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God is a Brown Girl Too



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Center yourself for a moment in the silence,
breathing in and breathing out the divine presence,
in which we live and move and have our being.
And allow yourself to turn on
and tap into the love that is everywhere present,
the success that is everywhere present,
the healing and the joy that is everywhere present.
Feel the love of the Spirit anoint you with the peace, the wholeness, and the divine flow lifting you in the
light of all you desire,
all you long for, all that you are
and let us join together in our Power Prayer of Surrender for Sara.

I let go, and I let God.

I let go and I release.
I let go and I forgive.
I let go and I allow.
I let go, and I surrender to the Christ in me.

I surrender to the all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present God.

And with every breath that I release, God anoints me with favor.
I am tired of trying to control the outcome,
tired of being ashamed, tired of second-guessing the
divine vibration of Spirit,
which is more magnificent than the physical,
so I move myself out of the way
and allow God’s love to move through me
with grace,
with ease,
and with victory.

I release my burdens to God’s loving arms.

I rest my dreams in the bosom of Jesus.
I let go of my struggles and find peace in the Holy Spirit.

I have no more doubts.

I have no more limits.
I have no more confusion.
I have no more dis-ease.
The pain of my past, the dis-harmony of my now, the dis-connection of my yesterday has gone away,
and I am born again.

I move out of the way of challenges, people, family, friends, burdens, fear, and I am born again.

I remember that nothing and no one can take my good from me,
that what you meant for evil, God meant for good,
that God will bless me and enlarge my territory,
that I have found favor in God,
that all that I thought I lost will be restored.

I let go and I let God today.

And when I move out of the way,
I see the infinite flow of God’s abundant source
lifting me higher,
blessing me with all of the guidance and discernment that I need,
and I am born again.

I let go, and go with the eternal flow of God’s grace,

and I am born again.

Copyright 2009 by Cecilia Loving

Spiritual Leader of SPIRITMUV ( ( and Author of Pray-
ers for Those Standing on the Edge of Greatness (
SPIRITMUV SERVICES ARE EACH SUNDAY, AT 2:30 PM, at the Unity Center of New York City, located at
213 West 58th Street between 7th Avenue and Broadway.


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