March 2020

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The villages of Skelton, Shipton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351
The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 527423 (office hours) 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,
CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at
Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Kathy Peacock 01904 471980 Stephanie Dow 01347 848808
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 Ingrid Kothari 01347 838211 March 2020

Sunday 1st March

Lent 1
C ome and See!
In St John’s Gospel, two of John the Baptist’s
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion
Shipton 10.00am Family Worship disciples follow Jesus and ask, ‘Rabbi’ (which
Linton 11.00am Family Communion translated means Teacher), ‘where are you
Village Hall
Sunday 8th March Lent 2
staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and see.’
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion This is the beginning of their discipleship of
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion Jesus.
Linton 11.00am Family Communion
Village Hall
In 2015 the Archbishop of York started a
mission initiative with the Northern Bishops to
Sunday 15th March Lent 3
Skelton 9.30am Songs of Praise teach and encourage people about the
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion Christian faith and this year’s mission (the
Linton 11.00am Messy Church eighth) is entitled ‘Come and See’. It is an
Village Hall
opportunity for people to come along to
Sunday 22nd March Lent 4 Mothering Sunday
various events and see what being a Christian
Skelton 9.30am Mothering Sunday
Shipton 10.00am Family Communion for Mothering is really all about.
Sunday There will be various events around this area
Linton 11.00am All Age Mothering Sunday
from the 12th to the 15th March. Details of the
Village Hall (no communion)
events in our villages will be elsewhere in the
Sunday 29th March Lent 5 Passion Sunday newsletter but there will be a coffee morning,
Skelton 10.00am Benefice Family Communion
a music jamming session and special church
Sunday 5th April Palm Sunday services. Further afield a car treasure hunt and
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion
Shipton 10.00am Family Worship for Palm Sunday
a Soul music concert is planned.
Linton 11.00am Family Communion Having found Jesus for themselves the
Village Hall disciples find other friends because they are
GENERAL NOTICES FOR ALL VILLAGES eager to bring others to him, one of which
was Nathanael or Bartholomew, he is the one
URGENT NOTICE who famously said ‘Can anything good come
The editor of the Newsletter has had to give up the role due to ill
health. We therefore need a volunteer to take over the editorship out of Nazareth?’ and the response is ‘Come
immediately. This may look good on your CV and be good experience and see’.
with a publishing programe. Training will be given if necessary.
If no volunteers are forthcoming this newsletter will cease to be Why not bring your family and friends and
published come and see for yourself what good can
Please contact Rev Malcolm Wainwright on 01904 471351 come from meeting with Jesus and other
Lent groups will take place on five Thursday evenings, 7.00 – 9.00pm, from Christians, it may be the beginning, a revival
5th March to April 2nd inclusive. Venues will rotate across the Benefice. or a continuation of your discipleship of Jesus.
Each session will be self-contained so if you can’t make all, please do come
to those you can. The theme will be the Beatitudes, God’s wisdom for living, Rev Trev
from a course called Pilgrim, written in part by Stephen Cottrell, our
Archbishop designate. The first meeting is on Thursday 5th March at 7.00pm PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS FOR NOTICES
at the home of Carolyn Evans, 21 The Meadows, Skelton. If you have any NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER should be received by the 15th of
queries or need directions, please phone Rev Malcolm 01904 471351. March for the April issue. All notices to
From The Registers
George Edward Johnson, February 16th, Skelton FOR ADVERTISING QUERIES please contact

