lab 4

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Electronic Circuit Design

Design and realize Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier
using Op-amp
Semester: 4th Spring 2020

Submitted by: Mian Sayaf Ali Shah (18PWMCT0612)

Submitted to: Engr. Saddaf sardar

Section: A

Date of submission: July 7, 2020


University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan

Design and realize Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier using
• To draw the Output of Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier.
• To Differentiate Between the Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier.
• To show the Amplification of Signal in graph form in Oscilloscope.

Function Generator.
DC Power Supply.

An inverting amplifier using op-amp is a type of amplifier where the output waveform will be
phase opposite to the input waveform. The input waveform will be amplifier by the factor Av
(voltage gain of the amplifier) in magnitude and its phase will be inverted. In the inverting
amplifier circuit the signal to be amplified is applied to the inverting input of the op-amp
through the input resistance R1. Rf is the feedback resistor. Rf and Rin together determine the
gain of the amplifier. Inverting operational amplifier gain can be expressed using the equation
Av = – Rf/R1
A Non Inverting amplifier using op-amp is a type of amplifier where the output waveform
will be in same phase to the input waveform. The input is applied to the non-inverting input
terminal and the Inverting terminal is connected to the ground. The output voltage is larger
than the input voltage by gain A & is in phase with the input signal [1].

Figure 1 Model of Inverting op-amp Figure 2 Model of Inverting op-amp

• First of all make a circuit for both inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier as shown in fig3
and fig 4.
• First Connect the Inverting Terminal with the function Generator.
• Connect the output terminal of op-amp with oscilloscope.
• Remember to select the values of Rf and R1 carefully because all gain depends on it.
• To achieve maximum gain, we need to keep R1 low as compare to the Rf.
• Draw the input and output waveforms on graph paper.
• Make Non inverting op-amp by just connecting Function generator with Positive terminal
and negative terminal with ground.
• The above process is repeated for Non-Inverting op-amp.

Circuit Diagram:

Inverting op-amp

Figure 3 Inverting op-amp


Figure 4 Non Inverting Op-amp

The Input and Output graphs of Inverted and Non-Inverted Op-amps are shown below.

Inverting Op-amp Input and Output Graphs

Figure 5 Input Signal and Inverted Amplified Signal

Non-Inverting Op-amp Input and Output Graphs

Figure 6 Input Signal and Amplified Non-Inverted Signal

After perform this lab we come to know about Inverting and Non-Inverting OP-amp. From
the input and out graphs we conclude that if we give Power at Inverted terminal of OP-amp,
It will be out of phase and Amplified. If we give power at positive terminal, The output
voltage will be in phase and signal will be amplified. Remember Voltage gain depends of Rf
and R1.


[1] T. Floyd, in Electronic Principles and Devices, Newyork, Pearson, 2007, pp. 585-587.

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