Ladder Art Space: MKT20019 Assignment 1

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Research Brief
MKT20019 Assignment 1

QUYNH ANH NGUYEN - 102419941

[Email address]
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1. Executive Summary
Ladder Art Space is a creative place where offers variety of exhibitions, pain and sip
workshops – for evey ages in every level - and art classes, providing basic stands for
all the people can move up toghether, beside it is a massive destination for many
creative works. This program has started building in 2017 and 2 years later, it
officially launching in Denmark St, Kew.

Ladder Art Space has found out that most of their clients are people who are from 26
years old, are working and mostly female. The reason which has caused this situation

Research Objective #1
To define the key component for answering why most of male students do not willing
to participate in any Paint and Sip workshops.
 University students do not have much time for entertainment activities.
Did Ladder Art Space schedule workshops suitable with their plans.
 Do the currrent sesstions are really attractive with the university students
 Has the male participations enjoyed their time at Paint & Sip workshop
 How the current programms have to alter to fit with the interest of this
 What are the factors that preventing male from taking part in these Paint &
Sip workshops

Research Objective #2
To determine the most successful advertising methods this organisation should
embrace which aim to reach at least 35% of male young students.
 How many students have interact and participate with Ladder Art Space
 How was the result of Ladder Art Space current advertising
 What are the most appropriate of digital media to adevertising to the young
university students

2. Background

Ladder Art Space is an muiltiplatform destination that provide skillful programs as

exhibitions and workshops. It is the best place for people who are desiring for having
fun with friends or new people with no experience in art, private paintings for bỉthday,
team building… or even professional exhibitions.

Most unprofessional participants are encouraged to attend to the Paint and Sip
workshops and are welcomed to bring their food and snack, moreover, free supplies are
sponsored by Ladder Art Space. Not only all members will be guided by a professional
artist step by step in solely 2 hours but also they can go home with wonderful work to
display with their family and friends. This organisation have the paint your pet classes
as well that the guests can send photos of their pets and the expert will pre sketch them
on canvas. Their work will be done when the clients get to the studio and enjoying their
time with some drinks while being guided by their professional. This organisation not
only have face-to-face workshops but also open various of online sessions for the
COVID-19 restrictions.

Ladder Art Space has found out the issues in Paint & Sip sections as most of their
clients are people mostly female who are working and more than 26 years old.

From those informations, Ladder Art Space has come up with three objectives:
 Incresing the porpotion of university students that is not solely target on
male but also female students to pursue in fulfilling the classses and
 Getting more university student register Paint & Sip online sessions due to
the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic.
 Find solutions to face with the result of Covid-19 impacted on people’s
interest public activities, especially art activities event as Paint & Sip.

Although the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has made the organisation to
temporary close their studio for approximately 8 months, they started their online
Paint & Sip strategy and become extremely succesfull that has achieved in sending
more than 2000 packs around Australia. Luckily, Ladder Art Space has reopened their
space in December 2020 even though the number still can not be as in 2019 because
of many restrictions from the government..Not only Ladder Art Space but also many
art workshops around the world in preventing their plans in developing potential
business opportunities. Google trend data has determined a stable point and has
reached a massive increase in the number of workshops at the end of 2019.
Nevertheless, there is a considerable diminish in the beginning of 2020 and remain
unsteady till the year of 2021 (Google, 2021)
Based on the anxiety that many students has to struggle with emotional issues in
online learning and some other factors as losing jobs, financial disadvantages… Many
govermnet’s restrictions for the COVID-19 can be underestimate. From (Pragholapati,
A 2020) the emotional flaws can happened as any government limitations has been
setted up from stopping the spread of the disease that required students to have
physical connection to classmates and lectures. Thus, many alternative ways in
accepting examination and assesment performances from the professors can be a
serious element for the concern of mostly university students . It is difficult and risky

for many students to not only partake university works but also doing entertain
activities as workshops.
Additionally, there are 800,000 Australian jobs have been losted since Febuary 2020
from part-time jobs to the steady career (Brendan, C 2020) . By using the
informations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Brendan, C (2020) has
concluded that the young generation have to deal with many concerns as
unemployment, underemployment… more than the older age. Firstly, the labour
market posiotion for the young age before the COVID-19 crisis has been gradually
declining since the 1970s. Obviously, when the unemployment rate keep slowly
rising, the young surely can not handle enough money for any amusement intersts or
even their daily living costs.
From the information of  national evaluation, female dedicate more of spare time
in drawing and coloring, meanwhile, male absoluately concentrate on games
and computer stuffs. As (Marner, Örtegren and Segerholm, 2005) has explained
“expected based on the view of technology as a male culture”.
Furthermore, the way in advertising to the young generation can be a big challenge
with many organisations especially entertainment places as Ladder Art Space. For
instance, In March 2019, one of the biggest platform of social media as Facebook
reported that has achieved 2.38 billion monthly users  and 1.56 billion daily users. The
number of social media users are significantly increasing that predicted to be  3.29
billion users in 2022 - 42.3% of the world population (Appel, G et al 2019). With the
demand of young university students in using digital media as a way to deliver ther
opinions, interests for expanding their social relationships and to know about other
social activities that can support them in participating community events and be more
comfortable with their dailylife (Yonghwan K et al 2016)

3. Marketing Problem and Research Problem

Ladder Art Space has clearly planned out three objectives for the next 12 months to
gain interest of young generation in art activitives for the purpose of increasing the
proportion of attendance in university students with at least 35% male and find out the
key solutions for the issue they are dealing with which is the impact of Covid-19 on
both face to face and online sessions. From the Internal and External background we
have researched about Ladder Art Space in particular and other art workshops in
general. It is inevitable that there are many negative factors in contributing to solve
the issue of the frequency and the amount of participation for the young age group.
Most of the causes to the Ladder Art Space marketing issues contain the lack of social
media platforms to the young generation

Marketing Problem
How can Ladder Art Space increase the number of young generations especially male
students from 18-26 years old in purpose to increase the number of register not only
in face-to-face workshops but also in online sessions as well

Research problem
Identifying the factor which has prevented males and university students in appealing
interests and participating Paint and Sip workshops and artclasses.

4. Research Objectives and Research Questions

Research Objective #1
To define the key component for answering why most of male students do not willing
to participate in any Paint and Sip workshops.
 University students do not have much time for entertainment activities.
Did Ladder Art Space schedule workshops suitable with their plans.
 Do the currrent sesstions are really attractive with the university students
 Has the male participations enjoyed their time at Paint & Sip workshop
 How the current programms have to alter to fit with the interest of this
 What are the factors that preventing male from taking part in these Paint &
Sip workshops

Research Objective #2
To determine the most successful advertising methods this organisation should
embrace which aim to reach at least 35% of male young students.
 How many students have interact and participate with Ladder Art Space
 How was the result of Ladder Art Space current advertising. Is it effective
 What are the most appropriate of digital media to adevertising to the young
university students

Based on those above objectives and questions to get enough knowledges

and data, it will be easier for the organisation to investigated in other
essential researches so as to solve the research and marketing problems.
In the research issue,

5. References

Pragholapati, A. Covid-19 Impact On Students. 2020


Appel, G et al 2019.The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the Academy

of Marketing Science, [online] 48(1), pp.79–95. Available at:


‌Yonghwan K et al 2016. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

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