GENERAL NOTICES continued… Skelton Primary School We are pleased to announce that our wonderful
village primary school has recently been awarded by Ofsted as ”GOOD”.
‘Come and See’ Bishop’s visit 12-15th March, Bishop Jill, Bishop of Please pop in or call the school office on 01904 555170 to arrange a visit
Lancaster and her team, will be visiting our Benefice, staying Thursday to or for further information.
Sunday. She, or one of her team, will be joining in with our events and
Skelton Walking Group Next walk Saturday March 7th. Meet at 9.30 on
services during this time. This will be a good follow up to Archbishop
village green, to share lifts to Nunnington, for an easy circular walk, about
Sentamu’s previous pilgrimages.
5 miles, along Caukleys Bank and River Rye. Pub snack lunch afterwards.
Events in the Benefice
Further details ring 01904 470872
Thursday 12th March 7.00pm Benefice Lent Group
Friday 13th March School Assembly at Shipton. Assembly at Linton School
Saturday 14th March Church and Community coffee morning. Eyes Awake
Music / Jam Session for the young 5.30 – 7.30 pm Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-11.30am at
Sunday 15th March 9.30am Songs of Praise Skelton. 10.00am Family Shipton Community Centre. For all abilities, beginners welcome. Come &
Service Shipton. 11.00 am Messy Church Linton Village Hall experience the positive changes in your physical & mental health. Taster
Lent Lunch at Beech Tree Farm House, Main Street, Linton at 12-1.30pm class is £8. Please contact Rachel on 07515 577377 or 01904 704226.
on Wednesday 4th March. Everyone welcome Email Website
Lent Lunch at Tanglewood Cottage, Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton at 12-
1.30p.m. on Wednesday 25th March. Soup, bread and cheese. Donations Come & have fun and support our Pig Racing night at the Dawnay Arms,
for the church gratefully received. This is open to the whole Benefice. Shipton by Beningbrough 8.15pm Thursday 12th March! The Playground
Please feel welcome to come and join us Committee are having a fund-raising event and raffle at the pub to raise
The 2020 Shipton Village Bake off will take place on Saturday June 27th funds for the playground. Entry £3 per person, tickets available from Dawn
in Shipton Village Hall between 2.30 and 5pm. The event is open to all. Malloy 01904 470749 or Peter Chapman 01904 471903 and from the
The sampling of cakes and voting will be done by members of the public. Dawnay Arms. The pub will take normal menu food bookings from 5.30pm-
Entrance fee £2 for adults and children free, competition entrants free. If 7.30pm prior to the event, please contact them directly. Look forward to
you wish to enter home baked items an application form and further details seeing you there!
are available from or ring 01904 470187
New Tollerton Surgery Construction of the new surgery at Tollerton is Shipton Space Cinema presents on the 6th March Hunt for the Wilder
underway and it is hoped that the surgery will be ready in September. People (12A) 102 mins. Rebellious kid goes missing in the New Zealand
Services will include treatment of minor injuries, a pharmacy and a Urgent forest. Humorous and very Kiwi. Doors open 7pm, Film rolling at 7.30pm.
Case Practice (UCP) Tea/coffee /sweets & Pringles, Peanuts soft drinks & Ice creams available
EyesAw6ke: Saturday 14th March, Linton Village Hall, 5:30pm - 7:30pm. before and during the intermission. Raffle prize draw. Join the Cinema
Contemporary worship and modern spiritual music for ages 12+. All ability
levels and instruments welcome. Free food and drink on offer. For more email group by ringing John on 07906 890 465 or 01904 470187.
information, email:
Soulfingers concert of Soul Music 7.30pm at Galtres Centre, Easingwold Shipton Parish Council
Sat 14th March. Soul music with Christian input Contact for details of the next meeting.

Congratulations to the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough

Playground February 100 Club draw, drawn at the Dawnay Arms on 9th
SKELTON NEWS February - 1st Prize £55.00 Mark Danter, 2nd Prize £27.50 Deborah Shields, 3rd Prize £27.50 Nikki & Chris Gent. We currently have 88
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York members; it would be brilliant to get our membership to the full 100
members. If you would like details of how to join, at a cost of £30 per year,
please contact me by email on The money
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting 7.30pm, Thursday 26th March,
raised from the Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the
Skelton Village Hall. Following meeting Thursday 30th April. See
maintenance running costs of our community run playground. Thanks or parish notice boards.
again everyone, next draw in March
Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1.30-3.00pm, Skelton Village Hall. A
gentle yoga practice, working towards strength, flexibility and relaxation in
Shipton by Beningbrough Playground Committee require volunteers to
a friendly environment. Mixed abilities, all ages and beginners welcome.
join the committee. The commitment includes fund raising events
Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 or
participation and a few meetings a year including the AGM. We abide by a
Skelton Gardening Club, Thursday March 19th, 7.30pm in the Village
constitution to enable us to bid for fund raising grants. Please contact
Hall—75 years of Poppleton Railway Nursery, Bob Brook. We are always
Peter Chapman 01904 471903 if you would like to help and be involved
pleased to welcome guests (£3) & new members (£15 for the year).
with supporting our community further.
Coffee Chat and Books Wednesday 4th March Skelton Village Hall 10.00
– 11.30am. Welcome back to all our regulars and welcome to our
Shipton Community Café welcomes customers old and new to Shipton
newcomers too. Come and join us! All are welcome. Any requests for lifts
Community Centre every Tuesday, 2.00-4.30pm. Tea, coffee, homemade
or further details, please phone Mandy or Malcolm on 01904 471351
cakes & scones. Children's activities. We look forward to seeing you.
Skelton Social Running Group A newly-formed casual running group
meets on Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherines Close.
Forest of Galtres Primary School and Shipton Preschool are now
We usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone welcome & if
working together as a school nursery. We are open to children from 2
enough people we can split into different groups for different distances &
years and above, every day of the week, with Breakfast and After School
speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Community Share Facebook group.
Club available. We are registered with Childcare Choices and Childcare
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two
Voucher schemes, and can offer funded and paid places. For further
weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card, return books
information please contact the school office on 01904 470272 or call in for
from any other York library, & request books to be brought to Skelton. The
our drop-in toddler session on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-
library stops in Fairfields Drive from 2.40pm to 3.10pm and Brecksfield
from 3.15pm to 3.50pm. Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655,
email or go to
Skelton WI Monthly meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm. March 12th. The
Birds in your garden, Mike Gray. Visitors always welcome. Please ring
470605 for more information

