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Daftar Pustaka

1. Kirsten Malmkjaer, The Linguistics Encyclopedia, second edition, (London and

New York: Routledge 2002), p. 286.
2. Accessed 22 April 2021 10.53
3. Philipp Strazny, Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol 1,( New York: the Taylor &
Francis Grup 2005), p.3.
4. Burrhusm Frederic Skinner, Verbal Behavior, (New York: Appleton Century
Crofts Inc., 1957), p. 14.
5. Donald M. Borchert, Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2 Edition, Volume 9, (United
State of America: Thomson Gale 2006), p. 61.Alison Garton and Christ Pratt,
Op.Cit., p.14.
6. Burrhusm Frederic Skinner, Science and Human Behavior, (Cambridge: B.F
Skinner Foundation, 2005), p. 62-66.
7. Soenjono Dardjowirdjojo, Op.Cit., hlm. 236.
8. David Nunan, Task-based Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University
press 2004), p. 76-77.

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