BENINGBROUGH NEWS Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
when contacting advertisers
Church Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 14th March at 10.30am -
noon. Raffle, bring/buy and home baking for sale. All welcome at Barstow
House, Main Street, Newton
Church clock and bells: If you are willing to help with winding the clock or
ringing the bells at All Saints when the church reopens, we’d love to hear
from you. Please contact Revd Malcolm or one of the churchwardens.
Contact details on front page of this Newsletter
A huge thank you to all those who gave so generously to The Angel Tree
appeal at Christmas. 420 gifts were distributed to vulnerable families. God
bless you all Sandra
Mrs Huck sends a huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard,
donated, helped or attended the February coffee morning with Nearly New.
A wonderful total of £312.25 was raised for the church. Please put 30th
October in your diary for the Big Nearly New Sale at the Galtres
A wonderful Messy Church on 9th February was our biggest ever as 18 for quality, good value products
children and their parents enjoyed making pots, and joining in with story and accessories for you and your
and songs on the theme of The Potter. Come and share the fun at the next dog.
Messy Church at 11am on 15th March
Church building update: Plastering of the interior walls is under way and We are a local business so free delivery to
will continue for two to three months. A heating survey has been Easingwold & surrounding villages.
completed as the first step towards installing a new heating system before Enquiries & local orders: Please contact
the church reopens. Thank you for your understanding and patience while, 07792 192860 or
we complete this vital work. message through Paws Plus One Facebook page.
Linton History Group next meeting Friday 13th March 7.30pm Metal
Detecting and archaeology. For more information please contact Maureen
on 01347848268 or check website .
Newton-on-Ouse WI Next meeting Thursday, 5th March: Cosy Cottage Domestic Appliance Engineers
Soaps with Clara. Keep the date - Saturday, 21st March at Newton on Unit 1
Ouse Parish Hall, ‘Thermomix’ cookery demonstration with Sue Wigginton Grange
Jackson from Tollerton, tickets £5 each to include refreshments. Sue will York YO32 2RD
be making a cake and various other goodies to try. Thursday 2nd April Tai
Chi demonstration with Cindy Cressey. Everyone welcome. We offer fun Tel: 07976 152 591
and friendship to women of all ages & interests. Contact Maureen Stringer Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
on 01347 848268 or check out Facebook newtononousewi Sales Repairs & Spares
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club The lucky winners of the February
draw were Julie Bainbridge (£35), Martin Dukes (£17.50) and Bradley and
Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Adam Rawlings (£17.50). Congratulations! Ring Wendy for details on
01347 844036. garden beautiful?

Fancy an Allotment 2020? Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association has  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
vacant plots on its site on Back Lane. Options (showing annual rental rates
in brackets) are: full plot (£40), half plot (£20) or ‘taster’ quarter plot (£10), Call Alex on:
with a one-off set-up fee of £10 in all instances. You are welcome to share Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
with a friend if that suits. Contact Kay Scott, Allotments Association Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance
Secretary, on 01347 848465

North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes for children & adults at Linton VETERINARY SURGERY
On Ouse Village Hall on Tuesdays from 4.00pm. For further details please S T Stead BVSc MRCVs
contact Diane Sugden on 07810-483546 or 01423-360871 via email 2 Plantation Drive, off B’bridge Road, or our Facebook page @North ACOMB, York YO26 6AG
Yorkshire Dance Academy. 24 Hours 7 Days a Week Emergency Service 782033
Alternative Emergency 07836 618 148
Linton on Ouse Parish Council New Skelton Surgery Facilities
Contact for details of the next meeting. Telephone Acomb Surgery for appointments

Craft and Chat Linton Village Hall every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each
month, 13.00–15:15. Whatever your craft, come along & join us. £3 per
session, includes refreshments. Contact Maureen Stringer 01347 848268.

Linton-on-Ouse Whist Drive every Monday, Village Hall from 7.30pm. If

you are an experienced player or simply want to learn, then why not come
along & join this friendly group. Cost of £3 includes refreshments.

Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning Saturday March 28th, 10.30am in the

Village Hall.

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

The Hambleton Handyman

John Burroughs
No job too small so go ahead and call!!

Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511

York Tel: 01347 848806


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Servicing and MOT Preparation
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MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263 Home Improvement Services
All aspects of joinery undertaken to the highest
Cundall Computers standard. Specialist in sash window and wooden
Repairs & Support – Virus Removal – Tuition conservatory repairs. Professional tiling and
Smart TV Support & Setup - Qualified Technician
JDC Quartz Watch Repairs
decorating service. Also pre-market “house
Battery & strap Replacement / Bracelets Sized doctoring” and rented property maintenance. Call
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For Both The Above Services Tel: 01904634386
10 Manor Park Road, York, YO30 5UD. EST 30YRS
Tel. 07960 191 703 / 01347 848004


Domestic and Commercial
Too busy at Work? On Holiday?
All aspects of electrical work undertaken—No job too small
Rewiring—Lighting—Fault Finding—Additional Switches &
Need help to walk your Dog or Feed your Cat?
Sockets—Security Lighting—Fuse Box Repairs & Upgrades
Periodic Inspection/Condition Reports & Testing Phone 0791 3332111
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Friendly reliable & efficient service - over 20 years experience Dog Walking - Pet Feeding
Pet Taxi - Grooming
Tel 07710528200 01904 470791 Fully Insured, Police Checked

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